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NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20153 D$ M' C! ?& J8 ^& l* O
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月311 j4 r& a! R5 g  m) v8 n
Anglers’ Notice for Fish and Game Regions+ K9 c" r2 m- E0 z  A8 K0 I: |
钓鱼的鱼和游戏区域的通知& g& V: N- O0 F9 @, o- J/ g
Conservation Act 1987  q5 \$ b" B$ q0 X; F# ?; A
! v3 q' K# D* x$ [5 WFreshwater Fisheries Regulations 1983
0 u4 I6 l- n; ?淡水渔业条例1983
' \9 P5 V1 M1 ~2 `6 B  TPursuant to section 26R(3) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Minister of Conservation approves the following5 f4 n9 z! f2 r: A3 N$ R
根据部分26R(3)的1987个保护法,保护部长批准后0 L7 i/ Q! b- Y9 t- U) h$ z

: Z+ H2 Q5 F0 O/ U( U' W7 e
1 m: i3 ?/ Z) D0 t$ e$ YAnglers’ notice, subject to the First and Second Schedules of this notice, for the following Fish and Game Regions:, {: r) u' P  O3 i. ?3 D
垂钓者的通知,除本通知第一和第二的时间表,为下面的鱼和游戏区:  ?& Y9 M$ n3 y; g1 n. ~
Northland Nelson/Marlborough0 p6 T' \9 H7 ]8 ^# E! a
北国尼尔森/马尔堡  v$ B  O  x" J4 z0 v0 C( R& y. q
Auckland/Waikato North Canterbury
2 a! c/ C. K+ g) Y8 Z奥克兰/新西兰北坎特伯雷
* n: Y0 T2 T5 `6 @; L0 R  nEastern West Coast
# a9 t% ^$ B$ M% s2 J" K西海岸
. |1 T3 [# D  _8 S8 R! K) }1 gTaranaki Central South Island5 d5 G' I1 p' Z, A
2 z" i3 _  @, J( C8 h) ^Hawke’s Bay Otago/ @2 M- Y# V6 H* B
; L6 H; H, c8 y, P; fWellington Southland5 s5 S$ a* K7 x) \" U9 ~
& W. i* t, a( h3 Z3 C& R* h# t" ^===================
8 O/ s6 P- F9 c1 E* |" b8 \Notice
0 p9 _% f; }  z通知2 B$ M' [, L: e) t! ^0 r
This notice shall come into force on 1 October 2015.$ u) [  R+ Y! H3 {) q- S
本公告自十月1日起生效。% |  ?; u% V: W$ w5 c. g4 H3 A
First Schedule Fishing conditions generally common to all Fish and Game Regions.
( z& E( z% W4 C6 W* r2 T第一次计划捕捞条件一般为所有鱼和游戏区域。
4 r9 {' N+ f0 z2 H1 fSecond Schedule Regional specific fishing conditions, bag limits, closed and open waters, and the like.2 v3 e$ G5 N1 D
) o. g, M* v; g! L& t
5 i( r" U$ q$ ?5 _6 w
First Schedule' i2 r9 B! k6 [0 I$ \; U4 Y& g
首个计划6 P* {/ `& v. D0 ~. l. H9 z
1. Interpretation Words and expressions in this notice, which are defined in the Conservation Act 1987, the Freshwater Fisheries Regulations 1983 or the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015, shall be so defined.
7 {9 D* M0 X$ C1。解释这一通知中所定义的词语和表达方式,在保护法1987,淡水渔业条例1983或体育鱼类许可证,收费,和形式通知2015,须如此界定。! b; D) N' ?' w$ g7 V7 L: ]
“artificial fly” means any lure of feather, fur, wool or other material of any kind customarily used in the making of artificial flies.
4 J' m4 [* I, V4 t“人工飞”指任何诱惑的羽毛、毛皮、羊毛或制作中的常用任何其他材料人工苍蝇。! ?; z6 A9 B( Q% V" c
“bait” means:) P* ~7 i, |' I7 x
“诱饵”意思:& k' E! j" }% S0 d  y9 O
Natural insect.
: `1 V1 g3 H$ v天然昆虫。; Y% @+ @* v  J! P0 {) n. U
Natural spider.
. `8 ]( x* y. O. n( `# U自然蜘蛛。
! S) ~6 p$ D1 I2 ]Natural worm or worms.. g) Y, j! k/ l( g- l+ t
% x1 d( Y4 r: a- P% e: p; NNatural crustacean.
' t5 D) q5 k2 D' z$ Y. t天然甲壳动物。
5 j: d% N: q9 uNatural fish, excluding fish ova, or any portion of a fish, or shellfish (mollusc), except where stated otherwise in the Second Schedule of this notice.2 F  ?9 A/ k8 _0 \( I" L. w2 E
& I6 \: z: G. x3 P+ D4 N! T: }Uncoloured bread dough.' @+ P* u& d- P1 E" Z  H. t/ L
: B. q4 K; w$ ^* P+ |- lAny scented lure, soft bait and other synthetic imitations with chemical attractant properties, except where stated otherwise in the Second Schedule of this notice.
( o# x2 e8 x+ @4 S# p: U任何香味的诱惑,与化学引诱剂性能的软饵和其他合成的仿制品,除非在本通知的附表中另有说明。
" z9 i# F* p9 T; p5 G4 ]“bait assembly” means either a hook rigged with a number of baits or a single bait rigged with a number of hooks.. \- M0 c0 R( T
“饵装钩”指的是用一些诱饵或单饵用数量挂钩。; t9 ], a+ Z, K" A: h* P0 J. l
“bait fishing” means to fish for sports fish with bait.
) V- Q% M6 R( M0 D“饵钓”是指鱼上钩的鱼。
# O/ i2 F+ C9 }4 x. D“boat” means any manned flotation device.1 c; J: H8 S% S2 Z5 M6 O
& _4 d! I# \. c. Y“coarse fish” means perch, tench (all New Zealand) and rudd (Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region only).9 O, T3 f- \; l' |# J: q
“粗鱼”意味着鲈鱼,丁鲷(新西兰)和陆克文(奥克兰/怀卡托渔猎地区唯一)。# u* A+ @$ F5 a9 Z; G- U. f
“coarse fishing waters” means named locations where anglers can fish for coarse fish :
4 F+ X2 U! N3 O$ L' D“粗渔业水域”是指鱼垂钓者可以命名地点粗鱼:7 h! t0 g5 @! \1 Y
(a) with a rod which has either a fixed or running line.3 _- ^9 h; {3 Q. T0 |# E7 t  z
1 c- R8 R  d* Z/ l( {* X1 o& `(b) with no restriction on the type or number of baits in use.
- j' R8 e: U. q2 p8 b. f/ ](b)在使用的类型或数量的饵料没有限制。6 X& f1 T+ P6 q% I6 V. I
(c) with no restriction on the use of preparations to attract fish.
' ?2 ^4 |0 n8 i- c% \; l6 N(丙)对吸引鱼的使用没有限制。
; v% [, C1 f5 T( `! q6 v“fly fishing” means to fish for sports fish with fly rod and fly reel and fly line and artificial fly.% j9 G  k1 ^0 i9 `) x
( I5 n/ |) y* D% q5 a* K! f“fishing” and “fish” in this notice means:
! h  r' P% d$ D+ z8 j“钓鱼”和“鱼”在这一通知中意味着:9 z" e4 E( ?4 a' @: t3 x4 n4 F1 p
the catching, taking or harvesting of sports fish; and includes:/ B2 T' b( \, s6 A4 F. s
运动鱼的捕捉、获取或收获:: D8 k) [& G0 S
(a) any other activity that may reasonably be expected to result in the catching, taking or harvesting of sports fish.
- G8 A4 k- G. z! J& D: M3 c(一)可以合理地期望在体育运动中所产生的任何其他活动鱼。
$ I, H% L" G3 T" f" B# k' k7 e/ U(b) any attempt to catch, take or harvest sports fish.
( |0 W2 c4 ^! ]& m(乙)任何企图捕捉、取或收获体育鱼。
6 C" c! g# R+ u9 h5 {+ v* K3 h(c) any operation in support of, or in preparation for, any activity described in this definition.! i+ D6 I' K  s' W
(丙)任何操作,以支持或为本定义中所描述的任何活动。0 }( {$ \: y' p
“freshwater” means
" W$ a; m$ r2 \9 |- [. M6 v3 s( E“淡水”的意思/ d  e/ U/ f" q
============================/ n3 Q' P! Y& C; v9 w
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20158 o- E0 W1 s/ ]' s$ j
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月318 B* P0 }8 o* v; ~' t/ k# t! y+ ^
  E' t2 h5 P* |1 \- {
( m5 D$ p; ^$ Y+ s- c2 x(a) all waters of rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, lagoons, wetlands, impoundments, canals, channels,
+ V/ P% M+ ]% K* ^(一)所有水域的河流、溪流、湖泊、池塘、湖、湿地、人工运河、渠道,
# A5 U; X( m) m, t, _% R# _watercourses, or other bodies of water whether naturally occurring or artificially made.' G/ w9 k6 X! M6 h# d
( r5 L! u* E) z# J8 w2 G0 I2 U(b) all waters of estuaries or coastal lagoons.
2 f) X6 u6 _4 K4 }- T(b)所有水域的河口或海岸泻湖。
2 x1 d% T. ^! [5 z5 W(c) all other fresh or estuarine waters where freshwater fish indigenous to or introduced into New Zealand are found.3 {- e2 J$ {/ N
(一)所有其他淡水或河口水域,淡水鱼原产于新西兰,或引入新西兰发现。5 i4 X' r9 J$ J7 N; u- q' }; D# G
(d) all waters in the mouth of every river or stream, and the mouth of every river and stream shall be deemed to include every outlet thereof and the seashore between those outlets and the waters of the sea or lying within a distance of 500 metres from any place where at low tide the waters of a river or stream meet the waters of the sea.
% D* C+ }6 P1 Q. f+ h, _(4)所有的水域在每一条河流或小溪的口,以及每一条河流和河流的口须当作要将其中的每一个出口,在这些出口处和海的水域中,包括在海中的每一个出口在500米的距离,从任何地方,在低潮的河流或河流的水域满足海的水域。
# N. D3 v6 @2 b9 w. [. K/ f! w; l& s“foul hook” means to hook a sports fish other than from within the mouth.
4 ^  A& {- H/ w4 G- Y& F“犯规钩”是指从嘴里以外的其他运动的鱼。- w* M: a( \1 B
“landmark” means a black, yellow and white ringed post or buoy.6 R- \. b  q" a; d7 @. Y( y  @* V) |
' J0 R' k  J) b: k% y' j6 y# K+ ~4 u“length” is the measurement from the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail.
$ K+ f! K1 |) u, U“长”是从吻端到尾叉的测量。
: N7 A! c- S  f6 e“lure” means any authorised artificial fly or spinner or bait.
/ b2 Y1 q4 p& ^; E& [+ A* @' Y“引诱”是指任何授权的人工飞行或微调或诱饵。
4 }; b  f" ^  B6 V2 F“spinner” means any artificial lure other than an artificial fly.
; r1 U# G% ~0 B# e* N; Z0 D% a“微调”意味着比其他任何人造诱饵假蝇。
1 T9 P' \4 n# `# Y& I, _“spin fishing” means to fish for sports fish with a spinner., c# X2 U( S0 e
. r4 w6 a* }! n“sports fish” means those freshwater fish described in the First Schedule of the Freshwater Fisheries Regulations 1983, namely:
+ m( i5 u0 D4 o( H+ m9 E( H“体育鱼”指淡水渔业条例第一次说明的淡水鱼1983,即:% J9 w. L9 E+ x  `5 a2 J
Brown trout.
3 ~! q, R5 C+ n' y. a8 Q: t0 t棕色鳟鱼。
& L* _5 o" e2 L, b! R  nRainbow trout.) v9 ?' D6 o$ {
) R; @, I* K4 s7 r+ E  p# \American brook trout or char.
  E- I% z0 h4 @# o3 \: Y& F4 @  U美国溪鳟鱼或炭。
4 y  F" [+ Z, GLake trout or char.
2 h# Y9 c9 ?( X0 g/ C湖鳟鱼或炭。
+ @4 x% \! u7 HAtlantic salmon.
* K( G7 S3 `; E" S, y大西洋鲑鱼。& j$ O; n; |  c8 K' {
Quinnat or chinook salmon.
" h/ i( D, c& ]; E大鳞大麻哈鱼或鲑鱼。) |- V' S, I0 h" i
Sockeye salmon.2 b' {( K  A. f: @# q
红大马哈鱼。% D( n0 l" |7 {
  |( \9 l$ {4 ]0 V6 K0 l4 h3 j鲈鱼。
: I& p+ I! ^" `Tench.
* K# V$ F' C" X丁。% |0 r# ]% q; b# _
Rudd (Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region only).
& f9 A% H% c3 Y3 ]- P* l5 ?) S陆克文(奥克兰/怀卡托渔猎地区唯一)。
5 g4 k. \4 F/ _  ]9 l. y( R* EAny hybrid of the above species.; T" v: O/ D. M/ L+ B  w* x
# g' L" d0 U' G% c' e# [===========================
5 E9 y: q( Y; ~5 m  w5 X3 Z' U) J2. Authorised Tackle' ]5 @* j: Q$ {, D5 H5 W/ b
/ L4 J7 d* ~$ D4 }# Q. c5 v5 i2.1 No licence holder shall fish for sports fish except by using a rod and running line and authorised lure (as defined in clause 7 of this First Schedule).5 O: g3 n7 {- i* ^
$ o3 ~5 f2 i0 p. d6 H2.2 Nets and gaffs:9 x; E' `" g/ R. I5 U: t! s/ B
2.2网和鱼钩:0 j) |' Q# J1 e; \. ^
2.2.1 When playing a sports fish, a landing net may be used to secure or land that fish.' @3 L5 L2 r; O2 X2 d7 ~' s
* ~) J* d! Z( {# |& A# _6 G2.2.2 For keeping coarse fish alive, a keep net may be used in the water from which the fish was caught.
3 ^! n8 m, F! [7 a2.2.2保持粗鱼活着,保持净可用于水的鱼被抓。( _2 L5 D& Q. o
2.2.3 No licence holder shall use a gaff to secure or land a sports fish except where provided for in the Second' ?* X9 [0 A- R+ O1 N1 A
4 X" a  @9 x+ ^8 o. ZSchedule of this notice.$ _8 u  T3 n& G& z6 \* {
5 F. x  q6 ]0 ^/ o% }2.3 No licence holder when fishing for sports fish shall:
; _5 |+ I: b2 U7 P! [; w2.3捕鱼时没有牌照持有人须:% f$ E+ m& V1 R; q; d. k
2.3.1 Use more than 1 assembled rod and running line.; J2 a+ o7 c, y
2.3.1使用超过1组装杆和线路。$ \  {1 l6 ?) G' ~/ d
2.3.2 Use more than 3 artificial flies or spinners.# C, j$ Y6 T% ^& g1 l- Y
' F# J- q# B6 {( u2 I2.3.3 Use more than 1 bait assembly.
+ S, ?2 g& W! j7 b: F- O( W  ~2.3.3使用超过1诱饵装配。8 H8 _2 `5 b$ g% n
2.3.4 Be more than 15m from the rod being used./ F) v  t. P1 r! ~: x$ v9 u
2.3.4大于15m的杆被使用。9 S, S* G9 z. T) U, s* X( k' L+ C+ C; c
2.3.5 Use, in waters other than those where bait fishing is permitted, any lure treated with any chemical preparation other than that used solely to control the buoyancy of an artificial fly, except where stated  otherwise in the Second Schedule of this notice.
4 T  ~/ O5 ^: T% ?2.3.5使用,在水域以外的那些饵钓鱼是允许的,任何化学处理的任何诱惑除所述外,仅用于控制人工飞行的浮力否则,本通知的第二附表。5 ]- N6 `% Z1 {4 u
2.3.6 Use any preparation not attached to a lure to attract fish except when fishing for coarse fish in coarse fishing waters.- H5 D! i% d6 ~
5 F$ c) p0 f2 k" y: n! i" _6 M. O6 C" |2.4 No person shall fish for sports fish by using felt-soled waders or footwear incorporating or having attached a sole of felted, matted or woven fibrous material when sports fishing.  ?) @1 i! W; e% B' b' d
6 l% n4 j( m7 x6 a. }/ z: ]/ w9 i3. Foul Hooking of Fish
) Z4 X9 P& h, b3。犯规钩住鱼2 ^8 `7 H3 \/ q, n
3.1 No licence holder shall attempt to foul hook any sports fish.& C( f0 I, |* v8 f, i
  v0 B. w2 M: m' J5 D3 r, D' xNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
. h% z8 l5 j* g/ L# _& a/ V8 h新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
+ R0 I" v5 G+ P  {* p5 r- q2
# m* n/ {; _% ^' t8 T7 X( A, A6 _- A+ Y; O/ T" m
3.2 Any licence holder who foul hooks a sports fish shall return it immediately to the water with as little injury as possible.
. V6 v6 y# c* r  P8 f! ?* f* Y任何牌照持有人犯规钩一条体育鱼,应立即将其归还给水,尽可能少受伤。
; K$ b+ P' R' {! m1 _, _4. Fish Length) R. Q; p* w, |$ g1 c$ q: \
4。鱼长- v7 S1 Y$ ^. d' B+ j
Every licence holder who catches a sports fish which does not exceed the specified minimum length, or exceeds the specified maximum length, shall immediately return it with as little injury as possible into the water from which it was taken.; I* a& |& A% C8 `+ t* C
+ o: t+ m" G' A: p8 t# y5. Open Season
0 j% R- K& e, |$ Y: K/ r& d, `5。开放季节+ G; s3 U4 B3 M. }
No licence holder shall fish for any sports fish except during an open season.
6 Q; C( A: b' a除在公开赛期间,没有牌照持有人须对任何鱼类进行捕鱼。8 X6 \6 G+ `3 i' v# Q6 ?
6. Daily Limit Bags
# K! i4 h# Z& p; J) j6。每日限袋% q1 d8 N0 P2 B- c" Y
6.1 No licence holder shall continue to fish for a particular species of sports fish on any day in which he or she has already killed the limit bag for that species except where provided for in the Second Schedule.
- g( X5 N" r: {6.1没有牌照持有人须在任何一天内,已为该物种的限制袋而死亡的限制袋中,继续为特定种类的鱼类进行捕鱼。
* i# T+ {2 l% B) b6.2 It shall be permissible to make up the difference between a lesser limit bag prescribed in one place and a higher limit bag prescribed in another if the extra fish are taken in the area with the higher bag limit.- G! e0 P+ `3 o7 Y+ y) S
6.2 允许在一个地方订一个较低的限制袋和另一个更高的限制袋之间的差额,如果这些额外的鱼被带到该地区的更高的袋子限制。% F" X3 G% E! ?) \6 I' W. s$ T
7. Authorised Lures+ r! j2 t) D! M( Z: D$ m) c0 w
4 l3 F/ W  x( [% X1 H2 Q! N# a5 ^Authorised lures (subject to any regional restrictions specified in the Second Schedule) are:( _" X& y. M7 g/ |- S& b9 ]
授权的诱惑(除第二附表所指明的任何区域限制)是:: e8 i# e& Z5 S% u, G
Artificial fly.; J5 k1 ]3 W1 ~! g
人工飞行。5 i1 q  D0 n" U- b: x- p* K
Spinner.6 C- r& G1 H) m1 F, v( x0 B
9 O) y# N8 V$ P# E- uBait.$ |6 L4 t: L( T0 W- Y0 ~% k5 M" |
饵。) ]9 b# p5 `/ ~* G
$ ]: a7 J" E* |9 j( n; S2 C
Second Schedule' g  M; G% n$ A! O$ N. P$ \
# `7 H# F- z# `0 @4 }Northland Fish and Game Region, v, e* n& C6 e( I( d, t# W; W
北国的鱼和游戏区' N6 ^) P4 ~) V8 T. s' k! W% ?
Reference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.
5 q' d* \5 V1 ~4 w% u. ~参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页。, h, h' S, u4 f3 A5 F3 v8 t9 T+ F
1. Definitions9 u; k$ f; S3 j- b' ~
6 C& h4 \" ^  H; P7 h4 sSee First Schedule.; l6 l) f: Y4 a- o
: @' l' u9 b8 I/ ~2. Open Season
1 y! z4 t; c4 R% L; q! o2。开放季节
4 b9 F+ v) p$ X. ?& r' n2.1 All lakes and reservoirs in region. All year
& I3 C6 E$ D; h; A5 @5 H2.1区内所有湖泊和水库。一整年. f! j" s: ^( @: Q( w9 }1 j3 E& \& I
2.2 Wairua River (excluding tributaries) downstream of its confluence of the Waiotu and Whakapara Rivers.% U6 C6 J" r8 F" p4 X
2.2 wairua河下游(包括tributaries)由其合流的waiotu whakapara和河流。2 ^4 k. H; g6 o& M& ]2 J! u  D$ U
All year9 C) {# t. l7 T$ r3 v& T6 ~
0 d- Y8 }: J6 }, p2.3 All rivers and streams in region. 1 October to 30 April
* F; E/ S2 _; D$ ^0 G; \1 J2.3区内所有河流和溪流。1十月至30四月8 K; }$ Z7 L* q7 }) f2 [5 ^
3. Closed Waters: z: O3 G* j9 `6 }3 X+ K9 E+ W; b
3。封闭水域1 C$ E$ @9 x+ G+ o) h0 W
No restrictions.
, \4 c1 f' r: o没有任何限制。
' r, Q# i9 w. ^! B& U6 x/ Z- L4. Authorised Tackle
, M: Z" v$ B6 g+ c8 S4。授权处理! A$ j7 A3 {, O' S
See First Schedule.
7 n0 R. O( N) B' B, ~/ ?见附表。
  U4 s# [6 e6 r1 f6 _! O$ V5. Fly Fishing Only Waters" {2 y/ @1 f% E2 y* V
. K  b1 p$ w  r2 N# xNo restrictions.- B# W6 j) K! r1 _
! C  X% ]& l: ^5 C4 A6. Bait Fishing Waters5 k0 E3 B' N1 w6 [7 `$ L2 C
0 f; }$ J: }1 d% f/ i( L6.1 Bait fishing (as defined in the First Schedule) is permitted in all lakes and reservoirs.
5 n' b& n6 C) ?: s# z2 o5 r" f在所有的湖泊和水库中允许6.1个饵(如第一个时间表中定义)。
! u) o. G: N' Z; {* ~8 O% ~6.2 Bait fishing is permitted in the Waitangi River only when fishing for tench.2 P' D* }1 [. r
' u  r& a6 ?9 k$ C- r, |4 Z7. Coarse Fishing Waters
* ?2 S; [3 \" O2 G0 L! ~) \5 ^- f7。粗钓水域
& h2 ]5 y( ^" F2 |The only public coarse fishing water in the Northland Region is the Waitangi River and its tributaries.- R0 p' I1 T% m' T9 J9 |2 m
: z% v& w: g1 _9 n8. Use of Boats
* T. l1 b* h6 y6 X' Q3 |) \8。使用船5 ~5 h6 z" ~  x  J! V
Anglers trolling from boats must stay at least 50m from any anglers fishing from the shore.+ C3 l, I7 E+ I0 d$ }1 J
垂钓者钓船必须保持至少50m任何垂钓者钓从岸上。" x2 H* o! m% A( g
9. Daily Bag Limits
' s- R# n, u5 _4 ~3 e5 k% u9。每日袋限制6 V# a( d, ]8 P! U8 J) y$ s
9.1 All rivers and streams except the Waipapa, Mangapa and Victoria Rivers:4 K6 O7 _) W. n! l/ x* h8 H6 u
  z4 k7 ^% }: k9.1.1 No licence holder shall on any one day kill more than two trout.
+ d8 w; t! V+ i+ }; b9.1.1无牌照持有人须在任何一天杀死两个以上的鳟鱼。& A/ l$ Z$ T1 s# ^8 w
9.1.2 There is no daily bag limit for tench or perch., y7 K8 c/ J$ o  Z" c
/ L2 I  z5 |3 Y2 n4 y0 b( {3 [7 D9.2 Waipapa, Mangapa and Victoria Rivers and any tributaries of these rivers:
4 {2 j' u# ]; O5 F$ \% S+ P1 N9.2威爸爸,mangapa和维多利亚河流和支流的河流:( ~8 q- x% ~/ Q# W
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015& z) K" f4 Q0 M
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月319 U' x/ `, k1 k4 v
- y8 U8 @9 y: \6 |2 E0 [
% X. L6 }# n6 t% V9.2.1 No licence holder shall on any one day kill more than one trout.* J5 h9 w4 ^+ I+ R  M
9.2.1无牌照持有人须在任何一天杀死一个以上的鳟鱼。+ x6 k' y0 Y! _+ s) \
9.3 All lakes and reservoirs:$ i& {" Z4 k5 H8 l# g
9.3所有湖泊和水库:2 ]' P. _2 ]2 u) B" Z+ ^1 x4 p" l
9.3.1 No licence holder shall on any one day kill more than three trout.5 y; G+ z( r- W, @' _0 {+ S
9.3.1无牌照持有人须在任何一天杀死三个以上的鳟鱼。# G4 e. t2 ]- T
9.3.2 There is no daily bag limit for tench or perch.3 [7 g/ r, N2 n! V" O
9.3.2有丁或鲈鱼没有每日一袋的限制。; y# O+ X0 e' K7 p! L/ f3 a
10. Fish Length, X4 E2 g4 O# l1 G) h5 c
10。鱼长' {* j. w  t9 x- }6 A: D9 F5 v* z$ n
10.1 The minimum length for trout is 300mm' s# ]; i! |2 H9 s$ q6 P7 m% N
10.1的最小长度为300mm的鳟鱼0 y7 e$ Z, ^* U& p
10.2 The minimum length for tench or perch is No limit
* Q! k: w1 @6 }7 r/ s7 z* F10.2的最小长度为丁或鲈鱼是没有限制的) c6 p2 Z8 S  z; z$ u8 v0 L$ K
& {3 W' `! C, Z- ]5 O
Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region
* a  y* R, L6 o8 s7 ~奥克兰/怀卡托鱼和游戏区
' J# A: y* s, D" \; E! GReference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861, as amended by New Zealand Gazette, 29 August 1991, No. 129, page 2786.* r: L! I6 |7 {, H# a
参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24日,83号,1861页,第1990页,第5页  公报,29,1991,129,2786页。7 ^+ ^& g* w  l% Y& t
1. Definitions
! H2 }- ^0 |* A1。定义
3 N6 D; {' f/ T! _% @: xSee First Schedule.
; q: E# a4 ~6 x3 V6 j见附表。2 M/ D: |7 E/ x: u5 \9 x
2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Trout Daily Bag Limits
1 j9 Z% [" C2 }% c: G# j2。开放季节,允许的方法,鳟鱼每日袋限制) q- u+ n4 |5 ]; u6 h* h# N! D
Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits3 U% ^4 Q: J1 k6 D% I
2 }! ^# k8 ^( B$ d6 ^(Trout)$ N+ K7 D7 K  o8 t2 E! d: a
+ P* A7 x" B/ I- R+ T  C2.1 Lakes
4 p. r6 Q5 y* [+ A, [/ e0 f2.1湖
& D* o8 i9 i( _: r2 _- nArapuni All year All legal lures/baits 5; G! S5 I+ ~7 k; X
全年所有法律引诱阿拉普尼/诱饵5& g" d% ?7 w* \- C
Karapiro All year All legal lures/baits 2- B2 Y, j( e3 t& [  N- y% }
全年所有法律引诱Karapiro /诱饵2# S* b0 g$ J( M6 h# f
Mangatangi Reservoir All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
! e( e. w4 i1 F3 p1 `mangatangi水库全年飞旋/人工飞5
( J3 f8 E+ Q3 N8 E4 t5 a- w: z8 iMangatawhiri Reservoir All year Spinner/artificial fly 5; X1 H- q  `+ ^7 _. N
mangatawhiri水库全年飞旋/人工飞5$ B: f  F: J; X4 B1 h7 p5 t9 B6 R+ S
Moana-nui All year All legal lures/baits 5% [7 ]3 U) w0 K; F2 Q, E# c
$ Q/ Y( b" ~0 O* [4 A1 hParkinsons All year All legal lures/baits 59 b$ [+ ~( W/ s# m
帕金森全年所有法律的诱惑/诱饵5! g6 |" u' @2 R) R% j0 D3 _
Pupuke All year No bait restrictions 5
# }8 e5 R% f$ i9 `. n) DPupuke整年都没有鱼饵限制5
9 u7 t0 C+ o7 a7 @8 a* CTomarata All year All legal lures/baits 5, }3 d& W) o, y; u
* q$ e8 f7 D/ eWaipapa All year All legal lures/baits 5
5 Q' R( j; C  A9 r1 d/ r9 G  [全年所有法律引诱威帕帕/诱饵59 d0 q  |5 R, n# f: B: ^5 F
Whatihua (Thomsons) All year All legal lures/baits 50 z$ L- H2 `) j
+ G7 Q+ P! R/ v! H7 y+ yAll other lakes/ponds All year No bait restrictions 5. R, V" r* o4 F) N6 [3 y  q
所有其他湖泊/池塘,全年无饵限制5; e# N/ ^$ l1 W) S  O6 X
2.2 Hydro Lake Tributaries
" S  ^( v/ A5 X5 Q2.2水湖支流8 U/ [' X) J" b, z7 O" L
Little Waipa Stream (Horahora Road Bridge
' K8 i8 p8 _! h3 b小WAIPA流(霍拉霍拉公路桥
0 C  B$ B+ D6 I4 m4 d8 N! ndeemed to be the mouth)! I3 u' D$ y6 o8 J0 S
被认为是嘴)6 F: {& {1 Z* d" c0 w8 @
1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
: K4 i1 l, G2 C1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
: B0 y1 W3 l% L# g' n5 p' ?Pokaiwhenua Stream 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
+ T$ x  B% \! ^) z# Z, K3 Ppokaiwhenua流1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5. B" Z& i6 D6 Z+ o. y& w) c1 Y6 Q
Mangawhio Stream6 D% b/ q/ @* h1 T/ S8 ?$ T
mangawhio流5 J* z8 y' _' v. _+ ~% F1 X% z# m
• below lower falls All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
) h7 F3 C. ~4 _: z•低于全年飞旋/人造瀑布飞5+ R2 ?7 a, b4 c' A, Z* f: ^+ v) E
• above lower falls 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
1 M  \: F* f3 H: ]6 L( Q- v) {! @•以上下瀑布1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
, E8 C) X  J' D3 R+ ~' O4 [Waipapa River
* K  {) M4 l; M威帕帕河
3 {& b. [2 i( n) n! L8 m8 D- e• below lower falls All year Spinner/artificial fly 5) F. I: ?5 M0 D
, e, X6 ~2 d5 ]: G* K9 G• above lower falls 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5/ R. Z' a$ _# E
•以上下瀑布1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5( G* U, c1 V) L9 R8 F% S7 P
All other streams flowing into Lake Waipapa, Lake Arapuni and Lake Karapiro are closed (refer to
+ C9 G6 d. V# P* x( b! H/ x8 C所有其他的河流流入湖泊和湖泊Karapiro阿拉普尼威帕帕,湖是封闭的(指, S) [% N6 N% J9 V
clause 3 for this region).
; J# s5 O: \+ ^" H! q3 W+ B! Z% w这一地区的3条。  x2 d& W# V8 K7 R% ]
2.3 Rivers and Streams( n# D( Y/ T( z6 ~
2 V- z" s2 l4 M- {  Z9 W7 D1 ~' S7 e7 K3 N6 H" ~& M6 K
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20155 ]& X* L, A* O2 w
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31" d% V* \/ @2 u
43 j- M  V, Y: |3 Z! O

8 w0 _- ]+ h! t- ]Awakino
$ D: x* a( u* j8 E0 T阿瓦基诺8 u# L8 ~0 M) y0 M$ \0 K. E: x; ^
• downstream of Mahoenui Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2
, J, Y2 B0 P; S7 g6 n对马霍埃努伊桥1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2下游•, g5 a: y5 s! O3 S7 Z8 Z9 Q
• upstream of Mahoenui Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 2- x; G$ B: Y$ M0 E- p8 ]
, M0 W+ z6 u8 U* G& PAwaroa 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
" B' a. d3 f3 T' _; m5 Q1 A6 {awaroa 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
2 j1 W/ F+ O' c1 K# OHikutaia! q! O# n/ a* R% l& M9 ?
+ l4 v$ f+ C4 z; ?• downstream of Whangamata track All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
3 N7 n1 o" e% M! C•下游旺跟踪所有年转/人工飞5; g' u! G) |  I2 _5 z- K8 ?' n
• upstream of Whangamata track 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
, A+ M. w6 E2 |•上游旺轨道1日–30君飞旋/人工飞51 H% Z) s- O" D
Kakahu 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 5
1 @! a- g) t  p5 L* _' {( W' p) J1日30军–喀喀湖上钓鱼只有5# N& U9 `4 p; t6 r) p6 [+ v' }
Kaniwhaniwha 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 52 {# {( {" A3 z# O) _/ |9 |% Z
kaniwhaniwha 1日–30君钓鱼只有5; Z$ F" ]# _2 i4 Q: m5 P- {
Kaimarama 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5; y9 g1 [" ?; z  Y+ y5 p# p
kaimarama 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
; D, Q$ o5 p  y' TKapowai 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5/ o& D. {+ v* g+ K$ R
kapowai 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
% v- ]# d; h8 F$ T: l8 j, pKarapiro Stream 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
% G; ?* ^5 P1 e, _9 o2 g5 R1日–Karapiro流30军飞旋/人工飞5! e7 ^' N7 [, H3 F3 Q
Kauaeranga 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5- P- S2 ]% G9 c+ j2 L
考埃朗格谷1日–30君飞旋/人工飞52 H' A' S8 {$ l! D) a2 X
Komata 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
7 q( a8 k( ~' |. H! C! d+ D: j6 Y  Ukomata 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
* u* b  |" g. T/ l% E8 n( }Mahakirau 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 59 J, r' ^- `, ?9 T3 m& T8 Z$ t
mahakirau 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
9 _* m+ @+ x3 xMangakahu 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
, O+ s, l2 f) `0 q' xmangakahu 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5  i2 z* ?; |+ T) S
Mangaohae 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
- ?5 U( D$ R& s# f0 i& a) gmangaohae 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5) Q- g) o- g/ ~3 g  w. z
Mangaokewa 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 53 W* }3 \% U' _! u9 }
mangaokewa 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
$ B3 T1 U, F& v) h; d" `Mangaorongo 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
1 @9 j2 u1 ^) _. `; Nmangaorongo 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
8 f+ e) U% L4 F$ k, P+ d. P7 _Mangaotaki
) f3 Z+ x- h/ R- f, e$ Smangaotaki
- k) S% D: e8 h' W  m$ |, L9 u• downstream of lower bridge on- `3 P( A  {7 H# b
下桥下游9 i4 G: T# }, @. `- O
Mangaotaki Road
$ ~4 k/ M8 b9 m6 E% tmangaotaki路
/ C0 ]3 U. V6 C( q& m  z% EAll year Spinner/artificial fly 5
* p/ k9 ]2 ?/ u5 @, P全年纺机/人工飞5: v6 `9 w$ @7 E: }. }2 r
• upstream of lower bridge on Mangaotaki) d- L4 H5 I1 D: @9 p
/ g3 y# I& w! qRoad6 o$ v! g7 e  M! C- q* G
% {! ]5 [/ P, p. W. m  Z0 L
1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
* K" m4 t( P2 g6 P. {  t& J# _1日–30君飞旋/人工飞57 f, ^" @7 J7 v+ E6 q" f
Mangatawhiri+ u" @7 X& @0 ?$ ~4 F
) u8 `1 p1 L! W. E5 M* F+ X; z• downstream of State Highway 2 Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun No bait restrictions 5
: ]0 w/ G9 w8 H  k, k7 R( t( G( C2 L下游的国家公路2桥1十月30骏没有诱饵限制5
' I5 w) N6 z' i, u• upstream of State Highway 2 Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
5 \$ f+ Z; B" P  M4 s•上游的2国道大桥1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
( k" X1 [+ k- T5 P9 }! J% m; v) ~/ gMangatepopo 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2
5 N/ W! g4 N! L4 ~mangatepopo 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2
4 c# A0 s& {  e, QMangatutu
* u8 N9 q  f, C& h% l/ Nmangatutu
5 l3 _! l( X- [7 w0 z( a+ Q• downstream of Lethbridge Road 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
6 T" c% O; F$ j/ j2 Y; w$ ?& \% |•下游Lethbridge路1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
  A# m6 z8 G$ U3 F9 A3 _6 z• upstream of Lethbridge Road 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 5
: u( H" w& j6 G: ?: |/ j1 Z•上游Lethbridge路1日–30君钓鱼只有5' m( O/ o( k2 G8 N; g- s3 r: F
Mangawhero 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
" S/ S" Y, N, Wmangawhero 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞57 S; K$ i  Q4 T9 d% {$ i
Maramataha 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
- g- F4 W$ Y' k( i! C9 _maramataha 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
; ?9 c& ?1 e% I0 ~; j5 oMaratoto 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 56 Q# h5 k  ]6 h9 n+ R( L4 M/ B
maratoto 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
) D3 u: k9 e6 T+ |/ F5 b3 EMarokopa
) T$ P7 ^* R! Y7 i5 E) U0 v' E3 Q/ ?marokopa
- a  k# i$ X8 v• downstream of Mangatuahaua Stream+ _' f7 i# |7 j; W8 K, t
; [+ Z9 [; F5 x* F3 H5 Q8 Z" fconfluence
% t7 Z, U9 p, n: ?汇合- l9 h% A. s% s2 I7 }8 q
All year All legal lures/baits 5$ b  N7 q" k: ]  U/ \
4 i$ t: Q2 N0 v' h+ ^' J• upstream of Mangatuahaua Stream) ^; O$ Q* K  M- f& N' p1 t7 I
% G& Y* H9 j% ~' }9 h2 Qconfluence' q+ f9 ~2 F4 ?& s- M# u( c
! Y  i' {5 M1 L( d! a1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
' u+ F  Z: S' P1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5! @" y4 b2 B. Y/ W( ^
0 W) ~& l! v# }- X3 t# smoakurarua
$ C& ^+ i* i6 ~1 n/ s• downstream of Honikiwi Road 1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 5
! N  U) L- j  M- t& z•下游honikiwi路1日–30军所有法律的诱惑/诱饵5. c1 T7 q, J$ h" W
- l; z/ u8 g5 ]$ V. v1 u新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31# A: [- [1 {# b( o1 f/ |% x  C
50 c: N! i" X& Z6 {

9 ~! m1 C) t; S6 Q9 ]1 o8 g• upstream of Honikiwi Road 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
& d8 o! a5 t4 D' I•上游honikiwi路1日–30君飞旋/人工飞50 F: A6 k% M& D; \7 Q+ W( \5 ~
Mokau 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
. k* S/ g5 v. U分析1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
' J  M* }) @* r$ [Ngakoaohia
& t) [4 r, l% e# ~6 u/ w3 Fngakoaohia' k- I0 x$ L1 \4 I
• downstream of Pirongia/Kawhia Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 52 {5 n, s" E) ^- t6 i. x
& v; C  X/ s" M4 n• upstream of Pirongia/Kawhia Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 5, a, B0 q' E$ _- u4 \% T" y" b- P
3 s9 x6 T& z+ _4 i# i# xNgutunui 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 56 F$ b1 ~, @  L- j% R
ngutunui 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
& `3 n! ^; w* a2 ?8 C, QOhinemuri- ^3 ^0 v* L9 Q& j0 V* F, k' Z
: B3 U' i, `2 W: m) [1 V• downstream of Victoria Street Bridge, Waihi
0 i% s4 s3 \: ]/ T3 {维多利亚街桥下游•,怀希
$ E& R, p9 C. c1 K1 _All year All legal lures/baits 2
; z9 ?: \, w* I- S: ~$ F全年所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2
: v; `% s: `: l6 Z: M• upstream of Victoria Street Bridge, Waihi 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2* {' h8 o3 s/ y4 [! `; i
•上游维多利亚街大桥,怀希1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2; a6 e6 @* j& W1 D, a8 d
Okauaka 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
, r! O& s- k& f/ p# ^okauaka 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞55 ]. ]4 {, b. |% B( d
Okupata 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
' f: E! \1 h. S3 uokupata 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
* b, a; Q' d1 z+ |( p8 X2 P/ v; a* }Omahine 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5; O: U% c& K4 m' m  |) @
omahine 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞52 R% R: }% h5 L) ]1 t
Ongarue' R5 i7 H2 X, F) r+ A8 \
9 S7 _7 e2 G+ A• downstream of Waimiha Stream
0 W% G& k0 g. s& ^9 gwaimiha流的下游•
( n9 m6 R; K4 Nconfluence. M3 d7 _5 B+ w9 C# Q! d5 v
* Z7 ]2 [) U* K# H$ A8 A$ P$ V' d, n2 y/ @1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 53 }8 Z+ s/ ~2 |9 K' k" S
1日–30军所有合法的诱惑/诱饵58 o4 J( q/ l7 n' Z( M
• upstream of Waimiha Stream confluence 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 57 M0 U% X; S8 d9 q
•上游waimiha流汇合1日–30君飞旋/人工飞59 D9 U2 z3 n. i/ R3 v! m4 b; ~/ _  O
Oparau 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
; B5 }6 c( [3 Y! a: L5 B/ Q* e3 koparau 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5! l& z( W% a& c; P9 M( j
Oraka 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 56 _; {; D! ?  U9 p! _# d' U& K
Oraka 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞59 o3 O1 A) \' @, B) j, a
Owairaka 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
* V8 R* k  d9 H9 A+ r4 l/ nowairaka 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
) M! f) w, R: T- r% z0 nPiopiotea 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2- O2 g+ I+ P' S* D8 a) V
piopiotea 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2) u# i+ u+ S( d) x9 _0 D# D
Pungapunga 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5: ]) m5 t- J# |( r) G$ k
pungapunga 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5" F$ M) `  F, Z; ?, |5 X$ s
: A6 i& a* q; \' V+ y, y2 Npuniu
! |2 p! h/ |8 R+ q2 L* |8 Y; i2 I% @& O• downstream of Seafund Road Bridge All year Spinner/artificial fly 5* Y0 |* g+ {* p/ h
•下游公路桥seafund全年飞旋/人工飞5- r0 j$ U) x3 V' c
• upstream of Seafund Road Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
  F* K+ `; U7 ^' q% @•上游seafund公路桥1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
; }1 h7 g; f/ B% i. i6 NPurere (upper Waihou) All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit*2 O3 `4 U0 J: d5 `% H5 \) b  _. q
purere(上怀霍)全年飞旋/人工飞不限*2 ~1 J* {8 d, k7 D7 n
Rapurapu 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5/ a& i1 p3 m6 o$ e4 T; V
rapurapu 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5% H; i% l: D8 z3 E! v2 @
Tapu 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5; G; H+ a/ J: c" f1 V
5 M; V* e% t8 r$ eTairua 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
- F& C6 I& S$ O$ Q1 m! T" P7 p1日30军–泰鲁瓦飞旋/人工飞5: l- a* c  ^5 H/ ?2 X: w/ y! T+ R
Taringamotu 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
& T& Q) E, ]7 k* B" X5 T" [1 ]taringamotu 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
+ }+ Z/ d# E2 i9 ZTawarau 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5" i/ L4 z/ a: `% `% A
tawarau 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞53 g6 n2 s3 v( [2 Q6 K( }' ~/ S
Waihou7 j* y( D- J9 c+ K0 R" C0 }
( K: {& ?: l% v: J2 x• below Okoroire Falls All year All legal lures/baits 5! \# a3 |$ S0 O9 H$ }' R  O$ L, {
•下面okoroire瀑布全年所有合法的诱惑/诱饵5: E; d+ k1 I5 {# ]" r
• above Okoroire Falls All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit*1 L7 s% r: B/ j- w% w
•okoroire瀑布全年飞旋/人工飞不限*以上- L9 B  i1 i( p; P! o8 q+ \
Waikato All year All legal lures/baits 5
5 D; @3 p- Y( g  d. h. N2 K, d怀卡托全年所有法律的诱惑/诱饵5
$ C: r( ?% x2 ^/ oWaimakariri All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit*0 l+ a" b( G+ O2 p& p+ V
/ j4 S# Y2 A( v4 VWaimiha 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5! Q) K/ ~; b3 f  o
waimiha 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
* g- T; j* T: q- m2 UWaiomou 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
, o/ L7 u) o) ^4 K9 k0 a' Gwaiomou 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
9 r* K# f% ?, M" `7 w7 \- q5 @4 VWaione 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
! `' J  ?0 y0 ~* T8 ~1 ~waione 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
3 b/ m* H$ e/ ?4 m: ]7 l! {===================1 C) W% Y9 ?0 e1 ?1 m3 K
Waipa5 p/ h0 C$ u- \0 W
怀帕$ }" f) z5 u+ }
4 P+ L) Z, o* I4 N' ]9 o新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月314 F! U( r4 e- a& p
8 f9 q1 b) X: c! ^: _; Z8 ^, b. U6 o9 u2 M3 i* G
• downstream of State Highway 3 Bridge at
. T% N  S  s. m) `% @% n下游的国家公路3桥
6 r6 G7 f1 y" BOtorohanga! Y9 p% U+ r+ {) u  H
) i. @7 N1 o4 LAll year All legal lures/baits 5" [" [2 L  C: F& {! t0 Q3 x  i9 W
全年所有法律的诱惑/诱饵58 ?/ s6 J* ^$ b+ W, v$ ?
• between State Highway 3 Bridge and Toa( ~7 \! i8 K) ~% f& l
•3国道桥和TOA之间% C# f/ @, K5 o* w1 b! t; p, X
Bridge; c0 w4 [" a7 J  R8 D) K+ a

! ~4 S4 l! J$ D2 u0 P- L! [All year Spinner/artificial fly 56 b# Q6 I8 _5 E4 ?/ t2 e1 O, N& `" ]
' L4 P* h6 K3 Z, O  y7 z- @• upstream of Toa Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 51 x0 ], H. o5 L! M% t6 w9 ?
•上游TOA桥1日–30君飞旋/人工飞52 g# p! k1 Y: M9 I. Z
Waipare (upper Waihou) All year Spinner/artificial fly No limit** e- c: N- x0 L9 U" e
waipare(上怀霍)全年飞旋/人工飞不限*0 Q# i3 k: F! U
Waipari 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5( W, w- h) B: t5 n+ k2 p+ I$ q
waipari 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
! s; l. i- ?+ }: xWairoa All year Spinner/artificial fly 5
3 l; ]" R7 S# N. X怀罗阿全年飞旋/人工飞5: V* c) @0 W& T9 h9 Q4 B
Waitawheta' C2 v3 P0 n  o" Y0 y2 L
& y  Q0 A* f2 z/ W• downstream of end of Franklin Road All year Spinner/artificial fly 2
) y; c8 F  G: ?5 K- O* t, ?  t•下游端富兰克林路转/人工飞行2年( t+ ^& }8 r  D7 }2 u7 [
• upstream of end of Franklin Road 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2' [2 R  }/ Q  ~, h7 M. b7 {! O
•上游端富兰克林路1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2& F5 y7 o* g6 G3 d- m' b; U- j/ W
Waitekauri 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2
" q  O! {9 ], p9 z% q  a2 A: }0 }" W5 ^waitekauri 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞25 q7 q" E/ Y% n8 Z
Waiwawa 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5
& l- }- i) n; U: Kwaiwawa 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞5
) f! I( L+ z& p7 I" K3 oWhanganui! n8 m( o/ v3 F! L2 q& t8 J
# Y! k! j) g4 k3 }# P1 m+ F1 D& Z  }• downstream of Whakapapa River
! E* g* E0 o* y华卡帕帕河下游的•1 ~% ~1 q5 y% s6 s2 x8 M
2 u$ t" n, T3 t# t9 d. K8 i( ]9 n汇合0 T: }( r4 {& d' z0 c5 I  }
All year All legal lures/baits 5
3 \, q& m' G3 [, m% I# h( I全年所有法律的诱惑/诱饵5# N' B/ o& a! b  c# T: z
• upstream of Whakapapa River confluence 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2
6 m: Q7 L* e/ W2 q9 r" U7 y2 g. L" }* ~•上游华卡帕帕河汇合处1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2
+ i# J6 B( t* F8 {9 |Whakapapa8 |. O8 L& h, x5 @# N' a0 C9 }7 @
华卡帕帕% v3 n* W6 V2 ?9 C0 D% q) T
• downstream of Piopiotea Stream
) V: b" x4 d$ ]" n& q* q; tpiopiotea流的下游•" T4 v8 h2 s. _
, {2 s) H: t) `1 q汇合
6 s/ A4 T% z- ]: j% U& v3 \1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 20 X. z# |7 N0 ]+ v# I4 z1 A3 T1 W
1日–30君飞旋/人工飞21 N# Q( Y% y$ J$ [" ^
• upstream of Piopiotea Stream confluence 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2 brown
/ Q; p+ }* F- P+ o5 ]' u) @( R•上游piopiotea流汇合1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2棕色
( N( a  s7 k3 F6 ]1 v6 A5 M0 rainbow
# @7 r2 r) i# `: G0彩虹
7 Z5 g8 a1 i) i8 Q6 \2 c% FWhakapapa-iti 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2 brown
6 ~; W  c& v' B) C0 z- |# S华卡帕帕ITI 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2棕色
3 ~7 u; f, ?% Q, R0 rainbow
& t! a0 z# E6 F& t. f0彩虹' |0 S! p; A, V0 \- Y7 `
Whakapapa-nui 1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 2 brown
+ j( D+ v9 r+ n, s' r# a华卡帕帕NUI 1日–30君飞旋/人工飞2棕色
3 w% V7 F7 w. x, I& b0 rainbow) d8 R7 M. K! a
0彩虹& w& v( w3 ~; E9 r/ e- w
Whangamarino 1 Oct – 30 Jun No bait restrictions 5
9 `4 x( a% f2 f' s$ Q" R# rwhangamarino 1日–30君无诱饵的限制5
/ e  }4 L" A3 W" d9 UAll other rivers/streams not mentioned
  [3 v8 x" k3 H1 I所有其他河流/河流没有提及
+ e9 H/ a1 ~# {/ Din clauses 2 and 3 for this region  L/ G$ q, [" x% [' Y+ x
在这一地区的2和36 ]6 Z0 T1 z2 N4 k
1 Oct – 30 Jun Spinner/artificial fly 5/ t1 \4 @8 l% H; Q2 F
1日–30君飞旋/人工飞56 Q' C+ m+ C5 K2 Z2 f: y' k
*Where there is no bag limit, only two of these trout may be greater than 30cm in length (refer to clause 10 for this region).- p4 n' P2 b- K+ |8 i9 o/ ^
- v) [8 @2 P2 o+ N/ R3. Closed Waters
- C9 u* }# l: S  B5 {  x9 H4 w3。封闭水域7 b. k' a3 |! n2 t
3.1 No licence holder shall take (or attempt to take) sports fish from all rivers, streams and their tributaries which flow into but not including Lake Arapuni, Lake Waipapa and Lake Karapiro, and that part of the Waikato River flow into but not including Lake Arapuni, Lake Waipapa and Lake Karapiro, and that part of the Waikato River flow into but not including Lake Arapuni, Lake Waipapa and Lake Karapiro, and that part of the Waikato River downstream of the Maraetai Dam to upstream of the Karapiro Dam.
" q9 ~  w3 x# B% k# E1 c9 r3.1 No licence holder shall take (or attempt to take) sports fish from all rivers, streams and their tributaries which flow into but not including Lake Arapuni, Lake Waipapa and Lake Karapiro, and that part of the Waikato River flow into but not including Lake Arapuni, Lake Waipapa and Lake Karapiro, and that part of the Waikato River flow into but not including Lake Arapuni, Lake Waipapa and Lake Karapiro, and that part of the Waikato River downstream of the Maraetai Dam to upstream of the Karapiro Dam.
5 [( \1 o+ I! |4 p" l  f3.1无执照持有人应当采取(或企图)从所有的河流运动的鱼,河流及其支流流入但不包括湖和湖湖阿拉普尼,威帕帕Karapiro,这部分的怀卡托河流入,但不包括湖和湖湖阿拉普尼,威帕帕Karapiro,这部分的怀卡托但不包括河流流入湖泊和湖泊Karapiro威帕帕阿拉普尼,湖,这部分的马赖泰坝怀卡托河下游的大坝上游Karapiro。) O" J, q% h, l! |6 [* C$ @
3.2 The closed waters restrictions in clause 3.1 for this region do not apply to the waters specified in clause 2.2; r/ V+ {7 z' [
3.2本区第3.1条中的封闭水域限制不适用于第2.2条所规定的水域! K" W& y) ~4 Z; ]2 i
for this region., c- |1 E1 |$ T
对于这个地区。& L- D" O1 W* W% W) U
4. Authorised Tackle8 ~* m& P# R- I! [7 t, a* E
; q- `  Y$ T# u7 H% g, L$ VRefer to clause 2 for this region.' I9 f5 R9 R" ~( }  a! N
提及这一地区的2条。& W0 G* U; E+ Y) Q4 g* L- d
5. Fly Fishing Only Waters$ S$ ]- [& B6 A% _$ E. a  W
+ y* ~! W% M2 s1 v# L3 Z7 vRefer to clause 2 for this region.
& J; ^+ i; q* J2 \. t' |提及这一地区的2条。
+ J8 S1 Q/ Y$ i/ w6. Bait Fishing Waters' f( \* g5 R! l$ [8 v
6。饵钓水域) Q6 Q! }. Q4 ~
No licence holder, when fishing in bait fishing waters, shall use as bait any fish taken from any water other than where the fishing is occurring.7 }( m9 I7 M1 D  W1 e6 e
! U- \6 a5 E) f7 [7. Coarse Fishing Waters
6 ]: _! l0 A3 z$ H  D  D1 E7。粗钓水域
, |4 n2 s5 W* h6 f7.1 The following waters are designated as coarse fishing waters:
! a- W& U; i" r; e$ A7.1以下水域被指定为粗钓水域:/ a0 [* ]7 C6 N5 y' i8 g5 x$ k
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015- [: k/ C; M5 j4 K/ F) S# Z
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
& Z6 _% h# z  K' b% b/ S7, h# M# y, z  \4 U" T1 h( U) A

