开心走天涯 发表于 2010-5-28 12:59:00

<p><font face="Verdana">卡农 Canon flamenco弗拉门戈版</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-6-4 16:27:41编辑过]

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-6-4 16:27:00

<div class="cibox">
<div class="geci"><b>一首然看着歌词就会发笑的歌</b></div>
<div class="geci"><b></b>&nbsp;</div>
<div class="geci"><b>《I Don't Care》</b></div>
<div id="lrc">韩国当前最红女子组合2NE1<br/>hey playboy, it's about time and your time's up. <br/>i (had to do this one) for my girls you know, <br/>sometime you gotta act like you don't care. <br/>that's the only way<br/>you boys learn<br/><br/>你领口上沾染的口红印 我绝对无法容忍<br/>每一天几十次挂断的手机oh oh<br/>却好像不会改变 oh oh<br/><br/>那许多号称只是朋友的女朋友<br/>别以为我和她们一样 I want let it bye<br/>现在由我做主 我要抛下迷恋<br/>以前曾那么爱过你 oh<br/><br/>偶尔喝醉了打来电话 现在是凌晨五点半<br/>你又在喊着其他女生的名字 no<br/><br/>I don't care 够了 你在哪里做什么<br/>现在真的跟我无关 离我远点<br/>不要现在才来缠着我哭诉求饶<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/><br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>Boy I don't care<br/><br/>偷瞟其他女生的腿的你<br/>让我实在太心寒了<br/>每天假装单身 瞒着我去的联谊<br/>我再也无法忍受了 oh oh oh<br/><br/>我的朋友们都说你不适合我<br/>为了你 我还被朋友们抱怨<br/>倒不如放手 说我对你太过于在意<br/>还曾经坚信你是我的爱 oh oh<br/><br/>今天你也说没时间 虽然打过电话给我<br/>却果然在你身边听到了女生的笑声 oh no<br/><br/>I don't care 够了 你在哪里做什么<br/>现在真的跟我无关 离我远点<br/>不要现在才来缠着我哭诉求饶<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/><br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>Boy I don't care<br/><br/>我还记得那些为了你哭泣到清晨的夜晚 boy<br/>想到后悔的你 心里舒服多了 boy<br/>放了我又可惜 不放却又觉得无聊吗<br/>拥有时就该珍惜的 你现在为何还来缠着我<br/><br/>光是受骗过的谎话就有几百次<br/>从今天起我是让男人哭泣的bad girl<br/>往后不掉一滴眼泪 把你嘲笑<br/>爱情游戏中的loser<br/>以为跪下求饶就能得手了吗<br/>还是从我眼前立即消失吧<br/><br/>I don't care 够了 你在哪里做什么<br/>现在真的跟我无关 离我远点<br/>不要现在才来缠着我哭诉求饶<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>cause I don't care e e e e e e<br/>Boy I don't care </div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-6-7 10:46:09编辑过]

三流匠心 发表于 2010-6-5 11:23:00

<p><font face="楷体_GB2312" color="#ff0000" size="5">在音乐 兴赏中非常愉快的洗了2桶衣被、3双球鞋。</font></p>
<p><font face="楷体_GB2312" color="#ff0000" size="5">如能将多首制成一个播放器就更方便了,俺湿手不方便移动鼠标.哈哈!这就叫得陇望蜀。</font></p>

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-6-7 10:47:00

<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>三流匠心</i>在2010-6-5 11:23:00的发言:</b><br/>
<p><font color="#ff0000" size="5" face="楷体_GB2312">在音乐 兴赏中非常愉快的洗了2桶衣被、3双球鞋。</font></p>
<p><font color="#ff0000" size="5" face="楷体_GB2312">如能将多首制成一个播放器就更方便了,俺湿手不方便移动鼠标.哈哈!这就叫得陇望蜀。</font></p></div>

