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[转帖]看一个更吓人的,国内真要到了断子绝孙的地步了 特多图









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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-8 14:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
方舟子谈铊中毒:到白宫网站请愿属于丢人现眼 味道天堂: 向 @方舟子 提问: 你觉得朱令案能被重新翻出来,主要原因是什么? 方舟子: 这个案子一直就没有离开公众视线,每隔一段时间就会有人有媒体拿它出来说,这次是因为复旦大学投毒案,又让人联想到它。 中华解梦师:向@方舟子 提问:贝志成都说了哪些假话?还有假设他当年运用网络收回的那些国外回信如果为假,那么就可以推断他事前就知道是什么毒,他的嫌疑就很高? 方舟子: 贝志诚说了哪些假话,这篇文章举了一些例子:《为何朱令同学贝志诚的话不可全信》http://t.itc.cn/y3WSp 。除此之外此案还有许多假话,例如绘声绘色讲孙家如何向领导人求情等。网上关于此案的传言,都出自贝志诚之口,舆论被他操纵。请贝志诚解释,他为什么要就此案撒那么多谎?动机何在? 超人晗日:向 @方舟子 提问: 这种铊中毒,能轻易实现吗?哪儿来的毒品呢? 方舟子:铊盐是一种工业原料,以前也用来做杀虫剂、鼠药。小剂量的铊中毒可能职业或环境接触所致,大剂量的中毒则是误服或遭人下毒。国内二十年来发生过多起铊投毒案,有的在校内,有的在校外,在校外的获得也不难,比如有的案子中投毒者通过向工厂购买。 想看你的看的世界想在你梦:向 @方舟子 提问: 案子悬而未决的原因是什么? 方舟子:铊投毒很隐蔽,本来就不容易查。北京高校另两起铊投毒案都是因为投毒者良心发现去自首才破的案。朱案当时没能及时彻查,没有找到证据,事隔多年警方要再查清更不容易,只能留给网上神探们去推理。一个残酷的现实是,许多恶性刑事案件都会成为悬案的。 英华2004:向 @方舟子 提问: 我们如何预防铊中毒? 方舟子:如果不是从事用到铊盐当原料的职业,又没有仇家,日常生活中很少有铊中毒的可能。我要提醒大家的是,某些植物具有富集铊的能力,其中铊的含量极高,是寻找铊矿的指示植物,这些植物也被用来做中草药,吃中药增加了铊中毒危险。这是远离中药的另一个理由。 琳琳de心事儿0的微博: 向 @方舟子 提问: 美国的白宫网炸开了锅,你觉得这么发展下去会是什么样的结果? 方舟子: 美国实行三权分立,白宫不会去管司法的事,更何况是他国的司法。美国采取的是无罪推定原则,不会未经审判就去处罚某个所谓犯罪嫌疑人。到白宫网站请愿属于丢人现眼,让美国人以为从中国来了一群暴民。另外,在白宫网站联署请愿书必须是美国公民,冒充美国公民是犯罪,如果联署人在中国,当然无所谓,如果在美国而不是美国公民,就要小心了。 飄迻de愛: 向 @方舟子 提问: 铊哪里能买到吗? 方舟子: 你想干嘛? 毛毛杀手: 向 @方舟子 提问:您觉得”贝志诚”诚实吗?我们如何识别一个人是否诚实呢? 方舟子: 此人谎话连篇,不仅在朱案上说了很多假话,在其他问题上也说了很多假话,比如在韩寒的问题上。 西安西007: 向@方舟子 提问:你打算参与进这个案子吗?用你强大的证据搜索和逻辑能力。希望你能介入啊! 方舟子: 侦破恶性刑事案件是要有实物证据的,连警方都不掌握的证据我到哪里搜索去?不像抄袭、假文凭、代笔这类靠文字证据就能判定的,所以可以搜出来。 无知者5: 向@方舟子 提问:1.作为一个凶手,是否应该知道铊的特性,比如如何获取?如何存储?如何防止误毒自己?如何计算用量?如果不是专业人士,如何知道这些要点?2.如果你认为凶手是专业人士,那贝志城不是化学专业的,是否可以排除他的嫌疑呢? 方舟子: 铊投毒是推理小说中常见的题材,八、九十年代国内英语阅读材料中也有介绍。并不是化学专业的人才会知道铊的厉害。贝志诚自己就提到阿加莎·克里斯蒂的推理小说中有铊投毒的描写,所以不能因为贝不是化学专业的就排除其嫌疑。 弓长小冈刂: 向@方舟子 提问:贝志成 百度 谷歌 维基 都没显示家庭背景 豆瓣有说法 贝的背景比孙更强大 你能否做两句简单介绍? 如果方便的话 方舟子: 贝志诚是红三代,背景比孙家强大多了,他以前自己在微博上透露过的,其家人能出现在最高领导人身边的哦。孙的爷爷只是民主党派,社会地位再高也只是没有实权的花瓶。 KMDFH微博: 向 @方舟子 提问:北大没给贝志诚毕业证,是因为他有投毒嫌疑的缘故还是别的原因? 方舟子: 我不清楚为什么贝志诚会被北大劝退,希望贝志诚能够解释一下,不要只是让新浪秒杀在其微博上的任何质疑评论。 