0 b7 f, |! w4 C  @4 B# G; DMangatawhiri River from the bridge on State Highway 2 to its confluence with the Waikato River.. B8 P' |* Z, N; Q3 F
/ T/ _% Q# d1 K' ?: `! sWhangamarino River.
) k/ p7 Y9 B2 q% k5 nwhangamarino河。/ L5 w$ L# d2 o1 A8 h$ F2 Z# T# w
All lakes and ponds, excluding the Mangatangi Reservoir, Mangatawhiri Reservoir and any lake specified in clause 2 for this region.4 m5 P: i1 o& L- _# t' x# y) @
) {6 c/ {  Z7 n& t( e: t' T9 e7.2 There are no restrictions on the numbers of rods and running lines that a licence holder fishing for perch, tench or rudd may have, provided only one of which shall be used for fishing at any one time.
# G* a9 P7 R+ b# A7.2有对杆数没有限制和运行的线,鲈鱼钓鱼执照持有人,丁或陆克文可能,只提供了其中一条可用于在任何一个时间钓鱼。) A8 v) M. S' B
7.3 A roach pole may be used to fish for perch, tench and rudd.
  [% f: g% v9 H% _' O1 E7.3个蟑螂极可能用来钓鲈鱼、鲤鱼和陆克文。7 k& A, I, t$ Y1 F: Z: o
7.4 It is an offence to kill on any day more than five tench. There is no limit for perch or rudd.; J# J* V2 m$ t# O; a
( Q4 c3 I. P& N; w" @8. Use of Boats) R1 K( o9 r% U7 O/ B& V
( i  a0 }! F& z3 q" V1 z9 W, y' hNo licence holder shall fish for sports fish from any vessel in the upper reaches of Lake Karapiro (upstream from the white marker post situated 200m below the Huihuitaha Stream mouth) unless the vessel is securely anchored.2 g& u2 Z4 ]$ ]7 R& K3 g
' q3 Q) H1 D, w$ `4 K7 U+ I7 E9. Hours of Fishing
, S9 V5 X4 T& p; U6 v/ b7 X( [6 p9。捕鱼的时间
! L( a: W/ N: D) fThere are no restrictions on the hours of fishing in the Auckland/Waikato Region.
' i5 `7 S/ b, S1 O. y有在奥克兰/怀卡托区捕鱼的时间没有限制。1 L  s2 B/ E: e: z. e: X
10. Fish Length
3 i* d0 ]0 u3 M/ ]+ T10。鱼长. |( P& o! \! _. j  A3 I# I/ l7 |
10.1 There are no length restrictions in the Waimakariri Stream and Waihou River upstream from Okoroire and their tributaries, except that no licence holder shall take more than two trout exceeding 30cm in length.
9 S& i# T& n" j. }10.1有在Waimakariri河和怀霍河及其支流的上游okoroire没有长度限制,除了没有牌照持有人不得超过两鳟鱼超过30cm的长度。+ J0 L) s$ w/ Y9 _! J+ A& C3 D
10.2 In all other waters the minimum length is 30cm.
3 Z: f* Z$ e) O+ b7 {# B10.2在所有其他水域的最小长度为30cm。& J; ~3 U# z& s# O
Eastern Fish and Game Region% p1 j2 h2 @! ^& I& B" M
# R8 P$ o: J2 F, S- @Reference to description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861 (SO 58495).
+ n& l* p! R8 R' a+ K- ~参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83页,1861页(58495页)。
4 ^( Z3 B! e( v- y# O1. Definitions
/ S. r7 L2 \$ z1。定义" J+ M$ c9 s& \) ?: _# _8 Q
“Fly line” means any floating or sinking line used to facilitate casting that is greater than 3m in length.* s0 s! U+ o5 O5 v0 I
* p: Z* I* K, r“Set rod” means any assembled rod that is not in physical contact with a licence holder when being used to fish for sports fish.) q8 b7 c# P/ ]/ s! b
“设杆”指在使用时,与牌照持有人不接触的任何有杆的装配杆。“Wild rainbow trout” means any rainbow trout not having a fin-clip mark or tag.
: n) n9 }" }' o( _3 b“野生彩虹鳟鱼”指的是任何有鳍标记或标记的彩虹鳟鱼。( I) V9 l+ q/ u
2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits% h) K( Z1 Q& r0 Z$ R! n% J
! s9 G; h# F3 Q% L, Z" DLakes / Rivers Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits All other waters not listed and excepting closed waters (clause 3 for this region)5 P0 Z8 A5 a  q" E# a  J; X) Z
# B+ q# Z6 D  \. i% Q$ o" j% |1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 2
" i! e3 Q% S) O1日30军–人工飞/转23 U# }2 y2 \) x9 H/ L4 R" o
Aniwaniwa Stream downstream of
& [6 t- N) a' x3 M  w! r1 Aaniwaniwa流下游
( L5 t* ^% s9 {  QAniwaniwa Falls
+ k/ A( E% d5 K3 e# o/ zaniwaniwa瀑布
* {* c1 A( b! TAll year Artificial fly/spinner 8*
) a% q8 y0 u' g全年人工飞/转8 *
, c+ [5 R9 Q- q8 b8 L) ?, p+ d! vAniwhenua Lake and canal All year Artificial fly/spinner 24 i2 _7 F, N! p; F
! B0 Z  |, I% |Aratiatia Lake All year Artificial
6 r" L- r: J9 J$ m3 k蒂亚蒂亚全年人工湖
( |( c6 v$ b7 r0 ?4 ffly/spinner/bait: P0 u4 Q( H0 c" T% T" {, Y: y& ?
飞/旋转/诱饵3 Y% D' o7 S) w) `) Y
No limit: c7 q! ~3 c% R. K
无限制- J7 q1 q& B  q& e
Atiamuri Lake All year Artificial  f6 G) U1 k' S4 w/ T* r* B# q
& X" q/ V% r2 f0 N: A8 \2 Lfly/spinner/bait/ _9 O1 z5 E2 Q
" w" n0 \9 t8 G5 C3 B) qNo limit
9 U  c3 r' U: l) X! k无限制
3 L5 l0 L  b1 H- xAwahou Stream downstream of Hamurana# k7 E& k, l; j; ~
awahou流下游的hamurana" \. m/ Y. W3 U- H% h- S, o
Road! j! e2 G) [0 p* Z/ C
- L5 E% S" U# }& V- ~0 b5 S) N
All year Fly fishing only 8*
4 \' w( Q8 ~4 b1 z. z" h一年只能钓8只苍蝇" M7 B4 A7 t" x0 q7 Q1 Z: K6 G
Flaxy Lake and Canal All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
' ^% C2 u% u3 r& t" i亚麻的湖和运河全年人工飞/转2  u* x0 {- W' J4 `9 v) i# `
Hamurana Stream downstream of3 l# E' L5 T# t0 B! ~5 ?; L3 ?
3 @$ J2 W: Z* W. K/ T5 V9 F/ M/ ^$ LHamurana Road
* T4 l' I: |9 m: c' ahamurana路
% N: j/ ]8 w( o# |$ A0 j# A( TAll year Artificial fly/spinner 8*
) L6 E; m( I' W全年人工飞/转8 *8 F8 P% _  @( v2 t+ o
Hopuruahine Stream and tributaries
! f% ^) J) y) t0 \% Q2 {5 Z. nhopuruahine支流5 g& e# \, W0 B. \8 Q9 g5 T
upstream of the landmark pole
1 Q) h9 p7 v: o" b: z标志性极的上游# y1 y% ~% L) g8 W+ z
1 Dec – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 8*) I9 d+ ?% k5 H: s) e
) [# W5 {3 s6 w" i3 \# Z3 y% O, xKaitawa Lake 1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 8*# w  i0 Y5 T. E, M' d8 f0 m0 H+ M. }
凯塔瓦湖1日–30军人工飞/转8 *
4 Z% S2 v! v. C3 N, ?' x# ?6 rKaituna River downstream of control gates All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
& q( ]6 n, [8 c' hkaituna河下游的控制门全年人工飞/转2
2 L& O( b6 {% L$ w, Y+ z==========================$ S% a! g: W8 w2 r+ B
% ~/ U; g7 o3 v2 y. v新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
8 P1 V; u' n0 L) l0 ^/ ]! X9 i8. a7 Y/ P2 o! L& p

0 o' M. s; x! |% m! H; HKaituna River downstream of State+ y) Z& F, P; z7 o
* H% [2 w) l2 aHighway 2 Bridge. b  o5 ?5 }7 c7 n( [
公路2桥* s. p0 Y0 M4 L- O) Y: @: w
All year Artificial
' N' u4 L# o/ O$ @9 k4 o全人工6 p) C7 O) L. [& a/ X+ S
fly/spinner/bait7 c7 o& I1 x0 G* ?0 g! D
飞/旋转/诱饵) L% l# s+ p2 C2 W* o
No limit
2 ]0 v# G, V. `" ?1 N/ D) I无限制& ?( X: ]4 J0 t' {* R2 t; o
McLaren Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
6 f( x& T' K1 w2 J3 i: s麦克拉伦湖全年人工飞/转2
% W. L$ L9 ]1 {Maraetai Lake All year Artificial
  z& w6 ^( K8 V' v马赖泰湖湖全年人工, }1 J4 d$ g1 g, _7 `3 i
* O' E& B* d3 G8 ?飞/旋转/诱饵1 m; @0 `8 M% F; M5 C9 n
No limit
7 f' C- p) W' t: S$ i4 g1 S无限制( H' _6 d5 p8 T. B
Matahina Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 2' z  }7 s2 R5 U$ J) H  m* }3 I- [
0 [# r7 c: Q/ ]8 y6 m: qMokau Stream upstream of the landmark
6 T' k1 y# M) \9 A分析流的里程碑上
! o/ Z+ F# A: h5 dpole
& t$ \' A" U2 I8 Q' l. a; S4 C8 r) b( ^% W: F
1 Dec – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 8*
: J  S: M' X% n9 c7 J. e1月30号飞钓8只*
0 ~6 G+ y8 E7 [, FMotu River upstream of State Highway 35 1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 2
& C) A. N5 [/ u$ v+ uMOTU河35国道1日–30军人工飞/转2上游
* E' Q1 \! u# b$ k$ J& SMotu River downstream of State Highway 35 1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial
$ e! O* P# V3 h6 j4 u$ v; u9 y1 C* e35国道1日–30军人工MOTU河下游
" k/ j& i3 i) L, S, pfly/spinner/bait
7 }$ @+ i5 M% U% q4 h/ \4 j飞/旋转/诱饵. ]  G# n% G" x7 n* j- J, @
No limit
$ o! S* @2 v( Z0 n无限制
% G4 k" s: e* Y+ g. wNgahewa Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 89 N( Z8 m% W7 q+ _% c- x6 v; A
; d+ K0 k' ?5 u2 Q) h( ANgapouri Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 84 T5 d* _) z  q3 T2 v
ngapouri湖全年人工飞/转8" O7 Z/ J5 N* Q" D! D6 j
Ngongotaha Stream downstream of State
9 g1 ]6 |2 _! x/ d农奥塔哈流下游的状态
  v- M" g2 A- rHighway 5 Bridge& H3 n7 w7 P6 |' Q
公路5桥* w) t" O- A# p6 ^
All year Artificial fly/spinner 8*( N' e# n4 m2 \6 o8 L5 j, X2 j
全年人工飞/转8 *
7 @$ W4 A8 i0 e+ Q) WNgongotaha Stream and tributaries
5 ^* e' Y; ?8 g/ A1 f4 _8 f% w农奥塔哈支流1 Y- i6 u8 G4 e  C7 a
(excluding Waimataa) upstream of State7 w% }9 j' S3 p) P- {1 a
(不含waimataa)上游的状态; o( O2 n8 h0 j6 W
Highway 5 Bridge3 N: [% r2 z: V5 p  }) o
公路5桥3 [+ q' L& A, _$ B% A' ?: ~
1 Dec – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 8*  Z9 Y: l( L& t' S$ X1 W; B6 k! F1 h
0 r, p4 M- D& [( ZOhakuri Lake All year Artificial
8 e) ^5 j3 O5 h全年人工湖Ohakuri: u' ~3 \8 h3 m" d; p1 H5 [) a
9 j* g0 M! z& r4 H" G飞/旋转/诱饵
2 H8 k' }. Y3 g, zNo limit4 ]1 ]- O9 K6 r. U% B
) L9 \- E, [4 @3 S  POhau Channel within landmarks at either2 ^  W% X+ J9 R% r/ G& q* j  k
* r( G( U4 ^5 @  x7 ?3 i2 i1 bend% {) |5 F& D8 N' h' y. v" q9 J
结束" H# Z, E) |: F  O7 H
1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 8*8 `1 w" ^# W- i6 X6 h
6 J9 R, d: @8 B* v& ]Okareka Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 8& Q: q& V( i6 a* E) [' r
3 x4 Y4 D% a' m+ X1 g. {Okaro Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 8
+ j4 H( u# a3 o# X; g; H奥卡罗湖全年人工飞/转8
& W/ B0 M! T. X, E5 ?Okataina Lake excepting areas below 1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 80 i& J0 }& u1 S; b1 B/ J
除了地区低于1 Okataina湖华侨城–30军人工飞/转8
2 P' }; H; O0 Q• Winter shoreline area from Te Koutu Point
& d7 }: [4 @5 X* I' s0 p' v" Y•冬季海岸地区从TE的传统点1 P$ u' ^) N& @& R
landmark to west of Okataina Lodge
. ~& l5 B' T3 A地标的Okataina洛奇西8 R9 ~$ H4 i7 l- @9 }9 v
landmark extending 200m offshore3 r! _% \9 L4 W# z* \
具有里程碑意义的延伸200米的海洋  ]+ F9 o1 f& Z+ o
All year Artificial fly/spinner 82 A- {8 O! _7 g) q# B! N$ O; ]$ \( c
  w' B+ p7 V0 d2 N• Within 200m of Log pool, Rayners 1 and 2; F; k- p: s" h3 o) @4 M
•日志池内rayners 200m,1和2
# y" n3 A! H- O9 j8 e# R) A0 K* U' \stream mouths
" t; U5 l7 _& J/ |9 @流嘴! Z& w$ |1 d; e; E; [
1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only from
; M8 o9 l+ B8 H: m& Y3 D1华侨城30只隽# D) @1 x: B" e! O" `! Z8 ^
1 April to 30 June
( T& `$ A* e4 x+ F+ g3 ?& E0 ]1四月至30六月
; C' [$ p7 o4 F; t8
! S# d4 }' J2 T1 S$ x. M/ e& B9 T4 u/ W" J3 V+ y3 I
Putere Lakes All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
* z5 \" d& Y- w( P9 B5 Rputere湖泊全年人工飞/转2
7 [9 B% }7 W& z5 Z/ w3 V/ C/ rRangitaiki River downstream of Otamatea
- l7 ?) p1 G( e9 @/ e3 E0 jotamatea朗伊泰基河河的下游' O0 S; v4 x# N- [5 e& [2 Y' ~
Stream confluence
& D# g' r7 Q5 _流合流1 u0 p' e* c; c3 B# h2 _5 E
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
- ]/ r8 y! \2 e全年人工飞/转22 e5 E2 ^0 b/ g% T4 s; o: n* T; Q
Rangitaiki River downstream of State
) H, A# J, V) Y: R" [! v州河下游朗伊泰基
. R1 d& y! Z% P1 E* a. CHighway 2 Bridge! h6 b8 Z: ]; A  E: h
( i1 V; P7 }9 E& Q; D2 s% n/ f: nAll year Artificial, \- T6 t8 m& f( y; _4 g% h
8 Z) F, b! U9 f/ m5 h3 rfly/spinner/bait
2 m" P! ~) a- B3 K- k0 B+ n飞/旋转/诱饵
4 ^; ^4 @4 R7 C4 r9 h2 CNo limit+ s: A* l2 y+ E' r/ ~2 t, V
无限制. B* c' `8 F9 x* `
Rangitaiki Canal (Wheao) All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
" A. R0 d% O$ A. ^朗基管(wheao)全年人工飞/转2  ?4 m: v* G6 F0 e3 [
Rerewhakaaitu Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 8* A5 I+ Q1 ~6 P
1 ^  P2 i/ G; i" ]2 ERotoehu Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 83 [2 W- o! B- M/ I) T
- c# v$ y1 c5 n. g* j9 TRotoiti Lake excepting areas below 1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 8& r0 w& E' \: U/ b0 q
3 G, t/ j/ k/ f4 Q# V" E, \4 M• Winter shoreline area from Tapuaekura1 w# L$ Z7 q: _. ^* K
5 m4 m0 k0 U( {0 l; n3 F- _" SBay landmark to Hinehopu Landmark! l5 v/ }0 g: @* \# c5 r) b6 n0 \' n
: J% G$ G- _& y3 z. Cextending 200m offshore, excepting areas: N, H* r" w- c
4 L. u# f% u0 wbelow in italics:
5 ?' N# G* b6 p5 b& e下面斜体:
- Z+ w7 I* j" G9 N6 BAll year Artificial fly/spinner 84 z) N! ]# d0 x$ P% u
# G1 {; k; [  _4 T6 V) i" L• Within 200m of Tapuaekura Bay Stream" @. H8 }7 V+ ?  L" ]& [5 \/ S# B
•200m以内的tapuaekura湾流7 c& r) D& G" t6 u* |) u1 ?
mouth, Hauparu Bay Stream mouth,# e$ |& i# i- J, H: t
hauparu湾口,流口,+ z) p* F$ }; b
Ruato Bay Stream mouth, Waiiti Stream
$ Z, d$ D% @' z" i+ g0 r4 H( B! Qruato湾流口,waiiti流
4 B0 t5 U9 r! Bmouth and the Pipe
4 E5 l0 {' f2 J. Z4 [% o4 Q口与管
0 X; f& L* ~2 M2 e2 i3 Y% ]All year Fly fishing only from' J' D3 ^$ ]( ?# t
一年只能从, C+ p8 k' _  x2 h" x
1 April to
; I! H/ i% s' v1 f& b* ]1四月
) h" J! m. ]  Y! U) J( a30 September
* b5 N3 T! g% `30九月
4 I4 \) D4 c$ i& H( q& S===============
! J  r. K* M0 J, i' N8  R( i  M- F) A0 f* {7 r' F
: U" s( D& ?+ D3 F' }
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20155 `! ?; g. y2 b
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
& I$ e4 u4 z- J# H" }6 E2 v5 R9, A. v/ W, k7 F. Z; F" F
# x: m9 B( _% S- t+ B
• Within 300m of the Ohau Channel delta6 r# D, d) x: Z7 j6 K
•在奥豪河三角洲3  E! X+ \4 v. N$ @! {
1 y) p8 {7 I; J6 ?* ~地标
9 O8 k8 Z1 t2 ?0 m! m7 b) ^+ m! c* i  N1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 8  Q4 S. D, h4 Y. Q
1个月,30个月飞钓鱼只有8  B$ @0 |0 u  [# f
Rotoma Lake excepting areas below All year Artificial fly/spinner 8
( Z! |. X5 l" X! F. H* p鲁昂湖除了低于全年人工飞/转8区9 X. A# i! \3 c9 u
• Winter shoreline areas between9 Z; D; ?2 _8 ^- q
冬季海岸线之间的区域4 i$ W3 l% \. V. W" f
landmarks at Anaputa Point and Matahi: |# O3 o3 T' f5 Q7 j: X+ h
  u/ L& _' F6 J$ v' u6 u% qBay, and between landmarks in
* z  g. {( r; W* K* R* [- U  u湾,和之间的地标
9 \# p, E9 `6 j% CManawahe Bay both extending 200m
2 i) T9 Z( j8 A' q6 ]# x, G* Kmanawahe湾延伸200# G+ V; ~) s9 m& D) G' p9 g* d, m
offshore3 w+ k8 A% o7 g* E; R  a1 \
海洋5 L$ k3 N( ?* M& M, b. L/ ^
1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 8* X: x* K6 X. b! p9 l9 `
1日30军–人工飞/转86 ^" W4 v% M% }  m
Rotomahana Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 8! u3 R( K& z9 N+ y
7 B7 x" {, D; ?- I+ ], X: \* _1 |Rotorua Lake excepting areas below All year Artificial fly/spinner 8*# t( T+ v* C3 Z  i+ r' [
罗托鲁瓦湖除了低于全年人工飞/转8 *区; k( S- S8 f4 i& d+ I( F# j9 ^8 R- b
• Within 200m of Awahou Stream mouth All year Fly fishing only 8*7 C6 |7 r3 l; E' m( A
6 i4 g0 k! X' ?& P+ \- y) n& Y- _• Within 200m of Ohau Channel entrance All year Fly fishing only 8*
, n  n: ~2 R; s•200m以内的通道入口都去钓鱼只有8×0 U$ T5 n- E! @  n
Ruahihi Canal All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
8 E  J0 ]  o; g2 c! F0 gruahihi运河全年人工飞/转2  \5 B. c/ q* _1 m* T
Ruakituri River and tributaries (excluding
& J+ u$ G7 |* `  c$ b, y. Cruakituri河及其支流(不包括6 u. z6 N9 C) c% `) U: l( p
Hangaroa) upstream of Te Reinga Falls
* X$ k8 n; C; P: L7 I/ D" S+ |杭阿罗阿)Te Reinga上游瀑布
% {5 q; o9 z( r1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 2, Q7 \4 E5 q% G4 [  f
; U$ a+ P$ X; ^Tarawera Lake excepting areas below 1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 8) R) u) A5 r$ g" z5 L9 w2 v4 v
塔拉威拉湖等地区低于1 OCT–30军人工飞/转83 M- u( V2 T' {0 o  N) P2 M# f) [
• Within 200m of Te Wairoa Stream mouth 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only from
, f, N: L+ O+ q! \* P•200m以内的TE怀罗阿流口1日–30君钓鱼只从
, w  X1 |/ j( x( R' @1 April to 30 June
9 @" h9 `5 h  {- `1四月至30六月
9 D2 o: u; e% `8 T5 c; x* J' q8, female trout only. K8 {# w5 p3 T% W8 v9 B
8、女鳟鱼$ f# f2 Y  t& \6 @0 ?
• Within 200m of the mouths of Wairua
4 M* G4 e' g- C: y•口内的wairua 200m
  ^+ P4 {0 l3 l$ BStream, Twin Creeks and the Tarawera% L2 U) b4 A+ H: _- K
0 W7 g5 t4 e0 R: ?6 bOutlet, J% Q( Q6 o% q
折扣店% Q# g7 I% c1 u9 a6 @
1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only from2 A0 N8 j4 x0 w+ P
1华侨城30只隽5 U- o- K% v6 J$ C" j8 |" t, r! N
1 April to 30 June* x. Z$ t. i  V+ z- q. \: c+ G. h1 v+ `
1四月至30六月& @9 u. J! `: T2 D
8* _7 ?% E. J9 `
* H/ M: Y) Y# [& `4 }( K; Y
• Winter shoreline area from Tarawera
1 C6 P/ I7 m' U$ s8 A% n$ x•冬季海岸地区生0 s; ~+ v( ^; Q6 a1 Q7 W! v' q
Outlet landmark to Te Tapahoro Bay3 Z$ J4 t0 ^1 X+ k" `  {3 [
出口标志TE tapahoro湾, H2 c0 \: |5 r  o$ A. j. |$ c
landmark and 200m offshore- ?) G. K9 @; X4 A
地标和200米的海洋# Q8 m: g$ P7 J1 S0 y1 v
All year Artificial fly/spinner 8/ ?! g9 f4 I6 T
全年人工飞/转8/ s7 r. M( I" [# E! h( O
• Winter shoreline area from Te Wairoa
1 \/ R/ d3 ~+ L( s7 Y•冬季海岸地区从TE怀罗阿
. d- y: N: x" wLanding landmark to Otumutu Lagoon3 ?8 p, Y4 ?, l+ J. W! o# m* k
: E1 Z" p. q5 Z, y$ B0 xlandmark and 200m offshore, excluding" z" h2 G; ]% m% E: \+ W
7 K. S7 W1 \3 H" glandmarked stream mouths as below in
) D1 s! a+ z' ?地标性的流口,如下
5 ^7 N9 e: T0 f0 t- f: q( c9 _2 n" ~italics:* \5 v1 o' J2 Y( K1 U9 t; E$ e
斜体字:6 v7 S$ F* n( J# S; B) V
All year Artificial fly/spinner 8
6 ?0 G! G: H3 Q9 I全年人工飞/转8
# ~6 H, X1 L0 I0 ?& e9 t& c• Within 200m of the Landing, the Orchard
4 e, s( w3 k1 k/ h/ f: y- ?) ~/ x•的登陆200m内,果园
4 q3 u  A4 }  w8 Z) S, _and Waitangi Stream mouths* e7 W! s/ ^( B8 g- D- _  ^
和怀唐伊流口( p; D) S  \0 ?/ Q6 R
All year Fly fishing only from, t' G* `) ?& [  g
一年只能从/ [- b, f! o; R) K% }8 B# Y4 o
1 April to
5 f, ?5 _9 d; s/ y( E1四月
& ]6 c, K3 _( L. A$ U: k1 w+ P/ ]30 September/ K& h  \7 R* f; b  H6 o/ n
30九月! g- ?8 r7 {& Q% T& t, S# u
5 f) T1 E" I% i' g) N  n1 d0 M& V! B% o% }, @3 X
Tarawera River from the outlet to the# w+ L. u  D: y4 c) v
! ]) l9 e. u! j3 U# NTarawera falls, excluding the spawning
8 F  j1 Y  a9 Y) V0 ^2 b  I. ?8 U塔拉威拉山瀑布,包括产卵& `; f. D( j2 y' U, ?
. a3 K2 c/ A* x* g$ ~; q避难所
2 n& @0 d% U/ }5 J2 |1 Oct – 31 May Fly fishing only 8! c- z. ~- {, [
: Q8 w$ Q0 {. R  v, u7 gTarawera River from the falls to State
6 N6 i/ ?5 r# }* B& N9 c) H塔拉韦拉河从属于国家. ?& v' ?7 ~+ M. k2 S: s  l- z& b
Highway 2' c' z% k5 G- o. M% o
公路28 ^7 k! s2 |2 E( ^: u
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2! |1 J: P* y* m' ]
% d, I0 P& h, o8 pTarawera River downstream of State' z9 O! s4 C; Q! u; b9 e; E  R
国家塔拉威拉河下游. |* r  i8 M, s. d7 c# S. g
Highway 2
, d- J6 H( D! a( `/ ^2 \公路2$ T4 D$ {7 o' A! B. N) C# `
All year Artificial
" W# E4 {) O1 _8 }8 G  @; \全人工4 G+ z$ Y7 f1 U- ~9 e0 D6 x" P
* K0 @" @* n0 D% j飞/旋转/诱饵$ D& p" V  ^7 |
No limit- y; Y2 [2 h+ R9 Q0 q* H
. r0 Y9 z& o: vTikitapu Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 8" p7 M8 V7 h1 L5 v$ y3 ^% d- O9 N
tikitapu湖全年人工飞/转80 f, ?! o/ W) `1 I' d
Tiniroto Lakes All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
6 g0 E: i6 e7 `; o全年Tiniroto湖泊人工飞/转21 ?, j: ^1 L6 ]. O4 K" E- w8 ^
Utuhina Stream downstream of Devon Road
. q' i$ W$ A2 R" ]0 }& A: Dutuhina德云道下游流, u" M/ u1 L+ P1 L( W7 U
0 }8 ^/ b+ e% w0 M5 u
' v5 e  J/ A6 \* O4 I; T% PAll year Artificial fly/spinner 8*( ~! v( j+ h  b) D9 _7 M3 s; U  @
全年人工飞/转8 *
7 u& O) [3 M& i2 R8 KUtuhina Stream upstream of Devon Road- ?+ h' F# p- d$ B  }0 A
utuhina德云道上游流# u8 Y* C5 m7 c, |
Bridge but downstream of Pukehangi/ a6 J1 a2 e7 k8 X9 l2 X  |' u
但pukehangi桥下游9 m# u" \% X3 ?, ?8 P
===========================' l* D% v5 f& M
Road Bridge9 ~7 P4 b9 ]1 O- U& B% \
路桥7 j% I9 e8 a8 G, V
1 Dec – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 8*: h; V$ p" N; [9 s, y
月1日30军–人工飞/转8 *5 y2 S% ^9 d) Q" c! v9 T" x
Waikareiti Lake All year Artificial fly/spinner 88 e9 j+ ~4 r/ S# N
3 A; r, Q8 F/ B& nWaikaremoana Lake excepting area below All year Artificial fly/spinner 8*
5 J5 W% q$ _5 |怀卡里莫阿纳湖等地区低于全年人工飞/转8 *7 ?8 V, {. V% {: c
1 j. ]5 h  S* `" s新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
( t& ^5 h2 Z: k10
* O+ k6 P. Q2 o; m+ G! p: I
) v  s( A1 }7 b6 S# W$ [4 A• Within 200m downstream of Hopuruahine
/ R: J6 |4 A% Q•在hopuruahine下游200m1 q9 F2 U! c5 l" |* _7 N( k1 ?' L# z
and Mokau landmark poles3 B" Q1 ~& g5 b3 H" }, ?
# F  t( Y5 B) v* H4 {0 y/ I( X- lAll year Fly fishing only 8*
) y: m* p9 H5 {3 W0 j5 W一年只能钓8只苍蝇( X" _5 N. y7 b2 u$ e, `
Waikaretaheke River downstream of& Z8 C3 D* U* o, C4 Z- X8 t  `
waikaretaheke河下游+ x# I2 y: D( u% z
Piripaua Powerhouse' F9 u* ~* v# g& z
piripaua厂房$ c& D( g* P% z/ r' a6 a
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2+ n. U% x& r% r/ J/ k. I
" U: C) I$ j4 _) o" S1 x$ y/ vWaiau River downstream of the; v+ E) x% Z' s. T% C! E% r
下游的怀奥河2 @9 `) z6 `  G9 l
Waikaretaheke River confluence
7 G# y1 t* s& a; c6 Awaikaretaheke河汇合处: |9 M0 k" E+ I7 @
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2) O; ~, \4 s+ P! Q2 K8 F
全年人工飞/转2, J8 G& w9 A& _# ^
Waikato River from Huka Falls to Maraetai All year Artificial( `8 D( X/ a+ l; a6 L
7 R" C/ h( ~+ c  k$ R! rfly/spinner/bait! S% H7 d+ A3 B* n# I$ P4 S
* E, y9 {  o, _) o3 CNo limit/ B9 E4 Z9 I1 H& F" }8 u
无限制' x% Q2 B8 m; F* K. A4 i' c
Waimana River downstream of Matahi+ n# n& N' b7 ]
5 E2 H( M- ~; |+ t& NBridge
; h+ W1 m. B, J* k# x5 e/ Q8 c- ]& B: a$ N; A. `
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
0 \+ E; N# ?  _( _) ~$ D, h& g/ a* d全年人工飞/转2* F0 i( i1 {- \" I0 P6 U9 N) n' j
Waioeka River downstream of Tauranga9 q% M6 S* t' S3 r6 S6 o
& {# \7 B: Z& jStream confluence
2 L" d' u8 Y( E$ H2 G流合流+ i4 i; H; A6 k/ Z3 r. k, C/ ?; W6 f7 n
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2" w1 F; V% r; K3 ~% ?
7 b9 Y+ L1 e; ~! X5 e/ yWaioeka River downstream of State, V$ w6 j3 V5 |2 |5 U2 ?/ n
国家waioeka河下游# v0 t) y* n; y' A, d% W
Highway 2 Bridge
$ S6 E8 J% S" [9 D公路2桥3 C' M6 J2 b1 T- h
All year Artificial
7 n% o: V. d6 t9 E9 V0 J全人工2 e# m9 p9 \5 M0 K5 E' V
fly/spinner/bait3 _- S6 p/ e. y( p# w# K
飞/旋转/诱饵2 W, z9 P! N9 _$ u
No limit5 H& ?. {  k6 [: L0 K
无限制- F- c$ D! r9 l/ n( ^
Wairoa River downstream of Te Reinga Falls
3 I9 q0 B' o* y( l- dTe Reinga下游怀罗瓦河瀑布7 J2 p; R! p. N- Q$ W9 w
to State Highway 2, ^. I: C( H3 b
至州公路2* y1 w2 E- j$ @  ~6 t$ ?) l
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
2 `. {; `$ |5 a全年人工飞/转2+ [2 s: N3 e+ _, [
Wairoa River downstream of State
; X9 R9 Z/ T5 I国家下游怀罗瓦河- _+ {5 {$ e- M. I' j. @3 a  G
Highway 2 Bridge
- _- n9 h2 m% _6 p6 U7 a5 O; A6 G公路2桥/ i3 G/ i5 Y# z# b4 G) L
All year Artificial- L) X: k  \" L2 c, X7 p8 E4 [, n
全人工: g/ e4 Q; v3 e
. r$ K* K8 X6 t, i, g) X  U) d/ c! C% }飞/旋转/诱饵
9 s! m0 W' \+ z- N! yNo limit
8 @  ^# \, E. Q1 Z- j1 }- w- X+ P无限制" M- i- Y- c! Z! T. n
Wairoa River (Tauranga) downstream of
1 W; g+ H7 i( e$ S  d' n- V$ P怀罗阿河(Tauranga)下游9 K4 e( T* E" f
Lake McLaren
5 t8 r8 v. c' E湖迈
+ a" ?# R, l# \& C) ]* kAll year Artificial fly/spinner 23 L- A" g  h/ V
5 J; Q- t$ A7 O, ~5 q% UWairoa River (Tauranga) downstream of+ w% r* t" l( _0 H8 [9 M
# u" |* C3 |+ Y7 LState Highway 2 Bridge5 p  U. K- R4 C  X: ^4 c& K5 b: P, w
. p( K3 r6 g0 X% n5 l0 TAll year Artificial4 m5 \2 h/ q( W0 O
9 j7 y$ Y% @. M" R/ wfly/spinner/bait# a  d9 W6 w: B* _- C
7 f0 O" ]4 v$ }+ Q" i: dNo limit! S# ]9 a( S( u3 o3 l9 w
无限制, _; R2 D. C( P3 C
Waiteti Stream downstream of Hamurana
+ }% V( K) {+ ?1 j# ~" {  {4 qwaiteti流下游的hamurana
+ S# q$ k$ t) Q. V! H% h; ^: `Road
! f0 {2 ?7 V8 x
# k$ x& F* P  K  oAll year Artificial fly/spinner 8** W+ z9 a' U" Q* q" m( V
全年人工飞/转8 *$ o3 d3 a) S  w* n) L: a, ~
Waiteti Stream upstream of Hamurana Road 1 Dec – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 8*6 t% T4 i! N3 A9 r( e3 z  ]
8 P. D- p; G' @! Z% P) YWhakamarino Lake (Tuai Lake) 1 Oct – 30 Jun Fly fishing only 8*( M, x# j1 }! E  a& s4 M
" T5 \2 `$ V. U$ d& IWhakamaru Lake All year Artificial
4 d; p' V* }, Q+ X$ R全年人工Whakamaru湖
$ W$ A* [# E  w8 P1 A8 N5 cfly/spinner/bait
5 N% g2 w) ?: k! ?4 s4 `1 n! {飞/旋转/诱饵
' n9 D1 [" }# Q3 Q9 _No limit, w. c0 a5 l3 s, M, E% q
无限制: h2 N+ t9 J0 M& I' J
Whakatane River downstream of Owaka+ y9 ?+ E2 g, O# Y5 K
4 Y8 v# ~! c9 ~! EStream confluence
! ?( c! u5 t4 Q流合流/ y8 c/ j! `8 `
All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
7 `5 J9 C" ?" D! h9 r# ]! Q全年人工飞/转2+ V9 {* r: u$ x- _1 Y8 t/ J0 J. T
Whakatane River downstream of the State
4 o. K" o! U2 ]0 r国家的下游瓦卡塔尼河
" c2 F3 M. `5 Y. I* E; A" _& u4 mHighway 2 Bridge
9 l$ }0 f& }2 k: }公路2桥
" v- S& \' {$ w2 ^  b7 UAll year Artificial
6 {  d, ]  a' y) n, j全人工
! e/ ~, G  }! r. tfly/spinner/bait5 R4 J8 F. Y  J, j
飞/旋转/诱饵! o! ]* O$ }% I8 B* |
No limit
5 ?, J6 F& S5 t& O2 I  z无限制/ q+ |( m* U, x# o. B* U# q
Wheao River All year Artificial fly/spinner 2
/ M' J- D3 F3 i4 l2 uwheao河全年人工飞/转2. y0 K/ K" J3 O% b3 ?" l% G
Bag limits denoted by 8* mean no licence holder shall kill more than two brown trout in a daily bag limit of eight trout.9 s7 t. I- R* {' E0 x
袋限制表示8 *平均无牌照持有人须杀死超过2棕色鳟鱼在每日袋限制八鳟鱼。
+ ?) W0 Z  S/ @' L==========================7 T! C1 n- `+ q: b, m6 |
1 E; A  e, n! R0 t2 q( S( Q
3 A* ?& f/ a5 I& G- U) x1) No boats are allowed to pass through the Tarawera Outlet Spawning Sanctuary at any time.7 t7 [  o" [) r) [2 A8 s
& i* j5 Y( g/ @! i4 n/ q: A) ^1 [2) No boats are permitted under the Bay of Plenty Regional Navigation Safety Bylaws 2004 to anchor in the Ohau Channel.
3 t$ O- ~* C9 T" h! \# x4 |7 N2)没有船,允许大量的区域导航安全细则2004湾停泊在奥豪通道。
: E5 `, X! Q+ D4 \7.2 No licence holder shall fish for trout from any unanchored boat:% M  ]# N2 t1 }% \0 n! E
7.2无牌照持有人须鱼从任何浮船的鳟鱼:) _9 N) e2 j, V7 J9 ~! r3 `
(a) in waters that, at any time of the year, are reserved for fly fishing only except in Lake Whakamarino (Tuai)., i. T& ^& k+ S# [. |% x
4 c/ Y% m9 G' Y" f(b) in waters that are within a 200m radius around the centre of the Utuhina, Waiteti, Ngongotaha and Hamurana Stream mouths in Lake Rotorua.5 d- l. s5 L) @4 o8 M
(b)在水域周围的utuhina,中心waiteti 200m半径范围内,在罗托鲁瓦湖农奥塔哈和hamurana流口。
# a' P% d1 A8 `. D) q! H5 J(c) in waters that are within the section of Rangiuru Bay defined by landmarks at Stoney Point and Kariri Point and extending 200m offshore in Lake Tarawera.
  C5 z2 G. n! {6 S& e9 h3 L(c)在水域内rangiuru湾定义的地标在斯托尼点和kariri点和延伸200离岸塔拉威拉湖段。
& A$ A1 Y$ `4 n- Q7 y/ M7.3 Anchored boats should be securely anchored with no more than two anchors.- m4 z- U+ P  Y' a# e- E9 U* t
1 V. A4 v% S& G5 p# Q7.4 No licence holder shall fish from any motorised boat or use an anchor when fishing in Lake Kaitawa or Lake Whakamarino (Tuai).
3 B! P, j4 n  x! a2 g( E7.4无牌照持有人须于任何机动船用锚鱼或者钓鱼时在湖凯塔瓦或湖whakamarino(土爱)。! G7 |6 v2 C! j" Z- i8 A
8. Hours of Fishing
  k" X  t/ H6 o" m# Z) j3 ?8。捕鱼的时间1 `7 n( X' V! |: C1 m& u6 W; Y
No licence holder shall fish for any sports fish between 12.00 midnight and 5.00am., w, q, q  B$ ^  V' ~  ?& Q
4 R) T4 z/ y+ F9 g9. Minimum and Maximum Fish Length to be Taken- f- _; e1 M" z8 w/ X$ x' F
, a! f3 g' d/ x3 v$ E  v) ~% o6 L9.1 Lakes Waikaremoana, Kaitawa, Whakamarino (Tuai) and Waikareiti, and the Rotorua Lakes and their inflowing tributary streams.
! H$ ^+ s# Y* o" q& M9.1 waikaremoana湖,kaitawa,whakamarino(tuai)和waikareiti和罗托鲁瓦湖,和他们的inflowing诸流.
  i4 {& B$ a- P9 A, R2 e# V350mm minimum
# m' _" c. Z; Z; i/ B/ L$ D350mm最低' W5 k4 h0 D' j/ X& m) f7 x' f; o  k
9.2 Ruakituri River and tributaries upstream of Waitangi Falls 600mm maximum& m( p* L3 }) J4 ?: q6 L) f
9.2 ruakituri河上游支流怀唐伊落600mm最大
% k; b2 r' ?- x9 Z9.3 All other waters No minimum size
. m, [, _  b7 D, |9.3所有其他水域没有最小尺寸3 ~6 }5 C' P  G0 V( g
  Z4 {7 W) q+ _极限
( j: U( v0 O; I; T' I9.4 No licence holder shall keep or kill any wild rainbow trout larger than 620mm caught in Lake Tarawera, including that section of the Tarawera River between the Tarawera Outlet and the falls approximately 2.5km downstream from the Outlet.
& H- D; l: \1 m5 q9.4无牌照持有人须保持或杀死任何野生虹鳟大于620mm陷入塔拉威拉湖,包括那段塔拉威拉河塔拉威拉出口和瀑布约2.5km下游出口之间。& M( L2 n* t0 S& c" {1 [, R
Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game Region
* E0 l' V4 l. Y# m霍克湾鱼和游戏区1 d2 `9 g$ m4 H: K5 @
Reference to description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.
7 h8 Q4 w9 C0 f8 ~6 @$ Z$ z参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页。
- D( _' f: ~+ y# D4 S1. Definitions; W, X/ \- p6 e0 B- s4 ?
1。定义% N! \: S0 T  z8 N  x7 A* M8 S
See First Schedule: z/ ?" U9 P2 t; C: Z( r- R4 d
见附表% I, F* x* k1 K( O+ {" G
2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits* R! e1 b$ v. r
2 ]! `3 _4 _' iLakes / Rivers Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits- }3 `6 _5 k7 d$ w' ]- Y3 y
0 X  r* j. u. ENEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
: a; s# P2 G" ]9 P, ~新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
$ ]9 J( M2 h0 s2 l: r+ n. a! w12
8 ]7 a/ a7 x% @0 E' G1 s. G3 S' \十二2 f2 P" V" o% \4 g: W) I
All other waters not listed below
0 Q7 Z% f! D# ^& j( H0 p* Y7 |# |% j所有其他未列出的水域
8 S/ [+ o' [) P& k, P- [$ jRefer clause 6 for this region (no minimum
5 N: ~; o( X8 X请参阅本区域6(最低1 o! Y" x& ]( o2 e, T( Q
size limit)
) T: h6 Q2 W$ j( j4 G: h4 W+ B大小限制)
' C; G" [1 E9 i  L8 D* Q2 C1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 2. H6 o1 ^/ ], M, t3 E* J
1日30军–人工飞/转2+ }' I9 P: X( w! |+ C
Larger of Twin Lakes, Kuripapango All year Artificial fly/spinner No limit( ~  F) f) a: X: T1 X8 C
大的孪生湖,kuripapango全年人工飞/旋转无极限  q% H( [: ~& p0 z. o# ^) C
All other lakes of the region (except the
% r2 o$ F+ l0 q6 B该地区所有其他湖泊(除
$ F- F0 R, {3 G# h' Qlarger of Twin Lakes above)
9 g' X, q  L+ _0 A9 p0 \: M! H8 r) N! q双湖以上)& ]* J. D% B1 J" q% W
Refer clause 6 for this region (350mm/ O4 U, |# A; f3 U) ^( B
7 t8 M1 {* o$ I/ zminimum)
. h+ r$ t* K- R' F$ V. {  m最小)/ x! t) r; w- B3 w) ]
All year Artificial fly/spinner 4/ z  m% W* W2 `9 u& h
. \5 s7 B7 \  zAropaoanui River downstream of the
# s0 J$ F7 h9 B9 m' @& a0 waropaoanui河的下游
4 Q8 T$ a0 M. f  ?& e8 X( U) [landmark opposite Wareham Road
( t9 w" `  Z2 A具有里程碑意义的相反Wareham路
/ _3 Y# u2 X4 }( u0 r% [  m8 N& ~All year Artificial fly/spinner 21 B2 q' V1 K# m! B' h
全年人工飞/转2( Y5 q8 {0 o9 Z% g5 A! [  N
Esk River upstream of Waipunga Road2 h9 \. ~9 E0 R2 X3 r6 C
埃斯克河上游waipunga路' d. a) y$ Z8 `# x& V
Bridge and all tributaries1 u* Q. r# e4 c3 g9 }
) X) v* p0 e: \5 TRefer clause 6 for this region (550mm maximum)
% Q$ |5 Y4 h% U, D请参阅第6这个区域(550mm最大)4 V3 W8 L& S8 A5 Z. f6 k. H
==========================3 J0 B! F2 F1 x* q  G
1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 1
8 i& k" v' y; J8 {1日30军–人工飞/转1  g, }( H9 ]9 V* b
Esk River downstream of Waipunga Road Bridge All year Artificial fly/spinner 1
, Y7 p: C8 O/ w/ |埃斯克河下游的学院路桥waipunga人工全年1面/涡轮9 [' e1 P- v; ?) l2 c$ ]6 w6 T
Karamu Stream, excluding tributaries All year Artificial fly/spinner/bait
9 [: X' R/ n6 }9 u“Karamu流,包括支流全年人工飞/旋转/诱饵
: v" l6 V2 `6 F9 o/ D+ @" h2- k  H0 ], W! ^$ n7 L7 y

! L! _3 R, n9 C5 wMaraetotara Stream: g, p0 a4 f! w8 }  z7 @
maraetotara流9 p$ h3 H5 G' e; F
Refer clause 6 for this region (350mm maximum)' V& K3 G3 \: L; F  p! `
# X3 L% @( Z  w0 u! IAll year Artificial fly/spinner 1  |, p; v; L0 E% |; g% |' w! z
& S9 j* v1 d4 OMohaka River downstream of confluence' R7 F- I! l# b- |" r
莫哈卡河汇流的下游% B, L3 L/ S2 ^5 _9 ~1 M& {; u
with the Mangatainoka River to State9 K& f$ a/ |1 B% I" f. `, k
与mangatainoka河州. }, m: M3 m, l8 @
Highway 5, excluding tributaries
9 x8 r$ {- [' Z公路5,不包括支流$ }2 `  d$ Z5 Z  d1 {
All year Artificial fly/spinner 22 L6 B$ i0 v( s# @
全年人工飞/转2- Y) M8 X0 d5 m/ h
Mohaka River downstream of State
; S: d. Q. J1 G6 U2 M! \) J2 |国家下游莫哈卡河
8 q/ `& _- g8 WHighway 5 Bridge1 V! r, k; p! l' ]1 M: d$ l
公路5桥( h5 f# y% D# R' W
All year Artificial fly/spinner 4$ |2 Q$ \5 P1 c2 f6 c1 w
/ J. a: o# y4 S8 z' e' |4 lMohaka River tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 19 _+ H# U7 d. L9 q" m7 c
. F! l1 m7 f1 B1 |Ngaruroro River and tributaries upstream. f$ [) w2 z) |
% {1 H1 ]4 t$ q" _% k! Jof Kiwi Creek confluence
+ p) D6 `7 k; ?& G( h猕猴桃溪交汇处" C$ {* Y& x1 _4 j, P, b8 T
1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 1
/ p2 K7 u+ \; O$ L1日30军–人工飞/转1
5 q# T: I7 I; _' t5 `* l) d" uNgaruroro River from Kiwi Creek to7 G2 A7 b$ Q! W# E% r+ |- W
# {0 L8 c- d* O6 MWhanawhana cable, excluding tributaries+ r, B; R$ H& }/ _  Y5 w) H
' m! e9 k+ i8 uAll year Artificial fly/spinner 1
4 m, M6 ]- R  _  E( i- J/ ^全年人工飞/转1, {" j* k4 }4 o4 T7 p2 o5 n
Ngaruroro River tributaries upstream of: I3 Z( \9 W6 s
" n( y' g2 q0 QWhanawhana cable
2 G% E# O4 C) U6 Lwhanawhana电缆" n' Y( }9 T. Y2 R
Refer clause 6 for this region (550mm maximum)! B4 p+ P  P! z
$ G2 ^8 T/ I) B5 Y# v1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 1
# K# [5 \. W5 Z1日30军–人工飞/转1
2 R; z/ Y. j5 lNgaruroro River downstream of
: \. X- ~) p1 f8 U& t) |ngaruroro河下游
( H& }/ S- B; E5 T' A8 u) m/ dWhanawhana cable, excluding tributaries" _4 V$ H. X" N  f9 h
* s. n! n. m" }8 x" u! l% }All year Artificial fly/spinner 24 H; g+ |  G& E$ o8 s* z
  c: r9 P0 v8 b5 T) SNgaruroro River tributaries downstream of! h. r1 p; e0 {  z4 [% _
8 }, M8 S( T1 \5 PWhanawhana cable1 y0 F0 e/ y2 \* A
$ S$ V% C% `* l, A  Q1 M1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 2
( q5 J4 j( f) `% J+ z1日30军–人工飞/转2; B0 P' Q: G+ ~$ r& \3 t$ B
Porangahau River downstream of
9 z+ G0 R, a6 k* B! s" ~8 p波朗阿豪河下游
1 h; M1 i2 }, L! V) r/ tconfluence with the Mangawhero Stream,
% `* A0 k( K0 D3 P与mangawhero汇流,- C+ E- n) K  e) p: S8 E
excluding tributaries
; W4 _# ~9 Q  E6 A8 ]不包括支流
# ?' z% Q/ z9 t/ kAll year Artificial fly/spinner 2
* |' E3 l; q% v5 Z0 l全年人工飞/转23 p+ G/ _- }; s' J9 V0 T! o0 m) q, _0 s
Tuki Tuki River upstream of State
0 _; c+ e8 K, A# k小时小时河上游的状态
) \5 P8 l4 t2 Z' ^3 J  H4 AHighway 50 road bridge, excluding/ T3 {4 c/ u: |* y% q
4 e' ?8 m; y: v1 v) q( [tributaries; A+ J' A$ ^6 Z8 H% h3 D8 O
支流9 U5 j" m1 a; w. }
1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 4
! m: w0 _0 v. M3 _0 v. j1日30军–人工飞/转43 R7 k( i5 Y0 s$ d/ F
Tuki Tuki River downstream of State2 `* N) ?7 v' P- K. O5 H" X
小时小时河下游的国家2 ]$ v) W# q* k$ P
Highway 50 road bridge, excluding3 H% `3 d# U+ r$ ?  \3 J+ O0 s
公路50路桥,不包括" o# M5 T* l. B1 z' M
tributaries- C9 R8 k+ G$ U& ^2 ]2 a+ v& h
支流; M$ \$ K8 f6 N4 o+ c7 V. @
All year Artificial fly/spinner 4; v; l- s+ s, Y1 R8 ~* i& V
全年人工飞/转4! d' l4 F+ U" g5 k) p
Tutaekuri River downstream of confluence
, T# p0 U  m2 \# \汇流河下游Tutaekuri) g9 G+ @6 Y$ x) q* j4 i
with the Mangaone Stream, excluding
5 ^7 e( f  |% M4 [. C  i7 [. b与mangaone流,不包括. [" f  H7 `6 v5 {
( K4 g( t" b& c/ g支流
+ w8 s/ g4 |% q4 a5 f& ZAll year Artificial fly/spinner 2
: U6 l% I3 R, L全年人工飞/转20 B8 I0 m8 v: v2 v+ s3 \
1 r7 L* y) e. J/ }# a' r$ u新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31* Q  I% n" c& g0 D" s3 ^# Y  P5 B- f
8 y! g0 _- T/ c+ i6 N; {十三1 m2 A9 ?+ v6 G' c; q; r+ c
Waipawa River downstream of State
* l1 m8 Z- w7 b, `% e* E州河下游威帕' o! p& E- u% n+ a# @
Highway 50 road bridge, excluding
/ U% p% {; G: x& P+ C. L公路50路桥,不包括
. o3 |9 ?% }" \tributaries$ p) l. R' k1 j; e: o3 T! a9 w3 m
) u2 i/ S+ {$ x5 K9 b$ S8 sAll year Artificial fly/spinner 4# _1 E4 N4 o( S" ]! E) c2 x1 f
% e- @9 Z# b' e% \Waipawa River upstream of State
' a/ o5 p" N9 x威帕上游国家
  `1 N, P1 }- X0 l4 OHighway 50 road bridge, excluding
) [* D# z! S4 [5 A6 ]5 L公路50路桥,不包括! G' f+ m) W0 G7 l! z" a, `+ W
4 n& T( W, J' Y支流0 T7 h% F( {  n, ^# t6 H; y
1 Oct – 30 Jun Artificial fly/spinner 4+ [8 N$ E/ y' J6 V( h
& N5 X# t) g( n1 h+ B+ m6 @Waipunga River downstream of the falls,, |$ t' T2 L" ]; t
在瀑布下游waipunga河,8 c# M1 L: ?* l; Q2 L/ s$ p, y% ]
excluding tributaries
: s5 [* Q3 l3 F& m; @8 l! O不包括支流
0 `" W& Z' l* ^' ]+ S, m* iAll year Artificial fly/spinner 2
" u7 B: z/ ~" n$ U全年人工飞/转2
8 R! V' x2 e1 \7 [' N# v' E$ u3. Closed Waters% U* |0 b0 q3 i
! ^5 ^6 F5 [& q8 O2 Z1 c/ A7 ONo restrictions.+ Q$ |; g/ u/ Q* x
0 X! N3 U" r' F! g! _4. Coarse Fishing Waters
' ~0 W  m8 |% L* z9 X5 d4。粗钓水域6 ~$ l' i- R7 q# d2 K
There are no defined coarse fishing waters in the Hawke’s Bay Region.' P, i: k7 D' e$ E( {
霍克湾地区没有明确的捕鱼水域。* [; _9 Q$ T% D8 Q: ^! l
5. Use of Boats
) a# E& D' \0 z# N5 Z5。使用船
5 O; M  K8 B5 J+ K' [No motorised craft permitted on Lake Waikopiro." \7 B4 s, m4 E9 T3 j4 H: t
不允许在湖waikopiro机动艇。$ M8 V( w$ Y: X" H
Similarly, except with the prior written authority of the Director-General of Conservation and subject to compliance with any conditions that the Director-General may impose, no person shall use any boat in Lake Tutira that is propelled by any means other than sails, oars, or paddles.
) q9 f% v8 }2 r2 s: a& i同样,除了以保护主体在任何情况下,总经理可以实施合规总监的事先书面授权,任何人不得使用任何船在湖Tutira,以任何方式比其他的帆,船桨,或桨。
- w! Y* T+ T( J- O& r0 U( \- S6. Fish Length
& c# W& J0 ?- N: W, e- c7 C6。鱼长
* W  l  ~' x1 s8 s) XEsk River above the Waipunga Road Bridge, including tributaries 550mm maximum
; e- c: a( S/ \& \& J埃斯克河waipunga公路桥以上,包括最大支流550& U+ m$ g9 e: s* f) g
Maraetotara Stream 350mm maximum
9 m5 F% w- Y) x: M3 Smaraetotara 350mm最大流
% w- f$ \4 B: R$ f  c5 g- d# RNgaruroro River upstream of Whanawhana cable, including tributaries 550mm maximum- F4 R* H# x; m; K7 U# ]; ?. y' _
ngaruroro河上游支流550 whanawhana电缆,包括最大
# x, }0 l+ j0 e% r1 x) {4 d1 rLakes Tutira and Waikopiro 350mm minimum8 v- K- j8 H, v  W8 y0 j
湖Tutira和waikopiro 350mm最低
/ |" b( e$ y( I, qAll other waters No minimum size limit
( @1 y: O- i# X所有其他水域没有最小尺寸限制1 v  h1 d$ p* K) k6 D: K/ e
7 k5 K1 R% w5 \, `. `5 r. p: O  v# pTaranaki Fish and Game Region
$ B6 a) v7 X2 {7 {% d鱼和游戏区塔拉纳基1 J! V' _* B9 N' r' U5 p9 A" B6 b4 J
Reference to description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.
/ s4 n% V  W5 V) j+ [8 v; g参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页。
; n* J# \8 k5 y3 S7 r7 X- `9 Z1. Definitions
# f9 _- l5 O9 ]5 ]0 x; f1。定义  w$ W; g  _% r1 R
See First Schedule.# l3 u9 Y; B4 i! I3 C
见附表。- `1 [/ m8 M6 c  B7 @
2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits5 r  \4 u0 {1 o
5 S. e9 _* z; v2 l, p/ z! oLakes / Rivers Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits All unlisted waters west of the Whanganui River.6 D1 o: e* G& R' u# [6 r+ R
# C% y) e* E0 R- d& d1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 28 g' f$ c/ r; y. s
8 O( j6 @1 ^9 L) BAll unlisted waters east of the Whanganui River5 P4 F/ a( m  q( V
所有非上市水域的旺格努伊河以东1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 4
+ C1 i4 c2 F* `; a+ H3 I( \1日–30军所有合法的诱惑/诱饵4/ O' N$ `& M/ [+ D" u
Huatoki Stream upstream of Brois Street Bridge# k2 A! q& n9 ]6 Y
Huatoki Stream 上游 的 Brois Street Bridge7 ?' L: M' M+ h, S* i
1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 27 O5 [8 j8 A4 P* _4 ]- B
5 z% U5 S# q0 K7 z; |Huatoki Stream downstream of Brois Street1 [2 w& K) y( j/ ~9 {/ s
huatoki流下游布罗伊斯街( x! P+ h1 D9 L. H9 {8 a
4 E. G7 {* l5 e6 r4 g& s* d; {
5 N) G* y/ I0 I7 O4 c* V" M. ^1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 20 o" c- A9 J- R/ Q4 @; Y
; n+ v* a+ J! P9 i. y5 d8 B8 T! kKahouri Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2! P0 a1 P/ M4 M- P" V
% }! O, A$ E- u( d4 ^Kaiauai Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr Spinner/artificial fly 1& w# c2 L! d. N
kaiauai流1日–月30转/人工飞10 L8 _- e; p; G
Kapuni Stream upstream of Skeet Road
6 h; o6 u( \- v0 G. }+ ~KAPUNI流路上游双向飞碟: z4 `# _0 r+ t+ [. F- l
Bridge/ \# Y: z' x+ l9 A4 ?