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-6-7 10:50:00

<p>《Love Mail》</p>
<p>You know you're my muse <br/>My songs are written all for you <br/><br/>I'm feeling so confused <br/><br/>I cannot find the way to you <br/>I need you the most at night <br/><br/>Flashes come back to me <br/><br/>I hold the pillow in my arms <br/><br/>Thinking it is you, needing me. <br/><br/>Honey, e-mail me your love,<br/>Now we don't use no words though <br/><br/>I do need to hear your voice eHu <br/>Baby, mail your kisses to me <br/>Send your touches into this love mail. <br/><br/>You're playing with me<br/>Not answering my calls o no.... <br/>And got no reply <br/><br/>Of my messages to you, no more <br/>I feel i could go crazy <br/>Thinking of you ,all day <br/>But something tells me you're still mine <br/><br/>I remain to fight,for your heart. <br/>Honey, e-mail me your love, <br/>Now we don't use no words though <br/>I do need to hear your voice <br/><br/>Baby, mail your kisses to me <br/>Send your touches into this love mail. <br/><br/>You punnish me ,now,babe,for leaving you <br/><br/>The moment you needed my warm love,the most : <br/>I got scared in your arms, <br/>I thought i could loose you one day <br/><br/>I run far away,so far ,from you,my love. <br/>Honey, e-mail me your love, <br/>Now we don't use no words though <br/>I do need to hear your voice <br/><br/>Baby, mail your kisses to me <br/>Send your touches into this love mal.. </p>
<p>在线听网址:<font face="Verdana">http://www.kupig.com/html/4780/</font></p>

三流匠心 发表于 2010-6-7 19:53:00

<font face="楷体_GB2312" color="#0000ff" size="5">音乐天才30年一出,我中华大地也该出一个了吧。</font>

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-7-5 14:17:00

<p><font face="Verdana">这个版本的我挺喜欢,推荐给大家</font></p>
<p><font face="Verdana">歌名:大悲咒<br/>歌手:齐豫<br/>编辑:HIM<br/>南无喝呐怛那哆呐夜耶<br/>南无阿俐耶婆卢羯帝烁钵呐耶<br/>菩提萨陀婆耶摩诃萨陀婆耶<br/>摩诃迦卢尼迦耶谙<br/>萨皤呐罚曳数怛那怛写<br/>南无悉吉俐陀伊蒙阿俐耶<br/>婆卢吉帝室佛呐愣驮婆<br/>南无那呐谨墀醯利摩诃皤哆沙咩<br/>萨婆阿他豆输朋阿逝孕<br/>萨婆萨哆那摩婆萨哆那摩婆伽<br/>摩罚特豆怛侄他<br/>阿婆卢醯卢迦帝迦罗帝夷醯俐<br/>摩诃菩提萨陀萨婆萨婆<br/>摩呐摩呐摩醯摩醯俐驮孕<br/>俱卢俱卢羯蒙度卢度卢<br/>罚奢耶帝摩诃罚奢耶帝<br/>陀呐陀呐地俐尼室佛呐耶<br/>遮呐遮呐摩么罚摩呐穆帝隶<br/>伊醯伊醯室那室那阿呐参佛呐<br/>舍利罚沙罚参佛呐舍耶<br/>呼罗呼罗摩呐呼罗呼罗醯利<br/>娑呐娑呐悉俐悉俐苏罗苏罗<br/>菩提夜菩提夜菩驮夜菩驮夜<br/>弥帝俐夜那呐谨墀<br/>地利瑟尼那波夜摩那娑婆诃<br/>悉陀夜娑婆诃摩诃悉陀夜娑婆诃<br/>悉陀喻艺室皤呐耶娑婆诃<br/>那呐谨墀娑婆诃摩呐那呐娑婆诃<br/>悉呐僧阿穆怯耶娑婆诃<br/>娑婆摩诃阿悉陀夜娑婆诃<br/>者吉呐阿悉陀夜娑婆诃<br/>波陀摩羯悉陀夜娑婆诃<br/>那呐谨墀皤伽呐耶娑婆诃<br/>摩婆利胜羯呐夜娑婆诃<br/>南无喝呐怛那哆呐夜耶<br/>南无阿俐耶婆罗吉帝<br/>烁皤呐夜娑婆诃谙<br/>悉殿都漫多呐跋陀耶娑婆诃</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-7-5 14:17:18编辑过]