无知者5: 向@方舟子 提问:如果你认为贝志诚是凶手,那请问他为何要一直为朱令案奔波?他是心理变态吗? 方舟子: 我没有说贝志诚就是凶手,是有很多人这么怀疑。贝志诚既然声称人们有权指名道姓指控某人是凶手,那自己也应该接受这样的怀疑。假如贝自己就是凶手,网上神探们也不难找出理由解释他的这些举动。比如,也许他本来并不想毒死朱,只是要演一出英雄救美来获得朱的欢心,没想到被医生耽误演砸了,所以受到良心谴责为朱奔波。又比如,高智力罪犯往往是不甘寂寞的,他是以这种方式来让人们不要忘了他的杰作。 就爱风云3803: 向 @方舟子 提问: 你关注朱令案多久了?胡锡进说的那几点有没有根据呢? 方舟子: 我11年前就关注朱案了,当时在我主办的新语丝网站上登过几篇有关文章,包括贝志诚的文章,当然后来发现贝志诚文章里的说法有的是捏造的,有受骗上当的感觉。胡锡进的微博我没有看,不清楚他都说了什么。 无知者5: 向@方舟子 提问:朱令父母希望警方回复办案进度,请问你对此有什么看法? 方舟子: 受害者家属当然有权利要求警方告知案件的进展。但是网上有人要求警方公布该案卷宗,那就是无理取闹了。 三角函数888: 向@方舟子 提问:当你寝室失窃案肯定与此案投毒有关,有没有从失窃案入手的可能? 方舟子: 贝志诚说警方立案后朱的寝室失窃,朱的物品全部丢失,只在孙的行李中找到一个洗干净的杯子,怎么听上去像是在电影上常见的构陷。孙如果要破坏证据,独独去留一个杯子干什么? 察言观色51373934: 向@方舟子 提问:你认为自己对朱令事件的看法是客观全面的吗? 方舟子: 对此案我又没有充当神探发表什么新奇看法。我只是说,我反对搞网络公审,没有证据而是靠传言和推测就指名道姓指控某人是凶手,这实际上是侵犯人权的,而如果你愿意这么干,声称这种做法是恰当的,那么你也应该接受别人反过来这么搞你。这还不够客观全面吗? 云月虽同溪山各异: 向@方舟子 提问:老方把朱令案定性为高智力犯罪案,都有哪些依据? 方舟子: 目前被网上神探锁定的唯二嫌疑人,孙是清华的,贝是北大的,还不够高智力吗? 爱里思: 向@方舟子 提问:相关部门为什么不肯公开审孙维的信息? 方舟子: 孙只是作为怀疑对象被询问过,并没有作为嫌疑人被拘捕,更没有被起诉,对她的询问记录是不适合公开的,在国外也是如此。 烂佬: 向@方舟子 提问:嫌疑人已寥寥无几,方先生是不是确认是贝志诚就是主犯,孙无辜? 方舟子: 我又不是网上神探,我哪知道谁是凶手,谁是主犯,谁无辜啊?即使我心里有自己的猜测,我也没有权利公开说的。如果因为自己的猜测而冤枉无辜,那是制造新的伤害。 爱里思: 向@方舟子 提问:朱令身体状况堪忧,一点小感冒就可能至命,父母百年之后,谁应该为朱令的生活负责? 方舟子: 按国外惯例可以设一个基金专门用于朱的生活,贝志诚不是一直在呼吁向朱家捐款吗?其实他本人钱那么多,财大气粗的明天系老总哦,真那么热心,还怕没钱给朱家。 狐狸的女儿: 向@方舟子 提问:中午听中央人民广播电台播新闻,把铊字一会儿念“tuo”,一会儿念“ta”,到底怎么念?而且按主持人的说法,听来好象孙维是唯一犯罪嫌疑人,这样说法对吗? 方舟子: 这个字念ta。说孙是唯一嫌疑人,是贝志诚说的,传来传去成了警方说的了。按网上神探的推理,贝志诚是另一个嫌疑人,中央电台不能厚此薄彼。 乱试佳人5249522: 向@方舟子 提问: 投毒可以远程完成吗? 你说贝志成是凶手,他在北大,而朱令中毒在清华女生宿舍 方舟子: 我没有说贝志诚就是凶手。目前也没有任何证据表明中毒发生在宿舍,说中毒发生在宿舍也是贝志诚说的。据说有两次投毒,任何涉及饮食的两次接触都有可能,比如在校外的同学聚餐之类。 赶集庄户人: 向 @方舟子 提问:说孙嫉妒朱美貌多才,好像不符合那个时代学生特征。?你怎么看?那么多人向白宫请愿有无司法进步意义? 方舟子: 贝志诚把朱描绘得美若天仙,后来我看到了朱发病前的照片,有点失望。难怪有神探怀疑贝暗恋朱。孙嫉妒朱,也是贝志诚说的,他怎么知道的?孙告诉他了?向白宫请愿属于司法退步,是对白宫请愿的滥用,白宫也不可能去理。 新生报道7b3f6d38: 向@方舟子 提问:您被木子美们辱骂威胁时,您向新浪申诉却无任何的合理答复,您当时的心情是什么?朱令父母为女儿四处上访想求说法时,作为有同样护女经历的您是否会感同身受? 方舟子: 朱父母的心情我当然能理解。但是木子美辱骂我女儿,是证据确凿的。如果是匿名的辱骂,我虽然气愤,也不会没有证据就指控某个人。
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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发表于 2013-5-8 14:48:00 | 显示全部楼层

