一盏茶的工夫◆品味悠然心境 顿悟的瞬间◆云淡风轻清静和寂
Let’s enjoy Zen and tea in a leisure and carefree mood
2015年5月30 - 31日(周五、周六)由五祖寺、在路上户外资讯网(武汉)、永善禅茶(武汉)联合举办【2015·禅·茶·漫生活】主题活动,邀您走入禅宗发源地湖北黄梅四祖寺、五祖寺,体味禅茶文化感悟生命本质,回归自然感受纯粹之美。在静中生慧,于静中得福,寻找属于自己生命真谛。
We’d like to invite you to join “2015 Zen, Tea and Leisure Life” organized by Wuzu Temple, www.5zls.com (Wuhan) and YONGSHAN ZEN TEA (Wuhan) in May 30-31 (Sat. – Sun.) , 2015. By taking a trip to Sizu Temple and Wuzu Temple in Huangmei, Hubei where the Zen originated, we’ll able to enjoy the beauty of natural life and a relax time.
活动时间:2015年5月30 - 31日(周六、周日) Time:May 30-31 (Sat. – Sun.), 2015 主办单位:五祖寺、在路上户外资讯网(武汉)、永善禅茶(武汉) Organizer:Wuzu Temple, www.5zls.com (Wuhan), YONGSHAN ZEN TEA (Wuhan) 活动对象:限25人 Participants:Limited to 25 persons
行程安排 | Itinerary
D1 5月30日(周六)May 30 (Sat.), 7:30 - 11:00 武汉—四祖寺 7:30 - 11:00 Wuhan – Sizu Temple 11:00 - 12:00 游览四祖寺 11:00 - 12:00 Tour in Sizu Temple
四祖寺是中国佛教禅宗第四代祖师道信大师的道场,位于黄梅县城西北15公里的西山之中,寺庙创建于唐武德七年(公元624年)距今已有1370年的历史,是中国禅宗第一所寺院。 Sizu Temple, located in the West Mountain that is 15 Km northwest of Huangmei County, is the ashram of Master Daoxin, the forth Ancestor of Zen. The temple was built in the year 624, with a history of 1370 years already and is the first temple of Zen in China.
12:00 - 15:00 四祖寺—五祖寺(中餐、住宿安排及休息)
12:00 – 15:00 Sizu Temple – Wuzu Temple (lunch, hotel check-in) 15:00 - 18:00 游览五祖寺、登山运动 15:00 – 18:00 Tour in Wuzu Temple, mountain climbing 五祖寺是禅宗高僧弘忍大师说法道场,也是六祖惠能大师得衣之地,位于黄梅县东12公里的东山,寺庙创建于唐永徽五年(654),在中国佛教史上占有极其重要的位置。 Wuzu Temple is the ashram of Master Hongren, the eminent monk of Zen, located in the East Mountain, 12Km east of Huangmei County. The temple was built in the year 654 and dominates the history of Buddhism in China.
18:00 - 19:30 五祖寺(晚餐、休息)
18:00 – 19:30 Wuzu Temple (dinner and rest) 19:30 - 20:30 五祖寺养正苑坐禅、高僧开示 19:30 – 20:30 Meditation in Wuzu Temple, lecture by eminent monk 坐禅,也称打坐、冥想,是一种养生健身法。致心一处,心境达到清净安祥,便可开智增慧;气脉自然畅通,便可养身延寿、生活愉悦。双手合十恭请高僧大德为坐禅进行指导和开悟。 Meditation is a way to relax keeping a calm status to obtain a happy and comfortable feeling from inside. 21:00 结束一天活动 21:00 End of the first day’s activities
D2 5月31日(周日) May 31 (Sun.), 2015 4:30 - 6:00 五祖寺(早课,随喜参与) 4:30 – 6:00 Wuzu Temple (buddhist morning song,free to choose) 7:00 - 8:00 五祖寺(早餐) 7:00 – 8:00 Wuzu Temple (breakfast) 8:00 - 9:30 徒步五祖寺森林风景线路 8:00 – 9:00 Hiking in the forest of Wuzu Temple
10:00 - 11:30 五祖寺南苑品茶与交流、高僧开示
10:00 – 11:30 Wuzu Temple (tea tasting and lecture by eminent monk) 茶蕴含着大自然的生命力,它的文化内涵更结合了文学、音乐、艺术等,成了中华文化之一环。两三知己,围桌而坐,观色、闻香、尝味,以悠闲自在的心情来品茶。双手合十恭请高僧大德为大家开悟。 Tea , enriched by the vitality of the Nature, becomes a sign of Chinese culture, with a combination of literature, music, art and etc. Enjoy the beauty of tea, the color, the smell and the taste in a relax status with friends and listen to the lecture of the eminent monk.
12:00 - 13:00 五祖寺(中餐)
12:00 – 13:00 Wuzu Temple (lunch) 13:30 - 17:00 五祖寺 - 武汉 13:30 – 17:00 Wuzu Temple - Wuhan 17:00 结束活动 17:00 End
收费标准、服务内容 | Fee and service:
(一) 收费标准:860元/人(报名截止日期5月28日,欢迎咨询活动事宜并诚邀参加) A. Fee :860 RMB / person(The deadline of May 28th, welcomed the consultation activities and invite to attend) (二)服务内容:包括坐禅开示、品茶开示、往返交通、住宿(五祖寺宾馆)、用餐(五祖寺素食馆自助餐三个正餐、一个早餐)、美亚畅游神州保险 B. Service : lecture, tea, transportation, accommodation (Wuzu Hotel), meals, AIG insurance. 联系人:胡老师(13886069119);倪先生(13871087558) Contact person : MS.Hu(13886069119);Mr.Ni(13871087558)
免责声明 | Disclaimer:
1、凡报名参加者均视为具有完全民事行为能力人,依法对自身的人身和财产安全具有审慎的注意义务和自我保护义务,如在活动中发生随意脱离团队,造成的人身财务损害后果,赔偿责任公司不承担,由受损害人依据法律规定和本声明依法解决,凡报名者均视为接受本声明。 1. Participants of the trip are treated as the one having a complete civil capacity and should be responsible for the safety of his/her own body and belongings. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by any incorrect behaviors. Participants who have decided to join the trip will be regarded as accepting this statement. 2、熟知并同意本次活动的所有行程与活动安排以及所有应注意事项和细节,充分了解本次活动所存在的风险及潜在的风险,愿意独立承担本次活动中可能发生的人身或财产损害风险。 2. Participants of the trip should understand and agree with all the schedules and arrangements as well as the potential risks that might happen and will be willing to take the risk. 3、本次活动已为每名参加者投保人身意外保险,发生意外事件导致经济赔偿,按保险责任予以理赔,参加者视同接受本声明。 3. We will arrange personal accident insurance for each participant. Any claim by accident will be settled according to the insurance terms. Participants will be regarded to accept this statement.
注意事项 | Note the Buddhist temple :
入寺庙着装宜整洁朴素,不露肩、背,裙长过膝 Dress code in the temple should be clean and simple. The exposures of shoulder and back are forbidden. Ladies’ skirts should be at knee length. 女士入寺庙宜避开生理期 Ladies should avoid entering the temple during menstrual period. 入寺庙勿携带荤腥食物 Don't carry the meat or fish into the temple. 入寺庙不宜大声喧哗 No noises in the temple. 摄影时不宜拍佛像 Photographing Buddha is not allowed.
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