% w, W8 e3 {( s8 T8 j% i1 Oct – 30 Apr Spinner/artificial fly 1
+ y* L3 ]2 ^% B6 t* L& y1日–月30转/人工飞1" ^( w/ j5 E* z+ h5 M- I4 f
Kapuni Stream between the Skeet Road and
8 q6 M: U3 l- y, W+ GKAPUNI流路之间的双向飞碟
) Z$ V  ?, Y4 mState Highway 45 Bridges4 z9 d) ?( y$ |! R' M
国道45桥$ _( k: G5 l/ l$ J$ _: z2 R
1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
, _' f2 f. r, Z* C1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
- r) W% I( D' Q3 e0 qKapuni Stream downstream of State( }. ]7 ?$ |/ D8 X) J
KAPUNI流下游的状态: O8 M2 V9 n1 H" a* p
Highway 45 Bridge! }$ r1 k- d4 v( B6 ~& z) r
公路45桥9 |; \/ T+ v% E: c
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2# b9 y  s' A; Y  W3 ~$ a! h
1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2+ K* I, Y) I. ?2 Z
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20159 y: j; U3 F; z# N1 j5 Z
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
- g8 G9 C% e4 Y# V6 G14
" E- q3 Q2 u+ K" D1 t8 E& _3 q! X十四
7 p& i- z1 }- B! q: ^Kaupokonui Stream upstream of State# u+ ^7 O$ z, T& h( M
kaupokonui上游国家; [( B4 Z7 m7 ]: l. N# W4 j
Highway 45 Bridge% _4 y. r# L) _* f* X, B( j
8 A: _" Q( Y0 V6 B& i1 e1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
/ {6 d/ p9 s1 J' G* L* h! K9 v% n1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
$ Q7 {( `+ S) g) p( A& B9 g! t0 iKaupokonui Stream downstream of State
, f* \# D' f! a% ^7 i1 S* @1 V  D/ xkaupokonui流下游的状态9 b3 S: K& J# B' \: K
Highway 45 Bridge1 S9 y/ A5 i! }( y: W
公路45桥( U6 `" w& A; m" O
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2
. J% z" @. E/ K% n% h1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2
# B& q  K: I' ?) L; R  u" _9 LKohata, Lake 1 Oct – 20 Apr and& i6 x7 a7 K! o/ n7 d
1日–湖Kohata,20 Apr和
  B9 h' S; Z% L5 z( C# F10 Jul – 30 Sep: g5 E3 L: @4 U( C) l2 T7 g! A- d
10月30日7月–* n* y. d( @2 M/ f/ A. O$ i/ H9 a/ `% Y
All legal lures/baits 2) A$ L. }8 P' h4 `5 p8 |: s
! e+ \  e/ H7 D9 ?3 ZMakatote River 1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 3
" A7 G& c6 V+ H2 q( A. e6 }makatote河1日–30军所有合法的诱惑/诱饵3
0 h& [& _5 m9 s+ a. DMaketawa Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 28 l0 Y' n1 S3 \- E: a; z$ g, x
7 ~0 o) j  m/ s; O' i; SMakotuku Stream 1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 4: S/ B1 u! F4 X4 H' J5 e
马科图库流1日–30军所有合法的诱惑/诱饵43 a% M( Z1 I* `
Makuri Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
* s5 i; U2 B6 n+ ]. e# q马库里流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2" Q# J, l7 o) Z4 ]+ M
Mangamahoe, Lake (excluding the4 W$ E) X8 }! H/ H7 b3 b3 N$ b, P
芒阿马霍伊,湖(不包括8 Q( Z! ^$ E+ O" j: d$ v
Waiwhakaiho inlet and Mangamahoe9 r  A  g: p7 G; T* T2 Q5 {/ L$ e! y
2 \* L8 B% K, p! P0 \Stream)0 Q5 O/ W0 F( p1 D
0 _: d; F9 o) Q1 Oct – 30 Sep Fly fishing only 2( X  J. I. s$ v* s  K; m2 {
1日30日–钓鱼只有26 g* W* ~% Q/ F! Z; B/ ~" f
Mangamahoe, Lake – Waiwhakaiho inlet and& C( l' B, S  A/ p: d  q" Y
芒阿马霍伊,湖–waiwhakaiho进5 _7 y5 q9 b  b( u4 Z( S2 {
Mangamahoe Stream! w& S8 l. R. @9 U2 N  [4 K
4 S7 T, b; \" a: q( o0 i+ l* _1 Oct – 30 Apr Fly fishing only 2* R; \- |8 a) \; W
1日–30月钓鱼只有23 F, _5 |; u7 h% Z+ }9 U
Manganuioteao River upstream of Orautoha* J9 Z- b0 ^5 A" m. ?2 p5 c" S4 p6 k
manganuioteao河上游的orautoha6 Y2 c# ~: s, F1 R% G5 Q
Stream confluence' u" d. V$ m8 k! p; f$ d  `
6 @% U$ W* S1 b' s, D2 Z  \) k1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 3
5 f* @6 g( R* u) F1日–30军所有合法的诱惑/诱饵3* s( c% ~3 E( z# f$ O- ^/ O( Y0 U
Manganuioteao River downstream of
$ J+ L5 u8 d& w/ r8 A2 amanganuioteao河下游5 x! s& |' P; J8 h  k
Orautoha Stream confluence
8 x  u9 X$ Y, c1 ]orautoha汇流$ J3 K- g9 z$ ~" k4 }
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 3
6 m5 U- K+ ~) R. ^; |/ @1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵3: |; u  _) e9 v0 B% ~- }8 v' a+ \
Manganui River upstream of Bristol Road
; S1 A- f4 [, X% [: ]1 G9 f5 Q曼加奴瑞山河上游的布里斯托尔路
1 O% p1 Q1 ]+ I! X9 y2 iBridge9 u' y( G( q3 f' j$ p
3 `4 M9 i: w" `1 ^% }! i
1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 24 h7 T9 i+ U9 u( @" X8 {
( k7 u+ ^( b6 ^  U) ~  P; n8 ~Manganui River downstream of Bristol Road
1 {1 N1 y  Q& Z, ?2 b, i布里斯托尔路河下游曼加奴瑞山
6 l0 ~9 z7 W6 u) \+ I# `' u3 vBridge
, h2 x" {, w* I' ~( f
9 w, o5 p. J* C! C1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 21 \/ d8 ^0 x. }# F) @
1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2- Z5 M. B5 d  l4 v3 z. E- D$ N
Mangaoraka Stream upstream of Mahoetahi
# K( E  V+ x! P5 smangaoraka流上游mahoetahi& j3 E" k) ?, X- Q0 |  r
Road Bridge& W$ m8 X" I4 P9 e: C
路桥3 Y0 Z7 C9 z' a9 J3 [1 Z+ ^/ \
1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2& y! I5 W& j4 Y3 p/ L, R3 U3 A
  M: M: U8 i, \' qMangaoraka Stream downstream of
  K2 U0 T2 h: Gmangaoraka流下游
; U9 J6 i/ U2 j6 ~# a  AMahoetahi Road Bridge/ g/ h/ q6 i( E3 A+ N/ a) i
! R+ L! v5 `( M) C: n6 G" ^' g1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2! ~- A& x  f* l2 U4 E
" l) A5 x' w* kMangatoki Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2( \/ W+ Q$ d& u3 B3 f
mangatoki流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2  H7 a8 Y0 O1 K+ v7 s
Mangawhero Stream (Kaupokonui tributary) 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 23 s2 _1 c+ ~6 J4 w
mangawhero流(kaupokonui支流)1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2, w5 t3 Z* h* O3 T
Mangawhero River upstream of
! N* s- {5 `9 X0 T. ]+ |mangawhero河上游
! l' H/ q! Y' wRaetihi-Ohakune Road Bridge No. 4015 z! U  F# J- H" B8 b
/ ~' p( b1 _8 t1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 4
2 X  e4 G; V# j1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵4
, q/ }8 ]. S1 {. b====================
4 S6 i2 S8 o' x# W  kMangawhero River downstream of5 q0 P; P/ `# E( a4 Q
; ]5 v& M* x' t' T8 jRaetihi-Ohakune Road Bridge No. 401
2 w/ A8 N  P  t- S5 N雷蒂希奥阿库尼大桥路401号0 S: d; D4 P0 _" }& ~1 F' b3 L
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 49 t# q$ S3 i( r$ H) Z
1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵48 n; `3 L. U$ N; {% ?
Mangorei Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
) q. i0 O! a( j3 J% k9 P! o5 I月1日30月–曼葛雷路流的所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2* a% S1 S+ M' G. z5 W
Namunamu, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 28 C6 e' Q9 ]( S8 b  Q2 O/ P( r: g
namunamu,湖1日–30 SEP所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2& P+ T: K4 [& \0 Q3 I9 L
Ngangana, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2) O4 ?1 @, T, a; R0 G
ngangana,湖1日–30 SEP所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
% o. ?( N, K3 u, F0 gNgatoro Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
. E  K0 H; p/ e! [' N  D+ N; `2 k% Jngatoro流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2  d: I/ p; O- z. j/ f
Oakura River 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
- p: x" T  V! Z$ s9 W8 _' U& A月1月30–奥卡拉河所有法律诱惑/诱饵2
: M' w9 u2 b0 z* s% c  V9 R* _  dOkahu Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
* G& G% D8 u9 _7 H  M月1日30月–奥卡河的所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2- y. e: @  T  c
Opunake, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 27 M# r/ M8 o3 Z! R
奥普纳基,湖1日–30 SEP所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2% p' K# b$ J* T4 P) |
Orautoha Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 4) D/ h  z4 L/ P+ u
0 ?- Q3 `" S) F/ T8 Y0 KOtakeho Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
) p6 \8 r1 Q) |9 Z+ Notakeho流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
+ B  h/ K$ u; x. c4 dPatea River upstream of Mangamingi Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
5 S$ {7 i1 F4 ]' C4 ^帕蒂亚河mangamingi桥1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2上游
2 t8 Y! P" [9 |! q" a3 Y( w& |4 TPatea River downstream of Patea Dam 1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2
( K5 A. @& j' ^# X8 J对帕蒂亚坝1日–30 SEP所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2帕蒂亚河下游3 P9 A( J" `, q' M
Pauri, Lake 1 Oct – 20 Apr and
2 f5 E; J, Y6 C% G, r2 S包里,湖1日–20 APR
9 F7 |1 e6 l# C/ O# k5 c: V! W. S10 Jul – 30 Sep
8 G! ^  T' {) ]1 Q: A& D6 w10月30日7月–5 r! o; o7 m! @! i
All legal lures/baits 24 F* i& Z4 ~$ f
  N0 _2 e1 y& M: z' u, P  ?NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
$ M- ^( L, l2 q' ~新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31- U6 ^& _+ X+ m' V: m" l/ T& u
154 H7 U2 b3 _: W" i5 `) S
十五5 U1 x6 I2 P9 K( e: u1 Z& _
Piakau Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
' ]& K' E% S( z( ?piakau流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
) X6 G4 A' X8 }4 Y0 vRaetihi Hydro Dam 1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 2
* o; r) R3 K- g. z雷蒂希水电大坝1日–30军所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2( {4 T8 [: \+ \
Ratapiko, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Apr and9 S% ?" ~4 T' P+ U# o1 x
ratapiko,湖1日–30 APR
3 s% J2 @2 m; j0 H1 Jun – 30 Sep: c: Q+ {1 m: m8 X6 ?- }
1军–30 Sep
* n& g' S6 S. I7 s1 F/ H& UAll legal lures/baits 2
7 h* |# J4 i# q; H: k. X% z9 m所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2; _7 M" |* `1 m# H: m& b
Retaruke River upstream of Oio Road' M5 u9 B* l( h( u! T3 [3 o
3 l7 h2 }9 P- Q0 o1 n- q0 G! TBridge
6 p4 m1 h8 @7 l- Y
6 Z) i1 q. s# W8 I0 v/ g1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 4
; b: U1 F* U' K( J! v; D! P4 ]1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵4
- Y" v3 V$ x- ~7 L* Y' LRetaruke River and tributaries downstream8 f% a% g* h* Z$ Q+ Q- D; B" a; o
$ E0 o+ V: `: |5 @" ]of Oio Road Bridge$ l. a! b3 _8 Z, S2 j; i# z
OIO的公路桥- t! f; {' B+ o; w6 C) \
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 4
6 I/ o9 w  _' ]1 D1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵4* N$ \: k6 f/ w( r
Rokes Dam 16 Oct – 31 Jul All legal lures/baits 26 L. G2 I3 c+ q& a5 e
岩石坝16日–31日所有合法的诱惑/诱饵29 G4 c5 B9 m) B' A- x) }! L2 H
Rotomanu, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 27 d# j' R3 @% Z9 e: z  f
罗托马努,湖1日–30 SEP所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
4 z' l4 ^$ l" PRotorangi Lake downstream of Mangamingi
  D  Y  z7 ]: \0 t5 v! W湖Rotorangi下游mangamingi
( F3 N- ^. P  s  J1 GBridge
$ \6 n% N8 D2 i! x/ z8 q& S8 e& H* g! J3 e$ s  {
1 Oct – 30 Apr and
+ ]5 o5 `  x, V  E$ Z# @. N1月30日和10月–. @: v3 ~; ]/ x: Y, f: X( S& ?
1 Jun – 30 Sep
' O) S  T6 ~/ c' j0 i5 p) j/ f1军–30 Sep
9 `3 K* b" A! e# gAll legal lures/baits 2
2 K9 m* `0 n6 c1 ~2 \. g所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2! R: d! E2 Q+ t" j2 v' t$ ~( J: D
Ruatiti Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 4
8 h2 ^& r0 Q5 R' w& Qruatiti流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵42 a7 t3 {& i! Z7 ^/ O
Stony River 1 Oct – 30 Sep Spinner/artificial fly 2*
# l& Q$ `! z: m. u石河1日–30 Sep飞旋/人工飞2 *
6 Z+ G3 w6 z. T# M; QTaonui Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 4( R3 E' l/ w. K- E5 ^
; ]6 f$ d: {. u7 F5 y# oTaungatara Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2  l' [4 |6 {! C% W# Q
taungatara流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵29 h  |! o4 |+ e1 }7 t) v
Tawhiti Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 26 p! k7 ?) Y# y7 ~9 l8 V& s
tawhiti流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2( [* i) v6 _0 Z  |" P" Q+ i4 f
Te Henui Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2, l" [& P3 c; a- m
TE henui流1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2- ~9 p+ X4 j6 }
Timaru Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 28 f* r. m4 T+ x0 v& z8 _/ r
1日–蒂流月30日所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2- K, I' s) M7 l3 R1 a5 F9 N
Tokiahuru Stream upstream of State9 p% t9 T9 ^' G3 W' o. g  o
tokiahuru上游国家1 [1 m* u& N$ ~
Highway 49 Bridge
+ Q6 E& M. e8 Q1 r/ S公路49桥. b5 p+ e# U2 p1 F
1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 4" |7 O0 e+ g* t+ h' `2 B
. i! _$ m: ]5 N* WTokiahuru Stream downstream of State
  I! L: u4 t0 W5 ?* }( O/ O7 Utokiahuru流下游的状态7 ], Y& J' M) B) }- ^
Highway 49 Bridge
( l. Y. D/ O" m" o* K, |( t/ L公路49桥- ~5 B/ W2 O% |9 r3 F. d
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 4: v! z: Y* A8 j3 n7 f9 F# n; N
1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵4% W1 ~/ B* B% e
Waiaua River upstream of State Highway 45
0 u( R5 r: S, t4 `) gwaiaua河上游的45国道
: W6 I1 c7 R3 `" f$ r7 u5 E( X# D- P& ~Bridge
7 Q9 M! I# \6 e, f% W' U# u% A: h& c1 B  k! N
1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2; `) s1 `3 M: p  L
1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2& e2 A' g: n/ `1 f
Waiaua River downstream of State9 r  ]* j% G0 h# F. |# ]/ {7 w  m2 a
0 Y# B0 M5 R# lHighway 45 Bridge
; x; v1 ]6 j5 x公路45桥+ y- k/ \- w& P- k
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 21 N8 I" F$ f/ o% l$ c
9 Z# r/ T: Y. r* \4 q% {, B* QWaimarino Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 3( g# p$ J  h$ u& Q
月1日30月–怀马里诺流的所有法律的诱惑/诱饵3: @/ M% ]3 n! A. O
Waingongoro River upstream of Eltham
" p. ~0 v3 L1 `4 x6 M3 Ywaingongoro河上游的Eltham( q/ j( o5 G6 `" `, j8 m
Road Bridge
! y9 s$ @" E# o' J路桥
1 w6 K" _9 ?; z" ?- V1 H1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2$ e4 r$ L  n5 X6 N  {1 R
" `; A( K2 u; k# nWaingongoro River between the Eltham; _9 ?, |5 I" [( K" S, ^1 D
waingongoro河之间的Eltham; ~$ M) p2 W! K' v
Road and State Highway 45 Bridges1 E+ i' u/ p- y" d! j* T
( n+ M, D$ z1 X8 u1 ^1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 4
0 k! C3 W& H2 `' }1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵4
  b1 H# j1 m5 t. H: W- HWaingongoro River downstream of State3 ?* d0 ]8 G$ s0 m9 i# i
国家waingongoro河下游6 S8 @$ M/ u  [  C
Highway 45 Bridge
0 H+ ]1 z, F8 q/ t公路45桥
/ y: G7 c3 V* h+ L* |, D/ E1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 4) h. C/ L* }9 J7 H3 {' `. o
1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵4  }/ C0 Z3 r- G0 L
Waiongana Stream upstream of State
$ r2 T: }+ B$ w" k, R7 F7 ]% y2 Pwaiongana上游国家( r4 k3 ^' k+ ^" O7 V2 O3 x4 {
Highway 3 Devon Road Bridge
$ N# l+ \" O) e5 s( ]3号公路德文公路桥
6 S1 i0 Y3 ]+ }# L/ Z1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
; N( J( K& r, B2 M/ n1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
8 M. F% P& ]; u0 [9 s8 e# _4 cWaiongana Stream downstream of State# P% c1 I: D8 H; m% F* E
. D: o) ]4 y  k# Z" E9 THighway 3 Devon Road Bridge3 v; h8 A8 |. L- \9 `3 y
3号公路德文公路桥" a: b7 U/ {# k
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2
! z9 K) L0 I, g; s6 b- t" A# S1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵28 f, j8 z& i4 m. F9 U
Waitaiki Stream upstream of State) I* `; N: [' P6 v
waitaiki上游国家% _. e) f0 ~" u( o
Highway 49 Bridge
& z, J$ U7 u* l) p/ S0 E公路49桥  d  U; b) z& O# U& y
1 Oct – 30 Jun All legal lures/baits 4' P; E0 [* ?- y5 ], |3 a
1日–30军所有合法的诱惑/诱饵4* A$ z' b2 |5 M+ G( T
Waitaiki Stream downstream of State
" D& _9 I" J: I5 k% x+ R2 wwaitaiki流下游的状态
  p7 @- Z  Z2 M/ @& ]2 e# pHighway 49 Bridge% @# ?0 F' f+ q$ z/ j- R9 p0 W0 T
3 f; Y1 h. F  K, w9 S* s1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 47 |- f- v- q$ l0 q: F
1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵4# D+ u7 U0 H5 v* J$ j  U
Waitara River downstream of Manganui
, S" d+ D& G! C* a1 V对曼加奴瑞山下游怀塔拉河
5 t& d) i; `5 _& m5 u" e+ mRiver confluence5 J! P- [/ h% f9 Y2 p8 ]% u- |
河流汇流& U! ~+ y8 O5 h7 Z
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 20 ^  |( ~6 V/ v" E9 x& ~, l
1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵23 _' K3 C3 s6 `# {& {5 t
Waiwhakaiho River upstream of the end of2 \* ^7 Z. ?# {" d4 {3 K
waiwhakaiho河的上游' |7 W: J! |8 \( ]
Rimu Street extension walking track
' p' N1 q1 D( t: i, T6 j, _2 v& H4 C4 w日木街延长履带行走( f2 t. M1 F0 G# e: c
1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2  c4 h" S! j( _$ g9 b( w
' H% [" ]  X9 {9 A0 nNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
/ r3 O# |  R/ q新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月314 Y& e0 M9 S- d. U
16$ B3 R  y1 u1 b5 j" @
十六1 ?% j% t7 G6 \
Waiwhakaiho River downstream of the end
8 {$ k0 X& p& B0 ^; P3 @- X' V* w7 I最后的waiwhakaiho河下游
& c8 y2 h6 u4 q9 a8 [of Rimu Street extension walking track0 c- q1 r5 _. f* F. _% L( [6 j
穆延街步行道" }4 t9 [5 F! L* |8 u
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2
9 W3 t0 V4 H3 e0 J/ @1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2
- A6 _( s& h8 jWarea River upstream of State Highway 45
* F' }" v4 M* v  Gwarea河上游的45国道
& y, ?' U9 y) y9 LBridge
9 v$ G8 U1 h+ x3 }5 @" m4 `2 d$ J: i' q7 a
1 Oct – 30 Apr All legal lures/baits 2
4 {$ ?- M0 c1 u1日–30月所有合法的诱惑/诱饵2
" ]3 w8 j( N9 NWarea River downstream of State
$ H: ]4 J! n7 t  w国家warea河下游' R$ K9 J" j2 M% s7 e' S
Highway 45 Bridge
" N3 \3 P5 R- Q" _! d  c公路45桥
9 B: f' ]7 y7 E3 ~1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2
* y, ~, A" W; Z1 d1日30日–所有法律的诱惑/诱饵2) b: @% S; A3 ~
Whanganui River downstream of Ohura2 n+ E5 m( _: U& W) X9 [
8 b+ c: l! k5 gRiver confluence, excluding tributaries% ?4 p" h( E6 j1 e
河流汇流,不包括支流" ~8 u3 s2 L, I% P  a& T* {  S
1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 41 }: Q% ]7 V& F' G
/ v  p3 m3 W3 K7 @3 o- ~Wiritoa, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep All legal lures/baits 2
7 J! {1 d& z1 {8 s) N- J8 b' a  Uwiritoa,湖1日–30 SEP所有合法的诱惑/诱饵27 I2 Y2 j/ d& b
Bag limits denoted by 2* mean that no licence holder shall kill more than one brown trout within a daily bag limit
" G: T' C* Y( d) Q: l) v4 @袋限制表示2 *的意思是,没有牌照持有人须在每日袋限制内杀死超过一个棕色鳟鱼
# h# C/ v- ~5 e) R! P' ]- wof two trout.( t  V% D! @7 o7 B
双鳟鱼。- O% s0 z. z# R6 ^; V
3. Closed Waters& T* H! N; |6 k6 B
3。封闭水域7 e% d$ z0 A/ t
No licence holder shall take (or attempt to take) sports fish from the following waters:
4 Z( N8 i- v' A; O0 f2 N# M' e, w$ E7 y没有牌照持有人须采取(或企图采取)从以下水域的体育鱼类:
. x8 ~+ M. M" L) v4 BVirginia Lake.5 B" V7 \+ h5 d  k: X+ T7 n+ A
) f9 n0 B+ z: f+ m4. Authorised Tackle
7 d. @2 Z6 B' k, W2 N7 r) ~4。授权处理& e/ i2 _% z- x0 [9 M
Electronic lures that attract, but do not incapacitate, target species can be used to fish for sports fish within the; J2 C5 q* l7 m' A, Y
电子诱饵吸引,但不要丧失,目标物种可以用鱼鱼的运动; H* q0 h" K& z4 H8 @- c9 C
Taranaki Fish and Game Region.- E! Q) L" I3 @. V0 v
" p) _- X- g1 n: R; y5. Coarse Fishing Waters4 h# j- E- @& u/ _" w7 F( a9 L/ d
+ j8 d9 e9 v" _# HThere are no defined coarse fishing waters in the Taranaki Fish and Game Region.6 I; ]; A6 x: G' e, @" c5 G8 O
) M( W  j# ]% B, ~: a: g6. Use of Boats9 `. o1 p; v6 a! U' ~0 }
6。使用船; Q3 ]- v& b& J) s' S( I' l; f, ]
No licence holder shall fish for sports fish from a boat in Lake Mangamahoe, including the Waiwhakaiho inlet.
" v6 R& s. e' i' l没有许可证持有人须鱼从湖芒阿马霍伊船运动的鱼,包括waiwhakaiho入口。$ D( o# R+ n7 V( M
7. Daily Limit Bag9 Y" R9 m+ V+ x% u
7。每日限袋0 f9 T; d: ?$ `  S( ]. I6 x% b
In addition to the daily bag limits described in clause 2 for this region, there shall be no limit on the number of' H! L. l1 ^! e( O' C
除本区第2条所描述的日常袋限制外,对该地区的数量不得限制+ [: U3 M* m& G5 R: Q
perch killed by a licence holder.% B, S9 H! `( a, M6 i; N
- b6 H# E$ w+ a4 _8. Hours of Fishing
0 X  r& Z5 s" U2 d8。捕鱼的时间
% @6 B9 O) M$ EThere is no restriction on the hours of fishing in the Taranaki Fish and Game Region.
: F: [) o3 o' y# W1 g; B没有限制的时间钓鱼在塔拉纳基鱼和游戏区。
, o2 t3 H5 u& }# j! M# ]9. Fish Length5 f; S1 F. C/ y3 M5 S$ D
9。鱼长# D7 K5 d) H/ _& K
There is no length limit for sports fish caught in the Taranaki Fish and Game Region., [- [0 X; S% N% d4 u' G4 a
3 s. b1 B! H7 _; |  P: q, E6 k: }========================+ X  p) `) }4 X4 p/ m2 L& ~7 m/ }. ^
Wellington Fish and Game Region  f$ ~) I- @; B9 o4 y
惠灵顿鱼和游戏区0 D; L) p0 r2 R8 I
Reference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.
: U5 [: E4 k7 z* F7 X( ?" z# [参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页。6 ~* X+ w! k7 ^' v8 r# A
1. Definitions5 \9 B. g$ u8 _/ {
1。定义, G& {4 S. A+ a3 d
See First Schedule.% t+ W* x( x% c; w& \
/ y/ t# d% U4 ]) L2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits, Fish Length Limits
8 u* ?7 F! [+ L/ K8 Y0 H: v4 o9 m2。开放季节,允许的方法,每日袋限制,鱼长度限制
; J, U3 J! ^9 @% e6 DPermitted Methods definition:6 R  t5 H5 u8 b8 c0 P) G, @
允许的方法定义:2 p$ ]& G" V3 J
F = Fly fishing only
8 o, p7 j) ]  Y* D7 r=飞钓
! i% o- j% X- g. x: V0 YFS = Fly, Spin fishing only7 W5 ~, D! _/ A/ U! J  D) _2 w
只苍蝇,自旋捕鱼6 w1 w' Y  S2 L+ v: M* a
FSB = Fly, Spin or Bait fishing  i9 X/ B) [) h  y
6 S( g* w& \9 e& o$ J; I( d* = Bait fishing by child licence holder ONLY" h5 X3 c! x8 w& |
* =诱饵钓鱼儿童牌照持有人只' }3 I3 m0 `+ b  w
Maximum size limit means all trout longer than the specified length must be released.
8 z" w; b2 K& i: P. |+ U& j最大大小限制意味着所有鳟鱼长超过指定长度必须释放。2 u: N& i: h" N
There is no minimum size limit in any water in the Wellington Fish and Game region.
$ n' Q4 U4 H8 d- c* Z# A惠灵顿鱼和游戏区中的水没有最小的大小限制。1 P8 B, C# I! S2 Z0 l( ?8 U9 j$ C
Lakes / Rivers Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits2 [+ j5 D' L/ T: g2 [+ y1 P; Z' t4 {
湖/河开放季节允许的方法,每天袋限制4 Y& M1 D. s" `6 J+ M9 ?6 Q
All other waters not listed below 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
8 r9 j% c% P* [% T: t6 Q8 P所有其他水域不低于1日–FSB 4月30日
, `& C4 C8 |' \8 c6 g3 rAll coastal dune lakes All year FSB 4
9 n- f+ a+ @# u! b所有的海岸沙丘湖泊全年FSB 4: F3 u- z; V: B4 E
) r( C3 r3 x2 S, j  T% ^$ e新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
7 S8 F: J* Z: z+ t, d! Q  Y17
7 x# I. c8 _  j十七
$ M9 x) b# n' E# X, c) i' p, s. \Akatarawa River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
8 G% J+ F) r$ [akatarawa河1日–月30 FS 1
4 ^( B/ `6 T  x, Q/ K* H; j) n* AMax 450mm
# l- J/ o7 _7 j$ H5 Q最大450mm
% l' `. `2 q) K! @! O0 z) \Hautapu River upstream of the road bridge" y! _" E8 Z* F6 Y3 L0 q" _6 O0 p
1 ^. x9 w. {: a1 }" ~4 s/ enumbered 741/1096 on State Highway 1
5 r6 x: L0 s' S+ T( G& G编号为741 / 1096的国家公路1
4 h0 W$ C/ B/ q- g. @8 Kby the Taihape Golf Club, D7 [8 t+ o6 x# e" Z5 _
5 n0 ~. i3 w, w# y! J1 Oct – 30 Apr F 1
, s/ U5 F: `& B! q- `- H0 }1日–月30 F 1
( |5 Y4 u$ A/ X& H" _/ e( s" Q7 HMax 550mm* o9 A: L' x. Z
麦克斯550' K- W3 h+ s% p2 Y4 Q
Hautapu River downstream of the road' V6 O: y. H% q; l
路的hautapu河下游( _( Z1 W' x5 ?/ ?% _4 n( t
bridge numbered 741/1096 on State9 @* ^4 l/ a, ~  Z9 X
桥编号为1096 / 741的状态
4 q% X. L1 V3 U6 w( ]6 bHighway 1 by the Taihape Golf Club' p+ G9 V* Z% o5 ?% ~+ M8 U2 A
1号公路的泰哈皮高尔夫俱乐部3 d( {! Q# S" ~) F' m' }/ M
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
: ~! }; l! Q, D& M" Z5 {1日–FSB 4月30日
% q- s& W/ K( K2 S0 aHenley, Lake All year FSB 4
* d& x1 ^7 A9 b4 n& d亨利,湖全年FSB 4
4 w* C  G# t& ]8 [" G' \Hokowhitu Lagoon (also known as; @) g% P( R. o3 ^( g5 p$ E
Hokowhitu Lagoon(也被称为
" q! O% b& W6 `# G1 |* Z% g+ RCentennial Lagoon)
( f4 f% p6 Q; W% P: q百年的泻湖)5 r- v3 c  [  N6 D, @* m- j
All year FSB Rainbow or
1 E; N: c, I3 g& {4 C! q全年FSB彩虹
9 t6 ]2 J- C9 u0 n* m$ p2 C8 r% ?Brown trout' S6 {+ I- d, w
棕色鳟鱼9 y' O8 U6 p' s1 F2 R# y1 y% a
1& R; k! }7 @2 v4 S' r, N