An almost 20-year-old case of a Beijing student left paralysed after allegedly being poisoned was back in the spotlight after a petition was posted on the White House website.

BEIJING: An almost 20-year-old case of a Beijing student left paralysed after allegedly being poisoned was back in the spotlight in Chinese state media on Monday after a petition was posted on the White House website.

Zhu Ling suffered severe brain damage after, according to the petitioners, she was poisoned with thallium by her roommate Sun Wei when the two were studying chemistry at Tsinghua University in 1994.

Thallium, a soft metal, has long been used as a murder weapon as it dissolves in water and is odourless and tasteless.

Sun, who now lives in the US, "had the motive and access to the deadly chemical", said the petition, which calls for her deportation back to China.

By Monday afternoon it had attracted more than 100,000 signatures - meaning that the Obama administration will issue a response, according to the White House website.

"The number of signatures is growing rapidly, with an average of 100 people signing every minute," the state-run Global Times newspaper said earlier.

The case is the subject of intense speculation on China's hugely popular Internet chat rooms, with many claiming that a previous investigation by Chinese police was dropped because of Sun's family connections.

Sun has never been formally charged. The state news agency Xinhua quoted her as saying in an online posting last month that she wants to see those responsible brought to justice.

Her grandfather Sun Yueqi was a senior official of Chiang Kai-Shek's Kuomintang before allying with the Communists in 1949, just before they took power.

He is said to have been close to the father of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.

Another relative, Sun Fuling, was vice chairman of the advisory Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference when Zhu was allegedly poisoned, having previously been vice mayor of Beijing.

"The White House website is now the PRC's (China's) State Bureau for letters and calls," said Luo Changping, deputy managing editor of state-run business magazine Caijing.

The US-based Help Zhu Ling Foundation, which collects donations for the Zhu family, issued a statement on its own weibo page Sunday distancing itself from the petition, saying it contained factual errors and was "hasty".

A commentary by Xinhua on Monday called for the facts of the case to be established.

"Only with the emergence of the truth will there be trust in the judicial system," it said.


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发表于 2013-5-8 14:50:00 | 显示全部楼层


[此贴子已经被作者于2013-5-8 14:58:03编辑过]

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发表于 2013-5-8 14:52:00 | 显示全部楼层


