跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 19:53:00

<p>The Power Of Love 爱的力量 </p>
<p>此歌最早由Jennifer Rush(珍妮佛·拉什)演唱,1993年由流行天后Celine dion(席琳·迪翁)重新诠释,她的肺活量在此歌中得到了充分体现,极富有张力的声音如春雷般震颤人耳,而其表现的“爱的力量”亦感天动地,此歌因此成为她的经典曲目,深深打上了Celine dion的烙印。<br/></p>http://www.xiami.com/widget/6249500_1022372,_235_190_800000_008080_0/multiPlayer.swf

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 20:01:00

<p _extended="true">&nbsp; </p>
<p _extended="true">《我心永恒》</p>
<p _extended="true">&nbsp;</p>
<p _extended="true">我心永恒 My Heart Will Go On </p>
<p _extended="true">每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams</p>
<p _extended="true">我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you, I feel you,</p>
<p _extended="true">因此而确信你仍然在守候 That is how I know you go on</p>
<p _extended="true">穿越那久远的时空距离 Far across the distance</p>
<p _extended="true">你轻轻地回到我的身边 And spaces between us</p>
<p _extended="true">告诉我,你仍然痴心如昨 You have come to show you go on</p>
<p _extended="true">无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, where ever you are</p>
<p _extended="true">我从未怀疑过心的执著 I believe that the heart does go on</p>
<p _extended="true">当你再一次推开那扇门 Once more you open the door</p>
<p _extended="true">清晰地伫立在我的心中 And you&amp;apos;re here in my heart</p>
<p _extended="true">我心永恒,我心永恒 And my heart will go on and on</p>
<p _extended="true">爱曾经在刹那间被点燃 Love can touch us one time</p>
<p _extended="true">并且延续了一生的传说 And last for a lifetime</p>
<p _extended="true">直到我们紧紧地融为一体 And never let go till we&amp;apos;re one</p>
<p _extended="true">爱曾经是我心中的浪花 Love was when I loved you</p>
<p _extended="true">我握住了它涌起的瞬间 One true time I hold to</p>
<p _extended="true">我的生命,从此不再孤单 In my life we&amp;apos;ll always go on</p>
<p _extended="true">无论远近亦或身处何方 Near, far, where ever you are</p>
<p _extended="true">I believe that the heart does go on</p>
<p _extended="true">Once more you open the door</p>
<p _extended="true">And you&amp;apos;re here in my heart</p>
<p _extended="true">And my heart will go on and on</p>
<p _extended="true">There is some love that will not go away</p>
<p _extended="true">You&amp;apos;re here, there&amp;apos;s nothing I fear,</p>
<p _extended="true">And I know that my heart will go on</p>
<p _extended="true">We&amp;apos;ll stay forever this way</p>
<p _extended="true">You are safe in my heart</p>
<p _extended="true">And my heart will go on and on</p>
<p _extended="true"></section _extended="true"><!-- section_wrap --></p>http://www.xiami.com/widget/6249500_1770313623,_235_190_800000_008080_0/multiPlayer.swf

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 20:03:00

<p><font face="Verdana">《我心永恒》由好莱坞主流电影著名作曲家詹姆斯·霍纳(James Horner)一手炮制,歌曲由加拿大流行天后席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)演唱,曾蝉联全美告示牌(Billboard)排行榜冠军宝座长达16周之久。</font></p>
<p><font face="Verdana"></font>&nbsp;</p><font face="Verdana">