* ]0 u. C& T8 n1 R; i( K- iAll other sports fish
# V: C  t. _, M- F6 n5 v2 V/ Z% _其他所有的运动鱼' `, M! U% I$ _# k4 ^; Q6 r( }2 ^- v
No limit
% Z) x$ ]8 |# t, h无限制
# u( k/ m- b$ E7 M3 O/ S/ ~" n0 xHutt River All year FS * 2- |! R+ O1 H9 W! ^  ?% b% H
赫特河全年FS×2/ h! d2 A$ C/ s0 s( O) w8 c
Max 450mm7 T% q# j) o% S
8 Y6 l+ u, i$ o% n# iKahuterawa Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4' m3 A4 v0 K; x) s1 a1 m9 F/ h+ E
kahuterawa流1日–FSB 4月30日4 \9 z2 Z4 |- O$ f. y
Kawhatau River All year FSB 4
" W0 u. k8 X' i6 ~* `8 _6 J" j: `kawhatau河全年FSB 4
- z+ a3 l. Y# ], D! ~: q; |Kopuaranga River 1 Oct – 30 Apr F 4, G, A  X& z+ W8 o) C* w
科普阿朗阿河1日–月30 F 4
9 G2 d7 }" B: fKourarau Dam (Upper) Reservoir, except all; K. P# o1 l8 L) g% H5 q
+ l) C( @9 W0 n& ?. Minflowing streams.. E2 Y: z: C8 B6 {+ l) F
# B# X0 y$ d# f: uAll year FSB Rainbow or
/ @! {2 ~. |0 {  o* z全年FSB彩虹
, i+ M- }% ~5 w6 K& F( N5 j0 X2 nBrown trout
' V- c2 X# o! P2 q8 I# J' I棕色鳟鱼
1 \( B& e% I' R+ e; a  q: I, u5 Z1
( O; m* W5 m. j7 f) e# G7 R, l+ c! A$ b- {. h1 X% X
All other sports fish
0 M5 G9 Y, w# _! W# c其他所有的运动鱼
9 J+ E4 z8 N1 F' X& ^: |9 X9 S- J4
  W4 D1 e* k& [: `
' r5 l* S! X  K# c& g5 ]Lake Wairarapa All year FSB 4! U3 m2 S: U) e% h
湖的怀拉拉帕全年FSB 4
! T% L# N4 V. LMakakahi River, upstream of the road
5 I  \+ J1 N! k5 P% K6 M) Vmakakahi河上游的路
6 i# U0 Z# R* C/ wbridge at Eketahuna1 E: Q7 [  x1 r6 W; `7 X  ~2 j# r
3 g' A; _. a- i. `, p0 ]1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
# e6 q% I+ w1 Y7 j8 E1日–FSB 4月30日
0 k# H2 x! h2 |2 ~7 YMakakahi River, downstream of the road
+ v* B% y; }+ l: f  k& V3 T: ?makakahi河下游的道路
- E: |5 a% F* }4 pbridge at Eketahuna6 {0 p! y5 u" \9 C( o# l7 |. T
桥在Eketahuna$ Y9 ~1 _0 X$ {/ i7 L, `5 z
All year FSB 46 c+ }# D+ o1 \* r
全年FSB 46 X: C; }, j2 l2 ~
Makiekie River (Coal Creek) 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
& f+ A% c; A$ X# n+ t, s1 V/ t- \1 emakiekie河(煤河)1日–FSB 4月30日3 ~6 }5 p/ M$ L3 E6 |- t4 Y
Makuri River upstream of the township
  N/ W) Q/ M9 ?8 {# p马库里河上游的乡镇$ E* @; @; ?1 U2 k" N
) r  h' O3 K, j% l" \% c  _2 M7 z, k' r9 i3 C" K5 K
1 Oct – 30 Apr F 1- V, v* M" g+ [
1日–月30 F 1
: ]% d7 v1 M/ j; ?! h* m; \Max 450mm  y% G, K7 S( P5 f% W; _9 {% M5 A
最大450mm: u9 G& V& y( [8 g
Makuri River downstream of the township
' }% N: G# Q0 P该乡马库里河下游
; |2 C4 d3 T/ T4 P, pbridge
, m2 [) c5 E+ i( c2 V$ O5 W( w, Y! v: s/ T; y0 I
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 12 }- X$ Y% P# E) q" q
1日–FSB 1月30日9 z) ], n/ k9 V/ A0 S! m9 E: u
Manawatu River upstream of Maunga Road; ^9 q( Z* l5 ~# Z
该河上游曼卡路; K/ S" p: t; K" f9 c3 Q1 h
Bridge (upstream of Dannevirke)% N/ f# K  ^6 J& D
桥(上游Dannevirke)1 z$ P  ?" u. k' k* ^, B3 E
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1
: z0 i7 d' @5 i: y# V# _1日–FSB 1月30日/ S8 U7 N( T+ r+ o+ U5 p
Manawatu River downstream of Maunga
( l+ b2 P1 `  W& d该河下游的曼卡! J9 U- d9 l0 e, O. V6 \
Road Bridge (upstream of Dannevirke)# l& k- q  X( G, L
公路桥(上游Dannevirke)0 H- y9 N  J; y5 n
All year FSB 4
' `  v1 o0 }5 ]/ s8 I( x6 h3 v全年FSB 4
  ]2 d8 I1 A( K9 G0 c0 wMangaohane Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
+ h& z3 K4 E- x) p" Vmangaohane流1日–月30 FS 1, l- v* v! q1 g- g2 o/ c4 ~
Max 550mm! l" |% M0 s& w( G' d9 f" T6 v- y
麦克斯5501 {; E  c9 D2 i& |, m. V# `. b" u$ A
Mangahao River upstream of Marima( P! p& J* K) K2 W, N( A0 w9 f
芒阿豪河上游的marima- u) [' ^$ q4 Y
Reserve Bridge
  ?# Y- Q' V6 z+ c& t* ~8 ~0 }$ w储备桥7 }2 ^. @% n8 X* H
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
* j% v& L; n8 [) e. D6 E; D1日–FSB 4月30日
3 \. c# R6 T9 ZMangahao River downstream of Marima
6 {2 Z; {- t7 ~0 N5 i  r& kmarima芒阿豪河的下游% T2 n' B3 J; A- g! [. H) q
Reserve Bridge! `0 P1 y4 G0 V$ W. m0 [" R* h- Q8 P
储备桥0 i+ h+ z( a! g$ D3 A& v9 p
All year FSB 43 P+ A0 b# o" E& x( ~, A0 r
全年FSB 4
  R: e+ z' m5 g  \Mangaone River (a tributary of the
) n5 E( ~6 h% v1 F! K( B& v* |(mangaone河的一条支流
; T9 `% a; g5 e1 ]3 pTiraumea River)+ @9 ]3 B! @5 @( X: l$ f, @( c
. J( A3 E7 \/ y% ^2 H, o+ P4 `All year FSB 4
% \( O! d. i5 E6 q$ Y: ?* ?2 g全年FSB 4
. D" c/ `* A! t8 ^! T. [, nMangaroa River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
0 @: L/ @& ~: @2 B4 ^mangaroa河1日–月30 FS 18 T3 E$ ]4 f! J3 R& m( _
Max 450mm3 v; T2 g' W: Y/ @. j( v( N
" ]( j5 a; \# G; ^6 e2 yNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015' l7 P  ?" G% k  j8 M
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
' Y* E6 k" N7 o7 |18
2 i3 z6 n+ m* r, O" l1 i十八4 h9 x  O4 N. T8 H. u
Mangatainoka River upstream of
5 r% v$ I2 `# ]; |& c* a; emangatainoka河上游) L7 n6 C' C8 ^( Y/ S6 d5 Y! d
Scarborough Konini Road Bridge
( |% k% V# k$ `* B9 k# ^- Z  _1 z斯卡伯勒倒挂金钟公路桥. S  w8 c$ |0 ]1 @6 K# X4 w8 i' Y) Q  P
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2
2 D4 M; f( S+ {: V/ {0 f! j& G, M- `) w1日–月30 FS 27 p$ W9 y3 _1 L1 q# \3 b/ e$ z( R
Max 450mm4 _* Z* t, w' W1 X1 c
0 B" w& n) r* W" b: w9 D- r' @: UMangatainoka River downstream of
# T$ I2 H. ~, i$ d* `& K( m) p& rmangatainoka河下游
( h( o, e  F# _# [$ L& k5 z$ aScarborough Konini Road Bridge
. u+ S5 @1 i* I+ c! K. w斯卡伯勒倒挂金钟公路桥! _, y# |4 o' Z& N$ F
All year FS 29 B- ?# a2 M: v/ C. b, x$ D
9 t0 I* N, P! j$ U' Z: {# _/ RMax 450mm
( h' C5 \( p! {! Q( r; S- \最大450mm
3 _4 G; Y, Z7 {, @6 aMangatarere Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr F 1
7 w+ [: M0 b& H: b" emangatarere流1日–月30 F 1# D0 A! J+ @1 \) @# c2 N/ E
Mangatoro River 1 Oct – 30 Apr F 1
/ H: K4 Y# T& w& q( t0 Jmangatoro河1日–月30 F 1
% Q3 ^' U  n$ I+ {4 w+ XMoawhango River All year FSB 4
+ |0 A  O; [; t6 K5 t/ Qmoawhango河全年FSB 4# L. m8 h2 X7 Z2 t) e
Ohau River All year FSB 2
0 R1 z1 p  x1 K# j4 z" P去河2年FSB1 S+ B, o+ O; r3 X
Max 450mm
( D1 Z6 k& V  b& b最大450mm
5 }' r- M5 K4 u$ w& S& YOroua River and its tributaries upstream of
+ ~( i5 u6 ~7 u: h/ }" S+ eoroua河及其支流的上游8 o1 e2 T3 ~5 |. F1 |
Ruahine Forest Park boundary
) J# Z/ \" I, t- `5 z鲁瓦希尼森林公园边界1 m& w% s) B" x" c  S
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 16 J( e# L8 J; i7 C
1日–FSB 1月30日
  O2 j2 T+ U$ Y8 yOroua River downstream of Ruahine Forest1 {- C6 D9 g. }/ d; @  s- R/ N- n0 e
7 \4 U" ?* X  W. v" [Park boundary and upstream of Oroua7 k1 w$ i% t1 U' Y
& F& f2 u/ a+ }: rValley Road Bridge7 p( }. E/ V% R8 e* L' C
9 J. ^* W3 h0 TAll year FSB 1
$ x& H4 V7 A' U全年FSB 1& Q6 P) F, j( h
Oroua River downstream of Oroua Valley
5 X! ~" ~) {8 G7 {1 `7 Foroua oroua河下游的山谷
) s2 g  I9 {, z( K+ |0 LRoad Bridge
% X8 K6 ^; f0 U7 V路桥( t+ T+ `  @- Z+ G" e2 Z' o
All year FSB 4
# M) n/ ]& ?4 \1 r' Q全年FSB 4
( U+ t8 x, ~' iOtaki River and its tributaries upstream of
4 ?. b+ O& h+ E7 g泷河及其支流的上游& p7 O8 t7 x0 t$ k6 ^' |
Tararua Forest Park boundary. |6 `) I7 D  Q, G; g( N8 s
森林公园的边界0 |' V3 ~$ J- I' K
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1" E" g' G. m( ]. u" u7 N! Z5 ?0 a- ?/ L
1日–FSB 1月30日) o4 O& W/ {1 _8 _" c
Otaki River downstream of Tararua Forest
6 |( G* H) N; ?泷河下游的塔拉鲁瓦森林7 m% v$ C/ O4 ^+ O$ F" \
Park boundary' |* D7 D* n& S" r
- d( R6 T' G& NAll year FSB 4* f! ~- H0 ], ]& @! J8 [) h
全年FSB 4* ~, f! t4 X+ ]& |( |# O4 l
Pakuratahi Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
6 O: q$ R2 K/ C' K. }3 ~pakuratahi流1日–月30 FS 1
6 k7 {7 s/ C8 @* HMax 450mm, p9 t: \: @' ]  K8 h! Q5 y
' Q& t0 }! ?/ R5 v+ [+ w3 mPohangina River downstream of Totara3 h* @' P* @4 p% s; W) g6 s# d
& H3 d' Y# j7 Z, m2 d" i- Z- V$ IReserve Bridge
. H! Y$ h2 X- m: r' N; ^$ [$ ]( l储备桥0 w5 J! p4 v" h8 a
All year FSB 2; }# U% {4 j& `5 H" ~& u9 {
全年FSB 2
* F: Z; ^/ _8 }3 hPohangina River upstream of Totara$ @9 l. W, m8 J; _
Pohangina上游托塔拉5 ]/ D/ X% ^! v' [- E
Reserve Bridge to Piripiri Bridge3 C; ]# Y. q  z& k* @# f
. V6 S5 e8 i2 e  zAll year FS 1
7 N! Q4 q: b5 C% U全年财政司司长1; E6 q- D: Y; |' a3 x
Max 450mm
3 v+ j' i0 }5 I; ]+ Q# J最大450mm9 e1 |9 X& K/ L5 ^9 U
Pohangina River upstream of Piripiri Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
5 l5 f0 B; N7 k% tPohangina河大桥1月30月–皮里皮里FS 1上游
( D* u  Z* H. _* G2 qMax 450mm3 o* }1 v$ f' M6 D- h, b* W
最大450mm" x$ O+ Y' G* e' H  [( k7 |
Pohangina River tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
: d9 u, r$ s; c! |; |* _) M  WPohangina河支流1日–FSB 2月30日! f. ?7 X( m1 A! O
Pourangaki River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
* x: w% s( s& v1 Jpourangaki河1日–月30 FS 1
3 O& `0 \: d% ~7 b% e; iMax 450mm
! c% ?* v4 C0 E. Q最大450mm
1 y7 H7 T& w+ L6 r' q8 sRangitikei River and its tributaries( c8 v3 V7 o' Q1 U. F2 O0 A# w
0 D/ l5 q+ I5 p; T* n2 eupstream of Ohinewaione Stream
9 V, L! y# a  H上游的ohinewaione
/ c8 F  N* r9 ^4 f% Gconfluence (about 9 river kilometres
! S7 @* s2 e& A汇流(约9公里4 i& q2 Z  T8 @- ^
upstream of the Springvale Bridge) (refer) K5 _" e) \* T  \
的Springvale桥上游)(参考. L5 `4 I9 k8 U$ [- y
to clause 4 for this region)
+ S  [& i- H' L$ K& p为这一地区的4条: `: u. ^6 p7 ^& x1 X" K
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1$ [% h7 U  v+ o
1日–月30 FS 1
$ J- r3 [# H( _; }+ d; E4 XMax 550mm
* S  v. H8 T/ [9 J$ Z+ ]3 r麦克斯550
3 k- w. T7 a1 `. W" dRangitikei River upstream of Matawhero5 T' Q- m3 q, |" d; S- n& t
* H: ^9 K2 x, Y- i: p& M% V7 H# nRoad Bridge (commonly called the4 N7 \; X1 a0 M/ M. R3 X
1 o# o: H6 C$ P' {, M2 G- x( [, ?Mangaohane Bridge) to the Ohinewaione
# `) b- J5 B6 }* D& R; |mangaohane桥)的ohinewaione
; r, r& e  V2 ~& j. E% nStream confluence
) E9 t1 W! G! z! E3 y  R流合流9 E. C) \2 ], G6 X, d/ f1 j) }
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2
5 D6 `, \$ k7 t+ Q" j/ e+ s! B# b- m1日–月30 FS 2) K, ~4 }4 C8 \3 `$ _& ~
Max 550mm
8 n$ f3 n; I# {$ c4 s麦克斯550/ ?  x9 r& p" U& k
Rangitikei River downstream of Matawhero
% Q! e* N9 g' J0 N/ V- y/ Wmatawhero伊塔克河的下游
3 N4 x" K$ `4 KRoad Bridge (commonly called the8 M4 t/ {& c8 a3 b% I- }( U+ T
6 O. l, h# r$ n/ \& W+ WMangaohane Bridge), d# }! _- a! W; t
% C1 R7 J; L; [$ q7 M/ vAll year FSB 48 P# i- U" _' _9 h3 K- T4 X- d
全年FSB 4
- }7 k& ]. E- z) {) c7 bRuamahunga River and its tributaries. N, h$ ^7 C: |  }
1 }+ C1 K4 n1 E' t6 Nupstream of State Highway 2
9 q$ ^; G5 J8 j# R7 L0 |2国道上游
5 R. n* K' g5 u2 Y1 e6 c2 T1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1, I- A- S, ]9 s' q; v, a. j' C' E
1日–FSB 1月30日
' Q8 H  V. u4 L. B6 N+ @Ruamahunga River downstream of State
6 n- v) s: w; {, A  @国家ruamahunga河下游+ H6 B! E3 a  d! J0 A/ o8 O( `
Highway 27 b$ ?/ j0 _/ l$ U8 i
6 N0 M! {1 L% \% W" q5 g( QAll year FSB 4
8 p. M# T- U! G* B全年FSB 47 f6 X& u5 c* ^
Tauherenikau River and its tributaries/ ~5 t  o& E# |( R
" Z! U5 t% h. x* h3 Z, L==============================+ z4 Q  {8 D& m3 ]  S7 V/ Z0 B
upstream of State Highway 29 ~. G3 _9 S8 i* m2 B2 m1 e
2国道上游/ ~0 y% G* l4 ]4 T* O+ v2 y" i
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1; ]2 t5 p9 O6 q% E
1日–FSB 1月30日; H: Y0 X6 V0 t# q. J3 _/ T5 }3 l
! `1 ~& ?* ]1 U* t新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月315 l  c: N9 m3 T2 j( a! ^% F
) }2 ]' ?& R1 |4 Y8 f- G& i十九
" q) h$ F' ^% LTauherenikau River downstream of State  |) C" M3 Z- O" `1 z
% v2 M  e5 b4 V5 ~) o" x6 bHighway 2
+ \- @7 f+ U( }( A) h4 u. p公路23 {" |* |7 t: }+ Q
All year FSB 4  Q6 X! ]2 a) D7 j" C/ A( ]  h6 i, e
全年FSB 4
- ?) R) S- g+ x& @+ lTauweru River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
' x$ t" ~- ~4 h8 ?1 btauweru河1日–FSB 4月30日
& K) b, Y, U# U. g- p. y* \1 STiraumea River All year FSB 4
" ?3 `% f8 z( q. a$ u, Y# L蒂劳米亚河全年FSB 4# `9 S% i( C( G
Tokomaru River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 14 ?, b$ n8 I% A/ E
1日–Tokomaru河30四月FS 16 r6 ~. W( s/ u, Y5 m1 j3 a  S1 t
Max 450mm
' F1 V5 R/ q% k* T3 _$ \) ^$ _最大450mm+ }$ F* y- V2 H/ c& s& Y
Turitea Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
) }, s0 p+ S" L9 a* W2 k7 B1月30日10 Turitea流–FSB 4
$ `/ k0 h% A0 Q. t! I) g) w" dWaikanae River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 17 g6 I- l3 g" K
1日–Waikanae河30四月FS 1
4 L& t" X7 S' c' {5 L* q3 Z4 sMax 450mm& d6 d' w  G8 u5 ^: t" b
" j3 I3 s, H9 S, pWaipoua River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
; R- G; F: Z* @( w- b* `: `怀波阿森河1日–FSB 4月30日8 q7 q/ y" n2 G( k3 V$ Y# Z- i
Waingawa River and its tributaries+ t; g- Q% o' @3 c2 R# I
温加瓦河及其支流0 @# @4 t' W# r6 v& Q; h& ~
upstream of State Highway 2$ y* W: C- G" D) h# h# ?6 j
2国道上游3 X5 b# V# N4 R" r0 [+ J
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1) @7 G3 I/ w8 ^1 P- ?4 N
1日–月30 FS 1
" j, R0 J  r8 t" M8 }% LMax 550mm  ]' K7 W2 p6 ?0 |* r2 z% f2 \: l
# o/ [! [( p4 e2 I1 d! eWaingawa River downstream of State
! y. N% A) G1 M0 P  g0 O温加瓦河下游的国家
; N, n3 y% p! \' P! c. s2 g1 HHighway 2$ |1 A+ Q; n% n& ^- D" Y
5 H( x7 {) N( K+ q/ R4 M8 A) [All year FSB 4$ V. t! D7 d% s3 Z) P# t
全年FSB 4- o. n% v$ x6 Q
Wainui Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 12 t; ^$ W8 F& _+ a0 f) @# c& I
1日–Wainui流月30 FS 1
0 a" _6 h2 T7 i1 ~" r, h5 KMax 450mm) @) A3 G+ M$ F1 |/ p$ F
最大450mm# g$ C5 B) M+ c! H6 ?' \" d. j
Wainuiomata River downstream of the main8 D1 Q: Z3 e- _. L
4 P9 G5 |; ?) k4 }8 X! X1 ctownship bridge% {- Z+ P$ N; {. z2 c
乡镇桥梁% F3 g; v# `+ w$ Z8 z
1 Oct – 30 Apr F 1
, |# X; v' p5 z+ u' w7 t. \1日–月30 F 1' I$ b: ~3 K: a; ?" {
Max 550mm5 w* C- H* H& Y! ~. g
! z. {7 r; y, ^) C8 J) @# B3 x! @0 {. zWaiohine River and its tributaries upstream2 J1 B; N# L' ~( i& q4 `- {
Waiohine河及其支流的上游3 u5 g; d7 P1 V+ `0 k- p
of State Highway 2
+ ]2 G' U/ {& U4 p国家公路2
1 c# N; }! i9 ~1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 16 \. B2 y' S6 G, L8 F
1日–FSB 1月30日
+ I% T: c9 y# U' y9 k! H7 g: UWaiohine River downstream of State
6 \4 n8 Z; t5 ]国家Waiohine河下游, {$ C( X2 ?% X$ }
Highway 2
9 N" s( o# d9 h8 {7 o$ n# m公路2
" r# c, [  L& [6 a3 [* `" tAll year FSB 45 ~1 j$ r. I, @7 t4 g" @* d
全年FSB 4
6 J2 C' ]! H; w( F) J' e* X0 UWaitawa, Lake (Otaki) – [Forest Lake] All year FSB Tench 0- s9 j( E5 l' t% o9 G
waitawa,湖(泷)–[森林湖】全年FSB丁03 u; X5 }: y# W
Whakatikei River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
- ^/ b2 v. R1 @  ?# s; Mwhakatikei河1日–月30 FS 1" r# U2 G7 a% X% D+ `
Max 450mm+ ~) z4 _' ^8 ^4 l8 _- m  u% A
! K9 k) M4 i' a3 b; L( gWhitby Lakes All year FSB Tench 0
4 g4 Q+ R  B+ c' S  }6 E惠特比湖泊全年FSB丁0
: O- c% M7 M7 F9 L8 |5 ^: ]9 i3. Coarse Fishing Waters  q: i2 r' I3 n: o
0 F6 }' y! O: R8 Q# T4 uLake Waitawa (Otaki) (catch & release).
8 ~$ g- z7 t. M$ t- z7 |湖waitawa(泷)(捕获和释放)。. [. ~& f7 ^/ X3 C
Upper and Lower Whitby Lakes (catch & release).
* @) [- ~6 E% I7 N上部和下部的惠特比的湖泊(捕捉和释放)。
/ _1 b! }$ N* VLake Wairarapa.+ q7 B5 i0 i( Y6 j. R. |2 G6 ~6 o
2 h& f' }" c5 ^  O9 u% MRuamahanga Cut-off.7 l  \3 I9 q, J( R) B; V2 [
ruamahanga切断。1 N' O2 V* {7 r1 B3 o- S
4. Wellington Backcountry Fisheries
$ {2 G  L. [7 M7 _- t4。惠灵顿边远地区的渔业
2 k8 D( s5 y2 ?* h& ^: A6 l* ^# zBackcountry fishery1 N- j$ Y' K2 Q& ]
% g4 f% E5 h$ wDefinition:
1 n7 g  `; p# v) D; s6 i# l定义:( i7 J. S, A. W6 H+ n- {- q7 @
Rangitikei River backcountry fishery means the upper Rangitikei River and its tributaries upstream of the Ohinewaione Stream confluence.  X( c  {. Y( H: D$ E4 M$ p
rangitikei河backcountry渔业均值的上rangitikei河及其上游的tributaries ohinewaione流汇合。
) O" [0 H+ A- P( T" }" v6 s6 H. PWhakaurekou River backcountry fishery means the Whakaurekou River from the confluence of the Rangitikei River, including the tributaries within the Ruahine Ranges (namely Mangatera, Maropea and Waikamaka Rivers).( ?7 s  H- e+ O
5 {. t# g. Y4 D& K  pThe Rangitikei River and Whakaurekou River backcountry fisheries are a backcountry fishery (as defined in the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015) and all anglers who fish in them must first obtain a backcountry licence (obtainable free) in addition to an adult whole season licence, as defined in the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015, and the provisions of that notice apply to this notice.
" \, W2 N. x3 \) h6 ^, a$ l这whakaurekou伊塔克河和河野外渔业是边远地区的渔业(如体育鱼许可证,确定费用,和形式通知2015)和所有的钓鱼人的鱼在他们必须首先获得一个穷乡僻壤牌照(免费索取)除了一个成人的整个赛季的牌照,作为体育鱼许可证,确定费用,形式通知2015,并规定,适用本通知的通知。
8 f( Y( s; H, Q. g. ^: H======================9 ?7 D) @) N2 _% [( k
Nelson/Marlborough Fish and Game Region
+ D* j: o$ Y  M' r尼尔森/马尔堡鱼和游戏区
3 S$ n" \8 |- ~8 k8 aReference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.
9 p$ I5 V8 L$ Y- n( e5 }参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页。
* O: P+ n9 n: _1. Definitions, c$ @7 G5 f8 q: {9 ?
1。定义8 E. k; ?0 s" i2 U1 E+ L
, M/ g" p) B) U5 w新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
8 E% m+ u0 r6 l" C6 j* Q20
# K" P; x4 P% R二十7 l2 X% {" v; f2 Z7 P
See First Schedule.
) X! |2 ?7 Z- h* k) V5 t. o见附表。
' A( V* F9 Y, v+ j2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits Note:
% o- S* }3 A6 `, K0 _1 D2。开放季节,允许的方法,每日袋限制说明:
. M: U( j' U' i3 c7 v- ?0 pAny water not mentioned in the chart below, season length will be 1 October – 30 April, Artificial Fly or Spinner, Bag Limit 2 Open Season for Salmon: 1 Oct – 30 Apr indicated by ^.' t3 E7 ?% l9 @1 H
+ \' {+ V& C" z8 x% cB = Brown trout
1 L. v) [( ^0 F+ V乙=棕色鳟鱼
! p+ _% a( ?1 q2 W0 hR = Rainbow trout1 ^/ ^3 l+ z- l% a5 E
=彩虹鳟鱼: n5 P% I% V" G2 ^" j
S = Salmon. c* y0 j) A* X7 @
9 ^- E9 c7 B2 }* q4 r1+ means two sports fish where only one may exceed 500mm in length6 g% t/ i' J" E8 U% R4 d5 J
1指的是两个体育鱼只有一个可能超过500mm长度6 v) p$ X/ S9 f) k
* Child Licence Holder May Bait Fish
% t  Z2 |6 ^: M, v+ J: D*儿童牌照持有人可上钩
' q2 y# E; J: P! wF = Fly fishing only
6 v8 g& w, [+ t$ v' N- x=飞钓
& G5 h; y1 D1 Y% J9 w3 W2 yFS = Fly or Spin fishing only
$ x  U1 t0 y# M( f1 ^9 r- o+ n% z只是飞行或旋转钓鱼
0 Z1 i$ O0 O6 Q7 K/ z6 ?All methods = Fly, Spin or Bait fishing permitted3 e; \3 N& |5 C. v
所有的方法=飞行,旋转或诱饵钓鱼允许5 k+ V1 s8 ^% J1 f5 e) t
Lakes / Rivers Open Season Permitted
/ y) Y7 ~) y- K& k/ D: N湖/河开放季节允许
! C: F' c5 [$ eMethods
# ^8 b& t" S9 D8 b2 Y" y: S方法
5 u3 e7 j+ w. ?4 {# \: ASpecies$ i. O8 o# o% I9 U4 `
物种  n9 a0 o8 e, b
Open for$ k7 F( u7 @8 X5 T7 F
) q3 D9 z" I! @3 d9 wFishing6 H0 O3 a4 o8 ]2 e
垂钓4 u9 T3 l! m8 m. p
Daily Bag* {  e8 ?# ^# f9 m
+ B! l. W; P1 z" ]$ Y7 [' b  C' r4 OLimits
" h& Y# u  A6 Z6 v限制
! D/ F5 G- d; R+ w# \2 X' s; iAcheron River downstream of confluence# q- [( L' M2 E; L1 {
! D3 Z' V) ]5 Pwith the Severn River- i, P5 N, n8 Q" _# i; i+ M8 i
6 K& v! t* y: g: g. u1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
' a  r* U- y* |2 W0 y1日–月30 FS B 2
2 L3 k) q, C" w2 [4 {  iAcheron River upstream of confluence with
2 @3 Z$ ~( h# U( N3 {2 c黄泉河上游合流
7 d3 X9 Q/ r) A, ?' W* \) j' D" xthe Severn River  N: I7 q2 f# R0 u
塞文河+ w- E' K4 A; a, L  @" g8 W/ u
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
$ q/ m; @  v  d4 i( G' P1日–APR FS B 1 + 30+ W* }7 Z4 l( D' W5 L# m
Alma River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+$ k! v9 D$ g5 S7 E' X
阿尔玛河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
, W2 i8 Z; W# X. TAnatoki River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B S^ 2
6 M9 Q/ \, ]8 t% L" B1日–Anatoki河30四月FS B的^ 2$ @) g) O- B( F: u
Aorere River downstream of Salisbury Road
! T: [; k8 B2 _梳士巴利道河下游阿雷尔6 u& k$ h7 u) i6 n( `" ^
% w  U% |& [. b* A4 ~3 n7 a9 v( t" j1 Y0 h6 s
All year All methods B S^ 2
* G1 |4 u! y5 U  R% I4 I! ?/ f' U3 j所有的方法都是2* H9 @  a7 Q0 h- w1 {* T: O
Aorere River upstream of Salisbury Road* g  F% U# n: l% _6 Q' T
& n- h! U# }4 `& W4 c# \: b* YBridge
5 @# F+ i7 f  Z' R) X8 Y+ f$ ?- l2 X0 v! J1 v# @- ?" o
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
5 j6 R9 |4 G" g' j1日–月30 FS B 2
' N; ?+ B0 ]! p' \Argyle Pond Head Race upstream of signed
( R; ?$ }& g2 ?9 W+ p阿盖尔塘头种族上游签署2 R7 j/ e* j7 M- f5 c
marker post
- t% @1 Y- O6 \' j9 V标记柱2 J- l% P7 ]; o% d; S, U
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 2: U7 C2 x9 z) d' |2 v
1日–月30 FS B R 2
. {# d/ P. [0 T* F: fArgyle Pond and lower hydro canals2 R7 M( U/ Y$ w& D: V* H: C9 g( n) ~
阿盖尔池塘下液压管2 G* y# q( m# F- U0 i
downstream of confluence with the
- @, h' Z; G8 @' b; Q7 E4 R. C  y下游的交汇处% a9 X4 p3 v* ~6 r6 i  s1 i- x
Wairau River
( Y( a  c# V, [5 y8 [- T% c9 [- ^怀劳河1 `2 u/ B: p8 |+ T3 s
All year All methods B R 2
* S" E5 }/ |+ K6 L) z5 ^所有的方法都是2
7 v4 g( A* d; g* V. \Awatere River All year All methods B 2$ R# S) \5 W* a
Awatere河年所有方法B 2
9 ^7 @+ G$ ?* U; l; f9 _Bartletts Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2; [, M- T$ A  s4 t% j0 n9 b* P8 `
巴特利特溪1日–月30 FS B 2
9 A  M! c) h, M8 ~6 UBaton River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
. J! L9 B4 z  W) K7 T1日–棒河30四月FS B 1 +
0 i3 i5 Y3 |# D& j1 M1 B0 nBowscale Tarn 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
' `3 ^, \0 o+ L. g: L( Ibowscale塔恩1日–月30 FS B 2. j. m+ G- s+ S7 G) r
Branch River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+: R$ M. D% T0 r9 J2 Y
1日–支流30四月FS B R 1 +' F) v, g6 L& A* R
Buller River downstream of Gowan Bridge All year All methods B 2
; k4 u7 z4 m0 A" i+ A布勒河下游的该桥全年所有方法B 2
. a& f2 f8 F6 V' G# c& C( iBuller River upstream of Gowan Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
* V5 q7 Q: U1 M4 F; b布勒河该桥1日–月30 FS B 2上游
: s* `- {$ ?' Q7 IClarence River downstream of Acheron
8 F, A' ^2 A% G1 F/ t' m" V黄泉河下游克拉伦斯
7 X. e9 r- _  r! S# G2 t% n, [confluence
, t6 i( f' f# c$ y- a+ I汇合' H  }0 C7 q: b2 \# k  m
All year All methods B S^ 25 Y& z( q$ [3 A4 P+ l
$ I6 o; \' U# o: @/ q6 o! qClarence River upstream of Acheron
0 @2 f* {! J# t+ X克拉伦斯河上游黄泉
5 l/ V9 P) o6 |; U! ?confluence9 Y) [0 Y. J& T6 p
汇合1 l: \' [' N5 n8 M1 g+ N
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
/ [# j# T& `& V0 T! [* M2 S7 f1日–月30 FS B 2
. [) `; {9 a7 @! xCobb Reservoir All year All methods B R 4" D, Q( q$ d: f+ i1 T/ x0 ]. z  d
科布水库全年所有方法B R 4: B, W7 E* r$ i7 v
Cobb River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+
9 w% F4 G; M: [柯河1日–月30 FS B R 1 +
+ \" j3 x8 n" \& a, [* PConway River All year All methods B 2
% R- i2 y% V/ {+ I+ r康威河全年所有方法B 2# A$ T9 Y9 o) v2 o  J: J/ l7 a
========================================; ?, Z% Z. I$ b2 y
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015* G' B7 B0 O7 t$ w" B
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
" S4 s+ U1 Z/ b! ]  p21! b( K4 B  x' W7 I- s
/ [8 X  I- `! w3 Q. A5 F' M3 g+ ]D’Urville River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+
0 T4 e& A  s. q, \# g- Y迪尔维尔河1日–月30 FS B R 1 +( \% }; O  a5 k! l0 k6 @2 z2 W6 B
Daniells Lake 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 27 J- M% ~; r: c; D- W
丹尼尔斯湖1日–月30 FS B R 2
( }4 K0 A% d- QDeepdale River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
: {5 M+ ~7 t, I5 f. T' {普雷斯顿河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
1 o- d; d- M4 v* t# {. R- XDove River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 24 R6 J$ m5 d+ ]1 f- x
鸽子河1日–月30 FS B 2$ C. u7 ]# z) B. x4 t6 M' j
Fish Lake 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 25 }6 W+ K- A7 d( r
鱼湖1日–月30 FS B 28 h+ g2 ^7 U* q% d
Fyfe River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
  ~; G+ Z1 C% y月1月30–Fyfe河FS B 1 +
6 q3 f. ^8 U( K2 k; nGibsons Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
/ N+ q& I  j- [( L/ e吉布森溪1日–月30 FS B 2% \3 D: S' [% a6 l7 ]1 X" }0 g
Glenroy River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
* j" }, X" O  g' ?9 z8 u! u: v格伦罗伊河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
8 c+ e; T2 O, d# xGoulter River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+, ~2 F" y3 A/ [7 e! x' W3 z  [3 s
古尔特河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30: i- ]! V0 W, B4 l! N* O7 E
Gowan River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 2
9 j# J# v- o3 U: j$ C: B; r该河1日–月30 FS B R 20 Q  C. ]& `' h; F9 Y7 M3 o* }6 ^
Graham River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2: E  @8 Q4 \' S4 |, Q
格雷厄姆河1日–月30 FS B 23 l+ k! E, K' Z$ ^- {& J/ P( v
Grovetown Lagoon 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
2 s" V' `' ?" ]1 e. n格罗夫敦泻湖1日–月30 FS B 2; b' H) P, L$ _
Hope River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
# B, I$ I( s! T" S/ n; l1日–希望河30四月FS B 2- L8 a9 _' p9 j6 b: \: H+ W/ r
Howard River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
8 K8 l; L) R6 t; Q" p$ e霍华德河1日–月30 FS B 2
7 K2 S3 G% N5 N6 {& o; d; x  ]Island Lake 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 27 _% S& I+ |6 z  E$ N; W1 J
湖岛1日–月30 FS B 2
( U0 t8 q0 ]. `. I' sKahutara River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2# m! W; G3 A; o
kahutara河1日–月30 FS B 2
5 d5 S& I- K- k: Z  t9 ~, J1 ZKaituna River (Marlborough) 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 29 v' i! P- M5 q% E
kaituna河(Marlborough)1日–月30 FS B 2; r- n' _5 a" m3 b! e7 ^& o# i+ j
Leatham River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+& H5 c6 N8 g" H2 T6 s
1日–莱瑟姆河30四月FS B R 1 +
( k2 I0 Z& b, c, DLee River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2; j0 m4 D' z) J, }: Z
李河1日–月30 FS B 2- f( y( ~! n2 p% c# M
Lyell Creek (Kaikoura) downstream of State0 A! d8 r  \. K8 \
莱尔河下游国家(凯库拉)5 f# z3 J1 x; i, i1 r# `8 J0 K
Highway 1& {$ `! c7 ~6 Z. ^+ A) Z. p& D
* j$ p1 `5 P& E; ?9 wAll year All methods B S^ 2
- N8 K. e" v( Q: W  g  n所有的方法都是2
  L, _( Y4 [9 `- x4 v7 oLyell Creek (Kaikoura) upstream of State" p* u4 p) F: x# Y% M4 x5 [. ?3 h
8 w/ u2 U- n7 R; ~* r/ }" u$ tHighway 1
% Z7 Z# l/ b! p- t  `% ]; j公路1
( e; @2 Q0 q+ a7 i- C1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2$ z$ Y- V& e  b& I: u
1日–月30 FS B 2
1 V  Q8 k. s6 mMaitai River upstream of Lower Nile Street
. A3 G5 q; M8 t1 E3 @) e. N0 O' D茅台酒河尼罗河街上游
2 j  D1 Y: R% U2 T; Q9 I8 `, S8 [Bridge
1 T7 I8 a6 e8 Z) n
2 u, W1 c$ B9 H' N, P: W& H" J1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 22 l& q) I* x" ~/ O. a
1日–月30 FS B 2+ w, `0 m' v/ _& n& E3 Q
Maitai River downstream of Lower Nile3 j. S. Y. p8 ]! Y" H4 T8 W/ t% m* o
茅台酒下尼罗河下游的河9 t1 ^1 x" T( D, K; i* x
Street Bridge' K+ M/ M  O1 s8 w7 t4 _
街桥8 @" w1 D0 P1 b) k$ {$ M+ V- y6 ~
All year FS* B 2# @8 T  r2 U1 Q. Y
所有年度的2  i- [) b4 Z4 P
Mangles River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
7 q# |! U1 d# r1日–晃河30四月FS B 1 +
; ~9 a% y+ m1 s" D, Y# eMarahau River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
" i1 u1 E- @6 e& L( ]7 @6 N1日–Marahau河30四月FS B 2& W  {3 u7 R& g, U4 A2 G" J
Maruia River upstream of Maruia Falls 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 2% ?6 m! I9 y$ w% N
马鲁亚河上游的马鲁亚瀑布1日–月30 FS B R 2
8 `) t/ A9 O$ ]4 t7 u$ g8 k$ Q+ gMaruia River downstream of Maruia Falls All year All methods B R 23 V8 s4 z. |9 G: L
对马鲁亚马鲁亚河瀑布下游全年所有方法B R 2
$ ]% i& V2 j% ]  Q/ }9 x$ BMatakitaki River downstream of State
" A1 |5 W& M( ^! M( [: Z' F国家matakitaki河下游$ U  E2 @7 ]) D6 ?. `
Highway 6 Bridge! D" R- T! N9 s2 h1 t5 g/ i) i
公路6桥! x- Y, d0 Z: A2 G' r5 j4 `
All year All methods B 2" K* c, t' ~( Z! C' v( @
) y0 i; G0 |- |" C* d* RMatakitaki River downstream of Glenroy
8 R# v& \5 d) d/ g& omatakitaki河下游的格伦罗伊  c! H% r8 V6 ^, L" z6 j
River to the State Highway 6 Bridge  N$ \" Y5 W% V3 t% o* u/ A
河至国道6桥, n2 r( E/ `3 j$ z  j
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
; a7 ]" B7 V: _5 |# O1日–月30 FS B 2
  _5 T* J+ B+ XMatakitaki River upsteam of confluence with
" }' [. ^! X+ W, z( p随着汇流matakitaki河上游2 o: |- F: _6 B+ U, R9 h2 g
the Glenroy River8 i0 L" }5 |8 k& B2 S
格伦罗伊河的6 [4 s* k, m7 x0 ]4 @$ `0 w2 W# Z
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+# ?& C; ]/ j5 g1 Q& e- k: c0 S
1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
  \& ~8 m2 X5 K- j9 w, pMatiri River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 28 z5 x, G4 y8 v, @
1日–马蒂里河30四月FS B 2
% K) z7 Y3 h2 DMiddle Creek Kaikoura downstream of State+ Z6 R" X3 W0 Y8 x* q4 F
% _( A3 d' I  Z$ ]4 M1 HHighway 1! j. i% K2 ^/ T) \. w* s: o! V
公路1% ~8 H9 O# H6 _4 p
All year All methods B 2
/ F* K7 i2 _9 g/ u一年所有的方法2
  @. F6 g: J" _Middle Creek Kaikoura upstream of State9 ^0 U3 A- _8 G' \) w+ q6 B
中溪上游国家凯库拉& e6 U% o+ i. W/ V! ^; d4 l
Highway 1
) W' U: h+ x: p$ D公路1
0 {  ?! C. E1 L$ b/ ^1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 22 O7 @. k7 v7 x! g/ v$ M# B' c
1日–月30 FS B 2; L, X! p  ~$ a, S! d
Motueka River downstream of Peninsula( |: j1 O" @4 ?: J3 s1 S$ B8 j. D9 v
. Q5 L- C- A4 |" l9 y; ]1 b- cRoad Bridge at Ngatimoti
! e3 x; l/ p% P& U$ ~# H在ngatimoti公路桥" u& I0 z) T2 t" l1 _: J. C
All year All methods B 20 l0 k. U) t8 ~6 q5 S( o% o
+ Y' y% g* `0 s/ xNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015( W# {3 ^) K% F2 P. q
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31/ Q6 {/ h9 f% M! q! U5 g! F9 ?
, m; K( i% l* v6 j( U# Q二十二5 V2 ^' a% O9 @/ s* i, s
Motueka River downstream of confluence3 i; u1 ~. ]. [; d, a; y
莫图伊卡河汇流的下游+ g" \/ @8 W" L& p4 ?" o
with the Wangapeka River to the
3 L1 w' A, c8 Q与wangapeka河的0 ~$ u1 ~: c% Q, {  O" T8 ]( Q
Peninsula Road Bridge! o" L, j0 l" F! R
2 O* x9 u) L0 B" b4 }4 F/ A# Y1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
6 \& x$ k  M/ [: c3 _; ]1日–月30 FS B 2& N0 b. ]! f( b, A8 o
Motueka River upstream of confluence with9 U' s* S: y! q7 q" z
% L& U: ?+ g3 v% K- p$ Athe Wangapeka River
) ?8 ^% e; _/ x+ q" h6 g的wangapeka河3 o: Y8 |- s8 n; t* x2 r
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1++ q" W% h3 _6 |6 k  r- x" P
1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
* i- Z2 ]/ `% f- J+ }$ @Motupiko River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
! w1 A2 J& A- e0 V/ w: l6 p莫图皮科河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30+ K' c9 \( A! @: i2 ~5 q% r$ j
Moutere River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
  C" i9 z5 G3 R蒙特雷河1日–月30 FS B 2/ i0 F* @" o3 s0 [$ J/ w
Oaro River All year All methods B 2
9 I/ n7 f/ V$ j5 S1 k) P9 l, b6 Noaro河全年所有方法B 2  y' w  @, B3 B
Omaka River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
) Z2 x& X6 ~6 B1日–Omaka河30四月FS B 28 O- m1 G! O8 v7 F( F
Opawa River upstream of State Highway 1! ~8 m9 h: [$ r3 P' t
- G$ ~6 |5 c0 l9 l. I+ J" d2 aBridge
( @; J# d# ?$ l' `; _& Z
4 U1 x* \. {9 U( j1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
3 Q3 |5 Y  A: l1日–月30 FS B 2+ U% u0 X% S7 l% @
Opawa River downstream of State Highway 1( t. n6 M3 y( i, J2 f
opawa河下游1国道+ a6 C9 v* T4 E$ y0 o6 T2 [
Bridge (including Roses Overflow)
8 p' B- e: C6 G桥(包括玫瑰溢出)
" Z) |6 o! ^. I/ J7 SAll year All methods B 2
; t5 W/ P6 d3 L- X一年所有的方法2" v' [" K4 K  f( g% o) H% X& D+ \
Opouri River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+
3 Z4 A0 l) o) D7 `$ Wopouri河1日–月30 FS B R 1 +  b) U& p  l6 Y' b4 v$ }3 x
Orinoco River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 24 _2 X5 B. M: h+ W& A. t; R
1日–奥里诺科河30四月FS B 2; x, o# n0 T- `9 U$ f, U2 z9 r) E
Owen River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
/ Q4 S' v, P) r4 ~( i1 O6 u0 i8 n6 P欧文河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30: A9 I- x' \) ~1 B; g
Paturau River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 24 |& ^* f8 O' I& W
paturau河1日–月30 FS B 2
4 G  k& V1 B9 m2 |5 YPearse River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
& U. |  W% G" B- R  v# w9 |3 Y: @1日–Pearse河30四月FS B 1 +) e4 f/ \: t, E% v" b/ F7 P
Pelorus River downstream of confluence) F) o/ X3 v/ G
汇流河下游的罗盘% b# a* O, [6 E/ U/ w6 Z
with the Rai River
+ u+ y. M: z% w" K; [5 t9 }随雨河
" U) d# P4 H3 qAll year All methods B R S^ 2
* w. _! }0 Y, }! c所有的方法都是乙的,2
: b' M( q/ C" ^Pelorus River upstream of confluence with6 d. L% d( w5 c& w. o
哑罗经上游汇流与' r. ~, ]# p5 U3 B
the Rai River6 n# J' c* a% h' e7 e/ S( x
雨河1 A6 {4 I. U$ t* ?
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+
1 q+ |# J  c' z9 A# [1日–月30 FS B R 1 +
1 x, A: r- n8 O/ g, g! LRahu River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
9 S% r  ~  r  d1日–特制河30四月FS B 1 +
, Y4 ?7 ^0 _$ a. P5 {3 YRai River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 2' i: B4 @1 o8 Y! v" V& s
1日–RAI河30四月FS B R 29 P. p; W7 M! M& @# X9 x' ]' ^
Rainbow River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
. ]& _% J' D! k, p彩虹河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30( Q& H3 E& b- L; Y  h5 u
Rainy River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
$ v- C. t" U% \; O& h; `雨河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30* A% `) M6 j* W  B8 o" ]* ]# |# P
Riwaka River including North and South
7 Q& i" Z/ o/ w4 w里瓦卡河包括南北
9 j$ _4 K3 P1 ^9 o; DBranches: O) N6 c5 ^$ j0 }+ f
; x9 N% v- T1 P9 u1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
  i0 ~1 U* s3 Y& [& V2 I$ d1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
4 K! R- G  W/ \Roding River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2% S  ~" G! v+ S0 K- j7 x) m  c
罗丁河1日–月30 FS B 2
( s. A/ ]; I% H; D( Q5 zRolling River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+5 N- X7 u* z5 b) b1 P
滚河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30- F  E6 Q6 q5 N/ w$ l
Ronga River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+
$ g* B6 I! g! o" N隆加河1日–月30 FS B R 1 +
3 G7 g+ r$ J: f. P" xRotoiti Lake except for closed areas – see
* t4 ?( {% u' mRotoiti湖边除了封闭的区域–看到6 c: [4 h4 T. o6 y$ ~) k, J
clause 3 for this region/ w: O0 t2 I2 a9 F
这一地区的3条% y! t; p0 i2 p! f. [, m- D
All year All methods B 4
; C& w& I6 k0 a- f一年所有的方法4% x' _0 Y7 g0 ^! u" z
Rotoroa Lake except for closed areas – see( i4 l# l: l; m0 k1 u3 _: w
汉米尔顿湖除了封闭的区域–看到  ?6 y1 P) A7 S4 A$ K; |" ^9 w% Q
clause 3 for this region5 R1 L2 m. S: }6 L& \. e% Q
这一地区的3条' \% E. t6 m! A/ X- n* `1 _
All year All methods B R 48 d3 }* V4 Q1 h
所有的方法都是44 b. P) B& w+ g
Sabine River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+
) f8 j, L; @3 _8 ^0 a) ^萨宾河1日–月30 FS B R 1 +" Q: `% N/ w& O, n( O+ p& `# _
Sedgemere 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
/ f( _( b; p) h0 M  k8 D1月30日sedgemere OCT–FS B 2! Z7 U8 O/ T$ L2 M8 E% |" [
Severn River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
5 t- r# W0 s! S, y& J% W塞文河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30) v, b; T3 J! f! U
Speargrass Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2( M' ]) b8 M; o( m* L- m
1月30日–speargrass溪10 FS B 2
( E  c( U( M. B' U) ?+ KSpey Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2) Z7 \4 t  R; D( I
1日–斯贝流月30 FS B 20 J2 d! M) L6 s2 b& Y! I
Spring Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+
! F" t! p) P3 g# @8 x# z春溪月1月30–FS B R 1 +
8 z2 L: d1 C, H% H$ X0 eStation Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
- J1 {! {/ }  z& i$ s7 }, ^" {月1月30站溪–FS B 2  j% ]- K. W2 I& b
Tadmor River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2! N' S0 @" X4 R
该河1日–月30 FS B 2
; T+ e( F' ^! A% d2 \! k! C" ~9 \* xNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20150 j9 O* a+ M9 {. k- |$ b9 a4 D" Z/ z
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
" Z+ ?. b+ e# @23
- E7 A2 [" |6 y  V4 B% L5 E5 h# \5 h3 @二十三& g- P, A9 P, I2 o! {! x( N$ v: O# p0 z
Takaka River downstream of confluence with the Waingaro River
  v; n2 u( V( s与waingaro河汇合处下游的塔卡卡河  t! x% D& I9 c& I5 B
All year All methods B S^ 2
4 s% y+ k6 ]: p所有的方法都是23 j- j% e  J- `- j$ b1 m* i$ \
Takaka River upstream of confluence with the Waingaro River
6 e% q) T# m2 R4 A2 Y; ~塔卡卡河上游waingaro河汇合4 f/ E# Y) V8 \; H8 l$ ]
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
: B3 m$ K! H2 Y$ A2 H/ P' N) p" M1日–月30 FS B 2  Q2 L9 Q: h3 J* d0 x: x3 y
Taylor River downstream of New Renwick Road Bridge& A0 x* E3 m/ X0 A
泰勒河下游of New伦威克路桥
- g1 t: u' Y$ i- x  i2 SAll year All methods B R 2. ]; N, s( Z0 o) M; \" j$ ~
所有的方法都是2, T8 G# q0 `+ l; ^) h' G. H# o
Taylor River upstream of New Renwick Road Bridge
# b# I* [, s( q& k! P泰勒河的新公路桥上游伦威克
# `1 b7 v5 f) r1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 27 J* a. X  }7 ^. n1 F& @
1日–月30 FS B R 2
: z2 v7 a) v! m) j3 @Taylor Dam All year FS* B R 25 q( N3 d; S' m7 k, q% g7 @8 u4 R+ q
泰勒大坝所有年29 K1 {3 t( y3 N* [2 `- ~0 j- I% Y# R
Tennyson Lake 1 Oct – 30 Apr All methods B 43 M; z, y' {" G% ?4 ?. D: ?: ?. z
丁尼生湖1日–30月所有方法B 4, N( d3 Q6 A  V. }. h$ {
The Brook 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
  L$ `6 Y) F2 P3 }' L' |8 H8 r% \6 w小溪1日–月30 FS B 2
1 R3 O( G; V8 g) e; `( X4 j9 ETimms Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 25 I$ b' M& e6 E2 v% g
1日–蒂姆斯流月30 FS B 24 W3 \+ j8 n7 U/ D6 J* ~" J# |
Tinline River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+, E- p. A: q6 q" p" T* w0 `$ |4 s1 C
听籁音乐河1日–月30 FS B R 1 +
( X2 D$ E. t6 @" F7 g& C2 `4 X+ @Top Valley Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2+ }) x! h2 N& r" |1 `; G6 s
顶谷流月1月30–FS B 2' Y& p1 A0 D$ C4 {
Travers River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
& h+ _; U* b$ i4 Y特莱维尔河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
; G2 k7 ~: H2 K1 q7 R; Y9 ?$ jTuamarina River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
' y" M; \7 H& F! \# I0 O' R图阿马里纳河1日–月30 FS B 2
8 x. F0 n  @* `% v$ k1 MTunakino River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 1+# X/ G+ ]9 C- I5 ?2 o6 e
tunakino河1日–月30 FS B R 1 +3 H: g( T/ k9 t. E
Tutaki River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
' h7 x2 j6 O# s* ~5 \- Dtutaki河1日–月30 FS B 2
% J: t# r, z+ O+ r7 qWaihopai River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2: ~% L# u$ h; j, \" z; j
1日–Waihopai河30四月FS B 2* f( x8 F, _, G
Wai-iti River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
) _4 H$ \2 X: p围河1日–ITI 30四月FS B 2# c4 ^( D: b0 B( R
Waikakaho River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
7 \' ]) u" b% _: N' ]$ J, M1 h- h8 N9 Zwaikakaho河1日–月30 FS B 2
" Y& N! l1 X" v# ?Waikoropupu River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B S^ 1+
; c% y( @- X0 I, [; t, g1 S! t* o1 a1日–Waikoropupu河30四月FS B的^ 1 +  g3 ?" k$ ]; }4 G& j. c  w  d
Waingaro River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 26 L, m8 M$ _: T# c3 E+ \& i
waingaro河1日–月30 FS B 2
! J( f' d& ?3 p" n$ |! W/ jWairau River downstream of Wash Bridge( X7 n5 ~; ~/ h
: g5 _: B" J  T2 Q7 oincluding the Diversion and the Southern$ z: s7 [/ G0 A- V
包括改道和南部+ `% w4 v' K2 ~. t. u
Valley Irrigation Intake Pond
. S5 i1 J" s* N' ]# j  V谷灌进水池' U3 n, C6 L) b& o: g
All year All methods B R S^ 25 G0 z! `# [3 H. ?
0 l+ u6 J" @  e  ~1 Z8 j0 S% LWairau River upstream of Wash Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 2
3 Z7 k/ J) l1 u; ]; G. R) W( q怀劳河洗桥1日–月30 FS B R 2的上游! Z; {% N, ]9 M& T$ s7 D- x
Wairoa River upstream of confluence with the Lee River
/ F2 E, E. u  Z1 _怀罗阿河汇流与李河上游
0 T- a/ v1 p1 p1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 2
/ p8 A' Y# q/ p7 l) \1日–月30 FS B 2' c; }! ?$ N0 p5 \$ v. c+ l  D
Wairoa River / Waimea River downstream of
/ ]+ R6 _1 H3 s: d' q1 ~$ w怀罗阿河/ Waimea河下游2 }+ K7 W' f) I+ V% C
confluence with the Lee River
* B# p( I3 I' B; g与李河汇合
( d) L* q! V7 F* OAll year All methods B 2- D& c: m9 a# l
+ [0 E" e( z* M- @2 c% @, y6 }6 |( \Waimea River Park Educational Fishery Closed except by special permit or public notification; J' X5 Z/ U/ @: C
7 b7 \8 i: w$ ?* I' b0 s4 ~All methods BRS 1& a' d6 _9 y# j$ _  m
所有方法的BRS 1
' v. e5 W" o" _# b* x# M5 eWakamarina River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B R 2
# B  h- T6 o9 V1日–wakamarina河30四月FS B R 2  D3 C+ s0 y. i" G4 y
Wakapuaka River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+% w' b- g: }! d
wakapuaka河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30
! V, V0 I& h( {0 h& i' RWangapeka River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+
3 Q* }; _( l& H2 w2 E1 Bwangapeka河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30) |5 v* }( K6 J3 F8 h+ w' T3 l$ f
Warwick River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+* _6 k/ H/ t5 B  o
1日–华威河30四月FS B 1 +
! a# D3 o, F8 k% ]9 y9 b( v9 aWoolley River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS B 1+. n: M: B7 Y0 V' k9 O0 G
伍利河1日–APR FS B 1 + 30# b* `3 w* c) _* e. {3 S
3. Closed Waters3 A& \, z: k- j
) [* Q9 R, D+ x  w$ o3.1 No licence holder shall take sports fish from Lake Rotoiti or Lake Rotoroa between 1 May and 30 September,within 100m from the centre of the meeting line with the lakes, of the following rivers and streams:
# q- a2 N4 M* R3.1无牌照持有人须以体育的鱼从湖Rotoiti或汉米尔顿湖1和30九月之间,在100米从与湖会议中心线,下面的河流和小溪:
! T0 s4 B6 J2 T2 `( c: @Lake Rotoiti:
- ?9 J* x  M6 x5 {4 Z+ JRotoiti湖:
1 d, X4 i' X. e0 `5 H6 C! r(a) Travers River! e, z  T$ o0 U: u4 ^
' X- v3 n$ W- L$ A/ @. B( HNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
9 ~; m6 w: R( \$ ?* U' S新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月315 v! X8 v. x1 {6 w
+ G( C/ l, }6 l- \二十四
! j3 R/ w5 i8 P(b) Coldwater Stream! r0 M8 t, R# h% b& H$ _* K
(b)冷水流* b, N; Y2 e1 L' v0 Q9 B& E) `
(c) Black Valley Stream( `* T! z6 Y. C8 n
( F+ i+ c. |9 l& ]& W8 A(d) Buller River
; z7 n. x0 M! m. Q- Q; |5 ]) y(d)布勒河# |# @# n0 p  c1 r0 Y) T( C1 Q
Lake Rotoroa:
  m1 J" V1 S- x! j4 [* t汉米尔顿湖:) D1 v/ Z0 M5 q+ |" e& N
(a) Sabine River
( G, [* u) D* L& j: q& @(一)萨宾河
# P, D: ~9 h, T* x9 n: g(b) D’Urville River
0 y4 q, g. q7 P7 v8 h9 j(b)迪尔维尔河
1 N0 O& m6 g& Y! b/ n9 ]7 t( `8 \(c) Gowan River
1 u. W1 n* O! i1 _  q7 L- `; x$ U(c)该河5 V) a; y8 C; v
3.2 Waimea River Park Educational Fishery
& k' E# O- [4 X, n4 j3.2威美亚河公园教育渔业
8 ~0 l% c3 V5 H* W/ O! y* \Closed season except by special permit or public notification.2 s) ~& r' o4 ]# ?& ~& U2 k
除特殊许可证或公开通知以外的季节。; ^( R/ f8 G* P2 `
4. Authorised Tackle' P9 i$ Q3 N6 U+ a  @
4。授权处理* Y& H' t8 U8 Y7 C. ?! u7 B+ |+ @
4.1 Refer to clause 2 for this region.0 V. z, E0 o/ |9 s* h4 W1 Z
4.1指本区2条。- n, b1 z/ E. T, H1 B% A% d( A" H
4.2 Down riggers are permitted when lake fishing.
% b9 {% o& m1 V) }) i4.2装配时允许下湖捕鱼。, B! ^. U7 K0 p# a
5. Fly Fishing Only Waters
0 h; x  a' h  C5 ?+ S; j& u0 K" ^5。只能钓鱼的水域  p& w. o/ D8 U9 J' O2 V+ T
There are no “fly fishing only” waters in the Nelson/Marlborough Region.- l5 ?  ~  l+ Y' j. V& [% A4 ?
有没有“钓鱼”在尼尔森/马尔堡地区水域。' T& G$ G( p' T" H
6. Bait Fishing Waters0 x$ O# H1 L0 k# ^7 J
6。饵钓水域% o1 o4 Q: b% L2 V. |
Refer to clause 2 for this region.8 I. X2 ^6 D  ]4 m- y
提及这一地区的2条。- _# ]- [6 O7 m( H
7. Coarse Fishing Waters
. P% t0 v. y# v/ x7。粗钓水域5 a6 Q5 Z4 B; [( {. [' f2 i) T4 H
Fishing for coarse fish in all waters in the Nelson/Marlborough Region is prohibited.
* c4 u: H3 H3 I  j8 o0 o5 X在尼尔森/马尔堡地区所有水域禁止捕捞杂鱼。
) ]5 L) }+ n) s. Z8. Use of Boats
+ x) |. \4 P- J3 g3 W9 J8 e/ @8。使用船+ ?/ N8 X/ I% |) ^  U3 j