[此贴子已经被作者于2013-5-8 14:59:56编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 02:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 02:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
恶搞 image.jpg
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 05:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
西藏生态危机 中国传媒不敢碰的禁区(图 image.jpg
在拉萨的布达拉宫(图片:原文配图) 据《大西洋》5月7日(周二)报道,“西藏仍是一个非常敏感的话题,即使你的故事是关于环境而不是政治”,中国自由派报纸“南方周末”一位要求匿名的编辑说。 在4月上旬,“南方周末”收到了几个卫星图象。这些图象显示了3月29日在西藏一个矿场发生的致命性滑坡,该滑坡被贴上了“自然灾害”的标签,但这可能与不当和违规操作有关。虽然几位中国及国际专家是这么认为的,然而“南方周末”认为证据“仍不够强硬”让他们涉及这样一个敏感的话题。 在仔细看了美国哥伦比亚大学现代西藏研究主任Robbie Barnett发送来的在2010年和2012年拍摄的两张卫星图像后,Jack Spadaro说:“毫无疑问,该山体滑坡是由黄金开采业务鲁莽安置矿山废物造成的。”Jack Spadaro是矿业安全、健康和环境专家,已有38年的经验。 “基于现有的信息和这些卫星图象,很明显,这起事故与采矿活动有关,而不是那些所谓的专家们所声称的单纯的‘自然灾害’”,中国西部地区一名杨姓地质学家说。 中国全国范围面临着严峻的环境挑战,西藏也不例外。在宣布该国的第12个五年计划中,西藏将成为一个采矿中心和水电“机器”。 “至2020年,水电开发的重点将逐渐转移到西藏的河流上”,中国水电工程顾问集团总经理晏志勇在2011年接受新能源组织(Newenergy.org)的采访中说。“西藏的水电大部分将被发送到全国需要能源的地方”,他还指出中国生产的20%的水电可能最终来自西藏。 水电开发被作为确保中国到2020年前15%的能源来自非化石燃料的目标。然而,尤其是在中国西南地区,这不仅造成地质风险,也涉及到周围的环境退化、人口迁移问题,及其他环境挑战。 “水电有时伴随着为严重污染的行业-如采矿业,提供廉价的能源”,北京公众与环境事务研究所所长马俊在他2009年的文章中说,“过度的水电扩张不会有助减少碳的排放。”事实上,西藏自治区和更大的藏族地区已经受到了重大影响。 “我们开玩笑说,西藏的山正在成为喇嘛的光头,奶牛越来越瘦”,曾在西藏自治区为一家非政府组织工作、现居美国纽约的藏民尼玛说。他回忆了那些漂浮在甘孜河上的木头,在西藏大量的伐木作业,最终带来了1998年的长江洪水。 丹增大约一年前参观了他在西藏自治区东部的家乡。河流上众多的水电工程项目,及附近的荒漠化令他震惊。他说:“我不是一个水电专家,但我不需要成为专家就知道这是错误的:你看,那些水电站只隔几公里或十公里就有一座。” “问题不是发展不发展,而是过度发展!”丹增说。他认为,这是建设水电站不受管制的结果,不同的国营水电集团在争食利润。 “中国水电集团四局和中国铁路集团七局的人,曾在竞争水电项目时发生了身体打斗,水电集团的一名官员受伤,该项目被推迟”,在中国铁路集团七局有熟人的赵女士说。 一位在西藏自治区与矿业公司官员有关系的匿名消息来源称,“专家们在拉萨做的采矿项目环境影响评估,实际上,他们都没有到过实地去调查。” 现居住在拉萨的世迦认为,虽然经济发展是必要的,但对西藏有更好的做法,例如,生态旅游和生态产品,西藏独特的竞争优势是它的原始环境。 “心态也是一个重要的问题”,世迦说,“当纽约在1930年代发展时,中央公园被保留了下来,但随着我的家乡拉萨的发展,很多小湖泊和小公园已被房地产开发毁掉了。” “藏人相信自然是神圣的,藏人的生活与自然和平共处,直到从外面传来的震撼”,云南的藏族青年多噶说。 中国境内一名姓吴但要求不要透露其名字的环境记者说,西藏所面临的环境问题与中国其他地区面临的是类似的,是个普遍问题。这位吴姓记者说“汉人没有出于政治原因而破坏西藏的环境”,“(因为)他们也在努力破坏自己的环境。” *为保护受访藏民身份,本文采访的藏名均用的是假名。 (译文有删节,点击看原文)
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 06:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
The Silence Around Tibet's Ecological Crisis How mistrust and fear between Beijing and Tibetans are making a bad environmental problem worse. HONGXIANG HUANGMAY 7 2013, 11:28 AM ET More The Potala Palace in Lhasa, in the Tibet Autonomous Region. (Reuters) "Tibet is still a very sensitive topic, even if your story is about the environment and not politics," said an editor, who prefers to remain unnamed, of the environmental section ofSouthern Weekly, a paper the New York Times has called the most influential liberal newspaper in China. In early April, several satellite images were sent to Southern Weekly; the pictures suggested that the fatal landslide in a Tibetan mining site on March 29 -- labeled a "natural disaster" -- might be related to inappropriate and illegal operations. However, Southern Weekly did not pursue the matter further, believing that the evidence was "still not strong enough" for them to address such a sensitive topic, although several Chinese and international experts believed otherwise. MORE FROM TLN Mo Yan Just Wants to be Left Alone The Student Murders That Are Gripping the Chinese Psyche A Baffling Trend in China's GDP Statistics "There is no question that the landslide was caused by reckless placement of mine waste by the gold mining operations," said Jack Spadaro, after carefully viewing the two satellite images taken in 2010 and 2012 that were sent by Robbie Barnett, the Director of Modern Tibet Studies in Columbia University. Spadaro is a mining safety and health and environment specialist who has had a 38-year career as an expert witness in litigation related to the environmental, health and safety aspects of mining. "Based on the available information and those satellite images, it is obvious that the accident is related to mining activities, rather than a pure 'natural disaster' as claimed by so-called experts," said Yang, a geologist specializing in the west China region. "Tibet's traditional culture is more threatened by global commercialization than it is by the Han Chinese." China faces serious environmental challenges nationwide, and Tibet is no exception. As announced