跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-17 17:55:00

多次被评为世界最美的女声,坐拥 11 座格莱美奖,代表歌曲包括 When You Say Nothing At All 和《冷山》中那首动人的 The Scarlet Tide 等等。在和“联合车站”乐队的合作后,Union Station 的 Bluegrass 威力又把她往前推了一把,让已经拥有翅膀的Alison 又添加一道光环。当一位乡村电台 DJ 某天在节目中播放 Alison 精选专辑主打歌 When You Say Nothing At All 后,每天如浪潮般的点歌频率,开启了乡村音乐的一个新传奇。Alison 在 1995 年与 Union Station 合作的精选大碟,曾是乡村音乐排行榜第 2 名、流行音乐专辑第 15 名,全美销量达二百万张,这对于一个乡村歌手而言,是相当大的数目。不过与其说专辑得到如此多的成功是个意外,不如承认 Alison 无可否认十分甜美的歌喉,及用心演唱的态度,才是让她长久以来受歌迷肯定的主要原因。<br/><br/><br/>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-17 18:12:00

<u>Edelweiss</u> <b>雪绒花</b>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-20 16:48:00

<p _extended="true">when you say nothing at all</p>
<p _extended="true">歌手:Ronan</p>
<p><a id="para2" name="para2" _extended="true">歌词 </a><a class="btn_edit" title="编辑本段" href="javascript:;" _extended="true" paragraphid="2" ohref="/Create.e;jsessionid=209147B70FD99E6B14DF50473DCCC2C3.n2?sp=2&amp;sp=l62992749&amp;sp=2"></a></p>
<p _extended="true">It&amp;apos;s amazing how you can speak right to my heart </p>
<p _extended="true">你和我心有灵犀让我惊喜, </p>
<p _extended="true">Without saying a word </p>
<p _extended="true">不用说任何话,</p>
<p _extended="true">You can light up the dark </p>
<p _extended="true">你就能照亮这夜空。 </p>
<p _extended="true">Try as I may I could never explain </p>
<p _extended="true">我竭尽全力也无法解释, </p>
<p _extended="true">What I hear when you don&amp;apos;t say a thing </p>
<p _extended="true">当你沉默无语时我听见了什么。 </p>
<p _extended="true">The smile on your face </p>
<p _extended="true">你脸上的笑容</p>
<p _extended="true">Lets me know that you need me </p>
<p _extended="true">让我知道你需要我, </p>
<p _extended="true">There&amp;apos;s a truth in your eyes </p>
<p _extended="true">你的眼神述说着</p>
<p _extended="true">Saying you&amp;apos;ll never leave me </p>
<p _extended="true">你永远不会离开我,</p>
<p _extended="true">A touch of your hand says </p>
<p _extended="true">你温柔的手</p>
<p _extended="true">You&amp;apos;ll catch me whenever I fall </p>
<p _extended="true">会永远支持我。 </p>
<p _extended="true">But you say it best when you say nothing at all </p>
<p _extended="true">此时无声胜有声。 </p>
<p _extended="true">All day long I can hear people talking out loud </p>
<p _extended="true">一整天人声嘈杂, </p>
<p _extended="true">But when you hold me near </p>
<p _extended="true">但当你靠近,</p>
<p _extended="true">Uou drown out the crowd </p>
<p _extended="true">天地之间只有我们两个, </p>
<p _extended="true">Try as they may they can never define</p>
<p _extended="true">&nbsp;他们谁也无法了解, </p>
<p _extended="true">What&amp;apos;s been said between your heart and 12)mine </p>
<p _extended="true">我们之间的心灵相通。 </p>
<p _extended="true">The smile on your face </p>
<p _extended="true">你脸上的笑容</p>
<p _extended="true">Lets me know that you need me </p>
<p _extended="true">让我知道你需要我, </p>
<p _extended="true">There&amp;apos;s a truth in your eyes </p>
<p _extended="true">你的眼神述说着</p>
<p _extended="true">Saying you&amp;apos;ll never leave me </p>
<p _extended="true">你永远不会离开我,</p>
<p _extended="true">A touch of your hand says </p>
<p _extended="true">你温柔的手</p>
<p _extended="true">You&amp;apos;ll catch me whenever I fall </p>
<p _extended="true">会永远支持我。 </p>
<p _extended="true">But you say it best when you say nothing at all </p>
<p _extended="true">此时无声胜有声。</p>
<p></section _extended="true"><!-- section_wrap --><!-- lemma_detail_wrap --><!-- 街景 --><!-- 图册 --></p>
<div class="album_container_wrap" _extended="true"></div>
<p><!-- 词条关系 --><!-- first, we try to get relations from local cache --><!-- when local cache is not hit. We invoke service try to get it. --><!-- not cached, try again. It may ok now after a short while --></p>
<div id="lemmaRelationComponent" _extended="true">&nbsp;</div>
<p><!-- no result, show nothing --><!-- we has fetched the relations, show it. --><!-- has result --><!--参考资料--><!--lemma_relevant--><!--扩展阅读--><!--lemma_relevant--><!--词条标签:--></p>http://www.xiami.com/widget/6249500_2114384,2098380,_230_190_800000_008080_0/multiPlayer.swf

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-20 16:52:00


跃过山丘 发表于 2014-9-17 09:11:00

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