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 20:21:00

<p>Because I Love You 【因为我爱你】</p>
<div class="para" sizset="419" sizcache06618205284013326="241">I got your letter <br/>  From the postman just the other day <br/>  So I decided to write you this song <br/>  Just to let you know <br/>  Exactly the way I feel <br/>  To let you know my love's for real <br/>  就在几天前,我从邮差那里收到了你的信 <br/>  所以才决定为你写下这首歌 <br/>  只是想让你知道 <br/>  我心中真实的想法 <br/>  也为了让你明白我真挚的爱</div>
<div class="para" sizset="430" sizcache06618205284013326="241">Because I love you  <br/>  And I'll do anything <br/>  I'll give you my heart, my everything <br/>  Because I love you <br/>  I'll be right by your side <br/>  To be your light, to be your guide <br/>  因为我爱你 <br/>  我愿为你 <br/>  哪怕付出我的心,还有我的一切 <br/>  因为我爱你 <br/>  我会永远陪在你的身旁 <br/>  为你指明前方的路</div>
<div class="para" sizset="442" sizcache06618205284013326="241">If you should feel 假如你真的觉得 <br/>  That I don't really care 我并不很在乎 <br/>  And that you're starting to lose ground 而却是你一再做出让步 <br/>  Just let me reassure you 那么请再信任我一次 <br/>  That you can count on me 我可以成为你的依靠 <br/>  And that I'll always be around 我会永远伴你左右</div>
<div class="para" sizset="448" sizcache06618205284013326="241">Because I love you 因为我爱你 <br/>  My heart's an open door 我已敞开了心门 <br/>  So won't you please come on in 就请你进来好吗? <br/>  Because I love you 因为我爱你 <br/>  I'll be right by your side 我就在你的身边 <br/>  To be your light, to be your guide 为你照亮前进的路</div>
<div class="para">-------音乐-------</div>
<div class="para" sizset="455" sizcache06618205284013326="241">Because I love you 因为我爱你 <br/>  My heart's an open door 我已敞开了心门 <br/>  So won't you please come on in 就请你进来好吗? <br/>  Because I love you 因为我爱你 <br/>  I'll be right by your side 我就在你的身边 <br/>  To be your light, to be your guide 为你照亮前进的路</div>
<div class="para" sizset="461" sizcache06618205284013326="241">Because I love you 因为我爱你 <br/>  And I'll do anything 我愿为你 <br/>  To be your light, to be your guide 为你照亮前进的路</div>
<div class="para" sizset="461" sizcache06618205284013326="241">&nbsp;</div>http://www.xiami.com/widget/6249500_3596943,_235_190_800000_008080_0/multiPlayer.swf

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 20:27:00

<p>被誉为英国新猫王的Shakin Stevens,在英国及欧洲都是家喻户晓的超级巨星, 以演唱老式的Reckabilly为主。在1986年,Shakin Stevens以一首《Because I love you》,红遍海内外。在演绎这首歌时, Shakin Stevens一改昔日活蹦乱跳的演唱风格, 而是诚恳地唱出这首动听情歌以至轰动了整个欧美,也掳获了无数乐迷的心。时至今日,仍有许多年轻男女借这首歌表达彼此心中的爱慕之情。这首歌也是Shakin Stevens最广为人知的一首歌。</p>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 20:31:00

<div class="lrc_main">Watching every motion in my foolish lover's game.<br/>(在我笨拙的爱情游戏中,注视你的每次萌动)<br/><br/>On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame.<br/>(在无边的爱河里,我们终于放下羞涩相拥)<br/><br/>Turning and returning to some secret place in time.<br/>(无论多么艰难, 直到找到属于你我的纯净天空)<br/><br/>Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say,<br/>(让你说爱我的那个瞬间,永远留在我的眼睛)<br/><br/>Take my breath away<br/>(带走我的呼吸)<br/><br/>Take my breath away<br/>(带走我的呼吸)<br/><br/>Watching I keep waiting still anticipating love.<br/>(你知道我一直期待着我们的爱情)<br/><br/>Never hesitating to become the fated ones.<br/><br/>(决不再犹豫, 哪怕注定是飞蛾投灯)<br/><br/>Turning and returning to some secret place to cry.<br/>(无论多么艰难, 找到一片可以放声哭泣的天空)<br/><br/>Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say "My love"<br/>(让你说爱我的那个瞬间,永远留在我的心中)<br/><br/>Take my breath away<br/>(带走我的呼吸)<br/><br/>Take my breath away<br/>(带走我的呼吸)<br/><br/>Through the hourglass I saw you, in time you slipped away.<br/>(辗转时空, 抓住你的影踪)<br/><br/>When the mirror crashed I called you and turned to hear you say..<br/>(当时间凝固,我呼唤你, 听到你的回应)<br/><br/>If only for today, I am not afraid.<br/>(此刻, 那感觉深深温暖我恐惧的心灵)<br/><br/>Take my breath away ohhh...<br/>(带走我的呼吸)<br/><br/>Take my breath away<br/>(带走我的呼吸)<br/><br/>Watching every motion in this foolish lover's game.<br/>(在我笨拙的爱情游戏中, 注视你的每次举动)<br/><br/>Haunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames.<br/>(无法自拔,爱情圣火终将升腾)<br/><br/>Turning and returning to some secret place inside.<br/>(无论多么艰难, 找到你我心灵深处的天空)<br/><br/>Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say ohh...<br/>(让你说爱我那个瞬间, 成为永恒)<br/><br/>Take my breath away, my love<br/>(哦, 宝贝你让我无法呼吸)<br/><br/>Take my breath away, haha...<br/>(宝贝你带走了我的呼吸) </div>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 20:37:00