in the country's 12th five year plan, Tibet was slated to become a mining center and a hydropower engine. While the environmental impacts of mining are well-known, those of hydropower are less so. "By 2020, the focus of hydropower development would be gradually shifted to Tibet's rivers," said Zhiyong Yan, the General Manager of the China Hydroelectricity Engineering Consulting Group in a 2011 interview for Newenergy.org. "Most of Tibet's hydropower is to be sent out for the whole country's energy needs," he added, noting that 20 percent of hydropower produced in China could eventually come from Tibet. Hydropower is being developed in part to meet China's goal of ensuring that non-fossil fuel accounts for 15 percent of the energy supply by 2020. However, this not only poses geological risks, especially in southwest China, but also involves environmental degradation around project sites, population migration issues, and other less obvious environmental challenges. "Hydropower is sometimes accompanied by and becomes a cheap energy supply for heavily polluting industries such as the mining industry," said Jun Ma, the director of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs in Beijing, in his 2009 article, "Hydropower's Over-expansion Will Not Help Reduce Carbon Emissions." Indeed, the environment has been greatly impacted in both the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and the greater Tibetan region. "We joked that the mountains in Tibet are becoming the bald heads of lamas, and cows are getting skinnier and skinnier," said Nyima*, a Tibetan who used to work in the TAR for an international NGO but now lives in New York. He recalled logs floating in the Ganzi River; massive logging operations in Tibet eventually brought about the flooding of the Yangtze River in 1998. Tenzin visited his hometown in east TAR about one year ago and was shocked by the numerous hydropower projects on the river and the desertification near the projects. "I am not an expert on hydropower, but I do not need to become an expert to know it is wrong when you see hydropower stations just several or ten kilometers away from each other," he remarked. When the Miga Tso hydropower project was delayed because Phuntsok Wangyal, the founder of the Tibet Communist Party, wrote to then-Premier Zhu Rongji, the head of local government blamed him for obstructing the development of his hometown. Indeed, the environmental problem in Tibet is often framed as a choice between environmental protection and economic development. "The problem is not development, but over-development!" said Tenzin. He believes the over-building of hydropower stations is a result of unregulated competition between different state hydropower groups fighting over profits. "People from the China Hydropower Group Fourth Bureau and the China Railway Group Seventh Bureau once fought against each other physically while competing for hydro projects; one official from the former one was injured and the project was delayed," said Ms. Zhao, who has an acquaintance in the China Railway Group Seventh Bureau and says she learned this from an inside source. The implementation of projects, even after vicious fights, has been problematic as well, due to a lack of regulation. "My hometown's new highway became unusable after just one year. Along the modern highway, because of digging construction materials, the two parties were destroyed without preserving," said Kalsang, a Tibetan living in the Tibetan part of western Qinghai Province. Without real regulation and public monitoring, even licensing has become unreliable. "The experts did their environmental assessment of mining projects in Lhasa without visiting the actual sites," said an anonymous source in TAR, who has a relationship with some officials from mining companies. Shakya, who lives in Lhasa, believes that although economic development is necessary, there are better alternatives to current practices in Tibet. For example, eco-tourism and eco-products like Lhasa beer could generate development, given that Tibet's unique competitive advantage is its pristine environment. "The mindset is also a significant