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-7-5 14:19:00

<p><font face="Verdana"></font>&nbsp;<font face="Verdana"><br/>梵音大悲咒 <br/>编曲:项仲为 <br/>演唱:齐豫 . 张淑蓉 <br/></font><font face="Verdana"></p>
<p>南无怛纳达拉雅雅 <br/>南无阿里雅佳纳 <br/>萨嘎拉贝勒佳纳 <br/>尤哈拉佳雅 <br/>达他嘎达雅 <br/>阿拉哈帝 <br/>桑雅桑布达雅 <br/>纳摩萨噜哇 <br/>达他噶提呗&nbsp; <br/>阿啦哈达呗 <br/>桑雅桑布提呗&nbsp; <br/>南摩阿里雅阿哇噜格帝 <br/>秀哇啦雅 <br/>布地萨埵哇雅&nbsp; <br/>玛哈萨埵哇雅 <br/>玛哈嘎噜尼加雅 <br/>达地雅他嗡 <br/>达啦 达啦 提力 提力 杜露 杜露 <br/>易笛威 易笛 加列 加列&nbsp; <br/>不啦加列 不啦加列 <br/>固苏美 固苏玛哇垒&nbsp; <br/>易利 密积地 作哈啦 <br/>玛巴 纳雅 梭哈</p>
<p>南无怛纳达拉雅雅 <br/>南无阿里雅佳纳 <br/>萨嘎拉贝勒佳纳 <br/>尤哈拉佳雅 <br/>达他嘎达雅 <br/>阿拉哈帝 <br/>桑雅桑布达雅 <br/>纳摩萨噜哇 <br/>达他噶提呗&nbsp; <br/>阿啦哈达呗 <br/>桑雅桑布提呗&nbsp; <br/>南摩阿里雅阿哇噜格帝 <br/>秀哇啦雅 <br/>布地萨埵哇雅&nbsp; <br/>玛哈萨埵哇雅 <br/>玛哈嘎噜尼加雅 <br/>达地雅他嗡 <br/>达啦 达啦 提力 提力 杜露 杜露 <br/>易笛威 易笛 加列 加列&nbsp; <br/>不啦加列 不啦加列 <br/>固苏美 固苏玛哇垒&nbsp; <br/>易利 密积地 作哈啦 <br/>玛巴 纳雅 梭哈</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-7-5 15:43:03编辑过]

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-7-5 15:43:00

<div class="cibox">
<div class="geci"><b>刚听到这首歌,挺好听的,在看足球的同志们应该很熟悉吧!</b></div>
<div class="geci"><b></b>&nbsp;</div>
<div class="geci"><b>Wavin Flag(飘扬的旗帜)歌词</b> </div>
<div>2010南非世界杯主题曲名为“Wavin Flag”,其中文译名“飘扬的旗帜”。世界杯主题曲演唱者是来自加拿大的31岁歌手“克南”。<br/></div>
<div>Give you freedom; give you fire; give you reason; take you higher<br/>See the champions take the field now.<br/>Unify us; make us feel proud<br/>In the streets our heads are lifting , as we lose our inhibition.<br/>Celebration, it surrounds us, every nation all around us<br/>Staying forever young, singing songs underneath the sun<br/>Let's rejoice in the beautiful game. Let's gather at the end of the day.<br/>We all say<br/>When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag<br/>When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag<br/>So wave your flag. Now wave your flag......<br/><br/>Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh......<br/><br/>We all say<br/>When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a waving flag<br/>When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a waving flag<br/>So wave your flag. Now wave your flag......<br/>Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh......<br/><br/>And everybody will be singing it.<br/><br/>Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh...<br/><br/>And we all will be singing it.<br/><br/>中文歌词大意:<br/><br/>给我自由,给我激情,给我激励,让我飞翔<br/><br/>随冠军的心驰骋绿茵场<br/><br/>凝聚一起,让我们感受荣耀辉煌<br/><br/>摆脱心中的束缚,我们昂首走在大街上<br/><br/>欢庆的气氛感染着你我,还有天下万邦<br/><br/><br/><br/>永远保有年轻的心,在阳光下尽情歌唱<br/><br/>让我们陶醉在激情奔放的赛场<br/><br/>让我们聚集成暮色苍茫的海洋<br/><br/>我们相信<br/><br/>当我渐渐成长,我将更加强壮<br/><br/>人们会称我自由之王,恰如旗帜风中飘扬<br/><br/>就让你我旗帜飘扬<br/><br/>让你我旗帜飘扬,旗帜飘扬……</div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-7-22 11:39:17编辑过]