<u>Take My Breath Away</u> <b>带走我的呼吸</b>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 21:00:00

<div id="lrc" class="clearfix"><strong>歌词:</strong>
<div class="lrc_main">Starry starry night<br/>paint your palette blue and grey<br/>look out on a summer's day<br/>with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.<br/>Shadows on the hills<br/>sketch the trees and the daffodils<br/>catch the breeze and the winter chills<br/>in colors on the snowy linen land.<br/><br/>繁星點點的夜空,<br/>在你的調色盤上塗藍抹灰<br/>有如眼睛從心靈幽暗深處望穿夏日。<br/>山丘上的陰影,<br/>以織布般雪地的顏色<br/>描畫冷風吹拂下的樹林與水仙<br/><br/>And now I understand<br/>what you tried to say to me<br/>and how you suffered for your sanity<br/>and how you tried to set them free.<br/>They would not listen they did not know how<br/>perhaps they'll listen now.<br/><br/>而今<br/>我聽到了你的傾吐<br/>如何承擔受困的心靈<br/>又如何將其釋放。<br/>他們過去不曾,也不知如何聆聽<br/>或許如今他們已經學會<br/><br/>Starry starry night<br/>flaming flowers that brightly blaze<br/>swirling clouds in violet haze<br/>reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.<br/>Colors changing hue<br/>morning fields of amber grain<br/>weathered faces lined in pain<br/>are sooth beneath the artist's loving hand.<br/><br/>繁星點點的夜空<br/>火紅花朵發出焰光<br/>在紫氤中翻攪雲彩<br/>印在你湛藍的雙眸。<br/>瞬息幻化的色彩<br/>清晨的琥珀色麥田里<br/>刻著愁苦皺紋,歷經風霜的臉<br/>被畫家關愛的手所撫平<br/><br/>now I understand<br/>what you tried to say to me<br/>and how you suffered for your sanity<br/>and how you tried to set them free.<br/>They would not listen they did not know how<br/>perhaps they'll listen now.<br/><br/>而今<br/>我聽到了你的傾吐<br/>如何承擔受困的心靈<br/>又如何將其釋放。<br/>他們過去不曾,也不知如何聆聽<br/>或許如今他們已經學會<br/><br/>For they could not love you<br/>but still your love was true<br/>and when no hope was left in sight on that<br/>starry starry night.<br/>You took your life as lovers often do,<br/>But I could have told you Vincent<br/>this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.<br/><br/>他們不曾愛你<br/>而你的愛卻始終真確<br/>當星夜下心中不再存有希冀<br/>你結束了自己的生命<br/>正如戀人為愛殉情<br/>或許我應該告訴你,文森<br/>這個世界與如此美麗的你無可匹配<br/><br/>Starry starry night<br/>portraits hung in empty halls<br/>frameless heads on nameless walls<br/>with eyes that watch the world and can't forget.<br/>Like the stranger that you've met<br/>the ragged men in ragged clothes<br/>the silver thorn of bloody rose<br/>lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.<br/><br/>繁星點點的夜空<br/>畫像懸在空蕩大廳<br/>牆上沒有邊框的無名頭像<br/>眼眸望向世界而無法忘懷<br/>像曾偶遇的陌生人<br/>衣衫襤褸淪落天涯<br/>血紅玫瑰帶著銀色棘刺<br/>在初雪下凋落破碎<br/><br/>And now I think I know<br/>what you tried to say to me<br/>and how you suffered for your sanity<br/>and how you tried to set them free.<br/>They would not listen they're not listening still<br/>perhaps they never will.<br/><br/>而今<br/>我聽到了你的傾吐<br/>如何承擔受困的心靈<br/>又如何將其釋放。<br/>他們過去不曾,也不知如何聆聽<br/>或許,將來永遠也不會吧 </div>
<div class="lrc_main">&nbsp;</div></div>http://www.xiami.com/widget/6249500_1768924492,_235_190_800000_008080_0/multiPlayer.swf