problem," Shakya stated, "When New York was developing in the 1930s, the area of Central Park was preserved; but as my hometown of Lhasa has been developed, many small lakes and small parks have been destroyed for real estate development." "Believing nature is sacred, Tibetans lived in peace with nature, until the shock came from the outside," said Dolker, a young Tibetan from Yunnan. Many Tibetans believe that changes to Tibetan society have been effected by Han Chinese, who arrived in the TAR in large numbers as part of plans by China's central government to develop the area. According to Wu, an environmental journalist inside China who wished to remain anonymous, the environmental problems faced by Tibet are similar to problems in other parts of China, and more universal than political. "The Han Chinese did not destroy Tibet's environment for political reasons," remarked Wu. "They are already diligently destroying their own environment." As stated in a book entitled Tianzhu (Tibetan Gem), which documents the experiences of a Chinese person in the TAR, "Tibet's traditional culture is more threatened by global commercialization than it is by the Han Chinese." While foreign media and NGOs are virtually banned from entering Tibet, domestic media and NGOs are also aware that they should stay out, or at least keep quiet even on environmental challenges in Tibet. "Different parties, including both the Chinese government and overseas 'human rights' activists, always politicize problems in Tibet, making real environmental challenges untouchable," said Gao, an environmental NGO worker in western China. He was extremely reluctant to disclose his information, worrying that any news stories coming out would pose further challenges to his NGO's efforts to enhance environmental protection. "Many Han Chinese in Tibet think that they understand Tibetans," he remarked, "But the truth is that Tibetans have learned what to say to Han Chinese." "In Tibet, environmental problems are politicized and treated as stability problems," said Droje, a Tibetan scholar in TAR, although he agrees that it is necessary to consider environmental challenges in a broader context. On Tibet.cn, an official website about Tibet, an article was posted entitled, "Hard to Understand: The Theory of Environmental Destruction in Tibet". In the article, people who claim that Tibet now faces great environmental challenges are labeled political enemies under the leadership of the Dalai Lama. "When people hold protests overseas and call for a 'Free Tibet,' it may inadvertently help government officials politicize everything and demonize the Dalai Lama," said Howard French, the former Shanghai Bureau Chief of the New York Times. He believes that Tibetans best advance their cause by advocating for things that are good for all Chinese people, since they share many of the same needs: clean air, clean water, and basic rights. However, gaps in understanding and trust between Tibetans and Han Chinese have been huge issues. According to an anonymous source, Li Chuncheng, the former vice party secretary of Sichuan province, used to visit the Gulden Temple where self-immolations frequently occurred. When he arrived, he asked for people to share their true thoughts and affirmed that he was there to solve problems. However, monks insisted on telling him that everything was fine. After Li disappointedly returned without any new information, others would self-immolate. "We international journalists want to hear more rational opinions from normal people, but almost exclusively hear politically extreme opinions," said Mei Yang, a journalist withRadio France International. The communications gap exists not only between Tibetans and government officials, but between Tibetans and most normal Han Chinese. For Han Chinese, the absence of knowledge about modern Tibetan history and lack of tolerance towards different belief systems make it harder for them to understand the Tibetans. "When I was listening to my Han classmates talking in a mean way about the Dalai Lama, I was very sad and frustrated," said Dolker. Losing hope in bridging cultural gaps, some Tibetans have given up on truly connecting with Han Chinese. Wu, the environmental journalist who wished to remain unnamed, recalled challenges he faced in convincing Tibetans to share their true thoughts when he was there to help them when doing journalism works in China. "Many Han Chinese in Tibet think that they understand Tibetans," he remarked, "But the truth is that Tibetans have learned what to say to Han Chinese." * Tibetans interviewed for this article may be quoted under pseudonyms to protect their identities.