6 u& r9 R9 ^& }=============================
& X6 Y: S+ |4 wNo licence holder shall fish for sports fish from any boat in those parts of Lake Rotoiti and Lake Rotoroa within a radius of 100m from the centre of the meeting lines of the rivers and streams listed below:+ f5 o' N2 Z, ~; R$ @
$ e; c- ^4 b8 g0 k8 e5 rLake Rotoiti:
3 C' `$ Z1 J% f. k3 A1 iRotoiti湖:: z" d* p( P/ u# h1 |% {; v
(a) Travers River.
9 m1 U2 W! [' q$ N$ n(一)特拉河。9 Z0 Z' T( E8 P! Q& F
(b) Coldwater Stream.
) r& v& f$ G' t(b)冷水流。% h6 T3 ^& L2 A- x7 n% ]
(c) Black Valley Stream.$ }( n, L7 b9 ~8 s+ o4 }
()黑谷溪。( F+ t9 T5 R8 s
(d) Buller River.0 r% M; O& l; K- ~$ T( j1 P% N8 {2 e
( Z+ ]) v& U" g, q' d. PLake Rotoroa:
+ j/ U3 ]! Q% r: B3 s! V汉米尔顿湖:
3 H* Z) ~3 Y3 L) z(a) Sabine River.- G! }8 T' B- H$ T& F
(一)萨宾河。3 q* E6 Z1 N' v3 G$ S2 b" e( @8 e
(b) D’Urville River.
3 |+ z% K9 W4 ^) ?; h, n7 w(b)迪尔维尔河。
1 N/ Q9 e5 |  ~' G* i" o(c) Gowan River.- t, N5 a0 m4 i9 N& e0 ~0 d5 S  t& u
% M, s3 o$ C* X0 _2 L4 c( D- M9. Daily Limit Bags
% k+ B/ K7 N' I% K& i2 m9。每日限袋. w! b" k* V% I% b% r  ]4 d
9.1 No licence holder shall on any day take, kill or be in possession of more than the bag limits specified in clauses 2 and 9.2 for this region.5 l$ l; ]; ]/ O
" o& |& Y- ~) `- X6 v4 m' U* A2 P6 P9.2 No licence holder shall on any day take, kill or be in possession of more than two salmon.+ m5 ~  x8 t1 r5 y4 ]9 ]: z4 F
9.2无许可证持有人须在任何一天内采取、杀害或持有多于2条鲑鱼。7 Q. I, `" S+ ~
10. Fish Length* p6 E2 a5 r, [! K9 D
10。鱼长) Q3 Z# Y! K& S, [2 \5 \
There is no minimum size limit for trout or salmon taken in the Nelson/Marlborough Fish and Game Region., b' {3 s: Z+ R3 m8 Z; v4 Q
9 Y; M$ N- v' y7 L5 ?West Coast Fish and Game Region( }4 \  a; p3 K, |% e; L
西海岸鱼及游戏区! d- S2 u* n) B2 E4 h
Reference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.' q4 N- j% E8 S$ o5 k9 X9 O6 M7 x$ [
8 X3 S& s; t3 R1 Q1. Definitions
5 Y, b* a/ _+ D3 r1。定义
+ u" q5 e0 a- ~! }, _  D, q  aFor interpretation of terms, refer to the First Schedule of this notice or the Freshwater Fisheries Regulations 1983.0 Q9 R5 [4 g$ Q; X# c, }8 @" w
对于术语的解释,参照本通知的第一附表或淡水渔业条例1983。5 s8 ]3 G4 s& V( G4 p4 m
2. Open Season
8 W3 [$ ^# I$ ~2。开放季节
8 n' K9 J. Y* W4 u* }  m+ e) L2.1 Open season for trout and perch
# {+ x4 }2 h" i5 R* _2.1个开放季节鳟鱼和鲈鱼  {7 j) g- ]0 r. X
The season duration for trout and perch in all waters shall be 1 October – 30 April (incl.) except in the following waters the season duration for trout and perch (excluding tributaries) shall be all year:
+ L9 h9 z9 J' G在所有的水域,鳟鱼和鲈鱼季节持续时间应在1十月30四月–(含)除以下水域鳟鱼和鲈鱼季节持续时间(不包括支流)将所有年:( V. r: x6 m1 m
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015& z/ `) o$ A% J' B
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
( t3 V: S; e9 n# s- j; E25
# U* H: Y6 C+ h5 G二十五* }/ O( Y7 q) i# y! H* l3 v
Ahaura River Downstream of Granite Creek
0 ~( ]4 g! r# a$ N) j花岗岩溪河下游Ahaura! `. V4 m) m( r. T- s5 C
Arahura River Downstream of Milltown (Landsburgh) Bridge
9 l7 ?( _' `7 K' \# D2 i$ B, \' G, I大师的下游阿拉胡拉河河(landsburgh)桥
3 x; g0 V% Z- Q8 J% _" hArawhata River Downstream of Haast-Jackson Bay Road* o" A1 E' t1 }4 M; Q- ~( a
arawhata河下游的哈斯特杰克逊湾路' _" a& t4 ~5 z- A1 V2 L1 _  ~0 v
Arnold River& f3 q* c3 q2 |( B0 Y) W7 c
阿诺德河2 [: @- O) K/ f9 W) n6 i
Big Ditch Creek Downstream of State Highway 674 ]/ ?3 d5 t3 Z; M
国道67号公路的大沟溪" ^$ S4 ~: Q5 A7 n- B$ n7 X
Big Totara River Downstream of State Highway 6
. F- D2 W7 `) d; ~. e大白松河下游6国道8 ~9 p8 Y+ ~8 J  J% ^
Brunner Lake
0 O# s" b9 n9 f: |) }布鲁纳湖
8 s3 @! A  @# W% U$ {  z( r! r  V" KBuller River Downstream of Lyell confluence
, M( P6 m& O4 D) q) |布勒河下游的莱尔汇合
- w5 w+ U/ y3 x' X" F' j+ lCascade River Downstream of Martyr confluence
+ \1 q1 X2 v0 C下游的河流下游
  j% y; i+ W2 v# q4 s( o! _Cook River Downstream of State Highway 6
3 A, d3 D0 i1 u7 I! j0 b& Q下游国家公路6
% U5 ~; C# ^' \: _3 ]9 E# _/ @Deadmans Creek Downstream of State Highway 679 H- j+ j$ Q6 |  r
隆起的溪下游67国道7 _6 r* B; m7 c
Ellery, Lake$ e* G* f+ |7 a8 B
4 @5 \+ o8 U) ?! F1 yGrey River Downstream of Clarke confluence
( U" a6 [  ]1 g+ G  `. g9 s8 H1 B- s克拉克交汇处的灰河下游
" a" Z0 h2 f$ j1 ]Haast River Downstream of Pleasant Flat Bridge
* a. D  m; v+ H愉快的平板桥下游哈斯特河
5 i% i; R2 @- e2 C6 |Hapuka River1 \5 S6 X; x0 G& z
* f- p: z7 z% b6 L7 R6 j2 Y' IHaupiri, Lake
2 ]+ `  J' R  e4 K: i3 fhaupiri,湖
8 E2 v" P5 m# mHindleys Creek
) [3 ^) ?7 y# a2 z该河
% l) ^& M3 C: E$ Q/ o, o1 T+ _8 L7 I, R. dHokitika River
3 K- @/ _& l8 o; l5 a% w霍基蒂卡河
, y' x* ^: J3 T" ^' U! tIanthe, Lake Excluding outlet
; q  B: S9 Q+ h4 t& a安西,湖不出口
% n/ a# j4 ]! e" PInangahua River (Lower) From Perseverance Bridge to Buller confluence
" L$ `+ {. j- a4 @3 N  M南阿瓦河(下)从毅力桥布勒汇合
, J- ?9 K7 N5 e" S6 y: PJacobs River Downstream of State Highway 6# d! ]8 S: L4 o+ Q
' d0 @/ E' n9 p% Y. uKaniere, Lake$ n! \$ h/ a4 {( l) _, B
! |  e' c1 a3 o8 U7 dKaniere River
( O$ }5 ~; t; u- i2 ]6 X卡尼里河
1 W0 R+ n: U* d. `( e$ RKaramea River Downstream of cableway at mouth of Lower Gorge
6 C* N7 i$ T* @: q3 _下游在下峡口索道卡拉米亚河
& j2 X( e3 P8 n  ~" YKarangarua River Downstream of State Highway 62 g5 X) m8 v9 b
% V$ n7 z- `; Z; [1 N( A2 sKohaihai River Downstream of Heaphy Track Bridge. T1 t! \" j3 y$ F
kohaihai河下游的赫菲轨道桥2 l' ^$ V. ?0 g& w+ l. a
Kokatahi River Downstream of Styx Confluence/ ]# _) U3 w, h% T6 \& g0 ]
+ D+ Y; N. t8 g  e. DKumara/Kapitea Reservoir system Downstream of Old Christchurch Road* ~& ~# \2 _( ]( c4 N
红薯/ kapitea老基督城路下游水库系统
, L' s/ l  z" i& u4 r$ D' Q' e  D* \Little Totara River Downstream of State Highway 6
- C% r! Q0 F3 ^  K; R  p小托塔拉河下游6国道9 c/ ~6 ~$ F8 m
Little Wanganui River Downstream of State Highway 67( k( {) g& N% |6 n7 `/ P
' K7 C. f- E8 @1 r/ N2 kMahinapua, Lake and outlet creek- o# J0 f6 I9 S. J; g. i+ d" R
mahinapua,湖溪和出口+ s6 I# F- n: l" \; Z
Mahitahi River Downstream of State Highway 6
3 [( Q$ x3 {$ k, O/ qmahitahi河下游6国道
' [. B' \& L1 U/ n, A4 w- VMapourika, Lake
2 C9 U6 R- F6 l; U: I, C3 r( l9 D! _6 a梅普里卡湖,湖
. H0 \0 v* P, |' u; B3 f4 ^, M$ O. hMartins Creek Downstream of Martins Creek Bridge
0 p# ?# V; i( \# B' g- ^3 Z马丁斯河下游马丁斯溪大桥
. I* a1 {0 [+ w, t0 R8 ~% ^6 m  K$ mMikonui River Downstream of State Highway 6
. G! H2 X' w8 ~mikonui河下游6国道
4 v3 `) s  @8 ]Moeraki, Lake5 d" K1 [5 d$ d; C
/ U8 h8 Q- }' @) c: T  gMoeraki River Downstream of State Highway 6! I/ s$ I" k* ^2 H$ F
莫河下游6国道# N9 v( f) z! c7 n
Mokihinui River Downstream of cableway at Welcome Creek1 v# \; L. [0 E$ F2 S  R
下游欢迎溪索道mokihinui河* Z: L0 [) o0 i9 g! X7 y5 p
New River Downstream of State Highway 6
( N  n& B; K3 F# L新的6国道下游5 j* [6 q5 c# I: ^
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20157 O- W) L- L* [5 r8 r
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31, i& _  x% d/ Z# }3 O! b6 `" m
) i6 D$ ?5 o6 R0 Z% a/ q二十六; s- M' P' ^* w3 I9 n
Ngakawau River Downstream of State Highway 67
5 Y9 V# S7 f% I3 |: a! j加卡沃河下游67国道
7 s6 T+ i8 [; M' [) r7 TNile River Downstream of Awakere confluence
7 D( ]' |6 @5 I& u$ g- g" gawakere汇合处下游的尼罗河) m) S3 Z4 _+ X, t/ i% ?
Ohinetamatea River
0 j# w3 j: U. g) F, j0 @; g6 Uohinetamatea河( J" p6 D+ R, M% K: G; j, V
Okari River Downstream of State Highway 6
  E1 Y' E' W1 l  |& gokari河下游6国道
+ x) j" m; I5 B# U6 T7 h  WOkarito River and lagoon& j- [2 o+ G' P2 c( i) z
奥卡里托河流和泻湖8 u. Z7 n# \; N) i
Okuru River Downstream of Haast-Jackson Bay Road
; q3 @  x1 l/ D% F9 E) r奥库鲁河下游的哈斯特杰克逊湾路# I, ]( p, o, t7 F- d
Omoeroa River Downstream of State Highway 6
1 a' [* V: M2 d4 o+ a0 Oomoeroa河下游6国道3 J, K" j9 A  A* l) ?
Oparara River Downstream of Karamea-Kohaihai Road
9 X# A. s7 R, d. u# B卡拉米亚kohaihai奥帕拉拉河河下游的道路
; v- _& t' w; R0 U2 A) M9 N0 wOrowaiti River Downstream of State Highway 674 F2 Q& {* j% `( E
( A. F2 Y0 v# u3 gParinga, Lake# F$ K0 j, i9 h& s2 K% H, j
6 Y( }. T; @/ YParinga River Downstream of State Highway 6
) }+ H& Z5 s) d" E餐馆河下游6国道
  Y3 T' `. Q% G- }# [8 S8 IPoerua River (South Westland) Downstream of State Highway 6
$ L; s# n* q& Q' o7 a' `+ Y! U* Lpoerua河(南韦斯特兰)下游6国道
( x: Q' v: d: v4 q1 R: wPorarari River Downstream of State Highway 6
" C/ X+ r3 x6 Z: `* A4 X/ wporarari河下游6国道  ]: h9 S' e" K0 e5 b6 ]9 a' N( R* X
Punakaiki River Downstream of State Highway 62 Y, F0 c7 z' F5 g
普纳凯基河下游6国道  i# d! o7 B: z/ G
Taramakau River Downstream of bridge at Jacksons
" F+ c' \8 l% S; p9 e) F' q在杰克逊的桥梁taramakau河下游3 d  \1 V1 W2 A- g5 L; x/ G8 e9 e
Totara River Downstream of State Highway 6
( s& c2 z  t4 X6 e( g0 i9 {- z白松河下游6国道
( R) R) X* G8 z- ~' z4 E' l# }Turnbull River Downstream of Haast-Jackson Bay Road
) n* W+ L; h6 H9 g# S5 o7 C: F8 Y特恩布尔河下游的哈斯特杰克逊湾路
! b- O- [0 E  M( ]Wahapo, Lake$ c' {, C9 h% I+ m) v( G
wahapo,湖/ I5 A. n4 d) Y9 s* b+ T
Waiatoto River Downstream of Haast-Jackson Bay Road0 q4 r4 \6 n% J3 D
* ?7 ~7 q3 I3 x! G2 Y0 {: F" a2 X) @" FWaikukupa River Downstream of State Highway 6
8 e8 t9 R+ R, Y5 p- p7 l  q! dwaikukupa河下游6国道( d- e) a0 O3 K/ A, E6 \& r
Waimangaroa River Downstream of State Highway 67- v, o3 V* F: F) M/ I- \
# k, L4 m4 a) ~  _& S5 f7 p* IWaita River Downstream of State Highway 69 A! X: M' A& E8 l: n4 Q& n! |: l
) l% F! V) S$ u- A. G7 tWaitaha River Downstream of State Highway 6
3 |/ x" y( I' c. _9 M5 w1 l怀塔哈河下游6国道
  p9 D8 y0 O. J2 }3 ?3 t7 VWanganui River Downstream of State Highway 62 s5 [9 y& h9 ~8 e3 y! }
% U; n8 ~' r1 V+ FWhakapohi River Downstream of State Highway 6' a1 I- W: K6 I$ Q2 ]
$ A- a" F* {/ w9 hWhareatea River Downstream of State Highway 67
+ `* c7 c9 P5 Q- B, v- Z2 f5 dwhareatea河下游67国道, L- I" S& `) t$ x2 O+ A
7 _2 O) b; r1 u6 X
6 C+ u: E( @4 U, i( [Whataroa River
& B6 I1 V0 c% {& s" J+ V瓦塔罗阿河1 Q) Y8 Y: T$ M8 @7 P
Whitcombe River; C; {! A6 u) \( j% A  D7 @
7 f/ s9 x0 a! k2.2 Open season for salmon:
% e! `7 {  Q2 U8 r3 r6 R2.2开放季节鲑鱼:0 r7 t4 B) Y4 X9 _
The open season for salmon in Lakes Mapourika, Paringa (including Windbag Stream) and Lake Moeraki shall be 1 October – 31 March (incl.) All other waters 1 October – 30 April (incl.)+ b! I9 V- n% g" N
梅普里卡湖鲑鱼开放的季节,餐馆(包括嗦流)和湖泊摩拉基应十月1月31–(包括)所有其他水域–1十月四月30(含)" n! I6 }5 f; |9 w& Y! q# g7 F. X
3. Closed Waters
2 \( k8 O# V2 p  Y) s3。封闭水域
: ^4 j$ K9 [9 C2 @* B" t4 W% L: aMcDonalds Creek at Lake Mapourika is closed to fishing at all times.
. W, W- q4 r7 k/ i3 ~3 J0 |梅普里卡关闭麦当劳溪湖钓鱼时刻。
# \, i; k: c( h! a  M& h7 T4. Authorised Tackle9 J" O5 d+ P8 ~" {4 j1 u' f
4。授权处理" F0 ^" v) a) T$ I+ Z- V- V
All legal methods as described in the First Schedule to this notice are permitted in all waters.1 T/ K4 h9 w; B9 I& i3 @/ \
所有的法律方法如第一时间所描述的,在所有水域中都允许。- v) F! w& p2 I3 j- a. Q
5. Fly Fishing Only Waters
% i2 I+ _/ V5 p( ^( C4 j- o% B, I& p5。只能钓鱼的水域
0 b2 \/ }4 R& r# I3 z) {$ D3 ]There are no fly fishing only waters in the West Coast Region.
9 M7 I0 J! @6 ]5 ]在西海岸地区,没有一只苍蝇捕鱼。/ h4 M" @  Z$ n* T2 t2 i: P+ h3 @
6. Bait Fishing
- c2 A# M7 q  R7 m3 S! H/ \4 ~6。饵钓
: e& y& {- ^' ^6 dPermitted in all waters.
; L+ G* o' A& K. u( w& V! C允许在所有水域。6 R" M$ T2 I- Y# J" ^3 [
7. Coarse Fishing Waters! m& N/ D% P7 [) d/ r2 F
7。粗钓水域: P: T8 h7 ]: c3 I6 d$ N/ q! U) [
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20159 d6 @0 A" h( c: r* s* K
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
' v, ~* f" s- @5 \' `5 b; [27
. N4 E+ k1 s6 U/ I二十七
8 J1 e( \, t1 A% H8 L0 vThere are no special conditions relating to coarse fishing other than those provided for in the First Schedule to this notice., }6 {) f0 M( k: C" n0 e
! }  L; C1 E" O" _8. Use of Boats
7 }  e6 k* L' H: o( I8。使用船
) V/ I7 z$ T& y2 C$ p7 S0 IThere are no special conditions relating to the use of boats for angling.& Q: `2 ^9 f# Z* |
没有特殊条件有关的钓鱼船的使用。3 I- M7 F' q: M2 ?% I2 K. ]
9. Daily Bag Limits
9 U6 {7 c! }9 L: d9。每日袋限制
: ^2 ?! R( R- W$ l, [6 k& A) w0 }3 _' |9.1 No licence holder shall on any day take, kill or be in possession of more than two sports fish from the following waters:" L1 p2 o# G0 u# A( p9 I; E  X
9.1无许可证持有人须在任何一天内采取、杀害或持有多于2条从以下水域中的鱼类的运动:$ l6 k6 m  r% r" ~8 p- b! G: ]0 @
Big River.
, @) ]! R1 ]' |& G& J大河流。
( a  w9 ^9 ]1 z$ T4 c# A! DBruce Stream.
2 `' x. G8 a( z布鲁斯流。( ^  s1 J: v1 b1 @% u/ U4 C" k
Crooked River.( Z0 I5 y6 n5 P# J8 N; G% P1 T% e
弯曲河流。6 [7 y: h% m4 r: H3 ]/ X8 g
Deep Creek.
: h5 l& o% M* A: x) y6 i深溪。
4 N. Y  f" w1 g- I8 P* hDuck Creek.
. W% N2 s0 g0 L! G鸭溪。+ L5 ^3 Z* E' S6 \! m8 D1 _) K
Harris Creek.
3 H. U+ E2 C8 W9 @哈里斯溪。
2 ]' |* i. n0 X6 I0 ~7 \Haupiri River.
+ H  c# t1 D+ i+ A$ I& x. C  ^haupiri河。# T" q" _; b& Q7 V) Z& }
Karamea River and tributaries (upstream of cableway at mouth of lower gorge).4 v. U% \# i" h6 [2 C
卡拉米亚河及其支流(上游索道在下峡口)。( o9 ^8 Z3 t. ^+ @% V  k! f
Larrys Creek.8 [: S0 V& {: G% M
德拉瓦河。, j, Y- U! L- g" I; ?
Mokihinui River and tributaries (upstream of Welcome Creek).
1 G1 Z) X% w/ E7 y: R2 f  K& Rmokihinui河及其支流(欢迎溪上游)。' K1 Y; ?6 x* R/ m  S% c
Molloy Creek., r, y+ n0 _# m9 U- o
* G7 {' S0 V/ \% A* T' F2 t& P( yMoonlight River.
# g; b  Q( U; U% k4 b月光河。$ F5 t7 W9 C& J$ P, X
Murray Creek.$ c; e5 a, c6 R. @9 W& N9 q
墨累河。  E% a' k$ t8 L* e
Ohikanui River.
9 a& o9 ]8 V- l& [% r6 ]# uohikanui河。7 ^6 R1 y1 p6 e  w* A- G
Orangipuku River., s. g/ ^: i5 V* P; a, H4 U* w) @- d
; U& _3 G7 V" {/ [3 w% p! ~Rough River.! S4 a6 y6 v0 c; L  B: P4 f) ~0 s
$ k' p, i  M( Y5 N' j. q5 jStony Creek.
: M' v) V$ L: u石溪。
7 k" m) I6 ]3 r, `' G- m2 MWaitahu River and tributaries.
- \8 ]' w3 [# Ewaitahu河及其支流。
9 c3 S3 C5 e/ B9 g9.2 In all other waters, except in the case of perch for which there is no daily limit, no licence holder shall on any day take, kill or be in possession of more than:- W$ g0 _9 ?7 g
: }& q2 H- u5 k. U# f' D1 Y4 brown trout.2 E. T, h: P6 g9 _# V! d
4棕色鳟鱼。& L) G" {+ J: E+ V7 B# o7 g
2 rainbow trout.6 z% r& M" ^' Z; E) v' r4 \
2条彩虹鳟鱼。( i4 K" u& t: [; q! m3 N
2 salmon.4 i! \! c+ f3 q$ w0 }
2 Z* P& T; _) Y. d5 P1 u9 @4 \10. Fish Length- b  p+ e) d9 f  ?8 o$ g  I
  F; t; I) r- K  @( x5 S/ yThe minimum length for trout and salmon in the following waters shall be 250mm:
) j: W7 l5 g# e  M$ D在下列水域的鳟鱼和鲑鱼的最小长度应为250mm:
$ ^; |3 Z1 Q5 PLake Ellery.
. R: F+ ], e' z% |7 D% H/ P埃勒里湖。/ W7 i( F$ i- R1 [/ t
Lake Mapourika.
/ a3 k+ K7 ]' d梅普里卡湖。
- Z) y( o0 N. b: ~# w2 q! oLake Moeraki.
4 R# o) R2 F* o  Y* a0 Y莫湖。9 g. M( e0 X. F
Lake Paringa.
0 n! y9 N, a% D$ K湖的餐馆。+ |/ V* S; K1 |. P, \+ I
In all other waters there shall be no minimum length.
3 w3 ]$ i9 c% e: N5 R4 [- t在所有其他水域中,不存在最小长度。6 J! P; p$ V' R* ?, D6 b+ e9 J
$ i8 w7 U( J; K- Q. q! q
========================' ]0 a  X  _3 N0 @+ m* e
North Canterbury Fish and Game Region
  O' p2 |( T' R5 v  S' p  `$ Z$ S; ?北坎特伯雷鱼和游戏区, v0 H, {0 h/ h! f) B  R
Reference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861; ]7 y& w$ b- B
参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页  F2 I  H& ~  n- P' {+ Y3 B) _
1. Definitions! S' L- y- H* R2 o- r2 [
1。定义0 {, }* d+ i; w6 `# Q
For interpretation of terms, refer to the First Schedule of this notice or the Freshwater Fisheries Regulations 1983.8 r: i% r: X- p6 b- ?
对于术语的解释,参照本通知的第一附表或淡水渔业条例1983。2 a$ i3 E9 x1 Q
1.1 The North Canterbury Fish and Game Region is divided into two zones:' G$ O1 y. g) B" _( k' x$ U
. {6 x. O$ c8 [7 C- m& [“Eastern Zone”: The area to the east of a line extending from a white post on the south bank of the Rakaia River (on Double Hill Road visible from the river) to a white post on the north bank (near the Coleridge Power Station tailrace), to the confluence of Staircase Stream and the Waimakariri River (above Woodstock), to the Ashley Gorge Road Bridge on the Ashley River, to the junction of the Hurunui River with the South Branch, to NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015# ]! |4 W" j% m( L; ^
“东部开发区”的区域延伸至白色后在拉凯阿河南岸线东(双山路从河中可见)的一个白色后在北岸(靠近柯勒律治电站尾水),到楼梯流汇合,Waimakariri河(在伍德斯托克音乐节),到艾希礼峡谷的公路桥在艾希礼河,对胡鲁努伊河交界处的南支,新西兰公报,85号- 31七月20159 o6 B! c! }7 g( x
28- t; ?7 V+ R- h2 X: h
二十八) z" [" m' C1 w/ w) N
the junction of the Waiau and Hope Rivers; and excluding Lake Rubicon.4 A+ H7 ^1 U2 s+ X% x) F
希望的怀奥河交汇处;排除湖Rubicon。0 m/ W1 N" |, s- P7 T/ |/ @! m
“Western Zone”: The area to the west of the eastern zone plus Lake Rubicon.
6 n5 T% s: y& N7 i“西部区”:该地区到东部地区的加湖Rubicon西。& Y5 T" d3 ]2 C4 r6 b  y; G* a2 S
2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits( M% }# S' b6 \/ d
; A) a% I4 c' T  }2.1 Except as closed under clause 3 for this region or restricted elsewhere in this notice.  l" B5 G" b, @: _2 n
2.1除本条第3条所规定的区域外,或在本通知的其他地方受到限制。4 m  I. H: \1 O6 e
Anglers please note: The tables below are to be read in conjunction with the following clauses for this region.: Z9 B, Z" S; }. c& T
钓鱼者请注意:下面的表格必须与下列条款一并阅读本区。# t" [5 l  U9 Y5 N# b
Clause 3 for waters where anglers are not allowed to fish.
- J8 W' E* F4 J0 Z+ g3条对于水域垂钓者不得鱼。/ h. L7 Y+ F) C% a2 g& e+ U
Clause 5 for waters recognised as coarse fishing waters.8 C$ j$ t! y- h0 m6 \
# k6 c8 B3 s. K. K  [  r9 ~. uClause 6 for further restrictions on bait fishing where “FSB” are allowed.
) Q$ V; O4 s0 D& i# c9 X6条进一步限制饵钓鱼的地方“外频”是允许的。
' }9 k3 ~" V) |* y7 b; bClause 8 for further restrictions of daily bag limits.
) _) h4 A* ^3 H( C4 l条款8进一步限制日常袋限制。
5 _( f2 A9 q- [) u' @4 p8 {5 ?Clause 9.1 for further restrictions on maximum fish lengths allowed.
: b; M% H& {/ Z条款9.1为进一步限制允许的最大长度。- n7 k" U6 R. L& N  N
Permitted Methods definition: b( D9 a, a- f1 u2 |; ~! V
允许的方法定义' _4 a# \8 U. \2 n) a( t
F = Fly fishing only  {8 ~' S* I+ ]* j2 ^/ y- z
=飞钓5 ?2 K# Q' a+ [: g: w
FS = Fly or Spin fishing only% K" K: F, x; L' T; s  H9 Q
只是飞行或旋转钓鱼, E* @0 j) h% C& s" B! s
FSB = Fly, Spin or Bait fishing permitted
- @; f6 {5 N( r7 `fsb飞,旋转或诱饵钓鱼许可6 M$ J7 |% x2 V0 D1 i/ O
Lakes Open Season Permitted, Y3 Z0 F' _& m/ r) d
允许的湖泊8 x8 ]9 L- n$ B3 M. K3 j0 w% r
" l5 w; d+ U) j* i8 m/ i方法7 Q4 i( z! k1 A
Trout Limit Salmon
$ t& |: y5 s; x$ A1 I8 l, r3 L鳟鱼限制鲑鱼
+ t) u. J2 V/ }. w; [$ y; k% WLimit) b8 C4 ?% o- x* f8 i2 m' e6 K. G: P
极限6 Y0 G1 {8 P+ ^! X3 j2 r
Blackwater, Lake 10 Dec – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a+ a( G6 {9 [! i2 r" t
黑水湖月10月30–FS 2 N / A5 u1 Y: O6 l# x2 m2 S
Christchurch Groynes Fishing Lakes – the
8 Z$ N5 t! U6 |) ~- v* s克赖斯特彻奇的–防波堤钓鱼湖
; y& _$ u8 M9 B; V8 D: L# m. Xfour ponds at the western end of the
+ Y, V  l' B' D" J8 S, E6 E7 l& \四个池塘的西底
4 p9 p1 @! N8 m+ F: z8 ]Groynes reserve signposted as" L0 f' i# q1 I* D; J" y
防波堤保护区标示为3 P* ]% \. N1 n9 W% R' x
designated fishing lakes
7 ?3 l( P; D1 m. I指定垂钓湖; Y9 Q1 z* n) O
All year FSB 2 2- {1 ^! L0 K0 h# h
FSB 2全年2+ {+ \1 D; n+ ?; ~' R, h1 F) `
Coleridge, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr and8 ~" s, {) r3 a$ p1 F1 k  q
6 V( N4 t) x( D" g& g! t9 s1 Jun – 31 Aug
; V5 _9 w, a& O1 ?4 n1 u) K31日1军–7 M; N" O  W! r0 K0 k3 X% [
FS 2 4
- Y( V/ ?  E( \% L4 2
/ {# R4 e, S8 q5 G8 i* [$ LCourtenay, Lake All year FSB 2 2# n! x& ~2 S; U- J, S+ U
库特奈湖全年,FSB 2 2
. N2 D5 u. |0 n, x9 L; u. I0 K( E3 OEllesmere, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 2
% Q) V4 f$ m' G* l7 R' s米尔,湖1日–FSB 2 2月30日6 \) I0 Y7 R* b
Evelyn, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a
0 P! Q, v0 y% r1 f; N伊夫林,7日–湖30四月FS 2 N / A$ o/ l$ E8 E& y5 A: g- ~2 c) h( c
Forsyth, Lake All year FSB 2 n/a( r9 @& n* _+ P& [
福塞斯,湖全年FSB 2 N / A
" l5 [7 E% B. B3 J) NGeorgina, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a
8 U; C: w9 d4 b乔治娜,7日–湖30四月FS 2 N / A/ }% o% A: }  ^1 {3 n. m1 ]6 w
Grasmere, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a5 H& s' V4 }1 ]* d# }) E& [
格拉斯米尔,湖月7日–月30 FS 2 N / A
" K0 [8 W3 n+ Z4 L: |Guyon, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a. k* W0 X* P$ D. y1 d
Guyon,湖7日–月30 FS 2 N / A
, }* L/ w. a. p' ~Hawdon, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a
. @0 `' `% v1 ~4 w" l; ?+ y3 J5 f霍登,湖7日–月30 FS 2 N / A6 n* E4 t4 @$ ~( R
Henrietta, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a
) k5 M' u4 e5 W. Y1 p亨丽埃塔,7日–湖30四月FS 2 N / A1 U* |) S& b- s! K" L; F* Z# t
Ida, Lake and Little Ida Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a
7 K' l0 |' \. ?9 w8 @+ Q艾达,湖和小意达湖7日–月30 F 2 N / A
1 F$ o7 S2 {5 S. K, ^Kaiapoi Lakes All year FSB 2 n/a
, Y6 @% ~# G( ?9 C- I凯厄波伊湖泊全年FSB 2 N / A
7 Y0 V. M# G9 \6 _, v3 V8 lKatrine, Loch All year FS 2 22 i! Z( `4 E: F
卡特琳湖全年FS 2 2  ]5 S" s2 z6 _8 @5 V/ ~+ H
Letitia, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a2 C' z' ]9 q8 M
利蒂霞,湖7日–月30 FS 2 N / A
: P; ~$ f2 h2 [Lilian, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a% M5 L9 {7 m# H0 Y) n) e4 n
丽莲,7日–湖30四月FS 2 N / A% E0 u: u) j$ M0 C! W& o( E+ p- d9 ]
Lyndon, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr and
) y/ T/ Z+ N" H5 v. z2 K, v林顿,7月30日和11月–湖
6 ^2 J! k6 Y% z, P# `% Q& L/ W1 Jun – 31 Aug
3 r% C( X$ ?% _8 M1 S6 T31日1军–
) I5 ], x4 M7 }! M# v+ PFSB 2 n/a# C0 k5 H9 _8 O. E* \
FSB 2 N / A
& b- Z; v0 `: z$ |Marymere, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a
) |# M3 D) V" i/ ?& g7 |2 L! D玛莉密,湖月7日–月30 F 2 N / A6 y* j. ?/ m% d! u, A
Mason, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a) P" O6 w7 [+ r5 ~: T+ r
梅森,湖月7日–月30 FS 2 N / A2 w7 Q: Q7 ?4 ~
Minchin, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a
1 {, r* ^/ k! u8 [/ S明钦,湖7日–月30 FS 2 N / A, |+ x& D1 s# G6 a
Monck (Catherine), Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a  l6 s# u) U$ k4 \
蒙克(凯瑟琳)7日,湖–30 Apr 2 N / A( R9 t# I5 ?; ]2 h5 V
0 O6 x2 E# W: J% }; U新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31% Y0 S. I  ]5 _( I. s
( ?! W7 h  c, e# |; B( a
==========================5 |8 u* ^1 J/ g, \$ m- ]0 L+ x
295 }' s. [6 @' P# F1 H5 t3 {: I
# z; W" P+ c( w7 L1 ]6 D: P9 _Monopolies Pond All year FSB 2 n/a
2 I  p0 N, C; j9 k6 v垄断塘全年FSB 2 N / A
- E8 j6 Y) K+ H7 X( lPearson, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr and  Z0 ^' F) o4 U8 {& a
皮尔森,7月30日和11月–湖( l8 A* J8 b8 P& x7 z2 e. l3 m
1 Jun – 30 Sep6 X$ [8 @2 T3 a6 S6 @" A
1军–30 Sep
" j5 c$ S7 |3 o, i, k$ l$ rFS 2 2; \# g" N& U' M+ O! J- z6 a
2 2
, h- ]0 L2 |4 U1 U7 @) zRotokohatu, Lake All year FSB 2 n/a* [  T/ K1 W# d' k! N7 K) ?0 \
rotokohatu,湖全年FSB 2 N / A
9 w0 W  K( W- ]8 I% vRubicon, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a# ~& @* t* W; ]) `+ |' W/ @5 s8 @1 K
卢比孔河,湖月7日–月30 FS 2 N / A$ W1 E0 r) u* S/ l' W; o6 J; f
Sarah, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a
8 E0 Q+ ~3 x) T. i6 f  C莎拉,7日–湖月30 F 2 N / A" L+ M, s* i& M9 R
Selfe, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr and1 j1 i# j4 S8 }; {3 m, x! J
其实,湖–30月和11月7' ~* c7 r0 V- s% \3 q9 e+ s) B
1 Jun – 30 Sep
! a- d# o2 W: \2 o, e2 H0 J2 x1军–30 Sep' Y+ y( n! k  S: G2 [) U; v5 I0 j7 \
FS 2 n/a
% v) Y& _8 o. }- p2氮/一" ]1 H9 B; m' S
Sheppard, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a* o. _  e# M+ r+ A9 Y2 |3 o9 o
谢泼德,湖月7日–月30 F 2 N / A/ m5 g1 d9 \4 x( V8 n1 u
Sumner, Lake All year FS 2 27 v% L5 A; ?& F2 p8 m) O
: X& [" g; O% O/ hTaylor, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr and
  h2 x% o2 H" f6 H4 E: z4 C6 A泰勒,7月30日和11月–湖
, I* z5 ?9 K4 N1 Jun – 30 Sep  y- M, [# T* M! j' `5 W+ U
1军–30 Sep: J' b# O0 ]+ F' K) {
FS 2 n/a
7 L0 c& W$ C; m( m$ }2氮/一6 ^2 w- a# Z+ a/ G! I) E
Eastern Zone Rivers Open Season Permitted
/ c: V. l/ A0 {3 d) r6 y8 W东部地区河流开放季节允许/ B+ f" |. o. M6 Z4 e
Methods: c& O& |$ B- E9 }$ v: S
8 G' x5 \+ ]6 t$ DTrout Limit Salmon: `* M/ x, ]/ Y) d! t! o6 C8 ]* ?4 i
- `0 I4 C! ]& G$ A- ALimit4 j2 N( b2 T0 ]' E5 Q. z2 t$ @
0 f! F( w/ x& y( x1 d  R5 ~) QAshley River, downstream of Ashley Gorge
( y( X2 V' g2 W& h& W艾希礼河下游艾希礼峡谷' u* R' Y% R2 @; a3 H/ X+ }* |! T
Road Bridge0 n, `7 x/ d" S, X$ t3 O) Z6 M, f
5 `4 z+ X; c& G+ p6 jAll year FSB 2 2# ~, s$ w$ T; v0 k. o3 Z$ W
FSB 2全年2. F* d# Z$ t, I8 }
Avon River downstream of Barbadoes Street3 f! _( A; e+ `* {4 n
/ i3 L: _% W! ^5 bBridge2 J/ h+ g; [+ W& l+ R* r
; Q( P% @& Q% z7 P  Y1 I- r
All year FSB 2 2
! u  N' c0 H1 V( A: z) H1 H- pFSB 2全年2$ x6 e$ `( g9 s$ ~3 f
Avon River and tributaries upstream of0 v. i! A8 v: E
8 `4 f2 ~/ ^' n& UArmagh Street Bridge (Hagley Park)* Z8 B0 c" E# W# o: g  q
阿玛街桥(海格利公园)! @/ c7 i1 f1 g, s8 R  P+ _
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 2# O( M# p, ^7 Q: g
1日–FSB 2 2月30日& L6 a( g* X2 X8 A
Cam River, upstream of Smith Street Bridge 1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 2 02 p# V+ m) ~8 {; Z
康河,史密斯街大桥1日–31损坏FSB 2上游04 `7 M+ g" _1 @1 z1 [
Cam River from the confluence of the
& V1 l" a) N6 Z7 g7 b$ D8 X- x从河的交汇处4 @/ |" [" C5 o0 x5 T) J; {
Kaiapoi River to the Smith Street Bridge8 M- N' I3 G( k$ z' z. c3 Z, Q
凯厄波伊河到史密斯街桥( }0 k* P. S$ u
1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 2 1
; d  m+ `& L4 N; ^( I: q4 `1日–损坏FSB 2 1 315 }- S+ S' C' C- ]+ }2 P
Cust River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 0# m; m* f* o/ t. A* o; e2 y
1日–cust河30四月FSB 2 0
1 Q" d8 }6 |& L1 _5 p' qHalswell Canal, upstream of Duck Pond Road; X% N7 y1 p; q5 Z) W* i) }
霍尔斯韦尔运河,鸭塘路上游+ M1 f+ W* N# S+ L& M" p, |
Bridge  O$ x; x5 W4 J: h4 E2 o' y

. b# ?6 \0 G7 o' \( X5 D1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a8 Z# h7 a' d/ J. S$ s
1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A
3 ^$ J$ A" |% [; FHalswell Canal, downstream of Duck Pond
" U6 }3 F0 r" D) j4 c# l霍尔斯韦尔运河下游的鸭塘$ K- }6 U6 i# e0 s' r5 [
Road Bridge
6 z) W2 Z: U9 g/ O路桥
& A* U: T( c' Q+ xAll year FSB 2 n/a) ?6 S: ?, n5 v( E8 t* w6 z8 q* p7 Y
全年FSB 2 N / A" f- o! n4 W, v) ~
Halswell River, upstream of Seabridge Road9 x# V" J2 _6 j. A4 O. i
- X3 k  [5 |# {( U2 OBridge
- |2 T; |( m* \4 p. N, M' v* b, b" h
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a0 N8 e* }( G4 A- G% c' Z/ x
1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A
5 ~5 t! P4 b! @7 P/ aHalswell River, downstream of Seabridge+ P! B, J9 l# Z# ?8 [7 D% T
霍尔斯韦尔河下游的海桥+ j/ v7 Z6 a& I. K  r2 V$ }' p' y! h
Road Bridge3 D5 n, Z6 Y( j1 o8 `
! z& z: m0 Z; y1 ?6 mAll year FSB 2 n/a
0 W9 }$ f6 L8 s) ~' N0 w' e3 o全年FSB 2 N / A
% R6 {$ N. K: O# Q8 T3 U- GHarts Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a  z# D: ?7 v& J. ?
哈特河1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A
3 J! I9 D5 \2 ?7 yHawkins River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 n/a
9 u' M% `6 m& I4 i2 |4 V霍金斯河1日–30四月FSB 1 N / A
+ F8 b7 L! ^4 X/ u  i. t: ~Heathcote River downstream of Tennyson
# d8 b. P. f: ~0 t8 e丁尼生Heathcote河下游( r6 i$ z/ ~, @. ?5 C
Street Bridge: o) K: K/ P5 t3 j
街桥! Q- a/ N* x% t0 e6 {3 u6 f
All year FSB 2 n/a- Y5 k, a0 m4 t- z0 H
全年FSB 2 N / A3 P+ }. }) E& D% d2 C% b
Heathcote River upstream of Tennyson
$ t0 L5 z/ e( U" B9 {8 yHeathcote河上游丁尼生& \8 T- z) A+ c
Street Bridge
! G. D7 u; w+ ?7 Q8 N! M1 s$ _街桥
# l, l. y3 x8 t5 I$ l$ _# V  p1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a
  V0 v6 V% V- v% ?( Q, C% V" X1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A1 Z7 H- Y4 [+ o$ ~- Q
Hororata River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a" r7 K! F: q! P
霍罗拉塔河1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A
' e0 ^* Z3 G' zHurunui River, downstream of South Branch4 |2 C. K' p( O! o0 `2 `8 E
胡鲁努伊河,南支下游9 L! s" B7 R( m* B( y' K7 k: z( Q
confluence (Eastern Zone)+ v+ K. I; o" A# ?4 l& @
9 _" N6 D$ i5 O: R6 n: @! lAll year FSB 2 2
$ Y3 q. B) F3 p8 T1 WFSB 2全年2: J' Y7 `' t! l1 V  x
Irwell River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 n/a
# x" y$ `! ~! Y艾威尔河1日–30四月FSB 1 N / A
* e5 [& E# ^; fKaiapoi River, upstream of Cust Main Drain
" @( _- p5 e+ t4 h- h凯厄波伊河-主排水上游
: q+ r( X8 m7 P5 J$ h: f; yconfluence
; _+ j' M# b" b汇合7 @( h, |" z& k  F) s
1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 2 0
. w3 y+ ]1 p% T$ r2 f! @) ]& E1日–损坏FSB 2 0 31
" ]* N4 _2 V* ?* b( \4 O' |Kaiapoi River, downstream of Williams Street. x+ O' S% }9 S  q
凯厄波伊河下游,威廉姆斯街7 v3 Y$ v) Y2 m
Bridge( y% u; T9 G% D! ?$ r
  `& ]) f( h4 Y* h
All year FSB 2 1$ l  V( h* R* _+ ]
FSB 2全年1
* _8 r) {' y8 z6 KNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015* H1 i( m/ e" K6 Y& R& x9 ^+ }# `
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月312 T) \8 A/ O% v+ z% G) I  T$ n
30. o. b! i* A/ i9 O
3 C2 I+ K. L# _1 hKaiapoi River upstream of William Street/ q( D! h1 |5 R4 K9 q# \
凯厄波伊河上游的威廉街& v# O, ]+ i3 w
Bridge and below the Cust Main Drain6 K4 f% A) y' G  f
桥下面的客户主排水# [; A2 T+ x! w2 u% W; A6 d
4 `( J* {4 a8 G/ U2 R# P' j汇合3 w+ q% ]0 b5 j5 Z0 h) @9 ]1 q
1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 2 1
, {% q4 d7 K& P: {/ G& O# P8 Q8 s1 S1日–损坏FSB 2 1 31
* i2 Z, e' ]% v6 @Kaiapoi River, upstream of Williams Street
* y1 O) ?5 n" g5 e" H凯厄波伊河、威廉姆斯街上游6 M6 N- c) B* Y1 i
Bridg- e
, N9 ?9 q/ E- k! @桥- E
+ P3 g9 b# L" ]" L% e1 Apr – 30 Sep FSB 2 0
/ l; n2 Q. o, j) O月1日30日–FSB 2 0
- v: R7 }, L9 j+ _Kaituna River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 n/a
$ W2 ]1 ~! o7 @; r, |# \kaituna河1日–30四月FSB 1 N / A
% M/ O. n' C( g1 H* `& s9 PLeader River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 26 X9 N* z# k: g6 d8 q/ f
1日–领袖河30四月FSB 2 2* ~  y* L- X! s/ l; E- U" B4 i+ u. K
Lee Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 2
+ ]5 H- F8 V6 k0 G5 q9 ]% Z$ z# f1日–李流30四月FSB 2 2
) {4 N' A7 ~3 P0 r& tLII (L2) River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a5 o6 D5 h" J. U0 {
我(L2)河1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A
  j6 X) C4 }; ^: r2 q2 S0 T; mMandamus River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 0# I: {/ ?; P0 r1 s8 P. v& {9 a
1日–训令河30四月FSB 1 0( _2 |1 ~# `3 e5 o
Okana River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 n/a; |- L9 {! i% k' k
okana河1日–30四月FSB 1 N / A
  b! q! j( c# Z0 I2 tOkuku River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 n/a
: j+ B4 @& ?  k8 ?$ w" R奥库库河1 OCT–30四月FSB 1 N / A) }3 h, a! T8 e+ W
Okuti River, upstream of Te Oka Bay Road
! a& p% X$ E0 n. Tokuti河上游TE奥卡湾路8 T5 |% n, l! a# p: K$ a& U6 k
9 m6 O% y6 k  S2 `7 U
+ T. Z- ?9 l) J- j- Y1 o1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a6 v  {$ \" Q* I2 t# `" h6 e
1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A
) H3 d+ x/ K* U& K4 k8 o& Z8 X* i& r% [Okuti River, downstream of Te Oka Bay Road
1 p3 E  v: @& Z$ O) u' ?okuti河下游TE奥卡湾路
- ^8 ~+ H: M, `! [; v( K+ k9 w1 Q6 WBridge! C: e2 Q- B+ Y1 X  u, b, t* W

& B" N' O7 `2 n1 f/ JAll year FSB 2 n/a9 X0 `/ @; R  Z4 z" w
全年FSB 2 N / A# ]: Q8 @  v. w* ^
Pahau River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 0
& Y. \7 I8 U9 d; ^. E4 Qpahau河1日–FSB 1 0月30日
1 K6 J& X5 e! U* w' B: IOtukaikino Creek (South Branch of$ i# ~0 v& q/ r/ w7 \
otukaikino溪(南支: j, l3 P" \+ J1 U4 {  o5 t
Waimakariri) upstream of Dickeys Road
) {/ u2 u. Y) h6 n- R+ P' VWaimakariri)的道路上胸襟0 `2 M% u4 Q5 O& ?+ r" S
# v" Z- L+ ?/ A: [
; z0 R+ k( V5 n3 C- m1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 0
, y2 m* x8 d  _# X/ z+ I8 M1日–FSB 2 0月30日3 l' w. I# I- y8 A& f
Otukaikino Creek (South Branch of
1 _1 `0 X# T8 m/ g2 q7 ^' Xotukaikino溪(南支7 j$ V1 Z4 x9 @5 }3 ^. g
Waimakariri) downstream of Dickeys Road
8 Z3 q; V  V3 G6 q# D( O% ^% LWaimakariri)的胸襟路下游
/ f+ _4 a" h" [0 lBridge; h0 H2 {5 t* T

" K5 k! z! C1 p* Y1 L* mAll year FSB 2 0- l9 L4 d+ k9 _5 r+ I+ }
FSB 2全年0& Q6 m0 G1 g9 S: {" q6 C
Rakaia River, downstream of Coleridge5 i, J$ o+ `. R5 ~8 a
6 T; ^8 }8 q& n0 y! E2 ]/ w- p4 jTailrace confluence (Eastern Zone)
9 M5 X" F  g& g7 T) n, n1 `尾水汇合处(东区)$ \* Q+ N/ P+ A1 E
All year FSB 2 2
7 a- C9 J$ ^+ L8 j/ ~* ^+ ?. Y; IFSB 2全年2  p' X  }2 T6 h, k
Saltwater Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 2
7 M) }3 C4 |( b$ }! a- |盐水溪月1月30 2 2–FSB
+ t- B, E6 b3 a( e. g0 ^, e' X4 r6 oSelwyn River between the Upper Selwyn
; @) @  @  R! M0 @7 q该河上游塞尔温之间7 H, k. n2 I: W% S4 K% \5 G( U5 h  @
Huts and the State Highway 77 Bridge' ]$ z( Q: N. D) t. D' K' {/ y4 Q9 N
木屋和国家公路77桥! j5 k( k7 ~, h5 Y) }; |1 i
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a
6 G, r* E# Y: E3 T1 y" i1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A2 m& t, l! x& G2 y! n, R+ u
Selwyn River, downstream of Upper Selwyn7 l6 H; V# ^0 P* l2 z
: q  e, E3 b% V. }& Z1 iHuts
) x8 ~5 c! b% N. m小屋" Y8 y; u$ o) n7 }9 {4 a, ^! l2 g
All year FSB 2 n/a
; }" A$ k# A- d; n" _- {全年FSB 2 N / A
% o6 ~& @& O/ S% U! U( d0 w7 M- E! mStyx River, upstream of Marshland Road! m8 A9 t' X/ w5 D! @1 V+ {5 }
& Z5 P% j0 a4 o' P- jBridge
9 L8 d# K( q" @* q! d# s& a3 Y. f2 z
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 2
/ ~0 b8 G5 g2 I) |% m1日–FSB 2 2月30日3 e% T8 s* t+ v! M5 T  Q
Styx River, downstream of Marshland Road- e$ g4 f- |9 Z% Q9 p8 J+ j
冥河,沼泽路下游5 |% U9 V1 ?( o3 h8 V/ j
Bridge/ N/ d3 a. F( X. y+ A