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 21:16:00

<p>Don McLean 是一名游吟歌手。1970年他曾写了一首纪念梵高的音乐献辞。<br/>在“Vincent”这首歌被许多唱片公司拒绝后,1971年Don McLean带着“American Pie”(美国派)这首歌卷土重来。主打同名曲“American Pie”是一首长达8分半钟的歌曲。歌曲浸透着浓重的民谣和流行味道,但却是一首哀歌,怀念的对象是英年早逝(23岁)的猫王同时代人物Buddy Holly。这首史诗一般的“American Pie”,为他带来了排行榜冠军和市场大卖。</p>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 21:19:00

<p>“Eagles的歌大都出自于Don Henley、Glen Frey之手,他们两人是乐队的核心人物,也是自始至终唯一坚守自己岗位的老成员。Don Henley曾是Shiloh的一员,1970年发行了一张同名专辑,为他们制作唱片的正是大名鼎鼎的Kenny Rogers。来自底特律的Glen Frey是为了追求J.D.Souther的妹妹,才来到加州闯天下的。1968年他于Souther组成了一个二重唱,此时关系于他们很接近的还有 Jackson Browne,因为这层情谊的关系,所以我们可以发现不少Eagles的作品,有J.D. Souther和Jackson Browne名字出现。<br/>不可否认的是Eagles早期的作品稍微带了点灰色,他们常靠着各种刺激来寻求内心的平静,最常看到他们在歌曲中所引用的方式,便是在异性中寻找自我。</p>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 21:23:00

<p>“Air Supply 空中补给。1980年进军美国乐坛,当年即取得惊人成绩,首张专辑《迷失爱中》(Lost in love)先后有九首歌曲打入当年流行音乐排行榜前10 。”</p>
<p>&nbsp;<strong style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" id="des_276167235">Air Supply乐队擅长演唱抒情歌曲,他们演绎的歌曲无论是曲调还是歌词,都很优美,而且配器精巧,大量采用钢琴、吉它、 弦乐等音色优美的传统乐器,因此音乐效果浪漫、抒情,非常迷人。”</strong></p>http://www.xiami.com/widget/6249500_2052317,_235_190_800000_008080_0/multiPlayer.swf
[此贴子已经被作者于2014-8-16 21:24:47编辑过]

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 21:27:00

<div class="lrc_main">Making love out of nothing at all<br/>(凭空生爱)<br/>by:Air Supply<br/>(演唱:空气补给乐队)<br/>I know just how to whisper(我知道怎样细声耳语)<br/>and I know just how to cry.(也知道如何放声哭喊)<br/>I know just where to find the answers(我知道如何寻找解答)<br/>and I know just how to lie.(也知道如何违心欺骗)<br/>I know just how to fake it(我知道怎样伪善)<br/>and I know just how to scheme.(也知道怎样暗算)<br/>I know just when to face the truth(我知道何时该面对现实)<br/>and then I know just when to dream.(也知道何时该去追逐梦幻)<br/>And I know just where to touch you(我知道在哪里可以和你接触)<br/>and I know just what to prove.(也知道什么才该去证实)<br/>I know when to pull you closer(我知道何时该拉近你)<br/>and I know when to let you loose.(也知道何时该与你说再见)<br/>And I know the night is fading. (我知道夜色即将褪去)<br/>And I know the time's gonna fly.(也知道时光匆匆飞逝)<br/>And I'm never gonna tell you(而我绝对不会告诉你)<br/>everything I gotta tell you,(任何该告诉你的事情)<br/>But I know I've got to give it a try.(但我知道,至少我应该去试一试才行)<br/>And I know the roads to riches. (我知道如何才能变得腰缠万贯)<br/>And I know the ways to pain.(更知道怎样就会变得伤痕累累)<br/>I know all the rules(我知晓所有的规则)<br/>and then I know how to break 'em(也知道如何打破那些规则)<br/>And I always know the name of the game.(我总是能够看穿他人的花招)<br/>But I don't know how to leave you(但是,我不知道怎样才能离开你......)<br/>and I'll never let you fall.(我本来绝对不会让你沦陷)<br/>And I don't know how you do it, (然而我不知道你却怎样做到了)<br/>making love out of nothing at all.(凭空生爱)<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (凭空生爱)<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (凭空生爱)<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (凭空生爱)<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (凭空生爱)<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (凭空生爱)<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all. (凭空生爱)<br/>Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun(每次当我看见你,所有的阳光)<br/>are all streaming through the waves in your hair.(都梳理过你波浪般的发间)<br/>And every star in the sky(然后天上每颗星星)<br/>is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.(都如聚光灯一样,照耀着你的双眼)<br/>The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost (我的心跳就像鼓声一样,开始错乱)<br/>and it's looking for a rhythm like you.(并开始跟随你的节奏,一起律动)<br/>You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,(你能将深夜中的黑暗带走)<br/>And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.(然后将它点燃成不熄的明灯)<br/>I gotta follow it cause everything I know,(而我则必须追逐着它,因为我所拥有的一切)<br/>Well, it's nothing 'til I give it to you. (如果没有给予你的话,都将毫无意义)<br/><br/>I can make runner stumble.(我会令追逐者跌倒)<br/>I can make the final block.(我会制造终结的障碍)<br/>And I can make every tackle(我会制造所有的麻烦)<br/>at the sound of the whistle.(在一切终结之前)<br/>And I can make all the stadiums rock.(我会令赛场沸腾)<br/>I can make the night forever (我会让今夜永恒)<br/>or I can make it disappear by the dawn.(也能让它在拂晓前消失)<br/>And I can make you every promise that's ever been made.(我能实现所有许下的承诺)<br/>And I can make all your demons be gone.(我能为你击溃所有的恶魔)<br/>But I'm never gonna make it without you.(但是如果没有你,我什么都不会做)<br/>Do you really wanna see me crawl?(你真想看到我卑微地哀求你么?)<br/>And I'm never gonna make it like you do,(我却永远无法像你这样)<br/>Making love out of nothing at all. <br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love)((让爱))<br/>(Making love)((让爱))<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love) Out of nothing at all.<br/>(Making love)((让爱))<br/>(Making love)((让爱))<br/>(Making love)((让爱))<br/>(Making love)((让爱)) </div>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 21:32:00