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 06:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
【图解】老鼠变肥羊?辨别假羊肉作业训练 据《中參馆》5月7日(周二)报道,老鼠肉+明胶+胭脂红+硝盐=羊肉?你有这样尝试过吗?新浪微博用户@无锡微生活贴出了一张组图,指的是中国另一起食品安全丑闻。在上海及江苏地区,有63人因涉嫌以鼠肉和其他肉类掺杂化学品充当羊肉卖而被捕。其中使用的任何肉类产品均没有经过检查。警方称,这些嫌犯自2009年起就一直在贩卖这种假羊肉。“现在你知道为什么你的肚子疼了”,@无锡微生活的帖子说。 image.jpg
对此消息,中国的网民反应厌恶和愤怒,尤其是这些假羊肉还进入了中国一些最热门的餐厅,如火锅连锁店小肥羊,这尤其令人骇然。 “这绝对的恶心!”许多用户在评论中附加了呕吐的表情符号。“试想一下,你以为吃了一些羊肉串,但实际上吃的是一些毛茸茸的老鼠。我怎么还敢再吃羊肉啊?”网民@无锡24小时慨叹道。 可悲的是,这一事件在中国并不罕见。在微博上广为流传着一个图片,上面列出了过去几年中国10个食品安全丑闻。假牛肉、假羊肉、有毒鸡爪、病鸭,几乎普遍食用的肉类都榜上有名。 “死猪让人们[从自来水里]尝到了排骨汤。 H7N9禽流感病毒的出现,使我们退缩到自己的家里......给我们一个能放心吃的理由。”网民的这一帖子已被删除。 “我只能尽量的不吃肉。我想,我会减重了”,网民@永远的_五月曙光说。 在一片感叹声中,网民们的自我保护行动也如雨后春笋般涌现。 “科普:如何区分真假羊肉!”@无锡微生活贴出另一个帖子。“真羊肉红白部分纹路清晰。假羊肉无明显纹路。”“假羊肉白肉红肉分开,真羊肉白肉红肉相接,纹理清晰。”“化冻后,假羊肉红肉和白肉轻轻一碰就分开。”“化冻后,真羊肉白肉和红肉相粘连。” image.jpg
我们尚未确认这些方法是否有效。 由于各种食品安全问题继续困扰着这个国家,中国人似乎已学会了一件事:必须自我保护。当你不能相信肉、蔬菜、油、水这些你所消费的是安全的,那只有相信自己。 一位网民总结说:“如果要吃肉,在家里做。自己种蔬菜。自己养猪。所有都得自己动手,这是唯一能让你吃得放心的方式。” (点击看原文)
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 06:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
Rat Meat Masquerading as Lamb—Yet Another Food Safety Scandal TEA LEAF NATION05.07.13 Rat meat + gelatin + red food coloring + nitrates = lamb. Have you tried it yet? “This is what a ‘complete’ sheep looks like,” reads a caption under the photoshopped image of a sheep with Jerry, the mouse from Tom and Jerry, as its head. The image was posted by @无锡微生活, a Sina Weibo (Chinese Twitter) account that focuses on reporting news related to the city of Wuxi in Jiangsu province. “Now you know why your stomach hurts.” Rat meat + gelatin + red food coloring + nitrates = lamb. Have you tried it yet? An image posted on Weibo compares real and fake lamb meat, with instructions on how to tell the difference. The post refers to yet another major food safety scandal in China. Sixty-three people were arrested for selling U.S.$1.6 million worth of fox, mink, rat, and other meat, doused in various chemicals, in Shanghai and Jiangsu province as lamb. None of the meat products used as ingredients had undergone inspection. According to police reports, those arrested have been selling counterfeit lamb products since 2009. No Meat for Chinese Diners? Chinese Web users reacted in disgust and outrage at the news, especially aghast at the suggestion that fake lamb meat has made its way into some of China’s most popular restaurants like the hot pot chain Little Fat Sheep. “This is absolutely nauseating!” wrote many users, attaching images of vomiting emoticons to their comments. “Just imagine—you think you’re eating some lamb skewers, but what you are actually eating is some furry rats. How will I dare eat lamb again?” lamented user @无锡24小时. Sadly, this incident is not an anomaly but part of a larger trend of food safety crimes in China. A widely circulated image on Weibo lists ten food hazard scandals that have surfaced in the past few years. Fake beef, fake lamb, toxic chicken feet, diseased ducks—almost all types of commonly consumed meat made the list. “The dead pigs made people taste pork soup [in their tap water]. The emergence of H7N9 virus made us shrink back into our own homes. The head of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs has now finally risen, too…Give us a reason to eat without worry,” challenged @无锡微生活 in the image mentioned above. The tweet has since been deleted. “I’ll just have to not eat meat as much as possible. I guess I’ll lose weight,” commented user @永远的_五月曙光 in a weak attempt at humor. Food Safety 101 In the midst such laments, however, some Internet users have sprung to acts of self-preservation. “Popular science: how to