8 |( L3 A( Z6 Z% @& y. QAll year FSB 2 2; r0 t  O( ]% q; M# }9 C' A5 P
FSB 2全年2: I5 _8 i# j! M
Tentburn Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 2
! Y0 W8 K$ Y* Z7 D% I* r* utentburn流1日–FSB 2 2月30日5 ^# L7 u6 N3 {' P: G/ ^$ s
Waiau River, downstream of Hope River& w- p9 B. }/ p% A" d8 {2 ?
怀奥河,希望河下游4 K  P6 w4 K2 l8 Z" |) m" d% O
confluence (Eastern Zone)- v7 {; ]: s) K$ m
: J4 U  f" S4 v; b+ k  ZAll year FSB 2 2! C' ^( ^7 Z6 z' n2 X1 d1 K( x+ O0 n
FSB 2全年26 o9 m1 b: z0 a$ e1 E/ Z
Waikari River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 n/a- p5 S, C5 @1 o1 u0 J
1日–Waikari河30四月FSB 1 N / A
$ h1 a- w6 o3 i! b" K% iWaimakariri River, downstream of Staircase
. x( V$ w  H6 {3 j9 b8 `6 iWaimakariri河,下游的楼梯
! W; i6 X3 x; zStream confluence (Eastern Zone)& j" e" F! ]% A
流合流(东区)7 |- S$ m* V$ h; q/ S9 }
All year FSB 2 2
' o) }2 i! ?( j3 s  s2 H0 }7 \FSB 2全年2
; J3 @: w4 l% O/ N; t% P& IWaipara River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 n/a
: p' r6 A& r$ `& d0 q1月30日10怀帕拉河–FSB 1 N / A, _( z3 o& [+ m/ U4 U1 V  L
Wairewa River, upstream of Te Oka Bay1 n& \) Z% ^4 D1 g
wairewa河,TE奥卡湾上游; C3 V( E% V. U1 {# N
Road Bridge) D+ j! b% Z! Q4 D3 |
路桥* z4 m+ `; o: I2 l- {/ R  O3 l
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 n/a
  j3 f( I- v) V$ {- W1日–30四月FSB 2 N / A$ n- |7 a& ^1 F7 B' |& `
Wairewa River, downstream of Te Oka Bay" i. O& m% ~" P- ^
' K& a; a( n) b9 b, Y0 zRoad Bridge" N9 u: t4 m7 d% ^, x& n
路桥" g) n' f0 i& b, |; C
All year FSB 2 n/a2 t0 i' }3 y8 s2 N' Z" q# _
全年FSB 2 N / A
( M& V  P" U# y. g3 `Waitohi River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1 0
9 T5 c9 ~: F3 o- u+ twaitohi河1日–FSB 1 0月30日
0 S# M; l( S6 P* N6 O* MNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
! z4 A. K' F- o8 S. d9 x新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
* H, ]7 r( q& X
, L% ^5 d9 c* g( f====================
& F% }6 T- b2 l0 K0 y4 o31
# l6 h, h1 E, n/ A; Y* O三十一4 C. k, N7 t; t  s3 d3 B" o
Western Zone Rivers Open Season Permitted  j) G' C7 V5 X& j2 R+ o6 y7 \- p- s
西部河流开放季节允许$ y; _% S( {' [7 Q
4 y( y, t) Q3 A3 {) P& N! i# A: S方法
# Z5 {/ B! p$ uTrout Limit Salmon
  F7 k5 N- X4 U! K鳟鱼限制鲑鱼2 W! h* d: [, s. c
Limit( X5 r( j( l0 l
( {: }. |% u7 h# F( L# ~Ada River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 0' X: [' k! B5 j/ C& u) o
艾达河1日–FS 1 0月30日. P) `2 H* h& F  b" |4 M" S$ C3 u- g
Ashley River, upstream of Ashley Gorge8 z& `$ H9 m& j8 X" x& u& c6 N7 r
% X7 v1 G- W1 q' @* ORoad Bridge& x- Y% Y  G8 k5 Z
路桥; L' C) ^( w' _+ j( ]
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 01 P$ W% _% y6 G& W
1日–FS 1 0月30日
+ n$ E- B) I8 P; c' ?2 bAvoca River 1 Dec – 30 Apr FS 1 0
# I$ j% b5 f/ Z3 G0 w/ {4 H阿沃卡河月1月30 1 0–FS$ ?6 s( D% I0 f8 m6 s3 Q
Boyle River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 0$ B! \9 G! R; G  ~
波义耳河1日–FS 1 0月30日
0 C2 e/ c' ?% b) @9 `$ ^Broken River 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 1 0
4 a0 X$ e4 ^0 Z& Q断河7–FS 1 0月30日" h3 `& V- }* g0 f4 k
Cass Hill Stream (Bullock Creek) 1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 0! A; X% v# y  j- D3 Z- w- k* S
中国社会科学院山流(布洛克溪)1日–损坏FS 2 0 31( r+ d0 n; {" C: \; O3 p
Coleridge Tailrace 1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 0
  ^( ^2 O. ~. e  ]/ o7 a+ D柯勒律治尾1日–损坏FS 2 0 31) I" p8 I7 w% u6 x3 N6 t* ^( ^  e
Cora Lynn Stream 1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 0
1 [1 e9 e& ~  Q5 P9 d8 ^+ a3 ~科拉琳恩流月1 31 2 0–损坏FS
" P3 U3 H; |1 e# R2 E$ rDouble Hill Stream and Double Hill Flat
  j. y8 C7 W# |+ o9 G+ c双丘溪和双丘平4 ]$ s5 Z9 g6 z
' y* }! _9 X; h' A8 \( a4 N+ r3 ?
, a3 K8 E( }3 b5 i) M  F' B1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 00 k" J9 A9 g2 D% m' i; Z/ D
1日–FS 2 0月28日
; E: W, b, a' b8 q8 H) I  E7 E9 ]Doubtful River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 03 L/ J( N* B: Q2 x- _
1日–怀疑河30四月FS 1 0% Q9 q* ~4 ?# n& H/ u
Esk River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 0& `" Z0 M- W3 E- V- C8 `
埃斯克河1日–FS 2 0月30日
7 X0 I2 n2 f5 ~7 P' u% W3 BGlenariffe Stream 1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 0
* H0 W' H6 c9 S4 `; F1月28日–Glenariffe流FS 2 0% N; Z: ]7 i5 f+ _2 S
Goat Hill Stream 1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 0* ^  v  x$ k/ h3 s0 W' e
羊山流1日–FS 2 0月28日" @# A5 Z. `+ F2 D2 |
Harper River including diversion and
" z4 r& _6 y! @哈珀河引水,包括
$ ]: I; V" |" e0 qtributaries2 r! S* K: Y  L+ Z* l1 Z
支流* [8 u' r8 [: t
1 Dec – 30 Apr FS 1 0
% l- O  U( l6 e" I1月30月1 0–FS7 W5 L4 c4 L) a0 X! V7 f. S: d7 G
Henry River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 0
/ C" \5 T7 L* z  g/ n亨利河1日–FS 1 0月30日. A& D! P7 p6 E; Y/ i( I1 X6 b
Hope River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 0
- m* d& n! X: c* u9 B6 T: ~/ q' b1日–希望河30四月FS 1 0
6 g: s6 D8 w: FHurunui River, upstream of Lake Sumner 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 0+ Q& c+ e5 ^1 k% `+ `) S4 ^
胡鲁努伊河、萨姆纳湖1日–月30 FS 1上游0% j' Y* p. F, ?
Hurunui River, between Lake Sumner and) z# u$ V9 `9 F  E- q
6 p4 O7 E* K7 s7 J/ fSouth Branch confluence
8 D) b# J2 ]5 B5 y0 m南支汇合
' b, [# d0 A& }+ g: ]1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 0
4 M$ P1 g3 J1 `0 R+ E1日–FS 2 0月30日
. `& V/ H3 X! q$ N' v3 jHurunui River, South Branch 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 08 I. M/ P. x& N+ o* P
胡鲁努伊河,南支1月30月1 0–FS
. `, a$ i- S0 ]7 a8 q, n4 ~! c: z: D' XHydra Waters, including Titan Stream 1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 0' S' ^3 H! |2 P0 I- B
水螅的水域,包括泰坦流1日–FS 2 0月28日
9 V8 W) V0 F0 v0 O. _Lake Stream 1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 0
0 R) j) W# y2 ^9 j  b8 ?湖流1十月31月0日2
4 b! v- o9 h1 h1 }Lewis River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 08 T" w/ ~% Y, b9 w- t9 R: |- T
刘易斯河1日–FS 1 0月30日! j7 ?5 ^$ q1 P7 {4 [: E
Manuka Point Stream 1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 0
' o% U, s7 }/ S& M& C麦卢卡点流月1月28日–FS 2 0' L0 F* [' ~9 u# N
Nina River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 0% d% J8 u4 J! c" c9 ^- F! F
妮娜河1日–FS 1 0月30日
* v; V  U% {4 L) O) q/ ?Porter River 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 1 0& }; C9 t1 f& k7 ]
波特河7–FS 1 0月30日
. t0 h. q! l/ W) ZPoulter River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 02 E6 g# N7 e  g$ b; `
1日–保尔特河30四月FS 2 0
9 B" g: V. D" g( tRakaia River, upstream of Coleridge Tailrace
3 q5 w1 e4 O7 k5 E7 H2 ]7 }! V, D拉凯亚河尾水上游,柯勒律治2 o/ q! i" j  ~& E
confluence$ p. Y$ H$ l. d$ H  A: t2 n' p
6 A  {, U2 A; h1 ~3 c1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 0
' O0 v$ G3 P/ h2 Y/ N- j4 q) \1月31日2月0日. b  X- C) |: G* |5 k9 @, I
Ryton River 1 Dec – 30 Apr FS 2 0) g# N) m5 B5 a1 H4 d8 x! w
月1–Ryton河30四月FS 2 0
# x, Z5 ]1 z; NSelwyn River, upstream of State Highway 77
' Y* [# O: g1 q" @7 ]$ g该河上游,77国道. S! l" X/ i( S, H, e
Bridge (at Glentunnel)
; w% S* b- p; A. H' x6 w桥(在格伦滕内尔)
: k( c. @. _0 t) \2 P/ u; x- h& {1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 n/a7 e' M% Z0 r& R) N9 T, l* I
1日–月30 FS 1 N / A
4 m# s7 p; w. m/ DSlovens Creek 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 1 0' z9 {2 z. Q% y2 {
斯洛文尼亚溪7–FS 1 0月30日
; V% r# w; K# C- m# h3 J6 i; gWaiau River, upstream of Hope River, a) P  Y* j+ Z/ ]' E/ d
" t' @. m4 ~" H9 L, J& Pconfluence
2 {7 j$ l( x4 C! ?" h% D; J2 r5 a% e' B汇合
7 D. M* N- ]+ R, n1 E1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1 0/ n3 h& B; w" f
1日–FS 1 0月30日3 ?# @, d; W  Q; b+ X6 D
Waimakariri River, upstream of Staircase
+ n& M& y. S% s) F* o1 n" ~* lWaimakariri河,上游的楼梯: r0 s; K1 h! _# I8 x) P
Stream confluence
7 j+ K% A" `+ {+ F; [流合流& L" [& K. C, N& E  \. J8 z5 A& t: r
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 0. N$ H( X. W# E! ^
1日–FS 2 0月30日6 ^7 e5 `7 C% t+ K8 l& x
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20159 t2 f6 v8 T6 D1 W$ h( e
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
' G$ J; V  n2 R9 A32
: u2 _0 s2 }+ m三十二
. B  g7 }3 c" oWilberforce Diversion 1 Dec – 30 Apr FS 2 0
# j8 S" Z* g8 M* K" b* [威伯福斯12月1月30调–FS 2 0
8 [+ ^2 \5 y8 m' q8 h! iWilberforce River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 0
1 e: T! Y( ~4 |# |! q7 ^威伯福斯河1日–FS 2 0月30日
* c9 d  I6 o* X0 y8 \* hWinding Creek 10 Dec – 31 Mar FS 2 0
: c6 o% Z; ]  a/ c* `2 F8 d4 j蜿蜒的小河10号- 31月0号2; D: a9 v% J& X6 Z
2.2 All lakes, rivers and streams in the Eastern Zone not mentioned in clause 2 for this region:6 q0 a+ V/ `3 g1 ?/ @% l/ G! c
' H0 m( b* y. B: P; Z4 r' v1 October to 30 April All legal methods 2 trout, 2 salmon; D# O* |9 }) D/ U4 ^
! ^  r) u5 P5 l  N% {2.3 All lakes in the Western Zone not mentioned in clause 2 for this region:
9 g) k! n" M$ Z; h$ F2.3本区第2条未提及的西部地区所有的湖泊:2 D% \. o, V' _, X5 f' L( }
7 November to 30 April Spinner, fly 2 trout9 q7 y  a, G2 W6 A  ~
7十一月至30四月飞旋,飞2条鳟鱼' n! Q" ]2 T+ F; c# n
2.4 All tributaries of Western Zone lakes not mentioned in clause 2 for this region:
, z. R7 Y. L- Y, H2.4本区第2条未提及的西部地区的所有支流:! R3 Z/ I0 u8 L1 r# b
1 December to 30 April Spinner, fly 2 trout: Y  j8 k* q) ^6 C) D5 B. Z
1十二月至30四月飞旋,飞2条鳟鱼6 @% U9 `7 p3 m6 R; T+ _
2.5 All other rivers and streams in the Western Zone not mentioned in clause 2 for this region:
/ {/ i1 t# |8 o' b% Q+ L3 Z2.5在本区第2条中没有提及的所有其他河流和溪流:7 a- u; ~: D3 o& J/ i8 k6 z( ?
1 October to 30 April Spinner, fly 2 trout
6 A6 k' f& u; O6 {1十月至30四月飞旋,飞2条鳟鱼
" S1 \/ }7 x& f/ `0 t4 b8 A! n  S& ?4 ]2 ]; u5 I
$ n9 S- A/ x7 p& }+ K0 C3. Closed Waters1 y2 `5 P2 @1 A3 a
3。封闭水域9 Y1 K, Q3 @( K9 w% I! e
3.1 No-one shall fish for sports fish in the following waters:
# C- q# H& w, L' c3.1在下列水域中,没有人将鱼作为鱼:2 M" b4 T$ K- q' _. j" R
Avon River between the Armagh Street Bridge at Hagley Park and the Barbadoes Street Bridge.
! D. v7 f/ A4 l# J' l在哈格利公园和巴巴多斯街桥的阿玛街桥之间的艾芬河。
) i- ]* a/ V* x4 k2 Q) B5 [Clearwater Lakes with the exception of Lake 3, Lake 4 and Lake 5." X2 P% m$ r# Q2 H+ a
5 ], b7 ?* v  H& i2 q" dSt Annes Lagoon near Cheviot.+ j' Y' k% A7 L! l" x) F) G
该湖附近的切维厄特。& e# P. R! z, x0 p
The tailrace of the Highbank Power Station.) m3 K* {4 w8 j7 y
8 B4 x" m1 \; @0 h, }+ _1 k" \Within a 100m arc of the outfall of any licensed fish farm, with the exception of the Tentburn Outfall, where
. Y! E3 ^- L$ b& O6 {3 p1 Y在一个1弧的任何许可养殖场的排污口,排污口的tentburn除外,在那里
2 q, G/ _+ h; ~: e5 b$ y6 }8 F. ofishing for trout and salmon is permitted, but no fishing is allowed on the culvert.
( t. T$ T' V/ X允许鳟鱼和鲑鱼被允许,但不允许在涵洞上钓鱼。
) D( N/ U9 ]& Q. U. s# F3 y4 h$ [" y3.2 No licence holder shall fish for coarse fish in the following waters:
9 Z& d  ?+ y% }% H0 X& J3.2无牌照持有人须在以下水域内捕鱼为粗鱼:2 H5 H; h1 h$ ?  S5 e2 r9 n
Clearwater Resort fishing lakes.
- j1 T( K. b5 p清水湾度假村钓鱼湖。; F7 H' G4 I3 |. w$ Z
Christchurch Groynes lakes.
0 K6 u) H" u3 }+ r1 e" ?基督城坝湖。
; g" k" l# \/ H2 bFerrymead Park lakes.
+ p" R" W$ b9 U  ^! m5 l+ [菲利米德公园湖泊。
8 M  i/ I% e; m# A6 z6 r2 UWestlake near Halswell.0 x8 u. `: v2 U, N) \0 C4 j
- g0 ?. `. e1 d  z1 h& v4 h3.3 No licence holder shall fish for salmon in the following waters:
; `' P  n0 U& f" |: M& S3 d3.3无牌照持有人须在以下水域捕鱼:6 P" r, _( d8 |8 T
Cam River and its tributaries upstream of the Smith Street Bridge.1 o9 U5 [. }3 f3 ]' T4 c; O, O
; x  N& k4 m4 `Hacketts Creek from 1 March to 30 April.
0 X( `/ d/ b7 r4 `9 K5 L2 I" t从1个月到30四月可以溪。( Q. e$ @  S% U% G1 ?* S
The Kowai River and its tributaries from 1 March to 30 April.$ L2 @/ z5 r5 N) p% [7 }0 a
该科为河从1月至四月30支流。4 x  x. q5 C0 {" ~
The Kaiapoi River and tributaries upstream of Williams Street Bridge to the confluence with the Cust Main6 S2 K6 N: z  U4 q1 W- g7 i( ^
2 E3 C  y' z0 F, @9 PDrain from 1 April – 30 September.+ A3 ?) [$ Q6 M8 n8 E' V. z" z
从四月1 -九月30。' D) J8 f, s( K6 N6 k) C% s
The Kaiapoi River and tributaries upstream of the confluence with the Cust Main Drain (Note: the Kaiapoi
# B+ _, X8 q! B1 J, a凯厄波伊河和支流的与客户主排水合流上游(注:该凯厄波伊+ @4 o8 z7 z0 a" n
River confluence is marked with white posts).
- G* \1 Q3 i" q2 N, O9 j河汇合处有白色的柱子。! ]5 @- F% w8 H
Mandamus River.
5 w4 Y# J5 L) n* X, @$ z: w1 V训令河。
- O, W: ^( Q2 N" g* V- nPahau River.
$ h/ a; H1 G9 r! v7 Qpahau河。
/ B+ H  N' o; V9 F+ \; DWaitohi River.+ h0 O$ B- Y9 T' }$ U. ~
$ N  L. r9 a4 S6 o8 }) e9 LOtukaikino/South Branch upstream of the confluence with the Waimakariri River.
: ?/ j1 r; Y" M6 y% k( \, uotukaikino /南支上游的Waimakariri河汇流处。
4 e4 U! f8 Y4 `7 K# tThe Western Zone of rivers in the North Canterbury region.# w1 E" _' N; l" s5 h3 F3 H
& ~6 l& c  q9 r, ?% g" r1 R3.4 No person other than a child (aged 12 or under as at 1 October 2015) or junior licence holder (under the age of 18 years as at 1 October 2015) shall fish in the Christchurch Groynes Fishing Lakes or Courtenay Lake at Kaiapoi.
; d- F) y9 @5 d4 N) A7 Z3 h/ d3.4没有人比其他的孩子(12岁以下在2015十月1)或初级执照持有人(年龄在18岁以下的在2015十月1)将在克赖斯特彻奇防波堤钓鱼湖和库特奈湖凯厄波伊鱼。9 J8 z! I  X2 V+ h
4. Authorised Tackle
* X; X3 Q4 R; D6 k2 S7 z  K4。授权处理1 _+ ?0 Y6 b& \4 k1 n0 {
Scented artificial lures may be used in all waters other than fly-fishing-only waters, when actively retrieved so as to imitate a moving bait fish.5 ~! Y" ^, I, D* W% B
香味的人工可比钓鱼只有水域的所有水域,当积极检索以模仿移动的饵鱼。, m4 d7 X% m' Z* C# E! x# D1 y5 W
See the First Schedule of this notice for other definitions.' w) `  f  Z3 ^. `$ V
+ S# Y) r8 L7 [+ XNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
* {+ }9 X) F6 a. b  f5 |新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
" @6 y% R& f& ]  Z" i33
, a- K7 ^* W7 E+ L$ ]# g* Y7 N三十三5 b! Y3 [% q; G1 o+ j0 a
5. Coarse Fishing Waters
! s: m2 J9 |) h# t5。粗钓水域
; n" W& H+ x$ S0 K- aAvon River downstream of Barbadoes Street Bridge.1 [& ]9 R- x+ t- j0 h7 v7 n: ^
+ r* t! D, J0 U* ?Forsyth Lake.7 p# A, {* q8 |* \. @& j1 E
" q; ?$ C9 z3 z9 ?/ C( MHalswell Canal downstream of Duck Pond Road.
$ C; g0 L0 s' p鸭塘路下游霍尔斯韦尔运河。4 Y9 R: ?6 t% O% q$ L
Kaiapoi Lakes.5 X! s6 e% Q/ Y" \' i
$ W! C8 P3 e; d" f; kMonopolies Pond.
" t9 ?7 D7 |; z, K) w6 C- f垄断池塘。4 i) Q4 c. ]& R) v" r
Okana River downstream of State Highway 75.9 A7 i# s: E; ^9 P- a1 R) f9 s
okana河下游75国道。* s, P2 E7 E: c( o( D  e
Halswell River downstream of Seabridge Road.
! i% d9 G) ]1 C; {3 W6 G海桥公路旁森比河的下游。: K0 Y  o6 U) h; h' [
Rotokohatu Lake.% C2 X0 o. j8 ~- v
rotokohatu湖。7 J. y! b$ m+ i# u2 I$ `7 L
6. Bait Fishing Waters, t0 x$ h* B$ T. F. w% ?& z) P8 f
6。饵钓水域, d0 I9 a- x* b' |* h2 J' z! U2 t% h
6.1 A person may bait fish for trout in the Eastern Zone between 1 October and 30 April only, except at:
0 H( M8 {1 U; j$ g4 g1十月至30日,四月6.1至日,一人可在东部地区的鳟鱼上钩:" F8 V9 O$ g- [: r; T
6.1.1 Christchurch Groynes Fishing Lakes and Courtenay Lake, where bait fishing is permitted all year for Child and Junior Anglers only.
$ ^  x' i% U+ u- p9 M1 A  S1 N, E6.1.1克赖斯特彻奇防波堤钓鱼湖和库特奈湖,那里的饵钓鱼是允许的所有年儿童青少年钓鱼只。2 Y" c7 S# Z; Z% J/ w; [* B' s
6.1.2 Selwyn River upstream of State Highway 77 Bridge at Glentunnel, where bait fishing is prohibited all year.6 A# i1 ~0 n; w, U
! _- p- k' O% ]3 J6.2 Bait fishing for trout is prohibited in the Western Zone except at Lake Lyndon where Child and Junior Anglers only may bait fish.
4 b& D. U; y% L& Z) i0 [; N6.2诱饵钓鳟鱼是西部区禁止除在林顿湖,儿童青少年的垂钓者只可能上钩的鱼。
' [; D; Z- u' M6.3 Bait fishing for salmon is prohibited except in the:5 V2 l8 A* n+ V: R% k9 a" f7 [" o' g! i
6.3除在外,禁止钓鱼:" |$ e* |/ ]1 ^/ H/ P& H! M
6.3.1 Courtenay Lake all year for Child and Junior Anglers only.
0 o4 y, B$ D2 ^9 c6.3.1库特奈湖全年儿童青少年钓鱼只。
+ ~5 m/ T# c. y# w: v2 u4 E6.3.2 Kaiapoi River below the confluence with the Cust Main Drain between 1 October and 31 March.# x! P# U; O) Y- l: O% O$ y
6.3.2凯厄波伊河在客户主排水合流1十月至31三月之间。- l% r" J. l: P& u* ^
6.3.3 The Christchurch Groynes Fishing Lakes all year for Child and Junior Anglers only.
6 `8 a6 U. M2 u1 g/ q& P6.3.3克赖斯特彻奇防波堤钓鱼湖全年儿童青少年钓鱼只。
8 e6 |! J/ u8 t1 `- J- |& X. p0 F8 h6.3.4 Use of scented artificial lures for salmon fishing provided the lure is actively retrieved to imitate a moving bait fish.1 [+ |8 _( R0 F+ P+ x
5 L1 ^# A8 M5 C# x/ E* z4 D7 @7. Use of Boats& D, j6 ]" {7 m7 X' R, F8 W! Y+ l
8 Y$ z9 B0 e, L' x8 P7.1 Fishing from boats which are simultaneously being propelled by a motor (trolling) is permitted in:
) O! P7 N' }9 h& a7.1钓鱼船,同时由电动机驱动(控制)是允许的:
. Q- V# ~0 y9 D, m* N6 p' O* a8 nAll rivers.
- ?0 p3 E4 v6 G所有河流。
3 ?; f  ~  Q- ?; o3 I+ F1 ?0 C# hLake Coleridge./ [0 i) t2 a' }; J
( {7 K7 l# x; c" J( ~2 ^Lake Ellesmere (Te Waihora)./ q. ~& l# V3 S  B9 k; N8 ^, B
埃尔斯米尔湖(TE waihora)。
: M3 P' o& e. Y7 h6 U8 t9 b6 n0 C0 mLake Forsyth (Te Wairewa).1 h8 ]3 z8 `3 F4 s8 T
福塞斯湖(TE wairewa)。
# T+ z! V4 Y6 K3 ]. @& g4 N! XLake Lyndon.  J2 }  {. |7 I3 h- J8 c
' D# a5 E1 D8 S% i) R) H( W, xLake Sumner.
) w% p& ^- s7 e/ F5 W" u萨姆纳湖。
+ Y# T0 K* |, p. HLoch Katrine.* s5 O) Z( c8 \3 ^, v& z# [0 [
9 N4 d$ G* b7 x& f2 DLake Taylor.
& E% Z' i7 N! {! t4 _) T$ J: P泰勒湖。) i# u3 ~, L) ~
7.2 Fishing from boats which are not simultaneously being propelled by a motor is permitted in:" H, V" N# Z+ J# M; x# l
7.2可在不同时被一个马达推动的船上钓鱼:1 R0 @+ Q4 k6 Z; e* J5 M: o" P( A
All rivers.
5 k: I' r! Z$ z% N所有河流。
9 W) K- P1 Z. PAll eastern zone lakes.4 g. H, Q, v' n2 E
1 L4 l2 W) K, M) _Lake Coleridge.
: Q; p1 E7 y, o, `1 W; }2 |3 T  {湖湖畔。- L/ |2 `2 ?, g+ {: i9 H/ `
Lake Evelyn.$ m  ]# c4 m7 @- F! q" a! d. o. |
) R# \5 G7 h" B5 X& c9 l8 XLake Georgina.4 i! O2 U5 {; u  S7 U$ P
* C2 _3 u! O( g& l% A$ ZLake Grasmere.5 I2 c+ n# A1 L* n6 ?# S) T
% q3 D' `- W5 H2 xLake Hawdon.
$ r8 s6 |0 R! R; G: m* b- T湖霍登。6 T! W! w& j" E8 U
Lake Henrietta.- x0 R; e" `# y9 ?
/ a; C1 h0 d% i% ]. \% TLake Ida.( a0 m- J. q( i+ f( X# e; s2 @2 T
湖艾达。+ m! j% v* E! Y0 q  k* Q  M
Loch Katrine.
& ?0 t2 }( x3 _# {4 x湖卡特琳。5 h6 b* c. q* [+ |& {0 ^
Lake Letitia.0 B- _3 j$ Z# [) O  x
湖利蒂希亚。' }' [' H8 V8 m6 X: m8 Q
Lake Lilian.
) \& T4 i: g3 \" a9 y$ ]/ `丽莲湖。
5 e- \  C1 z4 r5 |Lake Lyndon.9 [* ^' m6 \1 \% B  f
林顿湖。2 u- C1 A8 z3 v! P; V' G9 r
5 K" a& h  I. ~1 K新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
' m: K, \0 A9 K) d# I* I  I34
' L9 s3 K" o, O5 g三十四
- f) o  p. [. X9 l5 i1 ~) e* s2 m+ KLake Monck (Catherine).
2 }7 r" f# b* |$ N- K% g4 S蒙克湖(凯瑟琳)。
9 k* b/ M5 W" M! P( bLake Pearson.' u7 p8 Z5 X, H( N, b3 t8 [
皮尔森湖。. `" T& k- m$ d# t
Lake Selfe.
$ z0 l  ~) A! Z; G湖其实。! s. M: a6 j$ j0 g! j+ t: P: c/ N
Lake Sumner.
! T5 f) ]9 A4 k- D" r萨姆纳湖。& Z* q* v/ Y% [2 V' r
Lake Taylor.
: y0 R, f; r* c2 e& |. E! c9 |0 v2 e/ {泰勒湖。
7 X9 T  ?4 ~( R: g9 rLake Sheppard.# M6 d- Y# a/ u0 s) |6 }, Z
湖谢泼德。0 P: L# y' C6 K( @8 _
Lake Sarah.# M- Y9 U! _+ x( p  }8 ]0 j
2 H5 [. M2 G+ K1 P2 d; B; h* E& M! r8. Daily Limit Bags
* @1 i3 R* |$ a; b; n8。每日限袋  o  Z) H# n/ t
8.1 No licence holder shall take or kill more than one tench from the coarse fishing waters named in clause 5 for this region.5 l9 \9 d% E+ x3 c& Z4 V$ z( }# g
+ {+ F! S7 _8 J0 y3 w4 H2 B! d9 A8.2 In addition to the daily limit bags described in clauses 2 and 8.1 for this region, on any one day a licence holder is only permitted to take, kill or be in possession of no more than four sports fish caught that day.1 F; W5 N' N; ~( w
8.2本区第2、8.1条所描述的日常限制袋,在任何一天,牌照持有人只可采取、杀害或持有该日的四条体育鱼。+ ]  h* N9 a9 f# K3 [
8.3 No person may take salmon from any river between the hours of 11.00pm and 4.00am in December and January, and between 10.00pm and 5.00am for any other month of the year./ E! \3 |- b, U$ m* ~  W( E) ^
8.3没有人可以从任何河鲑鱼在十二月和一月11.00pm和4.00am之间的时间,和10下午5上午之间和其他任何一个月的一年。; G7 T9 P% ^  t
Note: The daily bag limit for salmon in the Kaiapoi River has been reduced from two to one salmon per day.2 L. U: u1 n+ A8 Q
注:在凯厄波伊河鲑鱼的每日一袋的限制已经从两每天一鲑鱼的减少。2 R* _) T, q6 I5 U9 |# T
=================================/ ~; G, w# F* H3 t" T/ P. M, Y
9. Fish Length( }3 i* b3 D# p; `  C
) Q6 y6 _8 B+ a9.1 No licence holder shall be in possession of a sports fish which exceeds a maximum length of:$ d$ U  t$ e5 N2 B5 F3 w( l, O- E
1 v1 z* c# n8 i400mm from the following waters:
7 l5 j& ?+ ^2 w. h) U& J' j8 l从以下水域400mm:, C% s( |- ?" X8 P
Ashley River upstream of Ashley Gorge Road Bridge, Broken River and its tributaries (including Porter River and Slovens Creek), Hurunui River upstream of Lake Sumner, South Branch of the Hurunui River, Waiau River and all of its tributaries upstream of the Hope River Confluence, Hope River and all of its tributaries  including the Boyle, Doubtful, Lewis and Nina Rivers, Harper River and tributaries including the Avoca River.
7 C) `8 I) U6 c0 C( l艾希礼河艾希礼峡谷公路桥上游,破河及其支流(包括波特河和斯洛文尼亚溪),胡鲁努伊河上游的萨姆纳湖,胡鲁努伊河南支,怀奥河及其支流的希望河汇合处的上游,希望河及其支流包括波义耳、怀疑、刘易斯和妮娜河,哈珀河及其支流包括阿沃卡河。0 X' A/ a. y6 J4 x& F' w* q* ]
450mm for Lake Sumner Chinook salmon.+ ]7 E) X$ g7 p" a4 L
. T! M4 ~# W" J1 S( M+ f150mm for tench in coarse fishing waters.
& D& Y& |7 Q4 G- k' w. z: ]在粗渔业水域丁鲷150mm。
7 ?5 R- b, \8 S" N/ K! C250mm for perch in the Kaiapoi Lakes3 [) F7 p  M1 [6 a- _" t  h
) s7 s, L7 M2 ?9 X0 t- V1 H, nNo licence holder shall take or kill perch exceeding 250mm in length from the Kaiapoi Lakes.
! Q2 |7 t9 K0 J+ O1 h没有许可证持有人须采取或杀死鲈鱼超过从凯厄波伊湖泊长度250mm。, H+ R  q* Z& b0 d" i
9.2 All other waters have no minimum or maximum length restrictions.7 w& q" `" p1 |. n/ A! ~1 U8 G
9.2所有其他水域没有最小或最大长度限制。6 r2 p3 d5 g3 q6 P
Central South Island Fish and Game Region. F- g, H5 O) {/ h
中南岛鱼及游戏区5 h5 w! x, L, _$ O
Reference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861, as amended by the New Zealand Gazette, 29 August 1991, No. 129, page 2786.
2 S8 Q- K  \- b参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页,修订的新西兰公报,29个月1991日,129页,2786页。8 P" }1 R, m! `: \9 j
1. Definitions4 L) ]# N1 H& d# ]( c: b. E
' ?/ |' e* y! n5 h" |See First Schedule.) g4 Y5 i1 A5 @, X3 V( k2 k
见附表。4 Y# f6 ^. {2 R; y: ?! _
2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits0 J* n6 g" s* ]* v% b. U3 o
; h, k$ l' @. j+ S2.1 The open season in all waters of the region is from 1 October to 30 April except where otherwise specified in clause 2.4 for this region or closed season under clause 3 for this region.9 q4 p% U" u' E0 E& h: n
2.2 All legal methods as described in the First Schedule are permitted in all waters of the region except where otherwise specified in clauses 2.4, 4 or 6 for this region.$ `- D3 ~; U2 n- H# \8 ]$ S
# T: P! _  A* @+ |" J2.3 The daily limit bag in all waters of the region is two trout and two salmon except where otherwise specified in clause 2.4 for this region.
- Q6 G  L0 `5 N: c4 U. @; }2.3本区域的所有水域中的每日限袋是鲑鱼和鲑鱼,但除此之外,本区第2.4条所规定的除外。
' w' U: F: I; Q/ D+ b' r9 _2.4 Open season, permitted methods and daily bag limits for Central South Island Rivers and Lakes:
, e4 b+ g, N) P, q, V, o/ a* `2.4个开放的季节,允许的方法和日常袋限制为中心的南部岛屿的河流和湖泊:
0 e$ O" E4 ~6 ^0 V( dPermitted Methods definition
# {# u/ G% ]! L4 S8 H6 S  \允许的方法定义- [) I1 O* m' F  L
F = Fly fishing only$ _/ a, e" c, A0 B
6 ^' ?1 l* \7 b; t4 DFS = Fly or Spin fishing only
2 ?$ I6 J$ l$ F" n只是飞行或旋转钓鱼3 R$ ^) |8 U! z- s" z# J5 N
FSB = Fly, Spin or Bait fishing permitted/ {, `; `6 l8 ?/ r, h7 r2 D
fsb飞,旋转或诱饵钓鱼许可9 k7 q6 z0 `0 N: Z. z2 Q4 Q
Rivers / Lakes Open Season Permitted. ]5 ?7 i7 j! r" T3 J& m* [
  z. h+ E6 j# i, [) S# C8 VMethods6 A. O) E% }/ `& I( G
  _( x, c: u3 q9 vTrout Limit Salmon) w8 N' h: j% |2 j
# ^/ R3 J0 w0 fLimit
! p) }5 ]" [7 @! C极限
1 O. T# {- d; c! eNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
# Z( w$ i" @) N! a4 X0 Q新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
9 H1 `8 H  s6 o$ t1 P# N# S35+ [/ U9 K/ i. A: j
三十五& i( D; l1 Z3 F0 q8 t) ]% [# Z
Ahuriri River and its tributaries upstream of
1 K4 U7 d( a' z9 [  _( U& h. K阿胡利里河河及其支流的上游
# }5 v1 n' b: R$ o5 jand including Longslip Creek6 I7 a3 j4 m3 S' T
( B) z/ U% a6 V0 V/ F; L- J5 Dec – 30 Apr FS 2 2
) v; Y0 T0 h: {5月30月2 2–FS
* x% B+ X5 \6 I% y' z& R9 G. FAhuriri River and its tributaries downstream
( B8 ?/ ~6 R0 c阿胡利里河河及其支流的下游- S, F3 e: w9 F; I
of Longslip Creek except Omarama
6 e& P6 t; H+ H- H$ q4 p0 L$ |( h对longslip溪除了奥马拉马
$ _" x3 l: g0 A* kStream* a( Y! h  v' u/ _/ E$ ~
* ]; }; k) G* c/ Q
7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 4 2% K$ B  ?2 [# |$ j, f
月7日30月2–FS 4
. i! r2 K, l& T+ |# yAhuriri River Lagoons 5 Dec – 30 Apr F 2 n/a% E: D# C- s, A2 C: X
阿胡利里河河泻湖–月30月5 2 N / A2 d" M" R+ C3 O- T% W* {3 U3 k; ?
Alexandrina, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 4$ o' y3 h- d5 k, U
亚历山、湖及其支流7月30月4–FS- S8 j0 [, h" T1 ]& p# z
max 1 brown
/ y6 A- D# w, _+ R- u# K* t最大1棕色
6 O' n; T6 K+ }1 x8 m9 q7 btrout
$ j4 T/ n* E% V1 l8 {) c& o; Z鳟鱼9 r, G" }$ C( ~& i, h1 _
2# q( H$ m; z; {

; c7 @4 ]( H! X) P  x0 O. c5 rAlexandrina, Lake Winter Season 1 Jun – 31 July FS 2 trout or salmon" Y* ^2 V3 c0 J
亚历山、湖冬季1军–七月31 FS 2鳟鱼和鲑鱼& j. e) r# O3 H; m9 k" A+ q! X
nil brown trout% r  {2 S% U6 Y2 d# f( T6 X4 f
无褐鳟鱼) J+ P* u$ H6 c  r/ ^' Z- I/ o
Ashburton River North Branch 1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 2# c3 f9 p* x  k9 O  r
阿什伯顿河以北分1日–损坏FS 2 2 31
2 F3 S# U. \1 G  Q+ j% M1 Apr – 30 Apr FS 2 Closed
3 o1 h" J$ Q; s! }月1日30月–FS 2关闭
% c3 q) _& s) B$ ]& _% ?Ashburton River South Branch and5 [5 s1 W1 {  E
阿什伯顿江南分支" w! S0 }* t$ @# I! E8 A* z& u' w
tributaries upstream of Taylors Stream
2 Q% k  A. ]) {4 E" {5 J泰勒上游支流
8 e5 D9 b* i; a: O& Mjunction) \7 K& v; p0 c+ z8 m$ S
; A$ t0 a7 [% ^$ m0 f
1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 23 ?& z6 g% s: w# v( w- }. B0 p
1月31日2月2日$ U, ?; A8 p& s0 V! x
1 Apr – 30 Apr FS 2 Closed
( x% d8 E1 h& S7 M月1日30月–FS 2关闭
  Q8 Z- S6 o7 F- x* t+ yAshburton River South Branch and+ P% }- e) P  s
阿什伯顿江南分支! ~4 G8 k! z$ w
tributaries downstream of Taylors Stream
7 v* L% _. Q7 r1 G泰勒流下游的支流" |- t, Q8 |; h, m9 ~
junction and Ashburton River downstream
2 M7 h5 e) I7 V' d3 |; a; q结和阿什伯顿河下游
6 q) h0 g9 E! I6 w! s! nof North and South branch junction9 V; I% \8 |0 o  X+ u, Y, H
/ r, R: J6 O& H$ O* c4 P1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 4 2+ m. S% }: |0 O, v
1日–损坏FSB 4 2 31
: u& _3 F$ q7 o) D1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 4 Closed# k) N0 E# X* j9 h6 G% |! c. b
月1日30月4–FSB封闭3 Y8 s1 u% H& M  C
Ashburton River downstream of State
1 |6 m# {7 k+ D9 G4 P% G州河下游阿什伯顿
, g3 a3 j+ E: V9 `Highway 1  J3 G3 i% [' c$ S# f) u
! a' ]+ W) p& s) ]7 J# V+ h7 B1 Jun – 31 Aug FS 2 trout or salmon
& F$ i+ s, W8 u' n  J5 F1日31日2–FS鳟鱼和鲑鱼2 |! X1 W+ |& z
Aviemore, Lake All year FSB 4 25 L7 P- b- k/ l7 h7 G! m7 J1 F
阿维莫尔,湖全年FSB 4 2" ~8 _. n7 T. D  _0 @
Aviemore, Lake tributaries except Deep$ }8 E+ U0 `$ m
9 o3 p3 \. Q: [- DStream and Otematata River
! |. w$ u7 u6 c& A4 k4 Q1 W流和奥特马塔塔河
! M  }; U7 U" i" ]+ z, o% T  ?9 K7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 2
1 v2 a1 l& d3 ^$ Q0 e# [( [% m7月30月4 2–FSB& w+ X# y1 ~- i
Benmore, Lake other than when fished from  w. c. l7 L* M# f
斑布,湖除了钓鱼时,从4 o( J, x3 J6 |( H+ J
a boat or flotation device
- x* C6 ?' [/ d, z. l2 k! f一种船或浮选装置1 {* M, F3 R! T& L5 `( T  h9 h
All year FSB 4 24 v- D2 N$ A+ j" ?' D
FSB 4全年26 d2 {6 p4 b+ M: @
Benmore, Lake when fished from a boat or# d9 u% c) Q9 }/ A
7 u: j/ n: O/ Sflotation device7 T7 a/ H+ }' l
浮选装置# c' q+ R) j- L# i, _
All year FS 4 20 u9 i7 v$ |6 W1 b2 J2 N3 P
全年财政司司长2 4! {7 o2 R7 p7 c: ^3 P. G
Benmore, Lake tributaries except Tekapo,
8 p2 t2 s6 Y0 M1 B) d本莫尔,除了特卡波湖支流," V. x- b9 O! q6 ~- Z
Ahuriri and Otematapaio rivers( `3 A, K9 Z* c
阿胡利里河和otematapaio河流& J) Y/ T( q  _& q
7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 2
$ l: D' j; F( T# y7 o: e, @/ Q7月30月4 2–FSB
8 |" b" _. V  x! c0 ^Cameron, Loch child licence holders 7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 2 2
, |* ?. S8 K6 h" |卡梅伦、洛克孩子执照持有人11月7月30 2 2–FSB
7 D# u6 l4 K0 kCameron, Loch other than child licence
& e3 {1 I4 X" R7 H3 c2 t, s/ E卡梅伦,湖比其他孩子的许可证
3 _  b% A9 M1 B; g6 jholders
" s, B- U& j- y& U; `/ w持有人
, L1 R* `5 `6 d( A7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 24 {) Q: K; |, K1 c
月7日–月30 F 2 2) D$ ~8 u( `/ M* ?1 ]& j8 J' A
Camp, Lake 7 Nov – 31 May FS 2 n/a
4 y# S2 V. L3 D* C+ B( a: e营,湖7日–31 FS 2 N / A
3 v6 R7 J* R0 T& Q6 b- ^Centennial Park Lake (Timaru) All year FSB 2 n/a- S8 r+ {; M* |
百年纪念公园湖(Timaru)全年FSB 2 N / A* _$ D% ^# a3 V2 E- X2 f0 L4 d
Clearwater, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a
1 l: w1 H3 `7 H0 T/ |清水,湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 FS 2 N / A" W4 M! Y( |$ m* m' N
Deep Stream and tributaries east of the
/ J% s; O: S' P- d% Z; }2 k深流和支流东: R! Z5 Q; B6 e6 S
bridge where it enters Lake Aviemore$ r* {- i" v5 x# {( S$ `& x
9 p. K" V, s2 w+ G7 b7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 2
% Y% W* U0 _0 D( V5 v/ K% I月7日30月2–FS 24 q1 U+ K4 Y7 w/ `# ]
Deep Creek, a tributary to the upper
# Y9 O! c7 ^- ~- X- g% P8 j4 e深溪,支流上/ a5 Y& Q% [& L
Rangitata River
; q5 v+ ^6 m  a% Z0 u朗伊塔塔河
6 w7 v% L3 h1 M* n1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 2: ?. h2 [: r: d" `. ~
1日–FS 2 2月28日, v0 h6 Z. k: C, X+ }& v+ k7 B
1 Mar – 31 Mar FS 2 Closed# K% b0 I* G- G2 y5 c3 ]6 P/ s- }1 P
/ }) v& X- b# ?; m7 N/ a3 jDeep Stream, a tributary to the upper
4 s' Y+ r$ Q" j# ?5 P4 `+ G$ q深流,一条支流向上/ f4 u0 l) ?9 z9 @
Rangitata River3 D2 T# h7 S4 D, E7 @: }
朗伊塔塔河: v* }3 V: {* r, V' E  Q7 K, k( O+ ?
1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 2
/ z" s- I& _' [$ U: y! f1日–FS 2 2月28日3 K% |7 M4 |! Z2 `$ f: u
1 Mar – 31 Mar FS 2 Closed
/ O* R, J, W% h9 G! W1月31月2日关
" e3 R% \1 M! Z2 K5 R7 U8 QDenny, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a/ ?, y' J) G  C" Y9 W1 Z9 K% ^$ l& g9 K
丹尼,湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A0 @  ]6 H6 P1 E; G, Y/ G  F2 c! x* m
Donn, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a
' u8 Y- @% z7 X/ ^& O0 b不,湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A
) S* S0 p' ~9 c  ~* U/ VEmily, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a+ i3 M  |+ t2 j$ |
艾米丽,湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A
$ z! t% ], w/ D$ T, I. G' YEmma, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a; U2 A7 x( U; Z. {
艾玛,湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 FS 2 N / A+ v* S- r2 U& K) F
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015! U- J/ ~* F( G' u) x
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
( ~! h* c7 z9 n7 k- j# x- _6 p* ^1 `. [  f" d" }$ y
/ \1 n1 L" W$ ^5 L3 ~2 Y+ o( K36# S& O& \* n! D* \5 T
三十六2 P, l* U4 d$ R
Grays River 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a
" C' I- O4 m/ B2 E$ Z# z3 f  R5 z, i灰河–30月11月7 FS 2 N / A5 l4 d. Z% ], n) S$ J
Hakataramea River upstream of State
9 ~, S/ g* ^3 t4 ^% @) e" [2 C卡塔拉米亚河上游国家
* T* b- t/ H* e2 C* L( {/ v# KHighway 82
4 S  R$ I, a$ l1 f公路821 l6 R& Z: X) c. z
7 Nov – 31 Mar F 2 2
# f9 Y! S0 ]1 `8 Q2 i月7日–损坏F 2 2 31
5 l! _. C& C1 _, ]; j! c. J1 Apr – 30 Apr F 2 Closed- N$ z6 t, v8 X( f$ ^# j9 ~& l8 {- w
月1日30月2–封闭( T/ z; G" |3 V+ T
Hakataramea River downstream of State, i3 Y2 B+ z- t9 v& I
  o0 Q9 O: j# J2 E3 VHighway 82
9 f* N8 O# L: T/ {公路82
" n) M% Q) j% e) n7 Nov – 31 Mar FS 2 2
6 z- E5 @  ^( u! q) v. f月7日–损坏FS 2 2 31  p. G) G( e  Y& l$ E4 f7 ?! y
1 Apr – 30 Apr FS 2 Closed. o! m: a+ L' d) [
月1日30月–FS 2关闭3 m3 T1 f" x/ d- ~8 `- g; c" i9 Y
Heron, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 6 trout or salmon total and
. b% l8 A8 D  m# M2 b鹭湖及其支流7日30月6–FSB鳟鱼和鲑鱼总7 V4 H( I2 Z9 n+ ~0 [
no more than 4 to be trout
+ I- f% L) v& g不超过4是鳟鱼$ h" H2 _$ d7 k/ h. ^3 }  n. [
or 6 to be salmon+ ]5 q, k: G) }* `
8 c, S* t5 k$ @6 U/ xHigh country tarns or lagoons 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a
3 R8 H* O2 i& }5 l. Y6 X1 P高国的湖泊或泻湖7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A
; @  l( ?3 p* R6 r  OHinds River child or junior licence holders 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2 2
3 h; @6 t: I. O# G海因兹河孩子或初级驾照持有者1日–FSB 2 2月30日. I7 y; f* A+ i7 E" q7 z: ?
Hinds River other than child or junior licence
* S9 B1 H# M# g' g海因兹河以外的其他孩子或初级证
1 @4 \) U% ?. ]" Cholders$ }, r9 ^- d; H% P9 S: v
持有人5 m4 K( O! O3 d9 B) k0 z
1 Oct – 30 Apr F 2 2/ i( R- u# s0 k0 x+ }9 O  {
1日–月30 F 2 2% V) W. s  j1 u. {9 d
Hood, Lake 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4 trout, 2 salmon
( V, B$ p/ d) g: v9 J7 X罩,湖月1月30–FSB 4鳟鱼,鲑鱼2
! P  p( W8 G0 Z9 R) ?1 Jun – 31 Aug FS 2 trout or salmon" [# C$ Y8 k5 v) W; x' j' ]
4 s% |- Z1 x8 B0 a/ w3 R+ G) G5 wIrishmans Stream 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a1 E$ [7 {% }$ q" E- w+ @. p
爱尔兰人流–30月11月7 FS 2 N / A
) p' x) y! a% iKakanui River and tributaries upstream of
: L& w9 S9 k. U) i+ P# \卡卡努伊河和支流的上游; B) P* ]* i' \
Five Forks Bridge% f& x. N+ g. u
五叉桥/ B8 M. ?; Z: {: N0 {+ U& o
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 25 y3 S4 L) F) v% q5 V  `+ {- ]
1日–FS 2 2月30日
" S+ ]" L0 u# p# h/ ]" bKakanui River and tributaries downstream
* p: ?5 J# `7 n0 u  Z: Y8 D3 Z卡卡努伊河支流下游
' ^! h$ r! B$ Q; o$ L/ xof Five Forks Bridge
& X8 _# [+ s6 `" d) K五叉桥
. F; e; h) A( D8 Q& A, W2 s( s1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4 2
& q' I1 X8 V& i8 P4 J7 S% R1日–FSB 4 2月30日8 W7 P+ h% }7 |6 ~& p
Lake Stream 1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 2 Closed+ `: ]* K2 g; ?0 S. \1 j" h
湖流1日–31损坏FSB 2关闭
0 @0 x5 g" Z9 ^8 b0 l9 bLarch Stream 7 Nov – 31 Jan FSB 2 2
6 U: Y) v6 R/ t7月31日落叶松流–FSB 2 2
' G2 O; ]  k! Z6 D: W: CMacGregor, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 21 i9 F% i/ i2 l* ~
马基高湖7–FS 2 2月30日
, N/ ^6 y' ~" s/ l& WMaerewhenua River upstream of State
2 N& N6 {9 N% G) Q" |Maerewhenua河上游的状态
6 t9 ?3 C5 O7 \) P7 AHighway 83- J7 k8 ~# U3 _) ?& R
4 w* S1 ~/ L6 w  J7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 27 ]' d3 L! P$ Y  v6 \
月7日–月30 F 2 2
7 Y9 O1 [) Z/ j7 A" yMaerewhenua River downstream of State
( D" S- W: }+ e6 Y5 J2 W2 \. s国家Maerewhenua河下游$ W3 Q  J+ ?& v: M& S
Highway 836 _8 r* r" y6 C: J' q5 A7 p2 l
! U+ K7 K# |: H1 P) s5 B) |7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 29 B# n: r* ~5 s' s# ^: F+ X& q
月7日30月2–FS 26 |/ `& @- ]& m- s3 ]  V5 l+ t
Maori Lakes and their tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a
" K. Z! ^6 g2 E/ `# X5 ]8 p  i( X3 v, O毛利湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A
6 m0 B6 H# N0 r" b" L& cMary Burn 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a! u6 x# h5 l& v& H
玛丽烧伤7日–月30 FS 2 N / A
. r- q1 o- F) h0 v2 WMerino, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a( G4 B( x" P& \: `2 P. q' n. ~
美利奴、湖7日–月30 F 2 N / A
' K' v! u4 p& H$ SMiddleton, Lake All year FSB 4 2
# r* q; c5 O- H5 j' J米德尔顿,湖全年FSB 4 28 T. n* [( n4 e2 |- N1 k. a
Middleton, Lake tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 2* V, E) T( @8 e* P7 W% }
米德尔顿,支流7 Nov–FSB 4 2月30日" T  V2 S8 ?1 ?6 U+ e: W
Mystery, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a- Y9 o/ a) H, ~+ {8 ?
神秘湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A' r6 l1 K* ^* T4 e" M% ?
Ohapi Stream 1 Oct – 31 Mar FS 2 2: g! R, H# S; N
ohapi流1日–损坏FS 2 2 31+ }' H, h% w* @* M& _" L
1 Apr – 30 Apr FS 2 Closed
: x  {$ W" _: X6 _* U; p月1日30月–FS 2关闭4 d$ a7 S8 k* ?5 K1 c
Ohau Canal from State Highway 8 to Ohau C/ F. w$ Q# T3 _/ [& ^' a/ K9 ]; @
去管从8国道去C" ^* g$ Q4 t& D  [, n5 ~
Station0 B% Q# R9 E8 B+ o' l# Q" s