<p>當男人愛上女人<br/>            <br/><br/>當男人愛上女人<br/>他無法假裝若無其事<br/>他會用全世界來交換<br/>只為了他找到的好東西<br/>即使她很壞,他也看不見<br/>她不會有錯<br/>他會背棄他最要好的朋友<br/>如果他已愛上她<br/><br/>當男人愛上女人<br/>他會花光最後一毛錢<br/>努力維持他的需要<br/>他會放棄所有的享樂<br/>睡在大雨中<br/>只要她說那是必要的<br/><br/>嗯,這個男人愛上了女人<br/>我給了你一切<br/>努力維繫你那珍貴的愛<br/>寶貝,請別虧待我<br/><br/>當男人愛上女人<br/>在他的靈魂深處<br/>她能使他淒慘落魄<br/>如果她欺騙愚弄他<br/>他會是最後一個知道的人<br/>戀愛中的人是盲目的<br/><br/>當男人愛上女人<br/>他不能做錯事<br/>他不能再擁有其他女孩<br/>沒錯,當男人愛上女人<br/>我感同身受<br/>因為寶貝,妳是我的全世界 </p>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-16 21:42:00

<p>约翰·丹佛是流行音乐和乡村音乐的民间音乐天才,他是一名超级歌星,多次在流行歌曲和乡村歌曲排行榜上占据首位,他还是一些经典之作像《乡间道路》和《搭上喷气式飞机》的作者,他被称之为佛罗里达的桂冠诗人,他还是在环境保护主义成为全国性的潮流之前就是一名维护落基山脉地区的清洁卫生和生态平衡的象征性人物。<br/>“1971年,一心从事乡村歌曲的创作和演唱,与比尔·丹诺夫(Bill Danoff)结下了深厚的友谊。由比尔所作,描写西弗吉尼亚山区美丽风光的歌曲“故乡的路”(“Take Me Home, Country Roads”)后来成为丹佛的招牌曲目。” <br/>《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的乡村歌曲。一般人都会认为《乡村路带我回家》是一首思乡的歌,但歌曲主题其实是公益环保。因为这首歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国西部风光以及潇洒的牛仔。&nbsp;<br/></p>

跃过山丘 发表于 2014-8-17 08:28:00

<p>“阳光照在我肩上”(“Sunshine On My Shoulders”),是约翰·丹佛最著名的专辑之一。此专辑录制于1971年2月。”</p>
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