differentiate between genuine and fake lamb!” reads another post by @无锡微生活. In this image (pictured to the right), the user compares photos of real and fake lamb and explains what differences to look for. “Real lamb has very clear red and white lines. Fake lamb has no obvious lines.” “In fake lamb, the red and white parts are separate. In real lamb, the red and white parts merge together.” “After defrosting, the white and red parts of fake lamb come apart very easily at a slight touch. With real lamb, however, the red and white parts stick together.” The post ends with photos of two pieces of cooked meat and the question: “These two pieces of ‘lamb’—which is genuine? Which is fake?” Tea Leaf Nation has not confirmed the effectiveness of these methods. As various cases of food hazards continue to plague the country, Chinese people seem to have learned one thing: you must protect yourself. When you cannot trust that the meat, vegetables, oil, and water you are consuming are safe, you have only yourself to trust. The lesson of the fake-lamb incident: be street-smart. As one user summarized: “Don’t eat meat outside. If you need to eat meat, cook it at home. Plant your own vegetables. Raise your own pork. Do it all yourself—it’s the only way you can eat without worrying.”
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 06:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
有一天,11岁的女儿失踪了。你疯狂的找,后来在一家妓院找到,已经被轮奸、殴打、虐待。即便这样,你得以死相逼,警察才管;你得去长沙百余次、去北京23次上 访,绝食、下跪,历经六年,被数次刑拘、劳教,像狗一样乞求正义,才走完司法程序。最后有人问你:你为什么给政府添乱?请再支持唐慧,一个永州妈妈。 今天06:56 来自新浪微博 image.jpg
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 06:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
首页 > 评论 > 最新滚动列表 纽约时报:中国梦和美国梦不是一回事 图 安然入梦 图 外媒:中国富人 赚钱重要 保钱更重要 组图 段子荟萃:朱令案 美帝又丢人年了 图 观点:马来西亚不为“华人海啸”所分裂 图 透视中国:有钱了却失去了家底 组图 严刑为何不能遏制腐败(图) 薄政变功亏一篑 太子党叛乱还会发生吗?(图) 马三家受害人刘华:警察往阴道里灌辣椒面 图 女干部和狗:红霞“强奸”政富引发的众生相 西藏生态危机 中国传媒不敢碰的禁区(图) 苹果日报:恐怖分子之死 投胎中国做猪(图) 外媒:中国的建筑真是越来越“扎眼”(组图) 中国梦是场噩梦?习近平刚上台就面临挑战 图 中共国奴隶有资格爱国吗?(组图) 令人震撼:法西斯的道德底线 图 编辑推荐 13-05-08·马三家受害人刘华:警察往阴道里灌辣椒面 图 13-05-08·大陆支持民主的只有8%吗 调查〝中国人眼中的民主〞大忽悠 13-05-08·苹果日报:恐怖分子之死 投胎中国做猪(图) 13-05-07·令人震撼:法西斯的道德底线 图 13-05-06· 7级水库地震诱发汶川地震雅安余震 水库地震危害在中国到底有多大? 最新滚动 13-05-09·纽约时报:中国梦和美国梦不是一回事 图 13-05-09·夏明: 从波士顿爆炸案看 美国梦断,美国精神不灭 图 13-05-09·安然入梦 图 13-05-09·外媒:中国富人 赚钱重要 保钱更重要 组图 13-05-09·段子荟萃:朱令案 美帝又丢人年了 图 13-05-09·观点:马来西亚不为“华人海啸”所分裂 图 13-05-09·透视中国:有钱了却失去了家底 组图 13-05-09·严刑为何不能遏制腐败(图) 13-05-08·薄政变功亏一篑 太子党叛乱还会发生吗?(图) 13-05-08·周晓辉:白宫网站两请愿书 美若回应恐牵中共政局 13-05-08·杨宁:白宫请愿网站现搞笑提议 有人在搅浑水? 13-05-08·选择共产党 全国人民都后悔 13-05-08·马三家受害人刘华:警察往阴道里灌辣椒面 图 13-05-08·赵红霞案18干部只受党内警告 刘雪松:〝社会主义道德〞是什么德? 13-05-08·伍凡评论:越共政治改革与中共 13-05-08·女干部和狗:红霞“强奸”政富引发的众生相 13-05-08·西藏生态危机 中国传媒不敢碰的禁区(图) 13-05-08·美媒:北京为啥就不能相信国民的创新力(图) 13-05-08·大陆支持民主的只有8%吗 调查〝中国人眼中的民主〞大忽悠 13-05-08·蔡慎坤:网络反腐民间反腐为何被刹车 13-05-08·陈破空:邓小平孙子排队接班 13-05-08·魏京生:习李新政 胡智囊俞可平不便出口的真情 13-05-08·中国因“抗美援朝”带来多少的损失 13-05-08·生活在这个国家的人,谁会不是铊中毒? 13-05-08·苹果日报:恐怖分子之死 投胎中国做猪(图) 13-05-08·梁文道:变天 13-05-08·青楼与红楼 中共社会的时空转化 13-05-08·英金融时报:毒烟雾不除 “中国梦”被窒息(图) 13-05-07·港媒:朱令案郭美美案 案案惊动国人心 13-05-07·外媒:中国的建筑真是越来越“扎眼”(组图) 13-05-07·经济学人:习近平中国梦暗藏两大危机 13-05-07·中国梦是场噩梦?习近平刚上台就面临挑战 图 13-05-07·中共国奴隶有资格爱国吗?(组图) 13-05-07·浮尸与人的尊严 活人又为什么成了黄河上的浮尸 13-05-07·刘青:中共败象纷呈 13-05-07·用赞美劳动来回避劳工维权敏感话题的中国式五一节 13-05-07·一个中国人眼里的美国  13-05-07·争鸣杂志 “联俄抗美、使不得” 新班子一大败笔 13-05-07·李承鹏口中的“三怪”乱神 13-05-07·令人震撼:法西斯的道德底线 图 13-05-06·和大陆对比强烈 台湾921地震后重建小学变成风景区 组图 13-05-06·林彪笔记攻击毛泽东:不关心民生重名利 13-05-06·一份论功行赏的六四军人升官名单 13-05-06·《视觉》停刊?马三家酷刑真相将升温 13-05-06·石涛:致命问题被曝光 中共高层存巨大分歧 视频 27231条 上一页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10下一页
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 06:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 13:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
这是站起来了的国人吗? image.jpg
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-9 14:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
唐博士:【茅于轼没资格成为汉奸、西奴、美狗】内耗内斗,社会撕裂,这是低劣政治长期恶性循环的必然表现。茅于轼沈阳演讲,被某奴才粗暴闹场;其长沙演讲五四下午如期举行,街上有革命群众慷慨义愤,魂附文革,言行粗暴,谩骂如潮,却是可怜乌合众,怎奈脑残又可悲。谁有资格成为大汉奸大国贼?软实力破碎。 image.jpg
2010.4-5湖南长沙-天津-河北秦皇岛山海关老龙头-内蒙古呼和浩特磴口沙金 套海-宁夏上沙沃-甘肃景泰县永泰古城兰州-西藏可可西里拉萨唐古拉-青海西 宁-贵州-四川广元成都德昌凉山彝族自治州傈僳族村西昌攀枝花-云南昆明-湖 南绵阳-浙江杭州嘉兴嘉善西塘-江苏苏州虎丘

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