0 p1 T: S/ A& `, \All year FSB 4 sports fish of which no
9 E' K9 ]& s: K' {: h全年体育鱼没有FSB 4
9 F8 U+ ?, y* Q4 {- Smore than 2 to be trout
9 ?! H0 N9 ?' U8 k1 p, t3 |超过2是鳟鱼: {5 f2 U  P( m0 D4 l- v1 Y! v
Ohau, Lake other than when fished from a( H7 V0 {1 ~6 F5 }
6 S' R/ C+ M: v  S4 {! ]2 zboat or flotation device4 B3 V' W& a4 u- ^5 b
船或浮选装置4 I, ~& s  M/ |" a* D5 M$ e
All year FSB 4 2/ @3 P6 t7 l7 M% R2 _
FSB 4全年2. [) E  l% a8 j" u( }/ m
Ohau, Lake when fished from a boat or( Y' F4 |& A( |% ?
# d! n3 ]- L/ F! N  X) nflotation device
  v2 h" Y- `& e# z5 {浮选装置9 i5 ^3 \. A! q8 Y) ^
All year FS 4 2
' X" [8 z4 |. }3 c2 {/ C全年财政司司长2 4
  H! }6 s. @! c- e# POhau, Lake tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 2
$ u. |# V8 s' p; [* f去,支流7 Nov–FSB 4 2月30日' e5 k: S$ q  L0 P; n
Omarama Stream upstream of State9 U  `3 U+ l6 k. t
" T6 o# Q& @( bHighway 8
! \7 K$ J$ ?( n公路86 ?  C0 A7 T$ p( {. \" z+ n/ m
7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 2: V& L5 I, b9 i. x& u
月7日–月30 F 2 22 T* \' R9 J# r( I  `
, |9 }- ^* A( b" V3 ^1 n+ l6 R新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
2 E8 k% ~/ `& G) T& ^; B37
7 @7 Y& \; N" o, o. p! x7 k. @三十七, Y( e) ]* n; a/ V, p
Omarama Stream downstream of State0 S  P$ }- S" j* ]7 b
奥玛拉玛流下游的状态# M- g# W0 B$ I
Highway 8) G4 _1 p' `9 Q6 f
公路8; y* O! `& Q- @6 [: O( _" P
7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 2
$ x$ |7 \5 j* Q) ^6 {$ r$ t月7日30月2–FS 2
: m! R/ C4 `4 j& D& b/ ^% p# V7 BOpihi River upstream of Opuha River9 K5 X+ ~& U' x+ _% \+ H; u1 L
. _; g: T; W0 M4 sjunction
, k) h3 `4 f, W8 w, w4 B$ R( X3 Q3 ?8 B9 S5 {! }; w# |
1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 2 2
* y$ w5 v9 H  J) T5 |2 V1 q1日–损坏FSB 2 2 31
5 K* l, N/ S# q+ K- A1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 2 Closed
  q( i+ M- o5 _$ O月1日30月2–FSB封闭" C8 U8 b  U2 l+ z, n
Opihi River downstream of Opuha River
, x  o8 b$ d" O4 Zopuha opihi河的下游% m4 A3 b* \* [( ^* q! {4 q
0 X  D6 b& J; q* c5 L2 V. x, |. n7 ~- i, k% o* c
1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 4 2
4 g4 O8 R. J8 [# n8 V8 X3 K  d1日–损坏FSB 4 2 31
+ Z; [, g- G+ e! k1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 4 Closed0 ]; d- Z  {% r6 s
2 r- {  l9 L( ~5 S1 v9 P( AOpihi River downstream of State Highway 1 1 Jun – 31 Aug FS 2 trout or salmon
" H8 O/ s& u7 R8 n' R; _国道1 1军–31 Aug 2 fs的鳟鱼和鲑鱼opihi河下游
% p# h! P8 A  b& ^  m6 U. \Opuha, Lake and its tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6 trout or salmon total and
, I# R7 Z) S) D, u$ q7 nopuha,湖及其支流1日–30四月FSB 6鳟鱼和鲑鱼总
' \/ g0 T% A2 Z* I% m8 {no more than 4 to be trout/ _3 L) H, b! g7 r  u2 S% ~
: W/ I  |- ~4 T- b2 c/ Bor 6 to be salmon
% f# K, W: e5 H3 x9 k6 u或6个鲑鱼' @1 s9 U& t* ?0 R) p
Opuha River 1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 4 2
! S+ O, Z/ p* I2 |* r8 Y1 Topuha河1日–损坏FSB 4 2 31
; d! J5 c7 z% p& C+ p" ]1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 4 Closed1 S* U, m+ ~: r  l
7 S( p) V- z% n) @/ U$ }: LOrari River and tributaries upstream of Slip, l+ T, I0 u" n
& ^! a; W: [# S. o; OPanel Stream
; X9 P4 T7 b# S, {0 G. N, O面板数据流
- x8 b5 `  c3 E- I0 h. d. I' [' `! ?" T1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 2 2
* U; P. A: s1 R1 q8 O( b1 y1日–损坏FSB 2 2 31
) z0 n% d, T+ z0 I8 S1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 2 Closed
; M6 I6 U' {9 ]' D3 c月1日30月2–FSB封闭
- I' F) m6 E6 a* A9 S) f9 t/ J, [Orari River and tributaries downstream of/ A( D& L* t) x, K
奥拉里河和支流的下游& @( }  E, O7 {! B
Slip Panel Stream
) g* ~" C$ J1 Y4 |. e滑动板流
3 N) ?1 W4 o' J0 b1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 4 2
& K2 q7 v% a. \# W1日–损坏FSB 4 2 31
$ d  f8 ~1 f" l2 b7 ~% E1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 4 Closed7 u! R8 ^; }6 e1 F, e! [
1 M& x: B( {: A9 _+ s6 v% d5 V6 O! t3 JOtematapaio River 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2( G  m6 b8 k1 C, u  K# ^
otematapaio河7日–月30 FS 2
: h7 W6 y$ ]3 p8 _. t# }Otematata River and its tributaries
0 u7 a7 R- l$ a+ P" _  o9 e/ I奥特马塔塔河及其支流
$ O. E: D3 ^& ~; u6 [0 Z! i% J7 B9 S6 T4 supstream of Clear Stream8 D( e/ S2 v$ x; H
/ a- R1 F- p) R+ }/ p. [7 \( o7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 2
/ S3 w8 t. s$ V, l月7日30月2–FS 2( W. y8 t' u7 `+ n, e/ l
Otematata River and its tributaries
8 b5 P& F2 o6 K; {* p奥特马塔塔河及其支流
' ^+ N& M8 |& O# u) Ddownstream of Clear Stream
% g4 c- |- n/ A0 K下游清晰3 I# `- }7 t* y1 d9 V* P' Z2 k
7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 4 2
3 q! {# `2 T: g- V5 m1 Y3 L月7日30月2–FS 4* T0 I6 k; B6 I5 q' J8 H. H
Poaka, Lake 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a* C8 q. |8 K: [5 \% w
poaka,湖7日–月30 F 2 N / A# P: [5 n. t+ r. h' o+ O
Pukaki, Lake All year FSB 4 2
- m5 I+ C( }0 x. d) X% R! i5 B普卡基湖全年,FSB 4 20 d$ T. q( ~1 g+ A- O
Pukaki, Lake tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 2# @( s0 @7 R: d- h' q! N, [1 h
普卡基湖的支流,7月30月4 2–FSB; O# ]" S3 o" n; V' T
Pukaki – Ohau A Canal All year FSB 4 sports fish of which no
- x. L, q# q7 B# X9 y2 h普卡基–去运河全年FSB 4体育鱼是没有2 J+ |! z: \7 k$ N
more than 2 to be trout
! c! }! v! D( w( C4 Y4 L9 s超过2是鳟鱼
' J$ {" ~! Q9 w# p! ^Rangitata Diversion Race from the intake
- Q0 t3 n0 ?) R9 p朗伊塔塔导流比赛从进气& ~8 p7 [4 s; _
downstream to Rakaia River Road% m7 ?2 W1 v2 W  F8 w$ i
下游拉凯亚河路1 O: T* I5 X: [2 X
All year FSB 4 2
! ~; F, h1 ]8 }# HFSB 4全年2
. l7 W2 s9 b# G8 o  W6 YRangitata River and tributaries upstream of
  c+ \! Q  L5 K1 K  W朗伊塔塔河及其支流的上游
# B* \  i  R+ r/ i( k) dTurn Again Point about 12km above the1 `8 I; A0 f/ k, e0 O
7 a$ X# g7 h# y  Xgorge
8 n6 \1 p# x7 ~: I- O" }峡谷
- l: Q4 q" H6 Z) x5 ^6 L! ]1 Oct – 28 Feb FS 2 2" q4 k3 r9 A2 z0 e2 o7 U
1日–FS 2 2月28日+ W' A& W$ \" n6 ~( W. Q" Y
1 Mar – 31 Mar FS 2 Closed
7 w# L* f  |3 }- G, q" X1月31月2日关. r5 i. e0 q  Q3 ^; f6 m* X  _
Rangitata River and tributaries downstream
* L3 e  `) O: |8 D, p2 M) k' M* b7 j朗伊塔塔河支流下游
0 E, H! G2 h7 j$ U0 }0 bof Turn Again Point+ A, O& d) t  t, H
又一次" [: a4 c( X! g% c9 d' d
1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 4 2. O: D; O- @1 a' r, M# c8 e! g6 ~
1日–损坏FSB 4 2 316 M. C' `' b' U# @' Q  t* \) L& s4 V
1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 4 03 J2 g* E0 b5 R/ q' O8 E; X
1月30月4 0–FSB8 @1 _( V: l- n# L0 e5 l
Rangitata River downstream of State* j/ n8 p' e3 c9 C
' K7 w+ J3 _" {$ ]9 A  e8 G4 eHighway 1
% e+ n. U/ {4 Q公路1% S4 D+ @# {6 [/ w8 E
1 Jun – 31 Aug FS 2 trout or salmon  h5 Y$ m, b4 [' g9 C! y6 \$ v
1日31日2–FS鳟鱼和鲑鱼9 V# C( W) d  g
Roundabout, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a& d% O& h0 m! O3 W0 {
迂回,湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A
% N: ?1 |" Y& }7 F& [Ruataniwha, Lake including Wairepo Arm5 z. X) \) i1 {8 N7 h
$ _: k4 a# N9 ?4 M% P' Xand Kellands Pond
7 X! U/ J& U# ?" L$ ~和kellands池塘
3 P! j- [+ Q! e9 \& r3 uAll year FSB 2 2
+ d' J4 J2 U1 N  P  e  zFSB 2全年2
  z. o* H- U# ^0 B7 ^Ruataniwha, Lake, Wairepo Arm and
, V: X2 g# d4 q- A) E5 K4 D& Mruataniwha,湖,wairepo臂
' f5 Z& T1 d5 h6 pKellands Pond tributaries
% U$ A% S# K! G1 ekellands塘支流6 r6 }, k+ u! I6 ~! U/ H1 W" \7 ]
7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 2
5 w( q4 j* f& j! U! x月7日30月2–FS 2
$ }% I8 L6 I) z3 r; `. E: eSaltwater Creek All year FSB 2 n/a
1 ^# G0 x7 N1 M5 m盐水溪全年FSB 2 N / A
, ~* W# W- Q! r6 WSpider, Lake and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr F 2 n/a
' x& }. {" R. ~/ N, D4 y蜘蛛,湖及其支流7 Nov–月30 F 2 N / A4 o; u: N2 H6 [# z& Q3 Q: n
Tekapo, Lake All year FSB 4 2( ]' s" U* w" n2 w
特卡波湖全年,FSB 4 2
, T( a1 O3 Z# S5 O3 wTekapo, Lake tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 2
% g5 P( l3 A2 r5 R: t, q: L$ ]特卡波湖的支流,7月30月4 2–FSB
5 s4 _( k0 R0 n+ P4 J% yNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
* P4 u8 s+ v* _+ D新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31  }7 V3 E4 i$ J' G% _6 H3 G+ c( }
385 b& S5 K$ R8 d7 v
1 N: a8 x- R; Z( J$ \% X% O0 PTekapo – Pukaki hydro canal All year FSB 4 sports fish of which no1 J4 I5 F3 F  a) t2 W  }
特卡波–普卡基水运河全年FSB 4体育鱼是没有" [# _% [/ n( k; q+ ?
more than 2 to be trout
5 D/ D+ B2 ^9 v8 p" Z% j超过2是鳟鱼
# j0 k: F+ |2 q7 P- P, r% [8 {Tekapo River upstream of lower powerlines
! F5 d: }0 J7 r' \$ T* B3 o& nTekapo河上游下电线
$ I+ ]; h0 x8 l5 _9 T8 E% Q4 b+ S2 u% Tacross the river about 1km upstream of, `& S/ I$ ~4 W
9 y+ y% V$ j6 I" |! Q9 k9 ~Lake Benmore
3 \; D: @; `7 K+ T本莫尔湖
* f7 C; c1 ^( D0 h" P7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 23 V  r. j' D+ D0 z2 V) G! K
7月30月4 2–FSB- ^% @* v% {, o
Tekapo River downstream of lower+ D7 t0 c. o! [) H1 W
下河下游特卡波% c& a3 @! o9 }' B, Q) v$ ~7 h
powerlines across the river about 1km
7 R* U# O6 ?' r5 a' }电线过河约1km& D2 R; [1 J( Z; F. k7 Y+ R
upstream of Lake Benmore! k" t7 I2 h9 r+ c4 W- J" ^& X" N7 Z
本莫尔湖上游. d  C) w, E* w# x% T* ^6 `  I
All year FSB 4 2
. H, E2 S+ s# ~2 XFSB 4全年2
/ `) R& P, \; I1 E2 OTemuka River and tributaries 1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 4 2
* z! \  J% p8 z' v6 }% b3 o. z" R& C阿卡罗阿河及其支流1日–损坏FSB 4 2 31" G1 i  E2 j+ }7 Q
1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 4 Closed- S1 \1 C( v. N. [! v0 l
月1日30月4–FSB封闭  u' ^( A  m! G
Tengawai River 1 Oct – 31 Mar F 2 2# r4 f; g: R+ r, D6 \
tengawai河1日–损坏F 2 2 318 R" g) m+ ?1 e9 v. J% m: j, C
1 Apr – 30 Apr F 2 Closed
: ?. u4 c0 J' n4 l& @/ D4 q8 c月1日30月2–封闭
4 y, g( z" m+ k; e5 X" V. OTinwald Domain pond, child licence holders
* v$ J! ~2 i7 W. r4 u" @. ]廷沃尔德域池,孩子执照持有人5 v* B( x! z% S2 x7 V1 X5 w
only: V8 P! M# w' z8 B4 y/ ]3 Q
只有1 |8 n6 |  T) E7 L, }( M; k! b
All year FSB 2 n/a; E' m0 o; C' z
全年FSB 2 N / A  k2 t$ R  b9 R1 n3 G. X
Twizel River and its tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FS 2 25 {, j6 [; V! i$ Z
特威泽尔河及其支流7月30月2 2–FS
/ H% x4 D4 {* l! K; l7 U0 d0 sWaihao River upstream of Forks Bridges 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 n/a' B" `% V( \. K
怀豪河上游叉桥1日–月30 FS 2 N / A
  f; u. X& S' @" a. _9 M  u8 ^Waihao River downstream of Forks Bridges 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4 26 ~/ x, \5 O8 @' {% N  L
叉桥1日–30四月FSB 4怀豪河下游2
; U. [. A' }5 V2 ]1 \0 w4 AWaihi River and tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4 2
2 Q4 a, n5 u% ~# N3 [怀希河和支流1日–FSB 4 2月30日* @0 ~: L' e' k6 q$ N  d$ h0 j5 ?
Waitaki, Lake All year FSB 4 2
. j( J9 _. i' B怀塔基,湖全年FSB 4 23 e+ z) V; B( O" m9 J. y+ p
Waitaki Lake tributaries 7 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 4 28 O% J8 X: v" E
怀塔基湖支流7月30月4 2–FSB
7 k/ A) y: R7 t* z& n4 w$ ]8 r8 U4 eWaitaki River and tributaries 1 Oct – 31 Mar FSB 4 2
, e; \# ]  y, X' M  ~怀塔基河及其支流1日–损坏FSB 4 2 31
9 d( Y) L4 [% u0 e1 Apr – 30 Apr FSB 4 Closed9 ~  [* g$ d+ N$ T
月1日30月4–FSB封闭+ W: V3 N; T7 f6 ^  P% F+ s  h
Waitaki River downstream of State/ R3 f5 q( h. d2 D* O, J
国家下游怀塔基河# [& V2 \- E8 x( |. p
& a) }8 v: y" N2 n- v2 e
=====================================  w% K$ J* g* i
Highway 19 C; J- y& F. U6 Y' Z. g* t+ }, T, M
* l: Q+ [# `9 P, K1 Jun – 31 Aug FS 2 trout or salmon" W  H  V1 V; x; G
1日31日2–FS鳟鱼和鲑鱼; i  n* E/ [( h& Q2 P# I6 B! K
3. Closed Season
6 {* F% A# Q3 R3 U! u  G4 g3。封闭的季节  K$ x$ _6 |5 `0 m' P
3.1 No licence holder shall fish for sports fish in the following waters:
+ t2 x. h4 |8 _( @3.1无牌照持有人须在以下水域内捕鱼为体育鱼类:- n% y/ r( a5 b- `: [$ a8 x6 J; E; ?
Aviemore spawning race.+ U& y9 ?- `  f1 N- B/ ^: X+ L
阿维莫尔产卵的比赛。, A. V$ ~6 `. v7 Z3 s0 Z
Awakino River.* d3 d0 `$ j, o: @
9 L7 f: ~& u( d. |( R7 }Tinwald Domain Pond (unless holder is holder of a child’s licence).4 T9 f( r+ z) ?: s. G& B
廷沃尔德域池(除非持有人是一个孩子的许可证持有人)。4 b6 m% A$ O; `4 s9 r
3.2 No licence holder shall fish for sea run salmon in the following waters:
! j0 p0 r  j  Z" d3.2无牌照持有人须在以下水域内捕鱼的鲑鱼:4 M3 F3 p: I) O$ ?) n4 m! Y% x% g
Lake Stream.
' U+ x+ n0 u# u' ~3 F9 c湖流。
6 C3 ^6 l% V. o/ @0 S7 s/ OAshburton River and its tributaries between 1 April and 30 April.
7 f3 B8 ?& I  {3 v! [阿什伯顿河及其支流在1四月和四月30。
8 ^# l8 l; |3 y8 K0 F3 r) NOpihi River and its tributaries between 1 April and 30 April.% G! E% l/ R& ]) f) x2 g
# F& s5 @! @* j* O4 P7 `! _Opuha River and its tributaries between 1 April and 30 April.
  M, e9 g& n6 h2 t! W4 Xopuha河及其支流在1四月和四月30。
' G& |' J( E8 N: B* ~3 VOrari River and its tributaries between 1 April and 30 April.
5 q$ c8 i- ?# s! T8 k奥拉里河及其支流在1四月和四月30。, M' F$ G* H+ h) y1 `% m- k
Rangitata River and its tributaries between 1 April and 30 April.5 T& R3 ]$ d1 F
- M% y) I  T% A$ @$ ]" \$ Y3 URangitata River and tributaries upstream of Turn Again Point and shown by the white posts on the riverbank between 1 March and 30 April.
! s# ^" i2 @: l. n) u) ?% C' c朗伊塔塔河及其支流的上游再点所显示的白色柱在河岸之间的1月和四月30。
0 h, x, r& p1 ~+ jWaitaki River and its tributaries between 1 April and 30 April.
% i  m/ \3 E9 x0 u1 o4 M: f怀塔基河及其支流在1四月和四月30。
9 Y7 ~: l9 C2 @3.3 No licence holder shall fish for trout in the following waters:* e' k: S5 K. Q8 \" W
; }: J  W4 G# N7 z, X3 a  s3 i  |% uRangitata River and tributaries upstream of Turn Again Point and shown by the white posts on the riverbank between 1 April and 30 April.
6 K6 d/ O+ F6 I' q9 N; @  m朗伊塔塔河和支流再点上所表现出的白色柱在河岸之间的四月和四月30 1。Lake Stream between 1 April and 30 April.
1 u4 _& W: O9 B: E% _0 n四月1至30年间的湖流。$ }) y* d- Y) `
3.4 No licence holder shall fish for sockeye salmon in any river or stream between 1 March and 30 April." H6 P8 Y! F4 l% m+ b
: r4 @* S: G: _6 s8 i8 ^4. Authorised Tackle
2 B( E; f& d& A, P5 W( W' F4。授权处理( g  i, R3 ?& S# x$ g" X
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20150 f* D/ l6 N+ }0 ^+ j
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
: g/ j. ^* m$ H5 w39! v  U  p, W+ @+ \/ _% ~
% ]' r# I0 u- s1 I5 }2 b: d4.1 No licence holder when fishing for sports fish shall use any unsportsmanlike device or method.) D# Z4 l9 P. g) A2 B+ r; A3 j
) A3 \) e1 `2 t. y2 w4.2 No licence holder shall continue to fish on any day after having foul hooked three sports fish, even though any such sports fish have been returned immediately in accordance with the First Schedule of this notice.
) _; Y- E: \# F4.2无牌照持有人须在有犯规上钩三条体育鱼后的任何一天内继续捕鱼,即使已按照本通知的第一时间已返回任何该等体育鱼类。$ W6 x& {: I, B( d! i0 Z5 A
4.3 A licence holder when fishing for sports fish in the Rangitata River or its tributaries:1 @; E9 h1 b# w
" `; ]- p1 W: E# ]4.3.1 may use, seaward of a line drawn between the two poles situated near the upstream limit of the estuarine area, an artificial fly only if the total weight of everything attached to the cast does not exceed 28g.
5 r5 X. D7 n$ u2 _- B" S4.3.1可以使用,向海线之间的两极位于河口上游的极限拉,只有依附于铸造一切的总重量不超过28g假蝇。. K& V1 ?7 p. n  Y) h8 E; n/ ]9 U  P
4.3.2 may cast other than from the reel or retrieve other than by winding the reel only when using bait or fly fishing, or when fishing with an artificial fly seaward of a line drawn between the two poles situated near the upstream limit of the estuarine area.
# q5 R1 g0 C+ o& i& {7 _4 W" c4.3.2可投其他比从卷筒或检索其他比绕卷仅当使用诱饵或钓鱼,或用假蝇钓鱼时向一线之间的两极位于河口上游的极限拉。! F, a  n5 e, c! O% ?
4.4 Down riggers, paravanes, metal cored or wire lines and weights to assist sinking of trolled lures are* S0 g* \( I4 y- S, l. b* ~* w
4.4下发,破雷卫,金属芯或钢丝线和权重协助下沉使诱饵! j$ F" h: ^) \% \* ~3 c
prohibited in Lake Alexandrina.
- N/ G# `: n# {7 H在亚历山大湖禁止。1 q) i5 t) N( R5 z
4.5 Any licence holder who lands a sports fish and does not want to keep it shall immediately return it with as little injury as possible into the water from which it was taken.
* s9 \  F+ Z2 ~/ k4.5任何牌照持有人,土地一项运动的鱼,并不希望保持它应立即返回它与尽可能少的伤害可能进入水,它被采取。/ D* e' S4 Y+ h6 U
5. Coarse Fishing Waters* T: q1 i6 F1 u9 P* O& U
8 L7 u5 p. s8 k7 OCentennial Park Lake (Timaru).
+ w' W% E# f1 b* \/ ?. x  d百年纪念公园湖(蒂)。# f6 `% g4 O& ^# }/ P' k! S
Island Stream., o% d6 K" F' A+ a9 R0 ]
# S: U0 x4 w8 }) t+ A/ D  A( s$ hSaltwater Creek.
& l3 y$ c& E$ V8 c盐水溪。. x9 V) j, Q+ I' \4 d
Waiareka Stream.
& [+ `7 E  I* M5 [, C' b# jwaiareka流。, W% t4 Z; ^# v: v6 B" a# ?
===================================================4 |# s* _. A4 O& q" b9 D: S; H; R
6. Use of Boats
* P9 Q) Q8 G" U, M6 O+ d6。使用船+ D3 H  \" W5 g* D6 E
6.1 Fishing from boats is prohibited in:$ ?' U1 e! V( ?, n; I6 N8 k, ?
5 b7 F! w( @6 q6 v4 u+ _' S& `# ?Lake Camp." x: @" ^+ t, M9 Q! C1 ^( C
& z6 a( @% j- K7 |$ Z/ uLake Denny.
3 G8 g  o- L5 B$ Z( `, @$ c2 G丹尼湖。
7 G. \  i' Z' S7 [: DLake Donn.
6 ~2 G$ c2 Y. r; l  f# J2 Z湖不。: x& R; H) X5 c- Z" T5 V" o# H' Q
Lake Emily.
2 e9 n% J  L2 ~5 a- x/ v7 E* x艾米丽湖。
' [+ a6 v" x) X( i1 M, RKellands Pond.$ }- T7 l$ V: _1 X% F$ Q
  T' z$ f; {6 Z3 ~4 V* S+ u& hLake Roundabout.6 [! k  B% v  e7 l% o
' i/ X& d; l# S( c2 Y! }Lake Spider.
8 ]/ c- W6 b7 Q8 D" R8 m/ G湖蜘蛛。5 Z. Y/ P& O! \2 P  a! X& v' P
Wairepo Arm of Lake Ruataniwha.
9 s1 \- V- H  {wairepo湖ruataniwha。
" E" ]. K& g( I) s& IThat part of the region seaward of the Rangitata River mouth, except from an anchored boat between the hours of 7.00am and 9.00pm on any day at a seaward distance greater than 200m from the nearest shore at low tide. The seaward boundary of the Central South Island Region around the Rangitata River mouth is a line drawn at a distance of 500m from any place where at low tide the waters of the river meet the waters of the sea.8 ^# n7 s% O& O0 {6 x4 f& h
. ?8 s% }; F; K0 S6.2 Fishing from any unmoored boat is prohibited in:3 l4 j' d& f; d0 r
7 \! ?3 b5 k  z7 B: x) @! ^Lake Emma.
8 w2 B" f$ k  P+ [1 y' i$ g艾玛湖。
" k- n8 F- B8 ~0 xLake MacGregor.
- y, B6 [3 v- [% I3 _# o8 p马基高湖。# C) k$ _% o1 q% _  V/ V) H
Lake Middleton.
7 J" R# t- d  {/ @4 x/ u: \米德尔顿湖。
6 v4 K; r6 Z- j4 }. Z- I8 ?Maori Lakes.8 K1 B* ^$ B: H* |! ]
- ]4 f, {8 |$ C  w* B7. Fish Length" }, c3 ^  k" \2 j  g3 x2 ?/ \
7 _: ?. @: J* O' k" ?7.1 The minimum length for salmon killed in waters of the region shall be 300mm except in Lake Heron where the minimum length shall be 250mm and the maximum length shall be 450mm.: g: O- {- _: k5 ~1 c" K
7.1的最小长度的鲑鱼在该区域的水域死亡应300mm除湖鹭在最小长度应为250mm,最大长度应为450mm。+ |4 y9 a4 I1 J9 J3 A
7.2 No person shall in any one day take or be in possession of more than two salmon greater than 500mm taken from the McKenzie hydro canals. The McKenzie hydro canals are the Tekapo–Pukaki, and Pukaki–Ohau hydro canals, and Ohau Canal from State Highway 8 to Ohau C power station.
/ Y5 d- d! h, l2 P' Q' J4 s8 q7.2任何人不得在任何一天或是两个或两个以上的鲑鱼大于500mm从麦肯齐流体管占有。麦肯齐水电管的特卡波–普卡基,和普卡基–去水的运河,运河和去从8国道去C电厂。: |% f% c+ u, [3 B  m6 c
Otago Fish and Game Region
4 l% C% |3 U7 ?1 X2 ~. n) u奥塔哥鱼和游戏区& e( l! R5 P5 [
Reference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.
3 _  H1 r" i3 |# U2 c" y' p$ ]4 q参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页。
3 P! S; E; L" B/ {; X* C1. Definitions3 F# {; ^7 ~5 G6 w0 P
1。定义5 x' q& B" ~; x* \  \6 u
See First Schedule.! U3 W  t2 S; M3 K. v
: ?  x7 s  C* U6 C# _9 p4 V# L; cNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
9 v# Z4 l4 j; H; q; Y$ Y新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31) b1 g, v% l  v
40# B) e4 Y$ W  `: n" I* N8 A/ u
" g) `9 J  L6 J1 i1 _2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits (subject to clauses 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 for
4 U4 w' `7 O7 V; B+ y! m2。开放的季节,允许的方法,每日袋子限额(受条款3,6,8,9,10,11和12
3 L- k- h  X/ q+ c1 T: k- Rthis region)
. t6 Q+ Y# s! V0 u. ~8 i5 c这个地区)' ^% @/ s1 E, q2 N! V4 a& z
Permitted Methods definition
# f/ @* P$ w, O: U4 I' X允许的方法定义
! M9 D( h7 X5 H: |& @( G" iF = Fly fishing only
( Y; x! ?: G) ]/ v, J4 g=飞钓4 U, E& n0 t5 }0 l1 {
FS = Fly or Spin fishing only
5 |* F9 F( k) j只是飞行或旋转钓鱼
4 K6 N3 P  o/ i9 J+ J1 h* eFSB = Fly, Spin or Bait fishing permitted
' y9 }* H0 i, a6 Afsb飞,旋转或诱饵钓鱼许可3 R4 l+ h: H) h
2.1 Rivers / Lakes Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits
* B2 X( i% @% D' r- U2.1河流/湖泊,开放季节,允许方法,每日袋限制
- j$ y5 ~  x, k; b3 ]All lakes, rivers and streams upstream; z- U! _  h. ^$ W% b! Q
& Q/ e/ C9 R. N6 yof Clyde Dam not mentioned in% ^6 |5 ^( S' M" z% I. K& |
3 d7 H1 R2 j+ J3 qclause 2.3 for this region" l; S* r* R1 B" n, C* P
这一地区的2.3条& M# t7 c5 s- u: m# L
1 Nov – 30 Apr FSB 1
/ W8 y0 F- k' I" g2 d' L5 Z月1日30月1–FSB) I9 o' g6 O, E. J1 j# H2 u! P
2.2 Rivers / Lakes Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits9 ]8 S( q% D) C1 S/ Z: j
0 d9 C1 Q' U6 E1 F% q7 |All lakes, rivers and streams9 ~' N$ ?, P  a( [
所有的湖泊,河流和溪流+ G' w+ ?) j' I+ A6 y% s4 J# [
downstream of Clyde Dam and any, @' ]0 x, B8 {0 F& ]4 P% z. h( u
, A7 T' p3 ^0 O" t1 g9 S* Qother catchments flowing to the sea" V) p% g% ?9 K( g1 ^$ D
* v5 j/ u2 q- t7 vnot mentioned in clause 2.3 for this
- X" I' ]' A2 _在这一条款中没有提及2.3( c6 \: `' P* C, [5 {8 S% P
1 ~6 p9 B! F3 w区域  |2 b* I/ O! d& s6 X( o- V# m
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 39 Q1 Z2 v- a$ q6 \* f/ J
1日–FSB 3月30日
, @# m" P' I$ o1 a2.3 Fishing Regulations for the Otago Rivers and Lakes:
$ Q( o/ E' d8 `) z在奥塔哥2.3河流和湖泊的渔业法规:
+ a9 r9 x: G2 M+ N0 G, H- ?3 E- Q7 d5 o* mRivers / Lakes Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits* Z5 U  Q- m3 u5 R1 F' n
河流/湖泊的开放季节允许的方法,每天袋限制* i/ }: n# f1 x' Y$ \
Akatore Estuary 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 2! f, r* p" o+ P$ \# D
akatore河口1日–FSB 2月30日
- _  x# I! H  w) jAkatore River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
! m+ q7 v+ l2 w) m: gakatore河1日–FSB 2月30日
* w) ^3 B+ d( nAlbert Burn 1 Nov – 31 May FS 13 }2 s" a* G$ k, E
艾伯特烧伤1日–31 FS 1
9 T+ J  ]$ E+ h) RArrow River 1 Nov – 31 May FSB 1
& `5 @- b5 T' K8 p; z箭河1日–FSB 1月319 P& |6 v. I) g2 }( m3 Y5 Q
Blakelys Dam 1 Nov – 15 Apr FSB 1( h# p% O( I8 m: _4 b# w  e
blakelys坝1日–FSB 1月15日
! l& @  ?" Y  R& x$ aButchers Dam 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 32 v4 i* g% Y; o% _- D
屠夫坝1日–FSB 3月30日
; b; S& ^+ ~7 t% CCaples River (refer to clause 11 for this3 U9 Q' R; z/ d& D
卡普莱斯河(指条款11本0 ~/ t+ w; y! u! X2 S% w
9 i0 s  A7 a$ d区域)
! c# k, d* l( c: I& S8 ]( D0 J1 Nov – 31 May F 16 C+ }5 v8 Z& M" ~
月1日–31 F 18 a/ H8 ^7 F8 n/ Q% T
Cardrona River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1
- E; H9 a% e& p. }该河1日–FSB 1月30日
2 \1 |0 u4 w4 R: t& D" HCareys Creek 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
- F8 U5 T1 d! U% o# q* v  M. o1 ^凯里溪1日–FSB 3月30日8 B' w+ Q! L) s
Careys Creek downstream of the rail line9 ]9 k5 P) J9 a/ U, i
该铁路线下游凯里溪0 X2 M7 m' ^4 V2 X
Bridge  |; W2 K, b- Q; r% W" A/ Z: \* t

  }4 O( N. V! |3 y" R1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 3$ n6 V- p* ?! B& Y: @' L4 T
1日30日3–FSB% f' o: H) r% C  R5 N0 f
Catlins Estuary downstream of State
9 e- e. \8 j& g  b0 ]卡特林斯河口下游国家' R1 W* Y4 _/ S- P' O) S- x
Highway 92 Bridge
) c' o  ~6 T, o$ A: D- \公路92桥) U. G; t8 G/ i$ t$ M3 ~' Z4 k
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
0 I8 d) e4 c& b  K6 ^% H1日30日6–FSB. c7 i; z  ]+ i# M) u( {
Catlins River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6! c/ S0 |0 O7 S+ R. X: D
1日–卡特林斯河30四月FSB 62 G5 F; W" @2 L
Clutha River upstream from Luggate Bridge
, [  J6 T" b' H9 \* v3 E& F克卢萨河上游luggate桥5 r5 n! L, c* `
(except Deans Bank Section)3 q) N; e7 V! `! f) S6 |& r5 g9 m
: C* m% A/ n0 B/ g$ {$ l" a) `  W1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 6
6 y9 ^5 q' W2 B, S1日30日6–FS
" G% H  f2 x& Y8 _0 {Clutha River Deans Bank Section (defined% m) |4 C9 K5 N; c* x3 }
克卢萨河院长银行部分(定义, J# C6 ?; [# R0 W! m& t
by landmark posts 1km downstream of* ~% h6 _) Y  u, s4 H
通过具有里程碑意义的帖子1km下游, N; |. T( N, O, H$ A
Lake Wanaka and 600m upstream of1 [* o0 @6 a2 Y) l  h4 l
瓦纳卡湖和600M的上游" a( z6 ^- o, Q) s$ ?1 v* I- c
Albert Town Bridge)- R/ z# r) ~9 z2 f
艾伯特镇大桥, O( o3 u( E& h  m  b
1 Oct – 31 May F 6# Y9 Q) ^( W2 l, W; Y
1月31日60 i$ l* I: g+ a( d! r/ o# s' \' A& r
Clutha River downstream of Luggate Bridge 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6& }9 k" {8 X# y& v. c; T3 _. G
对luggate桥1日–30 Sep FSB下游6克卢萨河( u, T8 J' P+ g! v& u5 @6 a
Coalpit Dam 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 1
/ M7 j7 f, y6 x2 v; O7 j1日–煤窑坝30 Sep FSB 1
* P( H9 U& h0 d3 a" N! tConroys Dam 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 13 a' w, _# Q3 H
conroys坝1日–FSB 1月30日
% R6 e' t* \0 j* HContour Channel 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 33 F4 W6 c! _) N* \0 k+ L
1日–轮廓通道30四月FSB 38 g. x# B( C4 j2 w
Dart River 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 1/ b* \4 v1 J0 j( a
省道河1日–30 Sep FS 1
# c4 |. m, s! v/ ODeep Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
7 U7 F! F0 U. m, ?3 x) G* T深溪1日–FSB 3月30日/ o" [- ?' ?" }* V. E% m, I% V
Diamond Creek 1 Oct – 31 May FS 10 r" Q7 m2 g) l2 T% ~" i1 l
钻石溪1十月,31可FS 1% G/ O) j# b/ V% X
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015; ~$ Y+ b% P: \1 R- a; B3 [( W
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31! |3 i* m6 W6 Y& L
: z$ A( D; V  J+ O( b( i' U0 u2 m四十一0 Q5 u8 i$ t% Y* Q
Diamond Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 3; t6 [' Z; l8 o+ v  V
钻石湖1日30日3–FS$ o* g! k* X" t$ A- ?/ ~: G
Dingle Burn (refer to clause 11 for this
0 m: A/ ^/ ]' R; S0 R丁格尔烧伤(参见条款11本; A3 u% [, a- c& q: x5 D
! @; h( A! c5 j9 c6 Q' ]0 ]  n区域)# ?0 X" |) }+ J, i
1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
3 ^' Y4 I& Z- _7 y月1日–31 FS 1; _" e" `3 K, f# W$ h$ V
Falls Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6
, l1 k  ^1 ^, i4 [6 \- k1日–瀑布大坝30四月FSB 6, g& a! d+ s" o# z
Fraser Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
7 a  l3 y& G/ |9 u, X- Y弗雷泽坝1日–FSB 3月30日
- t- E2 ?1 I9 H! B: L$ KFraser River downstream of dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 35 b1 L/ _( A7 L2 h6 A8 {
大坝1日–30四月FSB 3下游河: Y/ t, `' }9 d, S
Fraser River Upper 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1
8 z; h0 n. B( \0 F% |% Y& o7 \弗雷泽河上1日–FSB 1月30日
% J6 ]" }( i( HGlenorchy Lagoons 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
/ ]! R: E2 E4 k- ^% Z& h/ W  c格莱诺基泻湖1日–月30 FS 17 U% B6 k5 @2 c, H
Greenstone River (refer to clause 11 for this
( o+ v9 H3 a$ \, P% q; F绿岩河(参见条款11本1 |" {  L( L8 A# Z# V
region). |  c( ]1 o# x# H' P2 X
区域)2 ?8 f6 H( _) |+ m. k& u
1 Nov – 31 May F 1
9 k3 t) \* n+ @. o3 H月1日–31 F 1
9 U, P& J& B  k: W  lGreenstone River downstream of swing& Y# p) ~; C2 {
秋千绿岩河下游+ t+ h$ I0 A0 c2 e- x! ^
bridge at the river’s mouth where it
4 ?( Y$ N3 @2 N, k4 _桥在河的河口处
; Y5 T5 I, e# l1 t: o8 uenters Lake Wakatipu
, A  W( r7 O& B# E0 X2 o$ n' h进入瓦卡蒂普湖
# C1 [3 j- Z' |: X; H1 Nov – 31 May FS 1- ~6 t( |4 P4 W* H$ z
月1日–31 FS 1
8 B7 _  M0 h: ~1 wGreenstone River upstream of Sly Burn
6 T/ L) C3 s* l, y' G1 g* F( @绿岩河上游地燃烧, e# C4 D6 r  q3 C. I& r
confluence (refer to clause 11 for this% K- h4 T& s& [: Q# ?
汇流(指11条款. u. k& Q4 g4 ?) E2 F& \  z' B
region)3 s: z2 }- h* R
- e  s9 u9 L  {) g1 Feb – 31 Mar" U( o& |# S0 u. W/ o$ [! @
1月31–损坏1 L- W* a9 D0 D1 g( m
Controlled fishery( r4 Q4 x1 Q" G' d3 x- h
1 k% k* P; m" S, V4 `" J7 pperiod
) e. u5 X+ l! a2 D; @
6 t" m# v; A. w% w1 I4 Y3 ^F 1- E' U* L7 r, {8 v9 K
, K- Y" X5 _9 O; c% |Hamiltons Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1
; u1 [* T& v% N; l: `+ b0 U汉密尔顿坝1日–FSB 1月30日
7 ]# |; v: I' jHawea River 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 6$ o& w" e6 ]6 B; j, W( _) y$ A$ @' h
4 R# p0 |' r/ s: PHoffmans Dam 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 18 q! [' O1 D8 J$ x
霍夫曼斯坝1日–FSB 1月30日( g! @3 D0 `9 Y+ O0 {* n: E
Hores Control Pond 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
7 _0 ]6 D4 J7 f0 i' p马控制池塘1日–FSB 6月30日; h! j6 V# K0 T' q. J9 [2 y9 l0 H
Hunter River (refer to clause 11 for this0 a2 X. G: W* x/ j4 I; C
猎人河(指的是11条7 R' e' g; `7 e
region)2 t( j1 S0 J1 \5 Q8 v2 r. q' j
) f0 d8 x- J; |% d6 J; D1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
( X  Z" E& [+ v8 _月1日–31 FS 16 J+ s$ g: l7 {
Ida Burn Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
, y# E- W) f1 X8 }7 t: h& [( R. l0 }艾达烧伤坝1日–FSB 3月30日
$ i8 j! }2 {# t0 Y" Y6 w2 LKaihiku Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
0 ?. N* |/ S0 o; X3 gkaihiku流1日–FSB 3月30日6 t' v3 p' f( \! H
Kaikorai Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
3 s$ `) n6 F1 r* o5 D: A4 k/ Ykaikorai流1日–FSB 3月30日+ w1 a( C* B" C/ a( y/ \1 P
Kaikorai Estuary downstream of Abbotts3 L$ ~: U# K/ W1 }, S  }, O
kaikorai河口下游的秘密4 S: Q3 r3 L0 g" d
Creek confluence; v! e. T8 t: i: G1 X
小溪汇流) {. E' v: U1 l, ?1 E, C
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 3
; y- I! L0 ^+ d1日30日3–FSB
. d  i3 g/ h1 [: F" g: ^" EKawarau River 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 61 _( D! y! x; C/ l4 B
卡瓦劳河1日–FSB 6月30日
4 ^1 n8 ^. P6 uKnights Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3) _& ^5 E7 v+ E4 `. f9 P& ^7 a
1日–骑士坝30四月FSB 3. @/ t/ v  |2 R+ o3 e# ~0 h+ l
Kuriwao Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 39 t; t' w$ U: p7 V1 X
kuriwao流1日–FSB 3月30日9 S9 m% `/ z' i, I, S- _
Kye Burn 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3; X% k! C# P3 [' T
1日–桂烧伤30四月FSB 3
  S. ]+ ?  Y9 j, K5 f/ cLake Dispute 1 Oct – 31 May FS 3- F! p3 \, |/ x3 r
湖之争1个月,31可FS 3: K! ]# E5 k) {
Lake Dunstan 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
% D3 w/ [$ \  E2 y" t; e邓斯坦湖1日–FSB 6月30日
- Z9 ^; c$ E2 n0 pLake Hawea 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
# B9 u) a7 h" @" Y哈威湖湖1 OCT–FSB 6月30日/ D  \, ?! i3 \
Lake Hayes 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 3
" y, Z7 r+ d2 A* z2 N海因斯湖1日–FSB 3月30日7 {! }' H' V0 h
Lake Johnson 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 1+ k. I) P7 c7 R8 `1 R3 X
约翰逊湖1日–FSB 1月30日
/ i! b( P/ s- @4 vLake Kirkpatrick 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 3) A3 X$ w; N$ l1 C
湖柯克帕特里克1 OCT–30 Sep FS 3
5 D$ j" c! p# Y& O; k+ ], \Lake Mahinerangi 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6) A+ n6 w. W1 [# q: G5 \
湖mahinerangi 1日–FSB 6月30日
" S- W8 y8 j, z3 K7 j8 D$ @1 \Lake Onslow 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 10
2 Z5 ?* I$ S3 O' l" {- r湖月1月30日–翁斯洛FSB 10
9 `0 y- `0 Q) O5 O  I* T* ^Lake Roxburgh, Highway Bridge at) y* r; T+ R4 ~* J: b
2 g" D' `: H! b: ]% L- sAlexandra downstream to the Roxburgh
) |" ^( O& F* M( y, j5 t5 }$ |# G亚历山德拉下游的罗克斯堡
% \1 [7 S. \/ ~8 X# @6 |Dam
% I0 `6 {5 B! h& T大坝, n8 d$ g2 l# Q( J" S
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
/ _0 x, v3 h1 ^7 Y# V: [& k1日30日6–FSB; f) O; Q2 s* C
Lake Sylvan 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 61 x2 |& C3 E" y
湖森林1日–FSB 6月30日7 Q# d4 h. _6 x; h( b$ T2 t8 |
NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015- X2 ?9 G' x8 e9 d; m5 o
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
# U5 X/ B8 \+ ?* T3 C  Q, r1 t! [; e
& n0 C/ o& Z9 o9 [6 ?=============
  R7 x/ v$ i- M3 q42, S6 O# E) e0 z. u) Z& W
1 i9 @7 Q" ?- k' l1 dLake Tewa 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 1
* V) M: P5 ]- x) K) z: d  }; V湖月1月30日20–FS 14 R! T. m% o' b# w6 }" C! k4 w1 \
Lake Tuakitoto including the outlet channel
1 ?, o' m3 M& q湖tuakitoto包括出口通道5 w- I+ p/ K0 F9 W
and inlet channel
- e7 _* U8 B) g) b9 _入口通道: v8 C' R* v4 m2 W% V" g
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
1 d6 d/ |; x2 `& }1日30日6–FSB& |3 r2 b: {) U$ I6 T
Lake Waihola including the outlet and6 `! t0 E8 B* b% h& i
- u' q4 s1 J- Owaterways interconnected with Lake
# N" }7 T5 x" y1 C3 \: [' I与湖泊相连的水道" Q1 p" `! i7 @% k7 V
- L6 _- q; s7 m, h; Y# j$ h3 [waipori, L. C8 T2 t; d8 x$ m2 |
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
: ]: X! d. c# C8 ?8 W' }# X& Y1日30日6–FSB
' M! u$ f, z' s$ N8 sLake Waipori 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
# b+ h! T0 M* O) a湖waipori 1日–FSB 6月30日. K  r6 W% n1 Y( n& ~% [
Lake Wakatipu 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
, S5 |; v9 E3 o瓦卡蒂普湖1日–FSB 6月30日8 s5 w5 x; @' K% H) B' P
Lake Wanaka 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
- x0 }' d; ~% a  b瓦纳卡湖1日–FSB 6月30日
. a+ o% M- d  C: Q  `Lee Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 34 L, k. P9 b  X, r) B! ]: q
1日–李流30四月FSB 3
0 }9 x% E, B6 F* Q, n6 uLindis River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1
' G+ o8 m* _! b1 E9 M' j$ Q3 k9 s1日–林迪斯河30四月FSB 1
- v0 G0 x. _2 ]: X" X5 ELochy River downstream of Disputed Creek1 m2 W1 h- p  V! ^# U. d% ?! C, l: i
+ T1 N/ e# |# Fconfluence/ @2 E4 t5 n2 @  t; e) B
1 Z! P# k$ R; l) i- a& Y' j8 f1 Nov – 31 May F 1; K/ ?/ O/ H0 f/ Y
月1日–31 F 1
& z* }& _1 m% R* }! W  K3 C5 J7 s* HLochy River upstream of Disputed Creek  R$ l( c5 Z( P# o( s. B/ Z6 \" x
洛希河溪上游的争议# s. Y! Q1 x' d' z  }
confluence (refer to clause 11 for this
+ {; c% c* f; D7 w, L( y& k汇流(指11条款- h3 A1 z! d9 J) ?3 ~
$ W. n0 r# r& S  R区域)
3 B4 U/ J+ Q4 q( a8 z1 Nov – 31 May F 0
" ]9 [: t# v$ A9 i' M6 I& a' k" Z月1日–31 F 0
3 B; m8 L0 n6 B# t7 U9 g3 TLoganburn Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6
1 ?: }) g+ @0 n) n. Cloganburn坝1日–FSB 6月30日
9 O7 n/ l* q7 b+ y# dMaclennan River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6
  A3 Q0 S' \  T* r1日–MacLennan河30四月FSB 6
% o; l6 K' l$ EMakarora River 1 Nov – 31 May FS 1% l6 A6 o) B# v$ {
玛卡罗拉河1日–31 FS 1
1 s: L/ R2 I! y- j1 ~$ Z- PMakarora River downstream of Wilkin River/ h+ _; {$ a% F0 T' W& A+ l
威尔河的下游玛卡罗拉河6 e- @+ n% r0 J  p1 y( v; g6 ]0 B
confluence/ H( A1 ], j  S. ?4 B# U
; k$ f1 X6 S5 u) K4 h' e& t3 }1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 1% p- i, y! P* n0 v2 F0 _
1日30日1–FS1 E- ]! i) `- `  z( s8 r9 ]' p3 u& l
Manorburn Dam Lower 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6
$ R( @* b& v0 B马诺本坝下1日–FSB 6月30日
. P: j* u+ i) y+ E5 ^! c. `4 h5 |Manorburn Dam Upper 1 Nov – 31 May FSB 6; z- _# b* p) V3 J
1日–诺伯恩大坝上31外频68 [( p( y" E5 y4 s$ {( x1 Y
Manuherikia and tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 11 j4 r/ B3 v3 A1 M1 e! A# u
1日–玛努海里奇亚和支流30四月FSB 13 E& [: ^+ _* k2 M
Mathias Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3+ Z1 E+ q( W5 x
马蒂亚斯大坝1日–FSB 3月30日
) p1 Q* r  f0 K6 \8 [& DMatukituki River 1 Nov – 31 May FS 1: s9 c; M" `  s; `$ s" C9 u  h: H2 o
matukituki河1日–31 FS 1
/ s0 h0 \9 U# o3 MMatukituki River downstream of Motatapu
  q1 r+ c: g! Y. o$ E% ymotatapu matukituki河的下游
# K3 X* }$ z9 _: _; N) F8 Cconfluence) d( V' a7 V( H% Q6 t+ E- }
+ O4 P- P3 l1 {. N1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 1, [  D' M3 J5 w% E- V6 i: A' D
1日30日1–FS" A3 j( Q+ _/ @7 c; e1 V& v
McAtamney’s Head Pond 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
& y9 p+ M' r  H麦卡塔姆尼头塘1 OCT–FSB 6月30日( z- c' v) F' d: z7 i) z
Meggat Burn 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 33 F: u/ d* A. v% k/ n0 @2 ?
梅加特烧1日–FSB 3月30日( L, I. J5 k  B. I+ |
Mill Creek junior fishery above Waterfall
& r- C, Z; }5 `" K* W磨溪初中以上瀑布6 A  T& r  d) D/ m
Park (refer to clause 12 for this region)9 a- A& x# V9 U% M5 S0 X
公园(指本区域12条)8 Y& o' r7 _1 `' d
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1' \% h1 e' P1 q- F( E0 W. g( S
1日–FSB 1月30日- o& _, o. Y. e: c
Mill Creek downstream of Speargrass Flat2 I( H* U  @) x7 j$ Y( h# q
平磨溪下游的针茅. x( {. _; v5 s1 e: g# h
Road Bridge$ \; L3 F7 L/ C
路桥8 I+ h7 E- {  z7 S
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 1
$ Q, L4 z+ b+ c0 B( l8 r" I1日30日1–FSB
5 h6 D& g3 \. o8 `* eMoke Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 31 U7 u- D+ q' m9 y8 v/ K( X0 G. }
让湖1日–FSB 3月30日( m  L- |. {% ~( e0 x( e1 J; h6 p
Molyneux Pond 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 1
* v8 b: V- k, K莫利纽克斯池塘1日–FSB 1月30日
2 }8 w( r0 l+ c, ]5 x! MMotatapu River 1 Nov – 31 May FS 1+ c+ P' s# _8 d
motatapu河1日–31 FS 1/ Z5 v7 Z$ b; j
Nenthorn Pond 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1
2 l7 o7 `4 [) {# _3 v4 ~: M8 L嫩特霍恩池塘1日–FSB 1月30日
# n( a. |1 M5 q+ O+ x- E, ZNenthorn Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 33 Z+ c& U" X6 h1 h$ Q
嫩特霍恩流1日–FSB 3月30日
, Y  A; q6 a3 o' JNevis River (refer to clauses 10 and 11 for; ~% b  x0 c0 y- _* G
8 a5 Y- Z1 R, a% _* ~this region)( j5 F1 Z# I$ n/ `
- i; ^" _) {& x% U1 Oct – 30 Apr F 1
2 O) z; q. ]$ y4 p3 e, g3 M5 T( ]1日–月30 F 15 w2 y/ [) O' I- U
Owaka River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6
) x" ^  F6 Y+ U4 f, }  v' ]' g奥瓦卡河1日–FSB 6月30日
* L! A2 R; @" f* z' mOwaka River downstream of State
) p5 T7 ]- [4 b+ W国家奥瓦卡河下游3 c( E' ]' S; _+ k; p. `# C+ w/ m) M0 |
Highway 92
' Z% z. P; G/ R, e* K9 |公路92( d: L4 v  C" ]+ @/ z% o" g, @
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6# F5 d9 ]6 b: k. K4 ^$ P
5 w8 l; [+ _0 T" C: J* b1 h3 tNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015" ^  S) @6 ^& ^# A& `6 D
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月316 {2 K8 G" i; X% M- X/ y
43. |" c7 c& }5 _' ]
/ [! P3 @# J9 F( x" B; `3 xPerkins Pond 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 12 R' l) H9 T2 b
帕金斯池1日–FSB 1月30日
; F2 B  O1 j- C  e" K1 k5 x6 B' ePinders Pond 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 1
* N/ g8 ?3 @9 i. e& f2 s月1月30平德斯池塘–FSB 10 a8 n0 j5 Q! o' J* a
Pleasant River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 31 c, }; E  B9 t( h9 N( A1 ?
1日–愉快河30四月FSB 3# B4 W5 C  r9 O, C
Pomahaka River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6" ?( n) Q; f3 M$ }2 L, x  O. {
pomahaka河1日–FSB 6月30日% h2 [7 c. y$ Q7 X6 g, n9 l6 t# t
Pomahaka River downstream of Swans; \* z9 q3 B& C3 W4 p
2 e5 b7 L' L- w% b3 E9 l7 M! I( yBridge (Clydevale Road)
- m/ u3 [# _7 W/ D桥(克莱德韦尔路)
8 E0 J  O1 n1 j! V7 p7 ?( `# T  `1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
: u3 V3 C7 Q2 ?& G1日30日6–FSB
/ V+ G! f# r/ q6 QPomahaka River upstream of Park Hill
( i+ E- z. O9 |8 [5 M" Npomahaka河公园山上游
5 ]. [* k! {# E/ EBridge (Switzers Road)
0 F7 }  M* A) D! z7 y(switzers桥路)( N* j& _/ b7 [) _4 Y
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3# h$ G( F6 ]! R  d6 t' e7 N3 k
1日–FSB 3月30日5 {8 `$ C9 c% ~2 k; z4 n
Poolburn Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
. ]. T- }; y" y3 M普尔本坝1日–FSB 3月30日
' q" |' W/ t, R- u" D) ^Puerua Estuary downstream of State$ R' ~( K. u9 x: d/ S
国家puerua河口下游' U' R. E' i5 ]# N; B/ L
Highway 92 Bridge9 c2 o: q* L9 }# H% j0 d$ X
公路92桥; v; X9 h: q8 o0 v
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
8 z" ^- ]! I% Z) g1日30日6–FSB$ W1 x5 h1 i# n% U) L
Puerua Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3* V3 s8 T0 V* S' j+ |# ]
puerua流1日–FSB 3月30日) |, Q5 M5 x- k/ `) B
Rees River 1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
9 [7 ?$ a, S9 a0 c% E$ E里斯河1日–31 FS 1
3 O" O" p( g8 bRees River downstream of Muddy Creek 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 1
1 j6 O: u# S1 P. L! g里斯河下游的泥溪1日30日1–FS$ q7 d3 ]1 Z# v0 M1 Y6 v
Reid Lake 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 18 E3 `- l/ _8 ?6 ^8 J3 k- S* o, i
瑞德湖1日–30 Sep FS 13 w! O9 c+ R. h" N
Routeburn River 1 Nov – 31 May F 0
3 W- Q6 A! F  K1 o! E8 ]6 A1日–路特本河31 F 0' G/ ^6 {& P+ N) c
Rutherfords Dam 1 Nov – 15 Apr FSB 1
6 W2 Y! F- o& x6 c! z9 T1日–卢瑟福坝15四月FSB 1
2 l# I3 Y/ P. `, T$ U* |- uShag River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3- h- L& y9 N+ I# `9 r- e: Q
上河1日–FSB 3月30日# N: [- I% p% @7 G2 B" z
Shag River downstream of State Highway 15 W+ Q- G) [/ [- t9 J
' i5 e7 {% m! b2 gBridge7 ~* M5 T& }& A, g
( u" `: f+ g+ G: z+ k
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 3
9 Y! ?6 e2 x8 o7 n1日30日3–FSB1 b3 X( @) ~, b" a% S
Shotover River 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
: j+ D3 ^4 P7 ~2 C, w" B' M0 u肖托弗河1日–FSB 6月30日: _1 V( n! M9 C
Silverstream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
3 @0 a3 t( v) h# ~) \* d# q8 h& O1月30日silverstream OCT–FSB 3
; F4 M$ N( g! C+ u4 u: d9 J9 r# WSouthern Reservoir (refer to clause 3 for9 l' ^' P6 A7 r0 z' M- J: @3 b
9 w# X2 U- J1 A' q; ?% Gthis region)2 S" M* z: w3 a1 [$ `. H% \% C
这个地区)) V( O& a9 N$ _* ?2 ^
1 Oct – 31 Aug FS 13 e4 w6 N3 P: z' H) A
1日31日1–FS2 {( r0 D0 n7 I5 U- p& S
Styx Weir Pond 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
; B1 o( k+ S6 R  K* p冥河堰塘1 OCT–FSB 6月30日
2 L0 w2 d; w# `6 D, wSullivans Dam 1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 1" K8 n7 G5 h/ F
. M. @& m% G' L7 c# T" ISutton Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3% }; _; v8 w4 \* C" s4 M' P" E- u
萨顿流1日–FSB 3月30日
  z8 I4 b5 ^& I& M0 vTahakopa River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 68 c1 G( [. O; D! U; {; }( {5 I
tahakopa河1日–FSB 6月30日
* k/ P: p. G3 a5 R) ^  T/ {Tahakopa River downstream of Maclennan
- I7 ^3 q9 H5 ]5 L/ y3 Z. }8 v- Xtahakopa河下游的麦克伦南9 [/ F9 I6 H& d/ H3 Z' t
River confluence
5 k8 F3 ^( U/ ]$ E+ z) z4 e$ }4 n4 g+ g河流汇流! k( f) E" d# b( N7 `# p
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6% t1 R' D* l9 Z/ d6 g
3 L  K/ A3 u3 z+ y( e) Z. k1 }Taieri River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 60 z- J# i0 G7 s& O
1日–泰伊里河30四月FSB 67 z  |8 o8 U. J9 G& s
Taieri River downstream of Silverstream2 K3 G8 g. S0 Z+ X; I+ {" Q
silverstream泰伊里河的下游) \! b2 s6 E" w1 l  R) Q5 {
confluence2 D/ M7 Q$ x, E2 O! T- A- Z5 O9 x& A
汇合2 M: L3 s$ n/ `8 l+ ^! m- Q
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
; H" X$ K9 h& j( N, X8 Y1 H1日30日6–FSB
& a7 V% S4 H5 _+ M0 E8 l2 ZTeviot River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 60 w1 I% R+ d9 ?
1月30日–泰维奥特克河10 FSB 64 F* o; a) c& x$ n
Three O’Clock Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
# R4 a& T5 r5 F1月30日三点流月–FSB 3
$ I& y% ~5 G# U/ {( \& HTimaru River 1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
: E  q  t" o* q. U3 C. d( M- C* W) B6 @1日–蒂河31 FS 1
1 C5 j+ q# Z7 o: Q0 ^& S2 D# h& JTimaru River downstream of Timaru Road  R- n( P1 E: a
, A$ }0 m! d' r- E1 d& |Bridge
! l+ [3 V+ j% v/ R) G
$ u$ G+ K$ s6 @4 |1 Oct – 30 Sep FS 1
, m: Q& \: q9 @1日30日1–FS
3 ?+ G8 `$ u2 ~7 rTokomairiro River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 39 e6 F. G* T' C6 Q/ M9 c9 N
tokomairiro河1日–FSB 3月30日
) y0 y( L# o6 a: ~" lTokomairiro River downstream of Coal Gully8 W4 w% D2 o! V( Y! m/ {
煤沟河下游tokomairiro$ R! @0 G( ], g/ s: I# E% h, W0 V. O
Road Bridge& {6 G6 W. c; {6 l9 n
' E8 l) o0 ]) x+ E9 @  X1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
. H; e- p. z1 G5 n, j/ H' n: x1日30日6–FSB' k' G) b$ X* w6 f6 h
Tomahawk Lagoon 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 1
6 V0 o1 a# z; ^" Z& x- r战斧湖1日–FSB 1月30日
; a9 ~9 K1 S/ B! XTuapeka River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
) K: }2 o8 n6 R2 d  ltuapeka河1日–FSB 3月30日4 H( x) L2 g) z% L; n' L
9 d8 T' e' D4 F+ C% g0 o) I7 l% r' m新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月317 m. `$ M8 {& j, F& j2 C
5 }5 H, V. W7 }; a9 y# w
& ]2 @$ q5 i  x( g# p44
) `# V; Q; U5 w. b( S' W. H2 ^四十四
/ M! `2 B; d. v; d7 |1 T& sVictoria Dam 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
( ?" v: b  j8 \$ c; _" O维多利亚大坝1日–FSB 3月30日, g+ x; M3 B: F4 y/ X* V4 X# }% {3 H
Von Lake 1 Nov – 31 May F 14 |- }3 C! Y; h# V' C
1日–冯湖31 F 1/ y2 P8 Q. d% y7 D$ \% n, ^
Von River 1 Nov – 31 May F 1
1 b( F, M* M$ d6 @. K3 g+ C冯河1日–31 F 1( [6 N( w2 Q4 f$ u0 h7 p
Waipahi River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6; S! @/ p+ ~% F7 b( I/ a6 }
怀帕希河1日–FSB 6月30日9 }5 s) D3 r: I4 ?' q2 U" b
Waipori River upstream of Lake Waipori 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3) |1 K- B( g' g4 _& m' e/ n
waipori河流湖泊waipori月1月30–FSB 3上游% M, }6 P! N! O0 A" |- O9 Z! J' a
Waipori River downstream of Lake Waipori 1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 6
/ Q& }& J7 U  v湖月1月30日waipori–FSB 6 waipori河下游" j0 \1 M' h4 `3 g& L8 v
Waitahuna River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3
! [  G$ Y5 l: U% A, n( t. m怀塔胡纳河1日–FSB 3月30日
9 q& ]/ ]7 S2 A/ v* w9 PWaitati River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 30 b* V0 k4 v9 O. `, j7 t
怀塔蒂河1日–FSB 3月30日
) n: O; p1 U1 X9 h7 G: iWaitati River downstream of Orokonui- B. x+ E3 O" [# C. i! ~; l
7 b4 w2 Q( D9 `  [2 zStream confluence+ o' m) Q  c7 C# }* l& p5 f
流合流: x$ t# M# d4 h) y1 g8 z; g! N* G
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 36 e2 c4 b- `8 ]
1日30日3–FSB2 i; |3 H7 k. N' m$ G9 B
Waiwera River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 6
& M& P( `; M/ O0 U  P. R+ I1日–怀韦拉河30四月FSB 6+ Z0 b* ^$ v) p( ^
Waikouaiti River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
4 A9 [7 u  M% f5 N: b怀科艾蒂河1日–FSB 2月30日1 t- f# x( Z9 Z$ |5 g$ @. x
Waikouaiti River downstream of State
* F2 k0 \& G- k2 [: K) i' ^怀科艾蒂河下游的国家
+ Z+ _5 J% w% e: V" T9 ?) E+ NHighway 1 Road Bridge
1 ?% o* J. N- t% X" v6 h% O' m公路1路桥
! ~. K- s" L; p( H1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 2' c2 D) c* ]7 L4 T( z  G0 y
4 g1 e: a; H+ _1 _) l$ xWaters of Leith 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 3& [3 }: g4 O9 [# u/ i# S) C% u+ E
1日–利斯30四月FSB 3水
4 \9 x1 J4 k( SWaters of Leith downstream of Leith Street
. w/ R/ `8 j, N6 h, |+ _% R对下游水域利斯街利斯. d' R- s+ `1 X2 o6 o3 q- z% i
Foot Bridge
* g5 G8 F$ G  B3 P" S$ y桥脚/ q& H3 _0 B' `5 ?/ k: {  c
1 Oct – 30 Sep FSB 3
0 u! W/ \0 T2 r% Y1日30日3–FSB
5 y1 H9 `1 Y0 u: XWilkin River (refer to clause 11 for this region)7 d: i* B+ ]9 g4 Z
威尔河(参见条款11本区)& d) @4 j5 Y  Y! x2 ^
1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
9 X7 U- d8 O" B; U/ h# E月1日–31 FS 10 s2 i, z# ]) g/ p) V  I# ]
Young River (refer to clause 11 for this region)
: F* j8 m% C; P! T1 P) J幼河(指本区11条)
3 }# X; C7 T8 Q/ r  f1 Nov – 31 May FS 19 S, k0 \/ A9 a
月1日–31 FS 1
0 B; D3 R) c: ^3. Closed Season
7 c& j$ }6 D# r) l/ J, c% o3。封闭的季节
" a5 u# P( Y9 f9 A" L$ \9 nFishing for sports fish is not permitted at any time in the following specified waters:
- N3 {, f& Q1 e; ]7 u在下列指定水域中的任何时间不允许钓鱼的鱼:
0 m. s, q3 ?1 B, A# FBullock Creek, from Lake Wanaka to source.2 ?' F7 N  k( U
2 `: J$ a4 ~# u" P$ ~1 Z4 DHorne Creek, from Lake Wakatipu to source.; ], T- l1 j$ W) |& C/ D
霍恩河,从瓦卡蒂普湖到源。4 n; {5 l( T  K. f9 u! _
Lake Wakatipu, within the waters of Queenstown Bay bounded by a straight line drawn from the outermost point of Queenstown Gardens to the point where the south bank of One Mile Creek meets Lake Wakatipu.' G4 R/ f' v0 v: r
8 Z9 E' @" V3 [' n6 ELake Wanaka, within 150m of any part of the launch wharf at the township of Wanaka, within 150m of any part of the public jetty at the Wanaka Marina, and anywhere within 150m of the shoreline between the wharf and the jetty. of the public jetty at the Wanaka Marina, and anywhere within 150m of the shoreline between the wharf and Lake Wakatipu, within 100m of any part of the wharf in Black Bay (commonly known as the Walter Peak Jetty).
5 L# V( j6 g2 ]' [) F# W瓦纳卡湖,在推出码头的任何部分在瓦纳卡150m的乡镇,在公共码头的任何部分1.5在瓦纳卡码头,随时随地在码头和码头之间的海岸线150m。在瓦纳卡游艇公共码头,并在码头和瓦卡蒂普湖之间的海岸线150m的地方,黑湾码头的任何部分100m内(俗称沃尔特峰码头)。
& I+ U: D' O: h, ^( q% u4 M! lMill Creek (which flows into Lake Hayes), from the Speargrass Flat Road Bridge to Waterfall Park.. V5 T  D9 q& p
磨溪(流入海因斯湖),从斯皮尔格拉斯拉特路桥瀑布公园。1 o. p/ V. I/ _6 y! R8 c
Southern Reservoir in September except for Otago Fish and Game Council controlled fishing events.& ~! u; d  r9 b5 k
' w; R+ a1 \& Q" AAll waters in which sports fish are held in captivity for display, hatching or other purposes, or within a distance of 100m from any part of the outer boundaries of such waters.8 I& L" _# M& k5 ~9 M
所有的水域,鱼是人工饲养的体育展示举行,孵化或其他用途,或在100米的距离从这些水域的外边界的任何部分。5 _0 f7 X0 [; Q) v, K5 g7 C
4. Authorised Tackle
, j5 o( o9 q! h9 x4 t' P4 n4。授权处理
  q1 V3 y  G- B7 O1 XWhen playing a salmon in the Clutha River downstream of Roxburgh Dam, a gaff may be used to secure or land that salmon if it is greater than 450mm. Refer to 2.3 of this part of the notice.
) T6 [$ i1 W8 g, A+ H当在有鲑鱼in the clutha河下游of该坝,他得到了may be used to Secure金土地,鲑鱼if it is greater than 450mm。refer to 2.3 of this part of the说明书。
6 o2 z  E& D( D' f+ [5 N5. Fly Fishing Only Waters
7 O( O+ {5 l; Q5。只能钓鱼的水域) ?/ H4 y5 i6 ]- D7 k/ e) L5 t
Refer to 2.3 of this part of the notice." U7 V6 I1 Z" I% _6 L
本部分的通知2.3。: J2 P) x6 K, j6 h* c
6. Bait Fishing Waters
" i+ `8 m. J) u1 Z  M2 x6。饵钓水域' c7 W1 D6 V4 @% q# L) c- M
6.1 Refer to 2.3 of this part of the notice.0 M( }6 o+ K. x. ^1 u/ h/ r- h
1 f5 T' b9 y2 @1 q7 _$ u1 |6.2 No person shall fish with a float or floating device on the line in that section of the Clutha River downstream of Roxburgh Dam to the Roxburgh Township Bridge.. b) m6 T0 R' ?6 l( S
5 R) D  K: d  ]' u8 [9 W1 H7. Coarse Fishing Waters. p& x! `) S- a6 D) V5 D
7。粗钓水域) _- h% t" P9 X* v/ Z  l% R
There are no designated coarse fishing waters in Otago.( e! f$ c  e& {% }( u, ^, L" ~' z
, a# a3 T; C3 w& M( c( u- p( kNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 20156 ?( d2 D- R5 {3 j
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月319 R/ F- f' m: T) G/ Z- K6 X7 E
$ m6 z0 _' R0 f  v$ i6 \" B9 K" @45
  K* {! B( W# K- y四十五
1 D- _8 ]0 }% q6 l5 i' ]8. Use of Boats
& L3 ^8 i' [, K8。使用船- ?0 n. u' D% j9 I
8.1 No anglers shall fish from, or tow any lure from, any boat which is being mechanically propelled on Lake8 g* t1 R) y/ {1 M3 i. s* A! s4 e$ ^5 Y
) T+ K. ^2 u) V8 u4 PDispute, Lake Hayes, Lake Johnson, Moke Lake or Reid Lake.6 W2 w0 `* R6 `  r" f3 W
3 t+ S- p6 ?8 {2 q8.2 No anglers shall fish from a boat on Lake Kirkpatrick.
: l7 h# s& ?# l$ w8.2不应当从湖上钓鱼的柯克帕特里克鱼船。1 Y5 X* m! O: C5 |' d. Z
8.3 Subject to clause 8.4 for this region, anglers fishing from boats, which are being mechanically propelled, must stay at least 100m from any anglers fishing from the shore.0 ^* h, |# e: C$ i, c
6 ^& H! D3 r8 ?  y& B8.4 No anglers fishing for sports fish shall troll from any boat which is being mechanically propelled on any river  or stream, except the Taieri River downstream of the Otokia Bridge on State Highway 1, the Waipori River downstream from the Contour Channel and the Clutha River downstream from Balclutha.
8 L' K4 B9 w" c4 F+ G) a8.4没有垂钓者钓鱼要怪任何船运动被机械推动的任何河流或小溪,除了泰伊里河下游的otokia桥上1国道,这waipori下游从轮廓通道和克卢萨河下游Balclutha。9 W. g: b6 \' N, r
8.5 No anglers shall fish for trout from any boat, canoe, pontoon or any flotation device on any river or stream except:
. g/ @3 s2 h8 K& T, `8.5没有垂钓者将鱼从任何船,独木舟的鳟鱼,浮桥或任何浮选装置在任何河流或小溪除外:
1 l1 P2 I! `5 F1 }" n" M% ^Clutha River from the Albertown Bridge to the sea.: S, r8 A9 z& ^$ h" F+ D9 P
克卢萨河从albertown桥海。1 y% Q% E1 J4 J
Matukituki River from Glenfinnan Stream confluence to Lake Wanaka.; x' e/ b+ v/ ^, \
6 |& r' }! S& M- kKawarau River from its source at Lake Wakatipu to Lake Dunstan.
5 @3 N1 F4 ^' Q3 h卡瓦劳河从源头到邓斯坦湖瓦卡蒂普湖。
* Y. U2 b) q) G1 j) M1 H6 BThe Taieri River from Outram to the sea.$ U/ o( V* s1 P6 `& N
从欧南大海泰伊里河。* O" T0 H" c/ M/ o5 r
Waipori River from Contour Channel confluence to the Taieri River confluence.
. D' W: n2 r9 C6 t, B* N3 Z. Nwaipori河从轮廓通道融合泰伊里河汇合处。  A# L. f3 N1 D; a
All tidal reaches of rivers.0 F2 h5 V0 F3 ~& {
河流的所有潮汐河段。' b0 a7 P+ p6 u" E$ G( O
9. Daily Bag Limits
2 T$ B1 T7 @9 {& t" ?9。每日袋限制0 l" m$ q0 X9 D6 k$ n. S/ g
9.1 Except in the case of perch, for which there is no daily limit, no person shall on any one day take and kill or be in possession of more than the prescribed daily limit from the waters specified in 2.3./ n2 M7 y7 V( d
* D. I9 C4 Y- m$ ~7 T6 x9.2 No more than two salmon:
$ k8 w  c6 N& [+ M4 h4 {! m9.2不超过2条鲑鱼:
) h2 F8 i' _8 V$ J7 ?0 ^. v" DAll waters except the Clutha River catchment upstream of Roxburgh Dam.& ^# p( l  Q# U5 f
除了克卢萨河流域Roxburgh大坝上游水域。4 A7 E/ V' [8 u4 w# f1 v
9.3 No more than six sports fish per day:0 V, c3 b, C3 B1 r% z0 t6 h! F8 \
5 E, g9 W$ `% d6 X0 Q  s8 }; TSubject to the restrictions set out in 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 9.1 and 9.2 above, no person shall on any one day take or kill or be in possession of more than six sports fish per day from any waters except Lake Onslow (refer to 2.3).
4 ]0 H5 {8 H6 L5 F) u5 |受载于2.1、2.2、2.3的限制,9.1和9.2以上,任何人不得在任何一天带或杀或被在六多名体育鱼每天从任何水域除湖翁斯洛占有(参考2.3)。5 r' C9 D" s4 X) i  c
9.4 A licence holder may continue to fish for a particular species of sports fish on any day on which he or she has already killed the limit bag for that species as long as any fish taken are immediately returned with as little injury as possible into the water from which it was taken.
; m: [4 g; O5 U  `* w$ S" i- [9.4牌照持有人可在任何一天内,已将其已死亡的限制袋内的一种特殊种类的鱼类,而该牌照的人已被立即退回,并尽可能少受伤害,并将其作为可能进入该物种的水。/ ^6 h/ B4 a4 f/ u
10. Fish Length
- v0 X0 N, |4 [  c10。鱼长' p% Y0 z% ^9 j) T
10.1 No person shall take or be in possession of any salmon less than 450mm taken from the Clutha River or its tributaries downstream of Roxburgh Dam and all other waters running into the sea.
- b" Z/ d; ?/ O9 W10.1任何人不得采取或在任何小于450mm的鲑鱼从克卢萨河河或其支流的罗克斯堡坝下游和所有其他海域入海占有。
7 F* c3 S  E/ R  Z10.2 No person shall take or be in possession of any fish greater than 400mm taken from the Nevis River.
( O2 X- p- X8 Q( U6 H: `  Z10.2任何人不得采取或在任何鱼大于400mm从尼维斯河占有。+ u( q: g- `+ A& Q0 e
10.3 In all other waters there shall be no minimum length.
; D6 J1 `  K: E% g: \( t10.3在所有其他水域中,不存在最小长度。0 a" J9 v' l: X  N& w" O
11. Otago Backcountry Fisheries
7 k' r1 M2 B5 s4 \' E1 l! D% X11。在边远地区的渔业5 a- Y; V0 R0 {/ ?0 b" h$ G
Backcountry fishery4 K+ U2 `( n: d/ l( z, l
边远地区的渔业) Y/ B+ |6 X: {, y
11.1 Definition:
' j& G5 s/ X" C# W  V8 u# Y& U+ I11.1定义:
( ]3 ~0 m" o2 X4 e4 Fbackcountry fishery in this region is defined as—7 s$ y% Q2 R$ k& m; o1 t- e
( s8 Z9 b  f  Y( d(a) the Greenstone River backcountry fishery, which means the Greenstone River catchment, namely—1 y' z* g  ]+ b
(一)野外绿岩河渔业,即绿岩河流域,即—/ J# N7 ^9 M. B0 D3 V' {
(i)the Greenstone River upstream of the swing bridge at the river’s mouth where the river enters Lake Wakatipu; and: s$ u. i' N+ n( o2 k! U, {* E
绿岩河摆动桥上游的河口,河流进入瓦卡蒂普湖;和  t5 G% Y0 w$ C- ^& k! I
(ii) all tributary streams flowing into the Greenstone River, including the Caples River.
( D, B0 i4 L* G/ \(ii)所有支流流入绿岩河,包括卡普莱斯河。
0 a. u0 M5 Q1 r( m/ L- i(b) the Dingle Burn backcountry fishery, which means the Dingle Burn upstream of the bridge on the Dingle Burn Station access road.1 I- I6 U2 S! c* ~" w
(b)丁烧野外渔业,这意味着丁格尔烧桥的上游在丁格尔烧伤站道路。$ H3 k1 N7 ?- N5 q, B: }
(c) the Lochy River backcountry fishery, which means the Lochy River catchment upstream of the confluence with Disputed Creek.9 ]2 _. {% C$ t' F2 g
(C)穷乡僻壤的洛希河渔业,这意味着洛希河流域上游有河交汇处。8 n1 t; a+ w( E
(d) the Nevis River backcountry fishery, which means the Nevis River catchment upstream of the confluence with the Kawarau River.. a, q1 T0 f, q" w8 y
(d)穷乡僻壤的尼维斯河渔业,即尼维斯河流域的卡瓦劳河汇流处上游。7 t  V  [3 A! u+ X% a4 }1 A
(e) the Hunter River backcountry fishery, which means the Hunter River catchment upstream of the river’smouth where the river enters Lake Hawea.
- C- |+ c1 y! V0 q(E)野外猎人河渔业,这意味着猎人河流域的河流入湖river'smouth哈威湖的上游。
3 O/ f& ]5 a: c; Y+ q+ j(f) the Young River backcountry fishery, which means the Young River catchment upstream of the confluence with the Makarora River.  e8 }* \; h  u
) U1 f3 b: _; p: j0 Q! {2 t, X' i$ j1 L; a1 b: j9 v