老舒 发表于 2010-7-5 18:01:00


人与自然 发表于 2010-7-11 01:33:00

<div id="textstyle_55" style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; WORD-BREAK: break-all; TEXT-INDENT: 24px; WORD-WRAP: break-word">楼主辛苦了,谢谢分享! </div>

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-7-22 11:41:00

<div class="cibox">
<div class="geci"><b>《谢谢你让我伤心》</b></div>
<div class="geci"><b>Thank You For The Broken Heart</b></div>
<div class="geci">&nbsp;</div>
<div>歌手:J.Rice <br/></div>
<div>Everything I know about love<br/>I learned from you<br/>From you<br/>And everything I know about pain<br/>I learned from you, you<br/><br/>you were my only<br/>you were my first<br/>you showed me lonely<br/>and you took me in when I was hurt<br/>but the most important thing you ever gave me<br/>you was the one that hurt the most<br/>so...<br/><br/>Thank you for the broken heart<br/>and thank you for the permanent scar<br/>cuz if it wasn't for you<br/>I might forget<br/>how it feels to let go<br/>how it feels to get a brand-new start<br/>So thank you for the broken heart<br/><br/>I still remember when you called<br/>and said that he<br/>Didn't mean anything<br/>And how could you expect me to<br/>look at you<br/>The same way<br/><br/>you were my only<br/>but not my last<br/>you showed me lonely<br/>and you made me put you in the past<br/>but the most important thing you ever gave me<br/>was the one that hurt the most<br/>so...<br/><br/>Thank you for the broken heart<br/>and thank you for the permanent scar<br/>cuz if it wasn't for you<br/>I might forget<br/>how it feels to let go<br/>how it feels to get a brand-new start<br/>So thank you for the broken heart<br/><br/>and every time I find myself alone in pieces<br/>(I find myself)<br/>I'll just remember when you hurt me and I made it<br/><br/>So thank you for the broken heart<br/>And thank you for the permanent scar<br/>cuz if it wasn't for you<br/>I wouldn't be here<br/>with the love of my life<br/>all my pain disappeared<br/>I've come so far<br/>so thank you for the broken heart<br/>I thank you ,I thank you, for the broken heart<br/>Broken heart, for the broken heart<br/>I'll never have a broken heart<br/>Again </div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-8-6 16:35:28编辑过]

露露6243 发表于 2010-7-22 13:57:00

nice,i like!

阿吉001 发表于 2010-7-31 10:55:00

开心走天涯 发表于 2010-8-6 16:35:00

<div class="cibox">
<div class="geci"><b>醉逍遥主题曲歌词</b> </div>
<div id="lrc"> “醉逍遥主题曲”曲风飘逸脱俗,乐曲开头,悠扬的箫声将听者的思绪牵引到一片平静、恬静的武侠世界中。随着曲调的起转承合,层峦叠嶂山势起伏,一条山涧潺潺流过。风吹竹影摇曳,只有沙沙的声响四周蔓延。又犹如沉浸在落日余晖之下,风流侠客独立江边,一壶酒一把剑,衣袂飘飘傲然独立。清风、细雨、夕阳西下,武侠世界中飘渺如烟的爱恨情仇,尽数在这悠扬的曲调间婉转流淌。<br/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 峨眉峰飘起细雨<br/>  这仙境仿佛梦境<br/>  一道佛门一树菩提<br/>  百花开 摇月影<br/>  一幕幕江湖的风云<br/>  记忆中青城仙禽<br/>  经过的岁月都珍惜<br/>  世事随缘自在行<br/>  随风飘摇红尘一笑只醉逍遥<br/>  爱恨总让人多烦扰<br/>  在为谁沉醉为谁憔悴<br/>  是是非非<br/>  恩恩怨怨一场醉 </div>
<p>http://m6.kupig.cn:8181/zxy0249.mp3 </p>
<p>在线听网址:<font face="Verdana">http://www.kupig.com/html/4833/</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-8-9 10:04:18编辑过]
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