" u4 g: O% a/ ]9 [2 g3 n4 _- T! K- h- }NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
0 @! |, V+ F3 V& F1 P新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
% q, o. a1 b$ J+ y; R! B7 l+ E" @46
; M  K; Y8 ?3 I四十六
2 _& |& A: [& A5 P' g0 C0 S' S2 V' o! X(g) the Wilkin River backcountry fishery, which means the Wilkin River catchment upstream of the confluence with the Makarora River.& W/ {" T' O( C. P& v* \1 t, u
7 B" [; m& f: g7 |11.2 All anglers who fish in the backcountry fishery (as defined by the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015) must first obtain a backcountry licence (as defined in the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015) and the provisions of that notice apply to this notice.
9 c1 h( N$ e; s$ H1 A1 A11.2所有钓鱼人的鱼在野外渔业(由体育鱼许可证,确定费用,和形式通知2015)必须首先获得一个穷乡僻壤的许可证(如体育鱼许可证,确定费用,和形式通知2015)和规定,适用本通知的通知。
- ^; V/ B1 S4 ?1 k7 NControlled area
8 |& `( }; u! K3 A  N控制区/ x/ t0 K- ?& {& f$ V7 }- M
11.3 Definitions:8 c+ E7 K1 e& f" J
11.3定义:3 d# F7 I* E. r' p: ^# |
controlled area means the Greenstone River (and its tributary streams) between the river’s source and its confluence with the Sly Burn.- ^% p9 J  d7 P$ A/ c8 }. w
( t# q" c$ y8 v0 O, F7 O4 hcontrolled period means the period beginning on 1 February 2016 and ending on 31 March 2016.- p& K  ]9 U' P( S6 z
2 Z2 d, r: G( f7 n; A  Econtrolled-period licence means a licence that entitles the following persons to fish for sports fish in the controlled area during the controlled period, but only during the day, and on the reach, specified in the licence:. N  I* q4 g: [$ Y  M
3 H4 _2 c: p5 }; w(a) the holder of the controlled-period licence; and; E. u8 X' c& J) T8 N7 j0 j* j
2 W& z2 w+ Y: a, r6 T8 }# C: R: F( u(b) if the holder also holds a backcountry licence that is endorsed on a family licence, the holder’s spouse or partner and, if accompanied by the holder or the holder’s spouse or partner, any member of the holder’s family; and
* w& U* u2 c) T(b)如果持有者还持有牌照,批注在穷乡僻壤的家庭许可证持有人的配偶或伴侣,如果伴随着持有人或持有人的配偶或伴侣,该持有人的家庭的任何成员;及
7 k' B) J( E) h4 ~( A9 R/ L(c) any one or more companion anglers named in the controlled-period licence who hold backcountry licences.% |5 I9 `8 f; o' }' v: l& G
(c)任何一个或一个以上的同伴垂钓者在控制期持有牌照牌照为穷乡僻壤。11.4 In the controlled area, a controlled period applies. All anglers who fish in the controlled area must first/ P6 S' j2 b( F
) ~- A' a& ^0 N$ u- sobtain a controlled-period licence (as defined by the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015).  Z, l  ^. Y: k. e6 r
6 }. m7 k4 q1 y& W) X7 z12. Waters Restricted to Persons Under the Age of 18 Years
" H. \- u# R3 L  f1 u4 Q* b12。限制在18岁以下的人
5 P( o4 [7 r& l3 d  W4 b5 X12.1 No person shall fish in waters designated as a “junior fishery” in clause 2.3 for this region unless they are a child or junior licence holder under the age of 18 years on 1 October 2015.# D  ?! q3 K1 T8 k6 W
$ t6 g+ ]9 i6 x1 K7 @3 N7 e$ W12.2 The waters this clause applies to is:
- C# p; X6 c5 O12.2本条适用的水:! k0 ^5 z: v7 s8 ^* {8 \: x7 ~
Mill Creek upstream of Waterfall Park.. K6 m9 U2 s7 M. c( e5 |
瀑布公园上游的磨溪。  |+ T2 o2 M& L- k
Southland Fish and Game Region
- U0 W, C3 L- c' r* F南国的鱼和游戏区: p5 a  U0 p! c2 {9 a0 R: W
Reference to Description: New Zealand Gazette, 24 May 1990, No. 83, page 1861.
0 S5 d) V) M) W# D! u% \* R参考说明:新西兰政府公报,24可1990,83,1861页。
- C2 [5 r( s! N5 u5 E1. Definitions% n0 ~, o& Z0 m# M3 @7 {7 ~* _' q
3 q: p- j7 R; D' u3 n# zSee First Schedule.) U/ t1 u! s6 e1 ?. ]
; l, o# u# B! O3 {1 F2. Open Season, Permitted Methods, Daily Bag Limits& E6 o' f4 Z4 v7 K6 N: X  z2 ^
' U0 H5 T$ u7 N4 c+ l; gPermitted Methods definition  g3 N1 m& L+ U
允许的方法定义1 Q6 m1 N/ g* A7 W: G
F = Fly fishing only
. D. s: m+ B7 `+ ^3 b=飞钓7 S% s; U/ A  h$ h7 g
FS = Fly or Spin fishing only5 |" K# R1 U1 _; I0 g
只是飞行或旋转钓鱼' c& l' j/ H4 O% l  T; J
FSB = Fly, Spin or Bait fishing permitted
" I! Q( D' D- [7 ?0 g2 Dfsb飞,旋转或诱饵钓鱼许可
; r) [' Y3 u8 ^/ ~: {Rivers / Lakes Open Season Permitted Methods Daily Bag Limits
, J" o. v4 b" C河流/湖泊的开放季节允许的方法,每天袋限制
7 t& Z# p2 {7 @" N/ A1 FActon Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
/ x7 F$ N1 i0 r' L阿克顿流1日–FSB 2月30日* r/ y$ h  R, @$ `
All rivers and lakes draining to the Tasman1 R$ q, ^: J% }% p' @4 v$ P
4 v- Y: g2 v& d7 y/ ~0 }1 WSea and Foveaux Strait west of the Waiau
) u) O. e9 y- c0 {' v海和福沃海峡以西的怀奥
* |, z/ ]0 E4 JRiver
/ s8 ], i* O& E- R( g" {  V, E) Y6 H- T' i  R! S/ C* L
All year FS 43 S; `. w6 x8 u, W( F
全年财政司司长4  S" z: w0 B; @* v$ t6 F
All tributaries of the Aparima, Oreti and
; D# q5 g& n; y所有的支流Aparima,建设和
5 k5 D* h. u( w, sMataura Rivers not covered below" U) H; i; x, F/ J) i% J
: r2 R- ^$ b9 n1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
( `1 g1 j5 C/ U, \: p% C1日–FSB 2月30日! V. w( `; b! ]/ m: F5 n& C
Aparima River and tributaries upstream of
8 C* \" L& l: B- bAparima河及其支流的上游
9 v( Z$ ]9 e2 tHamilton Burn confluence/ b  g4 `' H1 U6 G& |2 x% F. k
哈密顿烧汇流5 T/ ?( G, X! I  D! H, G
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2. H; ?# [" x' |% e
1日–月30 FS 2% g# K. ~  ^& @. q" A
Aparima River, Hamilton Burn to Thornbury+ n& m/ S$ |1 M( y0 e
Aparima河,汉密尔顿烧就6 V1 ^% h: b6 p. r' }( C2 D5 ^
Bridge! f) c* A& p7 F1 r0 z! W8 L: \
2 n3 {# W2 Y9 c7 P7 K/ x
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4: U. r  M2 s; x
1日–FSB 4月30日3 |+ `% Y' z, j' S. z
Aparima River, the Thornbury Bridge to sea All year FSB 45 {! c" l! Q) x% B/ j2 Z
Aparima河、海的桑伯里桥FSB 4年3 M" b* M! Z  o
Borland Burn 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 29 k" v, b' v* V( Y) h
1日–Borland烧伤30四月FS 2
; s: k8 m4 f% Y$ E1 [9 SNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015' B1 ]* J4 `1 Q5 V
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
* W  ?- W1 k5 l/ Q/ c- ^( l4 b47
4 ?3 [7 G7 b# L四十七( H5 E9 `0 |3 O
Cromel Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 22 A( x2 K2 |0 _0 ]: ~+ i- w- @9 r
cromel流1日–FSB 2月30日( h2 O5 w7 h7 S9 W" W% q, w- |
Eglinton River and tributaries 1 Nov – 31 May F 1: w, d- `" b9 F/ T
两河及其支流1 Nov–31 F 1
4 Z  y- ]% U8 \& G5 W! }Ettrick Burn (refer to clause 11 for this
4 E# G9 t7 g( b9 I* c埃特里克烧伤(参考条款11本
! @* E9 m0 q) k0 x9 Gregion)
! i) n$ C* H+ t$ J$ q0 Z; K区域)
# b" v- d0 s7 E- [6 X1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
! K# |: Z& u) m$ `2 ^月1日–31 FS 1
( p2 T( J$ N1 M2 j2 J. s7 {6 RHamilton Burn and tributaries upstream of
# ?/ `6 A/ B9 X' ~2 m: P) s哈密顿燃烧及支流上游
& P- K& E3 B6 l6 v* mMossburn Otautau Road$ |/ K8 K( ~: t9 g, y4 H0 e
莫斯本奥陶陶路) k4 f; P3 @& `1 a
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2
0 y9 X; g6 \# h% M/ M% x; O1日–月30 FS 2: x6 H" N0 ?0 m: X5 f
Hamilton Burn downstream of Mossburn& ]. @; X) g+ a) P5 h7 G
汉密尔顿烧伤下游莫斯本! v( Y; x" a- x" R% W3 S
Otautau Road4 l: ]9 L5 q7 X9 @  s' h* k, `& G
奥陶陶路6 V# T' d+ d2 i2 g6 m
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
* u* F$ l9 u& y2 ^1日–FSB 2月30日% y1 T6 I/ x/ I8 Q0 B5 p9 }4 B
Irthing Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 25 i, W6 e+ H% e+ N8 T. m( U. }5 {9 f
1月30日10艾欣流–FSB 2( v4 B' X( w8 b- b5 \
Tributaries of Te Anau, Manapouri, Monowai, Hauroko, Hankinson (except
- I) h) U& b- H' m& G对蒂阿瑙,马纳普里湖,莫诺怀、豪洛克湖的支流,金森(除' q6 z# l4 J, A3 j; ~& x$ u
Ettrick Burn and Eglinton, Upukerora,4 P: v# c1 L; ^( K
埃特里克烧跟前,upukerora,* a! B1 y$ d2 b2 |! m- P+ k' m! V: F
Upper Waiau and Mararoa Rivers)
- o: L& r$ X/ S8 t$ i. U6 m( P上mararoa怀奥和河流)$ n0 r/ S: u1 j. W/ S4 O, D
1 Nov – 31 May FS 2
) g8 _% O6 J7 f9 j月1日–31 FS 2
/ l* B5 ^8 C. r2 e7 a& E! BLake Fergus 1 Nov – 31 May FS 2
# C( |7 v  `) \4 W1日–湖宏泰31 FS 2; j9 s- m4 ]! |- d# t2 A# }
Lake Gunn 1 Nov – 31 May FS 2
2 P4 I9 E+ U. F$ r1日–湖耿31 FS 2
2 ~+ r2 d3 t: H% I, ^4 G0 P* sLake Hankinson 1 Nov – 31 May FS 2
1 _; ~9 ~/ S  ]" y( _1日–湖汉金森31 FS 22 e+ V% V1 @: |
Lake Hauroko All year FS 2
( j9 M* ~7 _! B2 E湖豪洛克湖全年FS 2. c8 Z/ p, `! e) _! y1 I
Lake Henry “junior fishery” (refer to clause( u3 |2 `$ V, P- X# t1 d
1 M9 n6 U) |) X# {! R12 for this region)
8 M7 X( |6 S( v3 H' M6 j, G12对于这个地区)( U/ g+ y% e5 ^* }; n
All year FSB 2
. J" T( X( `: c# ^# R# n# O+ K全年FSB 2
/ Y; a: }& {; k4 ULake Manapouri (including Waiau Arm) All year FS 2
* \; Y' w- w0 K1 t8 {) P马纳普里湖(包括怀奥臂)全年FS 2
: e  i% z  U' VLake Manapouri, Frasers Beach to Supply
! o, c$ g. ^* j; M马纳普里湖,星狮海滩供应
/ n1 |) P% |: i2 U2 E1 i  zBay, Junior and Child anglers from the* W# a' S0 B) ^, i7 v
2 E/ I! X: p9 `6 ^! U0 Lshore only
1 ~  x& J9 f: R6 U; T+ P只有岸
$ T& t/ d) r+ i: H+ u) w/ r" _  KAll year FSB 2
3 d6 Z* {6 ^4 V- l7 Y. I! {' y/ S全年FSB 2! ~6 `2 M! |" a. N
Lake Mavora (North and South) All year FS 2
) Q' R. q# e( O$ h* T0 z玛佛拉湖湖(南北)全年FS 2
# l* ^+ `- J; p1 `) v9 y: HLake Mavora (North and South), Junior and1 O6 x9 r# x" d- m! `8 Q! Y, G1 ~6 T
玛佛拉湖湖(北美和南美),初' r0 x1 X4 H, I4 X! @
Child anglers from the shore only
1 B& a2 P. [3 h孩子从岸边只有垂钓者; {. \, V4 C. f# \/ ~5 D
All year FSB 25 m. F# i! H6 c
全年FSB 2
5 {8 D7 i- Y' Y) ?! w9 L& j4 R0 {Lake Monowai All year FS 2; s0 q5 T6 O# o! e/ y; P
湖莫诺怀全年FS 27 g& Y, n/ l" M7 {6 S# _( t$ }
Lake Poteriteri All year FS 2! E) K! q1 h0 N+ t' \- U6 \/ S
波特瑞特里湖湖全年FS 2
6 Q9 P9 L: H6 D1 H0 eLake Te Anau All year FS 2( V: R3 G: U' V, O6 c* y$ L
蒂阿瑙湖全年FS 2
5 o) g4 y0 P& J0 Q+ _0 ZLake Te Anau Control Gates to Upukerora
+ Q8 e) v, n5 A" a蒂阿瑙湖控制栅极upukerora6 W0 ~$ ~" J% |- o( G/ O
River mouth, Junior and Child anglers6 j1 q3 X5 D6 v8 H' _! l
河口,少年和儿童的垂钓者. a1 S* v% i; h, I3 k9 c3 C
from the shore only# M- Q. ~/ T8 `- b
- w& ^$ b* T! I- H% T- P" lAll year FSB 2! z7 }: i8 M1 B& D7 W% }
全年FSB 2
; e. s% d1 G+ P8 {9 \Lake Thomas All year FSB 2
6 r; @) W1 X& G, v- {) W; W托马斯湖全年FSB 2
0 K0 H$ F& T# W9 j" TLake Waituna and tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
6 t/ u9 N, f+ o& }湖和支流1日–Waituna FSB 2月30日
" m) ?! |5 q) A" S: BLilburn 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 21 y$ A2 T' o( ?1 j3 t
月1日30月–利尔伯恩FSB 2
! u3 R6 a8 n' i/ f$ tMcGregor Pond (Whitestone River Berm) All year FSB 22 I# i( `7 ^& P: D3 y
麦克格雷戈(白塘河护堤)全年FSB 28 @6 Q( o* L+ x0 Z7 P, y2 \
Makarewa River upstream of Riverton –
8 H  ^5 d+ v' W& o  f2 i马卡雷瓦Riverton–河上游
3 C$ T6 ^1 G8 V$ y  sInvercargill Highway and all tributaries' }. p7 v) b' W- W' Y
因弗卡吉尔公路和所有的支流) k% M3 d/ }" Y- j: i
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2$ r% Q: g1 ]( y9 P9 j
1日–FSB 2月30日
4 q9 G1 E  ?* ~& ?, d- P$ {' ^1 F  WMakarewa River downstream of Riverton –
; ~8 \2 H- W* q, ~5 X7 A; f–马卡雷瓦河下游的快
* H. j7 |: t2 n) q( c) j" BInvercargill Highway
: `+ ?; y. y  Z; x, o7 d+ S因弗卡吉尔公路9 f- ?- S+ B4 U
All year FSB 4
/ r0 G2 l8 _' l( n8 j" C% G4 E全年FSB 4
, c% j2 [6 e5 NMararoa River upstream of The Key Bridge
4 J) M( _2 L' [; {  n6 ^mararoa河大桥上游的关键
! s2 n# f. b8 h, n/ d# u+ _including upper Mararoa and tributaries
2 K6 O: R8 W5 K! b2 `! {包括上mararoa和支流4 L% H8 b. O5 @& `; J- @
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 16 q/ X' T0 C# B$ o; n/ i
1日–月30 FS 1% P! j; T3 H6 V+ R  J% y! l# w
Mararoa River downstream of The Key9 I1 X- V0 U9 G* \
mararoa河下游的关键( A' E/ Y" z/ q. I4 Y. V1 M
% |9 c  u& Q6 Z$ E! e! z# j# n8 w, w) Y; ^& R4 `; l4 }
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4. O7 D0 B0 ^! `0 \/ y) O1 v
1日–FSB 4月30日1 J! {7 g% l  G1 K8 r6 B6 R
Mataura River and tributaries upstream of- s' A& n, T8 b6 ^0 B
5 n3 P8 m" l/ U1 d9 z4 p% \Hume’s Road Bridge, Garston1 x: D9 W/ |" G0 d! Q: g; c
) f; r& H; B6 _7 N5 h1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1& f/ @6 [; V6 L2 Y! l
1日–月30 FS 1
9 Y: X5 w" O. b8 B! `
- }1 N0 r2 A5 A* KNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
1 U9 ~" z1 C1 }: S+ m新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月313 q9 S7 I6 z: `6 {7 p% o
===============& e& M  U( Y, G* T' b
7 X6 h, Z. j0 [! a6 f) n0 C四十八
; v; U( m: |" H* E( ?2 k# {; ^Mataura River – Garston Bridge to the Gore
# N# I4 g+ y5 ~5 E$ G马陶河–加斯顿桥戈尔
# h2 m. m. b7 j4 O/ IBridge
0 w8 e9 C, A2 o# S, g5 B' w& L# J4 _9 S
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4, l* \" ?* }7 p) K8 d
1日–FSB 4月30日3 V5 Y4 F, s' p. }1 W
Mataura River – the Gore Bridge to the
2 g/ S( ~" s" }# ^0 F4 b马陶河–戈尔的桥梁6 f4 x6 I0 f2 f% @. H) \2 n: t
Gorge Road Bridge4 X: F! i4 O8 ?6 e
峡公路大桥0 x6 D% w  G2 a" J; I* o8 c2 r6 X
1 Oct – 31 May,
: g% P( N* J" B; Q% b/ N1月31日,2 s8 N, E" {" o3 r2 P: E6 {6 j' B
excluding5 O0 }1 B! i' v5 ?
不包括8 N3 y1 c1 |5 Z( P+ p
7 and 8 May 2015
* I  r* K% ~; M0 H8 C  C7 z& N! k7和8可能20150 p8 z% v/ c5 X( k( j/ |. i( z  I9 W- ~
FSB 43 s/ A% j4 |6 v2 W
FSB 4" z0 V% c- _; v$ O( l8 U+ D% G
Mataura River – the Gorge Road Bridge to/ e1 T' h2 D, U  Y
; ^1 y/ L& b& t+ Ssea0 P4 O' u% n0 W4 D! O. A( e
/ e3 o% q6 J% O6 y8 W6 q* i' t  H1 k
All year FSB 4
; V4 I' Z* p2 c# ~7 H! Q全年FSB 4
" C, K7 ], t2 C6 qMimihau River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
) y3 Z  J! p5 {mimihau河1日–FSB 4月30日; g/ G  P& N' E- T
Mokoreta River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4# t; H3 B. ^1 y) A1 P0 f
莫科雷塔河1日–FSB 4月30日
" V6 D- X* t  s! W" lMonowai River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2
9 x- Y9 Z* [+ e! ?$ Z# D( t  S莫诺怀河1日–月30 FS 2  }! G) S0 p* p, m% }& M
Orauea Stream and tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
& Y( e! }1 \) Q$ norauea支流1日–FSB 2月30日
4 x0 F) U) P) A0 c5 _) |Ourawera Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2$ {' W  u$ g- }2 f+ M
ourawera流1日–FSB 2月30日
) Q& h8 [9 o! @/ U+ HOreti River and tributaries upstream of; f+ P  I$ `: `5 e/ N! A8 F
奥蒂河及其支流的上游- q, M& S; B; s/ Z
Rocky Point% t. A  C  I- ~. g4 j6 t
% p2 @# {2 w+ w( f# h' A0 M: w# R1 N1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 10 [5 F+ K$ \9 U, u' M: _
1日–月30 FS 1
2 @* z( r8 l- l4 G6 F1 ]Oreti River – Rocky Point to Riverton –% c+ q4 D8 x' D( _( v( V; G+ x
' |: F8 o; H% i( |1 r! RInvercargill Highway
+ `5 X+ |& ?8 ?$ ?0 X% z因弗卡吉尔公路. y* T" Z" O" f$ L: v8 Z8 D
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
" U2 f- w' N! g1日–FSB 4月30日) [7 O3 Y2 E5 Y8 z4 R
Oreti River Riverton – Invercargill Highway
  z6 r% z& Z9 g' [' x: A奥蒂河里弗顿–因弗卡吉尔公路+ b2 K( {- e1 B; }+ T( q8 K' g( I( o2 J
to sea4 y/ B3 M4 i! [8 r3 T  S) P
7 t9 [4 q0 ]$ c+ B3 q1 L! bAll year FSB 4
* |9 \8 z: [6 h9 e8 N全年FSB 4
7 Q8 M3 \& Z, e5 t6 `, g# bOtamita Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
) f8 a) S+ Z  lotamita流1日–FSB 2月30日  D' }; q4 f6 E( K1 C# a
Pourakino River and tributaries upstream of: D8 |9 j& t8 p" n/ n2 Z+ I8 d( o
8 O9 w/ m9 D4 cWaipango Bridge/ f4 \# G. h/ \+ m
waipango桥3 l/ `% f+ ~/ w$ |
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
( H  j1 p, K# C8 }9 i# a% I1日–FSB 2月30日' u! p: @5 j: G0 @
Pourakino River downstream of Waipango
& S- Q; o8 Q$ T: rwaipango pourakino河的下游
  }2 G* g. P" B. ]; JBridge/ v" t! S! G/ F8 \) u$ ?: a; H

' K8 e2 o, K0 o+ ~2 X& X* Z; TAll year FSB 2
6 e! q; E% J7 ^/ Y' Y" T/ E7 i. |全年FSB 2
6 U/ [* f; S9 h9 U7 ]Taunamau Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2! b) I3 J6 a3 u. i  J. b" @: D
taunamau流1日–FSB 2月30日
6 g' Z3 [5 t/ D+ }- XTitiroa Stream and tributaries upstream of
. ^( V! T# _& q" U3 F4 p4 Ltitiroa支流的上游- M" Y5 l! I' G+ r/ t5 q
The Locks8 {2 C( J3 S: X; @4 Z+ Y4 R

/ `* K& h2 A7 ?2 A2 Y8 l1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
, i$ q( C7 s  F! Z% ]1日–FSB 2月30日" f2 j$ d" d) R) B' Y& F7 M9 {0 w
Titiroa Stream downstream of The Locks All year FSB 2
9 ~7 S4 V8 \# c9 c0 [: {8 etitiroa流下游的锁都FSB 2年  O% r/ u" r. n6 L
Tokanui Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2. E5 F3 f; C9 C: {5 t, @8 B8 q& {
托卡努伊流1日–FSB 2月30日& J* U% |5 {% p% C3 `; _- r) V5 a
Upukerora River 1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
! T& O4 I3 k$ `* I- t5 Gupukerora河1日–31 FS 1# m( s5 m( r$ }6 ]+ R- g* p
Waiau River between Lakes Manapouri and1 @( z+ X! Z/ D; F; R( {
怀奥河之间的湖泊马纳普里湖和4 v# {! H9 a" `7 j4 r) t: E
Te Anau
7 O% X6 _7 \2 N* p/ C, E& u( `2 y9 A  s蒂阿瑙
) P: t5 y: X' x5 [* B6 u1 Oct – 31 May FS 28 r3 l. F% \  x$ p4 f. m  k/ r7 Q
) ^/ G1 j  G$ [4 Z5 YWaiau River – Mararoa Weir (subject to
8 |6 E9 B& B  f( o. O: l–mararoa怀奥河堰(受
# A' X/ l4 w$ Mclause 3.1 for this region) to Tuatapere
( z! R* W2 U" A3.1条对本区情况)
$ L! i9 n6 |2 `7 ^1 Oct – 31 May FSB 4% t( O& O) I* Z) {7 F
1日–FSB 4月31& H! A% Q9 L1 `4 ^, L! T0 s8 v
Waiau River from Tuatapere to the sea,
) p+ e, o8 v: ^" u怀奥河从大海的情况,
' g/ V5 I4 y8 |" ]7 }including the Waiau Lagoon
$ [# m: R! e5 t包括怀奥湖3 n9 y9 k" @9 `. H9 i+ h+ ]
All year FSB 4
# ^1 t( n; W9 ~' o* K9 T- ~全年FSB 4$ p# j* \  t) N4 [+ Q! {
Waiau River tributaries from the Mararoa$ f; J2 d0 ?/ m9 `
怀奥河支流从mararoa# I" u2 Y3 o9 r& H/ W) j9 J
Weir to the sea (except Monowai, Borland
7 Q& K- |5 J4 Q  ]4 ~堰海(除莫诺怀,Borland
: k* |- U' a& m" C5 y8 Sand Wairaki Rivers)
% O. v2 s, B9 I& h1 z和wairaki河流)
8 ]2 j' R& \) G0 z: w3 z5 t1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2+ Y8 Y+ a  u9 M( i
1日–FSB 2月30日% l& q/ o+ v1 d
Waihopai River upstream of Queens Drive 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 24 t4 [# M* w) t5 g
Waihopai河上游月1月30皇后驱动–FSB 2' [1 K8 B; ^" W) ~, C* U
Waihopai River downstream of Queens
2 l% m/ z9 o( }0 `+ E) g: D- P6 y皇后区下游Waihopai河4 O$ s/ B& B0 ?6 Y+ y
Drive5 l3 W% S4 A; n0 x. n
$ `4 v/ p5 |) J" zAll year FSB 2
( R+ i9 T, u/ H) P全年FSB 24 y$ w% L# I% w9 |6 D" u4 N
Waikaia River 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 4
" u* j  d) y7 f* t1 R* L1日–怀凯阿河30四月FSB 4
  o$ W) ~" u$ x; K' ~Waikaia River tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 20 e% b+ k& m" s0 c; U; A& A
怀凯阿河支流1日–FSB 2月30日
& Y$ k, `, c: `3 HWaikaka River and tributaries 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 29 @# f3 J* p2 L. L9 N) \3 J: |
怀卡卡河和支流1日–FSB 2月30日
( m) v' a8 c0 f) c6 y7 VWaikawa River and tributaries, Niagara
; h$ c+ u7 X' J5 G怀卡瓦河和支流,尼亚加拉瀑布
6 r, w: m7 w; d" o" l: s( BBridge upstream
" l' D/ j3 x# x$ V7 l! O上游桥9 v/ f9 Y6 S6 v  \: H. ]1 w& Q, ^# k
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 23 ?$ p. @$ c0 I: Z
1日–FSB 2月30日
' y4 ^$ G) p; i) X/ t# r7 L" l! dNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015
5 T  c; [2 @* S' f+ ^" K: f新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31
! z# k7 q9 [  R9 |1 w) m' C( F  H! M8 j
===============================% W3 ^) V6 Z  d9 T
: a; x, _9 h2 ^  |四十九
% m2 T7 x7 ~& [5 [; Q4 a5 \Waikawa River, Niagara Bridge downstream All year FSB 2
. q- z! ?  b8 D. h怀卡瓦河、尼亚加拉桥下游全年FSB 2  X# B( m5 N* x4 D
Waikiwi Stream upstream of North Road- x- C; o8 H. `& C& K
5 ^0 h, i0 w' Q5 Q" QBridge& M1 g& [: ]$ ?7 D9 R. W

  r7 o2 `) p" K0 u4 x0 M5 @4 Y1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2" Z! X9 v- c2 f2 r5 {
1日–FSB 2月30日
2 r) z& O* F% [. bWaikiwi Stream downstream of North Road
0 V% J% I$ Z/ x7 b- X. I* w& cwaikiwi流北路下游
: Q& V7 U: `/ ]! W+ y. `6 TBridge
" Z& [. }2 P+ k5 [0 i, |+ }* y1 _; c9 p9 K
All year FSB 2
) f& I) E* o& ^7 X9 z" e) w全年FSB 2
* U) n+ C4 h/ J% ]5 i: NWaimatuku Stream and tributaries7 L) U" o* M( w' q7 u
+ c3 `5 h! u+ lupstream of the bridge on Rance Road
( C  a) w/ T! E% r% i5 _' M上游的桥路”. Q* K, X2 H8 Z6 `! W
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 22 e- q6 m  l* F% p: x; k3 s
1日–FSB 2月30日
" @) U# i6 N7 a+ [' v% GWaimatuku Stream and tributaries- {# W: L8 C. \9 \) t" r
* @4 |2 A8 @- }  W  d- d2 R: tdownstream of the bridge on Rance Road8 G& z8 E8 o/ G) s% k( |$ z: |
3 U8 y! C4 w9 p4 S0 P8 CAll year FSB 2
7 H0 c7 W1 w( S4 N0 N9 F) [全年FSB 2! q5 A# c/ v# J$ P
Waimea Stream 1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
; j, e4 W- ]1 O, _. D  \  P2 |威美亚流1日–FSB 2月30日3 J+ N1 H/ K0 K/ _- H- f. c
Wairaki River and tributaries upstream of
+ b% R* n$ [. f1 o; Q5 Dwairaki河及其支流的上游
$ |% g, o" N# W$ X/ I- G1 o+ G$ P+ U, ithe transmission lines
: E7 x6 N1 Y/ S+ C2 v# m传输线
# o4 ]5 t$ |$ N) p1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
$ {7 c' C- R2 N+ S: `$ h( T: r1日–月30 FS 1: ?7 \  ~. j2 b8 N8 M  Q$ q: e; @9 ]
Wairaki River downstream of the
# F  u8 O/ Z" F3 jwairaki河的下游& L$ H( d8 X  I
transmission lines4 ^( W! @( D3 k' M! V
传输线8 O+ K6 a0 ?+ K. v' x6 Q
1 Oct – 30 Apr FSB 2
. @7 z/ \( R* u' a$ ^$ E, `  e1日–FSB 2月30日  @! w: Z- m) H
Whitestone River upstream of Prospect
6 C* x: J& E- ?5 N4 E- d该河上游的前景1 k. N. Y) k+ n5 C
# L( i7 u% U- ^+ {6 T* T) g2 t, F& q2 D) t6 ^0 \) H% j
1 Nov – 31 May FS 1
6 Z8 g8 k0 f9 Y. s# {4 B月1日–31 FS 1
# d" X8 c: J1 s/ i$ V& ?4 jWhitestone River between the Prospect! e! @; l/ @1 i  Z# W4 k/ J" E
( b+ X/ r" q4 e" Q, `Bridge and the Mararoa confluence
5 ~' i1 p4 M: d; v9 U' x4 Q% W桥和mararoa汇合8 Y$ H/ ^* N' E. I7 x& n
1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 1
( U6 k$ h6 v9 \: r! B1日–月30 FS 1
8 j; p0 W0 |6 r4 d! a3. Closed Waters* w' s/ E- X5 T) w' r) L, E
* p; {, R/ S4 F0 Y% a% L: b3.1 No person shall take (or attempt to take) sports fish from the following waters:# U5 `: A* [; a- t5 [9 R8 J
3.1人不得采取(或企图采取)从以下水域运动的鱼:% D; t4 E* p. _4 p% S' r
That portion of Lake Manapouri which lies within 100m of any part of the Real Journeys Company’s Tourist Centre, Pearl Harbour, Manapouri.; }1 {0 i9 ^  d& _
这部分马纳普里湖位于真正的旅行公司的旅游中心,任何部分1珍珠港,马纳普里湖。' G" K( c6 M% T
That portion of Lake Te Anau that lies within 100m of any part of the wharf of the Real Journeys Company’s office in the township of Te Anau.( {8 _$ |- F, f2 c- N, K6 t- H
这部分蒂阿瑙湖,位于对蒂阿瑙乡真正的旅行公司的码头的任何部分1。  A  z# V- `! j
Those portions of the Waiau River, Mararoa River and the Waiau Arm of Lake Manapouri that are within 100m of the control gates on the Manapouri Lake Control structure, also known as the Mararoa Weir.& k/ o% g% ~4 Y; Q! K( k& t1 O5 q
怀奥河的那部分mararoa河和马纳普里湖,在控制栅极在马纳普里湖100m控制结构的怀奥手臂,也被称为mararoa堰。* F' p! S0 m- x5 s
3.2 No person shall take (or attempt to take) salmon from any river during the months of April and May.7 ?  c8 @* [0 e  o% l9 r$ x& t
3.2在四月的月份里,任何人不得采取(或试图采取)鲑鱼的鲑鱼。2 v/ L2 u% W8 m) G6 p( ^
4. Authorised Tackle
# m% S- f  o( `( E) _5 l; m4。授权处理3 L  F, n8 N) u6 ~/ G- G1 \
Refer First Schedule.
4 O6 _+ {0 L/ Q- r+ {0 }: C参考附表。
3 d/ [* W) Z- ]0 C" K7 r1 p+ K
4.1 Scented artificial lures may be used in all waters other than fly fishing only waters, when actively fished so as to imitate a bait fish., b( a# }2 F# i( t; b& Q# K
0 ^1 t$ _, P6 ^4.2 Molluscs or parts of molluscs may be used in bait fishing waters.
5 @, H- t* Q* T& F4 D4.2软体动物和部分软体动物可用于饵垂钓的水域。
0 g2 i0 }( E# s7 w" j5. Fly Fishing Only Waters; E8 D. Y* J2 }8 b0 V: a. |
7 O. F5 a$ |7 ?Refer clause 2 for this region.+ l$ d+ ?6 Y3 m2 G; i
! v6 m+ N% r& m8 J# ^6. Bait Fishing Not Permitted" P1 X  u! a7 ]% U
6。不允许饵  T" Q- k  K7 A# B
Refer clause 2 for this region.
  {; y( w1 |( ^0 q' e% y请参阅本区域2。
$ X  v, C- T3 E: ^9 I$ t# Q: J- f7. Coarse Fishing Waters9 y. t6 B) Q& c, |; V, U; q
7。粗钓水域  R" l3 Q) V( F3 k$ X& v
  j9 H2 y1 t  o无。% p4 \$ x+ e1 v2 M7 K3 m
8. Use of Boats
& E" D! r7 s, P8。使用船# ]$ q3 \1 z/ m, B
8.1 No person shall fish from any motorised boat (including electric motors) in Lake Thomas and South Lake Mavora.
* n6 V9 Y: Z" d# J8.1任何人不得从任何机动鱼船(包括电动机玛佛拉湖托马斯湖和嘉兴南湖)。
+ L  L* s9 b; Z* H  q! Q7 t3 y8.2 No person shall fish from any boat or any form of flotation device in:6 R- f. H: O2 y) c4 l
8.2无人可从任何船只或任何形式的浮选设备中捕鱼:; B% P+ Q/ P$ C
The Eglinton River.! ~) e# E0 s9 ^' [
* F5 r- q. @& V) \+ n/ H* V$ d' \The Mataura River upstream from the Mataura Island Bridge.
0 Q2 L2 }$ o# u+ Q  q: [1 c! D# y  x上游的马陶拉岛桥马陶拉河。- V. s& r. B- C: d, D+ X
The Oreti River upstream of the State Highway 94 Bridge just north of Lumsden.; ~4 N  a2 {+ T; }! J& T9 [+ D
, f6 o8 f# S4 V1 n3 ~% I# iThe Waikaia River.' U; q* p  N: s  \- P5 x
的怀凯阿河。7 Y: T3 v0 g- h" g+ X
9. Daily Limit Bags, l1 _4 D4 {- ^% |/ U1 J# q
8 }; U7 I1 N* \; i, t) [/ aNEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 85 — 31 JULY 2015" k! {2 j2 o2 r# M* ]
新西兰公报,85 - 2015,七月31% Y8 @; T0 U# v/ S  T
=================$ r8 }6 _- Y% r0 W8 N
50" w' W1 ~  l3 ~$ x; E
0 s+ n: d( g/ R3 y8 T9.1 Subject to clause 3.2 for this region, no person shall in any one day take, kill or be in possession of more than one salmon from any waters of the region.
% S& s) q$ o& O& x, V3.2受此地区的第9.1条规定,任何人不得在任何一天内采取、杀害或拥有多于一鲑鱼的任何水域中的任何水域。" \# F8 c' @2 ~1 r
9.2 With the exception of perch for which there is no limit, no person shall on any one day take, kill or be in possession of more than four sports fish.3 @/ t, ]0 \% y" R( M! [2 ?0 @
9.2除鲈鱼外,没有任何限制,任何人不得在任何一天服用,杀死或拥有超过四条体育鱼。2 v4 n3 K- J3 h, ~) j3 F; o
10. Fish Length
$ G" d$ A) v' U" v0 I2 K10。鱼长/ ~( k( a4 y- P' M: ?
No restriction on all waters.- j% G) E- }4 P
4 P/ @) {5 [* @' Y3 J& T11. Southland Backcountry Fishery4 a; H0 ^. v: A  x6 G# `: P2 ^$ i
, ^  d- {7 ?/ A- X- m9 w( [+ {0 M11.1 Definition:2 k/ I, r, z* e0 b" D' K/ p3 P
% v( r7 B7 X# K1 e: CBackcountry fishery in this region means:
' k+ U+ Q1 |' c9 Z: t6 j( t! M- O- @在这一地区的渔业是穷乡僻壤:  w* z, E# \- z' |7 K* v. u1 }; `
The Ettrick Burn backcountry fishery.
' I- x# {, d4 j% Z! a$ r* K, _埃特里克烧伤穷乡僻壤渔业。; _0 T/ z9 d& Q  J0 h: x
11.2 All anglers who fish in the backcountry fishery (as defined by the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015) must obtain a backcountry licence (as defined by the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015) and the provisions of that notice apply to this notice.4 c: W* c4 O, b4 \. i9 z# K) t) a
11.2所有钓鱼人的鱼在野外渔业(由体育鱼许可证,确定费用,和形式通知2015)必须得到一个穷乡僻壤的许可证(由体育鱼许可证,确定费用,和形式通知2015)和规定,适用本通知的通知。( }1 T# U* B1 N8 X1 R; l. Q
Controlled area6 t: w6 A+ j1 D$ T. K1 \/ q
控制区" O2 X" g1 ~3 f% F) Y5 c
11.3 Definitions:- R! `2 _9 ~6 q0 C8 E( }
11.3定义:- Z! N1 m" x. e; M0 x& b7 o
controlled area means the Ettrick Burn from its confluence with Lake Te Anau to the upstream limit of Log Cabin Slip at NZTOPO 50-CC07 796753.
. g1 k" {# }6 Z2 f控制区是指从蒂阿瑙湖交汇在在796753 50-cc07木屋滑上游限制埃特里克烧烤。
7 m8 J7 i+ V4 A9 Q" M9 f3 J% ?6 L$ ?7 n# F% m' _
controlled period means the period beginning on 1 November 2015 and ending on 31 May 2016.7 N$ l. [$ y# S. ~% ?
控制期是指1、2015、、31、、5、5、5、5、5、2016、5、5、5、5、。$ p! C% u4 a) @7 Y
controlled period licence means a licence that entitles the following persons to fish for sports fish in the controlled area during the controlled period, but only during the day specified in the licence:1 b1 V" ?) W; O4 C
控制期许可方式许可证授权下列人员鱼在控制区域体育鱼控制期间,但只有在该牌照指明的一天:(a) the holder of the controlled period licence; and
1 k- \6 J$ G5 e- x) {8 h: }8 o(一)管制期牌照的持有人;及9 h; Y3 @# v8 k3 w
(b) if the holder also holds a backcountry licence that is endorsed on a family licence, the spouse or partner, and if accompanied by the holder or the holder’s spouse or partner and any member of the holder’s family; and
- \* e0 d, B. \% e$ O- |(b)如果持有者还持有牌照,批注在穷乡僻壤的家庭许可证,配偶或伴侣,如果伴随着持有人或持有人的配偶或伴侣,任何成员的人的家庭;和9 d1 i/ Q. I2 q0 W) x$ ?; \6 `
(c) up to three companion anglers named in the controlled period licence who hold backcountry licences,
& W0 `9 v, M4 @! c% X5 `" ?(c)高达三的同伴垂钓者在控制期持有牌照牌照为穷乡僻壤,
8 X/ y% B. H9 R3 v) ]7 s: S9 aprovided that the maximum size of any group for any one permit is four.
5 a, V6 \$ L/ j$ c4 R* c; p为任何一个许可证的任何集团的最大规模为四。+ y1 S5 E( @( l
11.4 In the controlled area, a controlled period applies. All anglers who fish in the controlled area must first obtain a controlled period licence (as defined by the Sports Fish Licences, Fees, and Forms Notice 2015).6 R3 g+ s% X9 a( p6 t6 V3 @% h
; K) W) m* ]) ?12. Waters Restricted to Persons Under the Age of 18 Years: }6 G: ?2 v$ m/ d/ }( v
) \0 m2 M/ D* ?) x' w1 K8 V12.1 No person shall fish in waters designated as a “junior fishery” in clause 2 for this region unless they are a child or junior licence holder under the age of 18 years on 1 October 2015.
1 _2 l# N/ ^# i' v+ S" W12.1在2015年1十月18岁以下的儿童或少年牌照持有人,任何人不得将其列为“少年渔业”的水域中的鱼类。12.2 Waters this clause applies to is:, I4 ?" S( @! J0 c
( Q- i1 H; o8 yLake Henry.; |3 h% `0 y: |6 X# A
湖亨利。* {* A) O% I0 r
Approved at Wellington this 22nd day of July 2015., O0 B2 h9 @5 Z$ y2 R
在惠灵顿的第二十二天,七月2015。. f% r7 s3 S9 C' k+ @( A/ |0 g
Hon MAGGIE BARRY, onzm, Minister of Conservation.
; a$ ?  D+ U/ Z8 I亲爱的张曼玉巴里,onzm,保护部长。
. N. C7 [7 Q& b
% ~# ~1 \& n1 \  S5 p& R( z/ ]! q=======================: S" y8 O" I7 f$ _4 E
! q4 |. K) K8 D, n
' B- J* Q. [! |8 }6 g/ z
6 m  I/ m) y& K( p0 Z8 H完全百度直译,大家连估带猜的讲究看看(抽空就纠正偏错,不断完善),不明白的自己再找专业班子翻译了继续分享~+ n( u6 o- a7 v/ u5 N: j% s
看看这些文编法规,就知道科学保护这些资源才是国之根本。- V4 \- Y! p' o: v9 @
) {' `) L# M: C1 n# U! D. n" k: f
5 c+ R/ f3 ^4 r. B3 ?, Y3 F% C
8 ?4 [+ z2 n5 ]3 p, A* n* }
) q4 c( k# L  c

! L( u5 |  }! t' V6 b) s
& ]& o( j/ }! X0 j6 v2 A" t- C2 j0 \; L2 g6 G

4 E$ L4 d  k6 P. f0 e, _/ t: `* f
) ^: W' W6 u1 e; T
0 `4 Y' Q3 ]( W7 ]" ]. q: T

& U+ h& _/ Y$ I: _4 c: Q1 g, V; r7 m! P* _
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